Recent Development in Modeling of Coated Spherical Contact
:1. Introduction
2. Coated Spherical Contact under Normal Loading
2.1. Elastic Regime
2.2. Yield Inception
2.3. Elastic–Plastic Regime
3. Coated Spherical Contact under Combined Normal and Tangential Loading
4. Coated Rough Surface Contact
5. Experimental Validation and Correlation
6. Bilayer/Multilayer Coated Spherical Contact
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Item | (t/R)MW | (t/R)T | (t/R)p |
Physical meaning | Lowest yield resistance | Transition from weakening to strengthening effect | Highest yield resistance |
Empirical expression |
Yco/Ysu | (t/R)AB | (t/R)DEF | (t/R)CBE |
Above Point E | (t/R)MW, lowest yield resistance | (t/R)p, highest yield resistance | Not exist |
Below Point E | Not reported | Not reported | Not reported |
Item | Hard Coatings | Soft Coatings |
Physical meaning of (t/R)m | Highest μ | Lowest μ |
Empirical expression of (t/R)m |
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Chen, Z.; Etsion, I. Recent Development in Modeling of Coated Spherical Contact. Materials 2020, 13, 460.
Chen Z, Etsion I. Recent Development in Modeling of Coated Spherical Contact. Materials. 2020; 13(2):460.
Chicago/Turabian StyleChen, Zhou, and Izhak Etsion. 2020. "Recent Development in Modeling of Coated Spherical Contact" Materials 13, no. 2: 460.
APA StyleChen, Z., & Etsion, I. (2020). Recent Development in Modeling of Coated Spherical Contact. Materials, 13(2), 460.