1. Introduction
The use of effective genetic transformation techniques in plants plays a crucial role in the development of agricultural biotechnology, facilitating the incorporation of novel characteristics such as disease resistance, increased drought tolerance, or higher nutritional values [
1]. Biolistic DNA methods have been developed to cross the living cell barriers without involving the host–pathogen phenomenon. To obtain high transformation, a modified protocol of particle bombardment integrated with
agrobacterium inoculation was developed [
2]. However, this protocol also required a prolonged period of time for transformed cell proliferation and differentiation in whole stable transgenic plants in a culture medium. The use of solid media for this purpose prolonged the process of transgene production as compared to simple
Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. The acquired transformation in soybeans had not been achieved while attempting these protocols [
3]. However, some advancement in this field was seen after the discovery of nanotechnologies. The direct delivery and expression of foreign DNA into plants have been accomplished through nanoparticles. The high transient expression was achieved with a low, stable transformation [
5]. Moreover, the discovery of RNA viruses for the delivery of sgRNAs with an extra sequence promoted cell-to-cell movement [
6]. However, one of the drawbacks of this TRV vector was that it could not be used for a large gene delivery in the CRISPR system [
7]. The hairy root transformation protocols were developed to acquire transiently expressed transgenes without a growth medium. The transgenic roots have been developed directly on stable-grown seedlings transformed with
Agrobacterium rhizogenes [
In order to obtain genetically altered plants, in vitro plant propagation is a prerequisite. In the initial step, suitable growing conditions define the cells fate through reprogramming, differentiation, and morphogenesis. All these events lead to the transformation of cells or tissues into stable transgenic plants. In these conditions, the solid growth medium plays a vital role. It provides an aseptic environment for contamination-free transgenic plant acquisitions. Solid media are paramount for in vitro plant propagation because they provide the essential growth factors, important hormones, and energy sources [
11]. The use of culture media helps in cell proliferation for somatic embryo reproduction and accelerates the growth of regenerated shoots. However, the addition of certain media components (growth regulators, sucrose, or MS) in a plant culture medium has some limitations in addition to their benefits. Furthermore, in vitro plant propagation in a culture medium is a rigorous procedure that requires great care for material handling. The incorrect and frequent use of solid growth media together with various types of hormones for an extended period of time causes oxidative stress, leading to chromosomal aberrations and other unexpected changes in transgenic plants. Transferring plants from one medium to another also inhibits the growth of ex-plants and causes some stress effects until they adopt a fresh media environment. These practices also prolonged the life span of first-generation transgenes from 8 weeks to 36 weeks [
12]. Even genetically unmodified plants cultivated on solid culