Figure 1.
Different stages of drought stress tolerance experiments during potato breeding work at the Research Institute of Nyíregyháza, Hungary. In vitro tests (a); experiments in growth chamber (b); experiments in greenhouse (c); propagation in field (d).
Figure 1.
Different stages of drought stress tolerance experiments during potato breeding work at the Research Institute of Nyíregyháza, Hungary. In vitro tests (a); experiments in growth chamber (b); experiments in greenhouse (c); propagation in field (d).
Figure 2.
Development stages of potato [
67] (
a), potato breeding lines in the flowering stage (
b), potato propagation on field and location of the field propagation/greenhouse experiments (
c), water treatments of Season1 (2021) (
d), breeding line’s seed tuber diameter sizes and repetitions of Season1 (2021) (
e) water treatments of Season2 (2022) (
f), breeding line’s previous water treatments and repetitions of Season2 (2022) (
Figure 2.
Development stages of potato [
67] (
a), potato breeding lines in the flowering stage (
b), potato propagation on field and location of the field propagation/greenhouse experiments (
c), water treatments of Season1 (2021) (
d), breeding line’s seed tuber diameter sizes and repetitions of Season1 (2021) (
e) water treatments of Season2 (2022) (
f), breeding line’s previous water treatments and repetitions of Season2 (2022) (
Figure 3.
The rate of emergence (mean% ± SE) from different-sized seed tubers of C103 breeding line, during a 10-day period under greenhouse conditions in control plots. Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with different seed tuber sizes within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 3.
The rate of emergence (mean% ± SE) from different-sized seed tubers of C103 breeding line, during a 10-day period under greenhouse conditions in control plots. Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with different seed tuber sizes within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 4.
The rate of emergence (mean% ± SE) from different-sized seed tubers of C107 breeding line during a 10-day period under greenhouse conditions in control plots. Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with different seed tuber sizes within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 4.
The rate of emergence (mean% ± SE) from different-sized seed tubers of C107 breeding line during a 10-day period under greenhouse conditions in control plots. Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with different seed tuber sizes within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 5.
The rate of emergence (mean% ± SE) from different-sized seed tubers of the C20 breeding line during a 10-day period under greenhouse conditions in control plots. Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with different seed tuber sizes within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 5.
The rate of emergence (mean% ± SE) from different-sized seed tubers of the C20 breeding line during a 10-day period under greenhouse conditions in control plots. Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with different seed tuber sizes within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 6.
Flowering percentages (mean% ± SE) of potato plants developed from different-sized tubers in the greenhouse experiments in control plots. Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with different seed tuber sizes within the same genotype (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 6.
Flowering percentages (mean% ± SE) of potato plants developed from different-sized tubers in the greenhouse experiments in control plots. Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with different seed tuber sizes within the same genotype (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 7.
Flowering percentages (mean% ± SE) of C103 potato breeding line developed from different-sized tubers in control plots (W1). Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with different seed tuber sizes within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 7.
Flowering percentages (mean% ± SE) of C103 potato breeding line developed from different-sized tubers in control plots (W1). Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with different seed tuber sizes within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 8.
Flowering percentages (mean% ± SE) of C103 potato breeding line developed from different-sized tubers in plots treated with moderate drought stress (W2). Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with different seed tuber sizes within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 8.
Flowering percentages (mean% ± SE) of C103 potato breeding line developed from different-sized tubers in plots treated with moderate drought stress (W2). Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with different seed tuber sizes within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 9.
Flowering percentages (mean% ± SE) of C103 potato breeding line developed from different-sized tubers in plots treated with severe drought stress (W3). Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with different seed tuber sizes within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 9.
Flowering percentages (mean% ± SE) of C103 potato breeding line developed from different-sized tubers in plots treated with severe drought stress (W3). Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with different seed tuber sizes within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 10.
Flowering percentages (mean% ± SE) of C107 potato breeding line developed from different-sized tubers in control plots (W1). Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with different seed tuber sizes within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 10.
Flowering percentages (mean% ± SE) of C107 potato breeding line developed from different-sized tubers in control plots (W1). Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with different seed tuber sizes within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 11.
Flowering percentages (mean% ± SE) of C107 potato breeding line developed from different-sized tubers in plots treated with moderate drought stress (W2). Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with different seed tuber sizes within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 11.
Flowering percentages (mean% ± SE) of C107 potato breeding line developed from different-sized tubers in plots treated with moderate drought stress (W2). Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with different seed tuber sizes within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 12.
Flowering percentages (mean% ± SE) of C107 potato breeding line developed from different-sized tubers in plots treated with severe drought stress (W3). Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with different seed tuber sizes within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 12.
Flowering percentages (mean% ± SE) of C107 potato breeding line developed from different-sized tubers in plots treated with severe drought stress (W3). Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with different seed tuber sizes within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 13.
NDVI values (mean% ± SE) of potato plants grown in the control plots of C103 (A), C107 (B), and C20 (C) potato breeding lines. Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with different seed tuber sizes within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 13.
NDVI values (mean% ± SE) of potato plants grown in the control plots of C103 (A), C107 (B), and C20 (C) potato breeding lines. Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with different seed tuber sizes within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 14.
NDVI values (mean value ± SE) of plants developed from different-sized tubers (25–30 mm: (A,E,I); 20–24 mm: (B,F,J); 15–19 mm: (C,G,K); 10–14 mm: (D,H,L)) under different water regimes in C103 (A–D), and C107 (E–H), and C20 (I–L) breeding lines. When it is relevant, the different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots managed with different water restriction treatments within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 14.
NDVI values (mean value ± SE) of plants developed from different-sized tubers (25–30 mm: (A,E,I); 20–24 mm: (B,F,J); 15–19 mm: (C,G,K); 10–14 mm: (D,H,L)) under different water regimes in C103 (A–D), and C107 (E–H), and C20 (I–L) breeding lines. When it is relevant, the different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots managed with different water restriction treatments within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 15.
The heights (mean cm ± SE) of potato plants developed from different-sized seed tubers of various breeding lines in control plots. Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plants grown from different-sized seed tuber within the same genotype (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 15.
The heights (mean cm ± SE) of potato plants developed from different-sized seed tubers of various breeding lines in control plots. Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plants grown from different-sized seed tuber within the same genotype (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 16.
The percentage of different-sized tubers in the total tuber yield under different water supply (from the average of all seed tuber sizes) in the C103 line (A), in the C107 line (B) and in the C20 breeding line (C). After harvest, the tubers were categorized by their size and tubers were counted in each category.
Figure 16.
The percentage of different-sized tubers in the total tuber yield under different water supply (from the average of all seed tuber sizes) in the C103 line (A), in the C107 line (B) and in the C20 breeding line (C). After harvest, the tubers were categorized by their size and tubers were counted in each category.
Figure 17.
The percentage of different-sized tubers in the total tuber yield under different water supply (in the average of all seed tuber size), in the C103 line (A), in the C107 line (B) and in the C20 breeding line (C). After harvest tubers were categorized by their size and tubers were weighted in each category.
Figure 17.
The percentage of different-sized tubers in the total tuber yield under different water supply (in the average of all seed tuber size), in the C103 line (A), in the C107 line (B) and in the C20 breeding line (C). After harvest tubers were categorized by their size and tubers were weighted in each category.
Figure 18.
The percentage of shoot emergence (mean % ± SE) from tubers of different genotypes (in the case of breeding lines, the mean results are in the average of all previous water restriction treatments). Different letters indicate significant differences between means of genotypes within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 18.
The percentage of shoot emergence (mean % ± SE) from tubers of different genotypes (in the case of breeding lines, the mean results are in the average of all previous water restriction treatments). Different letters indicate significant differences between means of genotypes within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Figure 19.
The NDVI values of breeding lines (C103, C107 and C2) in control (W1) treatment. Plants developed from tubers of different previous water restriction treatments (PW1: optimum irrigated control; PW2: 60% of the optimum level; PW3: 20% of optimum level) compared to the control varieties (‘Boglárka’ and ‘Desiree’). The same letters indicate means belonging to the same homogenous group within a genotype, whereas * and + indicate the significantly different means from ‘Boglárka’ (yellow line) and ‘Desiree’ (blue line), respectively (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05). Bars show the means ± SE.
Figure 19.
The NDVI values of breeding lines (C103, C107 and C2) in control (W1) treatment. Plants developed from tubers of different previous water restriction treatments (PW1: optimum irrigated control; PW2: 60% of the optimum level; PW3: 20% of optimum level) compared to the control varieties (‘Boglárka’ and ‘Desiree’). The same letters indicate means belonging to the same homogenous group within a genotype, whereas * and + indicate the significantly different means from ‘Boglárka’ (yellow line) and ‘Desiree’ (blue line), respectively (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05). Bars show the means ± SE.
Figure 20.
The NDVI values of breeding lines (C103, C107 and C2) in drought stress (W2) treatment. Plants developed from tubers of different previous water restriction treatments (PW1: optimal irrigated control; PW2: 60% of optimum water supply; PW3: 20% of optimum water supply) compared to the control varieties (‘Boglárka’ and ‘Desiree’). The same letters indicate means belonging to the same homogenous group within a genotype, whereas * indicate the significantly different mean from ‘Boglárka’ (yellow line). Mean of ‘Desiree’ is shown by blue line (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05). Bars show the means ± SE.
Figure 20.
The NDVI values of breeding lines (C103, C107 and C2) in drought stress (W2) treatment. Plants developed from tubers of different previous water restriction treatments (PW1: optimal irrigated control; PW2: 60% of optimum water supply; PW3: 20% of optimum water supply) compared to the control varieties (‘Boglárka’ and ‘Desiree’). The same letters indicate means belonging to the same homogenous group within a genotype, whereas * indicate the significantly different mean from ‘Boglárka’ (yellow line). Mean of ‘Desiree’ is shown by blue line (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05). Bars show the means ± SE.
Figure 21.
The plant height (mean cm ± SE) of control plants (‘Boglárka’: yellow line, and ‘Desiree’: blue line) and breeding lines developed on seed tuber from previously treated plots with different drought stress.
Figure 21.
The plant height (mean cm ± SE) of control plants (‘Boglárka’: yellow line, and ‘Desiree’: blue line) and breeding lines developed on seed tuber from previously treated plots with different drought stress.
Figure 22.
The weight of fresh aboveground biomass of potato plants developed from tubers exposed to drought stress previously, and the control plants. AGB was harvested from control plots. The same letters indicate means belonging to the same homogenous group within a genotype, whereas * indicates the significantly different means from ‘Boglárka’ (yellow line), (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05), ‘Desiree’ (blue line) did not differ significantly from breeding lines. Bars show the means ± SE.
Figure 22.
The weight of fresh aboveground biomass of potato plants developed from tubers exposed to drought stress previously, and the control plants. AGB was harvested from control plots. The same letters indicate means belonging to the same homogenous group within a genotype, whereas * indicates the significantly different means from ‘Boglárka’ (yellow line), (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05), ‘Desiree’ (blue line) did not differ significantly from breeding lines. Bars show the means ± SE.
Figure 23.
The dry weight of aboveground biomass of potato plants developed from tubers exposed to drought stress previously, and the control plants. AGB was harvested from control plots. The same letters indicate means belonging to the same homogenous group within a genotype, whereas * indicates the significantly different means from ‘Boglárka’ (yellow line), (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05), ‘Desiree’ (blue line) did not show significant differences from the means of the breeding lines. Bars show the means ± SE.
Figure 23.
The dry weight of aboveground biomass of potato plants developed from tubers exposed to drought stress previously, and the control plants. AGB was harvested from control plots. The same letters indicate means belonging to the same homogenous group within a genotype, whereas * indicates the significantly different means from ‘Boglárka’ (yellow line), (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05), ‘Desiree’ (blue line) did not show significant differences from the means of the breeding lines. Bars show the means ± SE.
Figure 24.
The number of tubers per plant in control plots compared to the control varieties. Effect of previous drought treatments and genotype on the tuber number. The same letters indicate means belonging to the same homogenous group within a genotype, whereas * and + indicate the significantly different means from ‘Boglárka’ (yellow line) and ‘Desiree’ (blue line), respectively (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05). Bars show the means ± SE.
Figure 24.
The number of tubers per plant in control plots compared to the control varieties. Effect of previous drought treatments and genotype on the tuber number. The same letters indicate means belonging to the same homogenous group within a genotype, whereas * and + indicate the significantly different means from ‘Boglárka’ (yellow line) and ‘Desiree’ (blue line), respectively (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05). Bars show the means ± SE.
Figure 25.
The tuber yield (g per plant) in control plots compared to the control varieties. Effect of previous drought treatments and genotype on the tuber yield. The same letters indicate means belonging to the same homogenous group within a genotype, whereas * and + indicate the significantly different means from ‘Boglárka’ (yellow line) and ‘Desiree’ (blue line), respectively (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05). Bars show the means ± SE.
Figure 25.
The tuber yield (g per plant) in control plots compared to the control varieties. Effect of previous drought treatments and genotype on the tuber yield. The same letters indicate means belonging to the same homogenous group within a genotype, whereas * and + indicate the significantly different means from ‘Boglárka’ (yellow line) and ‘Desiree’ (blue line), respectively (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05). Bars show the means ± SE.
Table 1.
Local meteorological data (Hungary, Nyíregyháza).
Table 1.
Local meteorological data (Hungary, Nyíregyháza).
| Crop Year 2021 |
Meteorological Parameter | April | May | June | July | August | September |
Precipitation (mm) | 59.7 | 90.6 | 14.9 | 45.4 | 59.3 | 21.5 |
Average monthly air temperature (°C) | 9 | 14.9 | 22.1 | 24.1 | 20.2 | 15.7 |
| Crop Year 2022 |
Precipitation (mm) | 42.1 | 3.9 | 21.9 | 35.4 | 20.3 | 149.6 |
Average monthly air temperature (°C) | 9.2 | 17.4 | 22.2 | 23.4 | 23.4 | 15.4 |
Table 2.
Equations for calculation stress indices (SI).
Table 2.
Equations for calculation stress indices (SI).
Method of Calculation [70] |
Table 3.
The rate of emergence from seed tubers larger than 25 mm during a 10 day period in field plots.
Table 3.
The rate of emergence from seed tubers larger than 25 mm during a 10 day period in field plots.
Breeding Line | Percentage of Emergence (Mean% ± SE) |
DAP 20 | DAP 23 | DAP 28 | DAP 30 |
C103 | 88.4 ± 6.46 | 93.13 ± 5.15 | 95.0 ± 3.36 | 95.3 ± 3.95 |
C107 | 79.7 ± 3.25 | 92.5 ± 2.83 | 96.6 ± 1.94 | 99.7 ± 0.31 |
C20 | 92.5 ± 2.47 | 97.5 ± 1.75 | 98.3 ± 1.24 | 98.8 ± 0.56 |
Table 4.
Flowering percentages (mean% ± SE) of potato plants with different genotypes in the field. Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with different genotypes within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Table 4.
Flowering percentages (mean% ± SE) of potato plants with different genotypes in the field. Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with different genotypes within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05).
Breeding Line | Percentage of Flowering (Mean% ± SE) |
DAP 48 | DAP 51 | DAP 54 |
C103 | 12.8 ± 3.67 a | 60.0 ± 9.01 a | 85.6 ± 9.38 a |
C107 | 0.0 ± 0.0 b | 5.0 ± 1.64 c | 18.8 ± 4.25 b |
C20 | 0.5 ± 0.33 b | 32.3 ± 7.85 b | 70.3 ± 10.75 a |
Table 5.
Flowering percentages (mean% ± SE) of the C20 potato breeding line developed from different-sized tubers in control plots (W1) in moderate drought treatment (W2) and severe drought treatment (W3). Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with different seed tuber sizes within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05). ns = non-significant.
Table 5.
Flowering percentages (mean% ± SE) of the C20 potato breeding line developed from different-sized tubers in control plots (W1) in moderate drought treatment (W2) and severe drought treatment (W3). Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with different seed tuber sizes within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05). ns = non-significant.
Seed Tuber Size | Flowering Percentage (%) |
DAP 48 | DAP 51 | DAP 54 |
| W1 |
25–35 mm | 0 ns | 2.8 ± 2.8 ns | 30.6 ± 16.9 ab |
20–24 mm | 0 ns | 11.1 ± 7.4 ns | 75.0 ± 25.0 a |
15–19 mm | 0 ns | 0 ns | 2.8 ± 2.78 b |
10–14 mm | 0 ns | 0 ns | 2.8 ± 2.78 b |
| W2 |
25–35 mm | 2.8 ± 2.78 ns | 25.0 ± 25.0 ns | 50.0 ± 28.87 ns |
20–24 mm | 2.8 ± 2.78 ns | 8.3 ± 4.81 ns | 50.0 ± 20.97 ns |
15–19 mm | 0 ns | 0 ns | 2.8 ± 2.78 ns |
10–14 mm | 0 ns | 0 ns | 2.8 ± 2.78 ns |
| W3 |
25–35 mm | 2.8 ± 2.78 ns | 25.0 ± 21.0 ns | 52.8 ± 26.5 ns |
20–24 mm | 0 ns | 0 ns | 36.1 ± 32.0 ns |
15–19 mm | 2.8 ± 2.78 ns | 19.4 ± 19.4 ns | 33.3 ± 21.0 ns |
10–14 mm | 0 ns | 0 ns | 0 ns |
Table 6.
Relationships between NDVI values measured at different times (NDVI1: DAP 35, NDVI2: DAP 45; NDVI3: DAP 75) and tuber number (TN), and tuber yield (TY).
Table 6.
Relationships between NDVI values measured at different times (NDVI1: DAP 35, NDVI2: DAP 45; NDVI3: DAP 75) and tuber number (TN), and tuber yield (TY).
Breeding Line | Water Treatment | NDVI1 | | NDVI1 | | NDVI2 | | NDVI2 | | NDVI3 | | NDVI3 | |
TN | | TY | | TN | | TY | | TN | | TY |
C103 | W1 | 0.745 | * | 0.675 | * | 0.640 | * | 0.629 | * | 0.165 | | 0.436 | |
W2 | 0.158 | | 0.301 | | 0.268 | | 0.487 | | 0.726 | ** | 0.789 | ** |
W3 | 0.312 | | 0.295 | | 0.578 | * | 0.386 | | 0.738 | ** | 0.401 | |
C107 | W1 | 0.830 | ** | 0.742 | ** | 0.681 | * | 0.637 | * | 0.658 | * | 0.756 | ** |
W2 | 0.618 | * | 0.556 | | 0.608 | * | 0.742 | ** | 0.200 | | 0.287 | |
W3 | 0.764 | ** | 0.542 | | 0.711 | ** | 0.604 | * | 0.743 | ** | 0.639 | * |
C20 | W1 | 0.300 | | 0.306 | | 0.342 | | 0.312 | | 0.655 | * | 0.590 | |
W2 | 0.258 | | 0.483 | | 0.543 | | 0.752 | ** | 0.538 | | 0.732 | ** |
W3 | 0.583 | | 0.269 | | 0.617 | | 0.185 | | 0.050 | | −0.294 | |
Table 7.
SI values for the height of plants developed from different seed tuber sizes (TS) of breeding lines under water deficit conditions.
Table 7.
SI values for the height of plants developed from different seed tuber sizes (TS) of breeding lines under water deficit conditions.
Water Level | TS (mm) | C103 | C107 | C20 |
W2 | 25–35 | 82.8 ± 4.97 a | 102.2 ± 3.13 a | 109.1 ± 4.99 ab |
20–24 | 81.3 ± 3.68 a | 111.6 ± 2.82 a | 89.5 ± 4.23 b |
15–19 | 83.0 ± 2.61 a | 102.0 ± 4.01 ab | 116.5 ± 9.24 a |
10–14 | 73.9 ± 3.77 b | 87.7 ± 3.13 b | 95.6 ± 7.06 b |
W3 | 25–35 | 89.7 ± 3.22 ab | 107.8 ± 4.29 a | 110.3 ± 3.16 a |
20–24 | 85.2 ± 4.25 b | 92.7 ± 3.88 ab | 62.9 ± 2.38 b |
15–19 | 97.1 ± 4.59 a | 109.6 ± 5.17 a | 114.0 ± 4.27 a |
10–14 | 85.0 ± 3.59 b | 87.2 ± 3.44 b | 53.5 ± 4.62 b |
Table 8.
Effects of seed tuber size (TS) on the fresh aboveground biomass (FwAGB) and dry weight of above ground biomass (DwAGB) in control plots. ns = non-significant.
Table 8.
Effects of seed tuber size (TS) on the fresh aboveground biomass (FwAGB) and dry weight of above ground biomass (DwAGB) in control plots. ns = non-significant.
Characters | TS (mm) | C103 | C107 | C20 |
FwAGB (g per plant) | 25–35 | 495.0 ± 103.24 ns | 271.7 ± 26.19 ns | 290.0 ± 57.66 ns |
20–24 | 445.0 ± 62.65 ns | 181.7 ± 59.76 ns | 286.7 ± 43.24 ns |
15–19 | 421.7 ± 138.93 ns | 216.7 ± 53.56 ns | 195.0 ± 5.51 ns |
10–14 | 291.7 ± 105.92 ns | 256.7 ± 96.88 ns | 131.7 ± 33.46 ns |
DwAGB (g per plant) | 25–35 | 55.0 ± 11.55 ns | 33.3 ± 4.41 ns | 31.7 ± 6.01 ns |
20–24 | 58.3 ± 12.02 ns | 18.3 ± 4.41 ns | 30.0 ± 5 ns |
15–19 | 46.7 ± 16.92 ns | 25.0 ± 7.64 ns | 22.0 ± 0.33 ns |
10–14 | 35.0 ± 11.55 ns | 26.7 ± 8.82 ns | 15.0 ± 2.89 ns |
Table 9.
Effects of water deficit and seed tuber size (TS) on the SI values for fresh weight of aboveground biomass (FwAGB) and dry weight of aboveground biomass (DwAGB). Different letters mark the significant differences between SI values of the plants developed from different-sized seed tubers within the same genotypes and treatments. ns = non-significant.
Table 9.
Effects of water deficit and seed tuber size (TS) on the SI values for fresh weight of aboveground biomass (FwAGB) and dry weight of aboveground biomass (DwAGB). Different letters mark the significant differences between SI values of the plants developed from different-sized seed tubers within the same genotypes and treatments. ns = non-significant.
Water Level | TS (mm) | C103 | C107 | C20 |
| | SI for FwAGB |
W2 | 25–35 | 77.1 ± 23.38 ns | 93.8 ± 22.06 ns | 84.8 ± 10.06 ns |
20–24 | 99.3 ± 41.52 ns | 84.2 ± 23.81 ns | 81.5 ± 13.32 ns |
15–19 | 97.1 ± 9.08 ns | 84.5 ± 27.95 ns | 95.7 ± 28.72 ns |
10–14 | 72.5 ± 22.92 ns | 75.9 ± 7.78 ns | 80.8 ± 26.36 ns |
W3 | 25–35 | 79.7 ± 15.96 ns | 95.6 ± 25.76 ns | 77.1 ± 2.82 ns |
20–24 | 80.9 ± 33.16 ns | 79.7 ± 9.91 ns | 52.3 ± 9.22 ns |
15–19 | 90.9 ± 11.65 ns | 71.1 ± 6.1 ns | 96.6 ± 25.48 ns |
10–14 | 83.1 ± 26.92 ns | 46.0 ± 7.13 ns | 32.8 ± 12.63 ns |
| | SI for DwAGB |
W2 | 25–35 | 81.8 ± 18.92 ns | 90.9 ± 23.14 ns | 78.1 ± 8.27 ns |
20–24 | 86.2 ± 39.82 ns | 101.9 ± 33.38 ns | 70.0 ± 5.1 ns |
15–19 | 88.7 ± 40.9 ns | 73.3 ± 29.06 ns | 98.5 ± 27.31 ns |
10–14 | 66.7 ± 25.19 ns | 80.2 ± 6.17 ns | 88.9 ± 29.4 ns |
W3 | 25–35 | 78.8 ± 12.17 ns | 106.1 ± 15.15 a | 68.8 ± 1.8 ns |
20–24 | 77.6 ± 30.27 ns | 90.7 ± 7.41 a | 55.6 ± 11.11 ns |
15–19 | 70.9 ± 14.4 ns | 80.0 ± 4 a | 98.5 ± 20.04 ns |
10–14 | 63.8 ± 21.53 ns | 43.2 ± 6.17 b | 44.4 ± 22.22 ns |
Table 10.
Effects of seed tuber size (TS) on the tuber number (TN) and fresh tuber yield (TY) of potato breeding lines in control plots (ns = non-significant).
Table 10.
Effects of seed tuber size (TS) on the tuber number (TN) and fresh tuber yield (TY) of potato breeding lines in control plots (ns = non-significant).
Characters | TS (mm) | C103 | C107 | C20 |
Tuber number per plant | 25–35 | 10.9 ± 0.78 ns | 22.4 ± 2.91 ns | 7.1 ± 0.9 ns |
20–24 | 12.3 ± 0.25 ns | 21.4 ± 1.89 ns | 5.4 ± 0.81 ns |
15–19 | 7.4 ± 0.39 ns | 17.1 ± 2.62 ns | 3.3 ± 1.13 ns |
10–14 | 6.9 ± 0.37 ns | 13.5 ± 17.76 ns | 4.6 ± 0.61 ns |
Fresh tuber yield per plant (g) | 25–35 | 510 ± 25.93 ns | 420 ± 6.41 ns | 60 ± 8.67 ns |
20–24 | 430 ± 33.4 ns | 370 ± 47.9 ns | 20 ± 15.87 ns |
15–19 | 310 ± 14.27 ns | 330 ± 65.7 ns | 40 ± 8.14 ns |
10–14 | 260 ± 12.37 ns | 210 ± 19.27 ns | 60 ± 5.63 ns |
Table 11.
Effects of water deficit and seed tuber size (TS) on the SI values for tuber number (TN) and fresh tuber yield (TY). Different letters mark the significant differences between SI values of yield parameters of the plants developed from different-sized seed tubers within the same genotypes and treatments, ns = non-significant.
Table 11.
Effects of water deficit and seed tuber size (TS) on the SI values for tuber number (TN) and fresh tuber yield (TY). Different letters mark the significant differences between SI values of yield parameters of the plants developed from different-sized seed tubers within the same genotypes and treatments, ns = non-significant.
Water Level | TS (mm) | C103 | C107 | C20 |
| | SI for TN |
W2 | 25–35 | 96.2 ± 16.59 ns | 93.0 ± 14.76 ns | 53.9 ± 10.13 ns |
20–24 | 61.0 ± 3.9 ns | 89.3 ± 15.61 ns | 94.8 ± 23.36 ns |
15–19 | 58.0 ± 4.48 ns | 72.6 ± 0.81 ns | 44.5 ± 20.68 ns |
10–14 | 80.7 ± 6.28 ns | 89.1 ± 19.56 ns | 65.6 ± 27.31 ns |
W3 | 25–35 | 96.2 ± 11.23 ns | 89.4 ± 13.44 ns | 37.9 ± 4.51 a |
20–24 | 50.6 ± 4.32 ns | 65.6 ± 13.06 ns | 34.2 ± 5 ab |
15–19 | 97.5 ± 8.08 ns | 93.1 ± 8.18 ns | 18.4 ± 3.76 b |
10–14 | 94.5 ± 21.83 ns | 64.8 ± 5.29 ns | - |
| | SI for TY |
W2 | 25–35 | 85.6 ± 6.49 ns | 87.9 ± 17.49 ns | 84.2 ± 52.55 ns |
20–24 | 69.3 ± 7.4 ns | 77.6 ± 12.72 ns | 81.0 ± 26.77 ns |
15–19 | 66.7 ± 3.88 ns | 84.8 ± 3.12 ns | 40.4 ± 15.22 ns |
10–14 | 70.5 ± 4.62 ns | 83.0 ± 24.45 ns | 57.9 ± 36.89 ns |
W3 | 25–35 | 77.7 ± 11.74 ns | 68.3 ± 9.12 ns | 54.4 ± 23.28 ns |
20–24 | 52.4 ± 11.29 ns | 53.1 ± 15.6 ns | 14.4 ± 3.27 ns |
15–19 | 74.2 ± 2.58 ns | 87.7 ± 17.03 ns | 25.6 ± 9.15 ns |
10–14 | 67.4 ± 23.87 ns | 53.2 ± 13.31 ns | - |
Table 12.
The proportion (%) of different-sized tubers in the harvested yield after size categorization of tubers was accounted for in each category. Effect of the genotypes, the seed tuber size and water deficit treatments on the size distribution of the harvested yield. Where the color is stronger, the value is higher.
Table 12.
The proportion (%) of different-sized tubers in the harvested yield after size categorization of tubers was accounted for in each category. Effect of the genotypes, the seed tuber size and water deficit treatments on the size distribution of the harvested yield. Where the color is stronger, the value is higher.
| | Planted Seed Tuber Size (mm) |
| | 25–35 | 20–24 | 15–19 | 10–14 |
BL * | Harvested Tubers Size (mm) | W1% | W2% | W3% | W1% | W2% | W3% | W1% | W2% | W3% | W1% | W2% | W3% |
C103 | >45 | 21.52 | 17.77 | 10.37 | 14.27 | 20.26 | 9.06 | 21.07 | 20.33 | 9.77 | 15.35 | 10.88 | 7.01 |
C103 | 36–45 | 25.82 | 25.73 | 30.02 | 24.86 | 17.62 | 26.63 | 26.82 | 26.45 | 23.14 | 23.65 | 27.2 | 27.1 |
C103 | 25–35 | 24.81 | 28.39 | 29.47 | 26.47 | 33.93 | 35.13 | 26.44 | 28.39 | 32.55 | 33.2 | 24.26 | 28.98 |
C103 | 20–24 | 11.39 | 15.12 | 12.28 | 15.42 | 12.33 | 11.34 | 12.64 | 11.93 | 11.39 | 12.86 | 16.32 | 15.88 |
C103 | 15–19 | 7.85 | 7.42 | 6.55 | 9.2 | 7.49 | 10.2 | 6.52 | 8.06 | 9.04 | 4.98 | 9.2 | 8.41 |
C103 | 10–14 | 6.33 | 5.57 | 6.82 | 8.06 | 8.37 | 7.65 | 6.52 | 4.84 | 8.68 | 9.96 | 12.14 | 12.62 |
C103 | <10 | 2.28 | 0 | 4.5 | 1.73 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5.43 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
C107 | >45 | 2.6 | 1.79 | 1.94 | 3.38 | 0 | 3.81 | 3.38 | 5.54 | 4.39 | 0 | 0 | 4.17 |
C107 | 36–45 | 15.84 | 17.47 | 9.84 | 15.09 | 11.01 | 11.42 | 16.1 | 22.63 | 17.4 | 17.27 | 13.5 | 11.57 |
C107 | 25–35 | 33.54 | 31.64 | 34.49 | 31.6 | 37.98 | 33.41 | 41.71 | 35.1 | 32.04 | 31.59 | 35.54 | 29.01 |
C107 | 20–24 | 19.93 | 21.71 | 18.7 | 23.93 | 20 | 18.82 | 18.84 | 19.17 | 17.22 | 22.04 | 23.97 | 20.06 |
C107 | 15–19 | 12.62 | 11.52 | 15.51 | 10.14 | 11.63 | 12.05 | 9.82 | 6.93 | 11.02 | 10.23 | 10.74 | 13.27 |
C107 | 10–14 | 10.64 | 11.78 | 12.33 | 11.44 | 11.01 | 14.8 | 8.21 | 6.93 | 11.89 | 12.27 | 7.99 | 10.81 |
C107 | <10 | 4.83 | 4.1 | 7.2 | 4.42 | 8.37 | 5.71 | 1.93 | 3.69 | 6.03 | 6.59 | 8.26 | 11.11 |
C20 | >45 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
C20 | 36–45 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
C20 | 25–35 | 19.18 | 9.22 | 25.25 | 28.71 | 21.79 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 20 | 10.73 | 3.81 | 0 |
C20 | 20–24 | 27.9 | 21.67 | 38.38 | 43.07 | 34.64 | 0 | 38.33 | 16.26 | 35.83 | 26.84 | 52.46 | 0 |
C20 | 15–19 | 19.78 | 40.11 | 18.18 | 17.7 | 27.94 | 0 | 38.33 | 55.83 | 29.17 | 42.95 | 26.62 | 0 |
C20 | 10–14 | 33.14 | 13.54 | 18.18 | 10.52 | 15.64 | 0 | 23.33 | 27.91 | 15 | 19.47 | 17.11 | 0 |
C20 | <10 | 0 | 15.45 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Table 13.
The proportion (%) of different-sized tubers in the harvested yield after size categorization of tubers was weighted in each category. Effect of the genotype, the seed tuber size and water deficit treatments on the size distribution of the harvested yield. Where the color is stronger, the value is higher.
Table 13.
The proportion (%) of different-sized tubers in the harvested yield after size categorization of tubers was weighted in each category. Effect of the genotype, the seed tuber size and water deficit treatments on the size distribution of the harvested yield. Where the color is stronger, the value is higher.
| | Planted Seed Tuber Size |
| | 25–35 | 20–24 | 15–19 | 10–14 |
BL * | Harvested Tuber Size | W1 | W2 | W3 | W1 | W2 | W3 | W1 | W2 | W3 | W1 | W2 | W3 |
C103 | >45 | 58.17 | 49.71 | 32.79 | 42.66 | 53.54 | 31.48 | 54.02 | 44.75 | 34.11 | 46.79 | 32.31 | 26.73 |
C103 | 36–45 | 28.59 | 31.93 | 46.78 | 35.61 | 23.94 | 41.65 | 30.47 | 27.65 | 38.06 | 30.97 | 41.48 | 45.54 |
C103 | 25–35 | 10.3 | 14.91 | 17.05 | 16.7 | 18.96 | 22.76 | 12.47 | 13.64 | 22.98 | 19.11 | 18.78 | 21.78 |
C103 | 20–24 | 1.99 | 2.68 | 2.4 | 3.62 | 2.66 | 2.91 | 2.22 | 13.1 | 3.23 | 2.31 | 5.24 | 4.46 |
C103 | 15–19 | 0.66 | 0.57 | 0.66 | 1.01 | 0.67 | 0.97 | 0.61 | 0.73 | 1.08 | 0.43 | 1.31 | 0.99 |
C103 | 10–14 | 0.2 | 0.19 | 0.22 | 0.3 | 0.23 | 0.24 | 0.22 | 0.13 | 0.36 | 0.4 | 0.87 | 0.5 |
C103 | <10 | 0.08 | 0 | 0.11 | 0.1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.18 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
C107 | >45 | 58.58 | 7.89 | 9.87 | 42.66 | 0 | 17.82 | 54.02 | 16.48 | 17.8 | 46.79 | 0 | 19.32 |
C107 | 36–45 | 28.3 | 42.72 | 26.99 | 35.61 | 30.98 | 27.15 | 30.47 | 40.89 | 38.04 | 30.97 | 35.69 | 26.4 |
C107 | 25–35 | 10.2 | 35.05 | 46.72 | 16.7 | 50.5 | 40.31 | 12.47 | 33.26 | 33.72 | 19.11 | 46.06 | 37.35 |
C107 | 20–24 | 1.97 | 10.51 | 11.03 | 3.62 | 13.94 | 9.76 | 2.22 | 7.32 | 7.01 | 2.31 | 13.82 | 11.59 |
C107 | 15–19 | 0.66 | 2.63 | 3.77 | 1.01 | 3.1 | 2.97 | 0.61 | 1.37 | 2.16 | 0.43 | 2.88 | 3.86 |
C107 | 10–14 | 0.2 | 1.1 | 1.45 | 0.3 | 1.24 | 1.7 | 0.22 | 0.52 | 1.08 | 0.4 | 1.15 | 1.16 |
C107 | <10 | 0.08 | 0.11 | 0.17 | 0.1 | 0.25 | 0.3 | 0 | 0.15 | 0.19 | 0 | 0.4 | 0.32 |
C20 | >45 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
C20 | 36–45 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
C20 | 25–35 | 49.79 | 26.53 | 49.69 | 53.83 | 49.21 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 44.98 | 30.61 | 11.11 | 0 |
C20 | 20–24 | 33.2 | 31.51 | 39.34 | 38.28 | 35.15 | 0 | 64.61 | 39.02 | 36.33 | 20.41 | 69.44 | 0 |
C20 | 15–19 | 11.62 | 36.48 | 8.28 | 6.34 | 12.83 | 0 | 28.09 | 52.44 | 15.57 | 43.37 | 16.67 | 0 |
C20 | 10–14 | 5.39 | 3.32 | 2.69 | 1.56 | 2.81 | 0 | 7.3 | 8.54 | 3.11 | 5.61 | 2.78 | 0 |
C20 | <10 | 0 | 2.16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Table 14.
The percentage of emergence of shoots from tubers previously exposed to previous different water restriction treatments. Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with seed tubers treated differently in the past (within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05)).
Table 14.
The percentage of emergence of shoots from tubers previously exposed to previous different water restriction treatments. Different letters indicate significant differences between means of plots planted with seed tubers treated differently in the past (within the same DAP (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05)).
Water Restriction Treatment Previously | Emergence Rate (Mean % ± SE) |
DAP 22 | DAP 28 | DAP 35 |
| C103 |
W1 | 66.7 ± 9.05 a | 80.2 ± 5.21 a | 85.4 ± 4.38 a |
W2 | 47.9 ± 11.55 a | 75.0 ± 8.77 a | 86.5 ± 4.71 a |
W3 | 78.1 ± 6.48 a | 85.4 ± 4.09 a | 83.3 ± 5.46 a |
| C107 |
W1 | 88.5 ± 2.19 a | 94.8 ± 2.19 a | 96.9 ± 1.53 ab |
W2 | 97.9 ± 2.08 a | 99.0 ± 1.04 a | 100.0 ± 0.0 a |
W3 | 81.3 ± 7.84 a | 93.8 ± 2.61 a | 93.8 ± 2.61 b |
| C20 |
W1 | 47.9 ± 5.62 a | 65.6 ± 4.3 a | 74.0 ± 2.46 b |
W2 | 59.4 ± 3.67 a | 81.3 ± 4.92 a | 90.6 ± 4 a |
W3 | 68.8 ± 8.3 a | 72.9 ± 7 a | 77.1 ± 5.62 ab |
Table 15.
The SI values for plant height in breeding lines grown from seed tubers previously treated with different water regimes, and SI values in control varieties (‘Boglárka’ and ‘Desiree’).
Table 15.
The SI values for plant height in breeding lines grown from seed tubers previously treated with different water regimes, and SI values in control varieties (‘Boglárka’ and ‘Desiree’).
Previous Water Treatment * | C103 | C107 | C20 | ‘Boglárka’ | ‘Desirée’ |
W1 (control) | 84.1 ± 8.84 ns | 88.0 ± 10.33 ns | 90.6 ± 6.16 ns | 74.6 ± 2.77 ns | 65.5 ± 5.14 ns |
W2 | 87.5 ± 8.83 ns | 81.8 ± 3.99 ns | 87.0 ± 6.33 ns | - | - |
W3 | 93.7 ± 11.11 ns | 77.8 ± 6.42 ns | 89.1 ± 7.5 ns | - | - |
Mean | 88.4 ± 5.18 a | 82.5 ± 4.06 ab | 88.9 ± 3.52 a | 74.6 ± 2.77 ab | 65.5 ± 5.14 b |
Table 16.
SI values for FwAGB and DwAGB under W3 treatment in breeding lines grown from seed tubers previously treated with different water regimes, and SI values in control varieties (‘Boglárka’ and ‘Desiree’). Different letters indicate significant differences between means of SI values of different genotypes (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05). ns = non-significant.
Table 16.
SI values for FwAGB and DwAGB under W3 treatment in breeding lines grown from seed tubers previously treated with different water regimes, and SI values in control varieties (‘Boglárka’ and ‘Desiree’). Different letters indicate significant differences between means of SI values of different genotypes (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05). ns = non-significant.
Previous Water Treatment | C103 | C107 | C20 | ‘Boglárka’ | ‘Desiree’ |
| SI for FwAGB |
W1 (control) | 54.0 ± 8.04 ns | 63.5 ± 10.31 ns | 83.2 ± 6.7 ns | 36.9 ± 6.67 ns | 69.7 ± 20.79 ns |
W2 | 68.7 ± 9.35 ns | 72.6 ± 11.13 ns | 81.3 ± 10.93 ns | - | - |
W3 | 65.5 ± 9.35 ns | 85.3 ± 9.16 ns | 45.9 ± 11.93 ns | - | - |
Mean | 62.7 ± 5.04 ab | 73.8 ± 5.99 a | 70.1 ± 7.39 ab | 36.9 ± 6.67 b | 69.7 ± 20.79 ab |
| SI for DwAgB |
W1 (control) | 84.6 ± 13.96 a | 77.0 ± 10.79 ab | 89.4 ± 7.53 a | 38.7 ± 5.48 b | 74.6 ± 15.37 ab |
W2 | 71.3 ± 14.52 b | 76.5 ± 7.15 ab | 88.1 ± 9.63 a | - | - |
W3 | 92.0 ± 10.64 a | 99.8 ± 14.15 a | 55.9 ± 9.65 b | - | - |
Mean | 82.6 ± 7.33 a | 84.4 ± 6.64 a | 77.8 ± 6.62 ab | 38.7 ± 5.48 b | 74.6 ± 15.37 ab |
Table 17.
SI values for tuber number and tuber yield weight in breeding lines grown from seed tubers previously treated with different water regimes, and SI values in control varieties (‘Boglárka’ and ‘Desiree’).
Table 17.
SI values for tuber number and tuber yield weight in breeding lines grown from seed tubers previously treated with different water regimes, and SI values in control varieties (‘Boglárka’ and ‘Desiree’).
Previous Water Treatment * | C103 | C107 | C20 | ‘Boglárka’ | ‘Desiree’ |
| SI for Tuber Number |
W1 (control) | 100.2 ± 8.71 ab | 120.8 ± 2.34 a | 78.2 ± 3.85 bc | 80.2 ± 11.51 bc | 54.6 ± 5.31 c |
W2 | 96.7 ± 11.2 ab | 110.9 ± 5.84 ab | 98.7 ± 3.96 ab | - | - |
W3 | 110.1 ± 10.53 ab | 73.1 ± 9.76 bc | 73.5 ±8.85 bc | - | - |
Mean | 102.8 ± 5.58 a | 101.6 ± 7.12 a | 82.5 ± 4.56 a | 80.2 ± 11.51 ab | 54.6 ± 5.31 b |
| SI for Tuber Fresh Yield |
W1 (control) | 61.7 ± 7.35 ns | 73.1 ± 4.03 ns | 41.9 ± 0.82 ns | 57.7 ± 11.63 ns | 41.2 ± 8.75 ns |
W2 | 52.8 ± 12.48 ns | 74.0 ± 4.92 ns | 62.2 ± 5.8 ns | - | - |
W3 | 56.5 ± 3.91 ns | 43.1 ± 4 ns | 51.1 ± 10.88 ns | - | - |
Mean | 57.0 ± 4.65 ns | 63.4 ± 4.88 ns | 51.7 ± 4.49 ns | 57.7 ± 11.63 ns | 41.2 ± 8.75 ns |
Table 18.
SI values for tuber number and tuber weight in the average of all seed tuber sizes. Different letters indicate significant differences between means of SI values of different genotypes (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05). ns = non-significant.
Table 18.
SI values for tuber number and tuber weight in the average of all seed tuber sizes. Different letters indicate significant differences between means of SI values of different genotypes (Tukey post hoc test; p < 0.05). ns = non-significant.
Breeding Line | Mean SI Value |
| W2 |
| Tuber number | Tuber weight |
C103 | 73.98 ± 6.13 ns | 73.03 ± 3.32 ns |
C107 | 86.0 ± 6.64 ns | 83.33 ± 7.08 ns |
C20 | 64.7 ± 10.74 ns | 65.88 ± 16.11 ns |
| W3 |
| Tuber number | Tuber weight |
C103 | 84.7 ± 8.16 a | 67.93 ± 6.84 a |
C107 | 78.2 ± 5.99 a | 65.58 ± 7.37 a |
C20 | 22.6 ± 3.73 b | 23.6 ± 9.41 b |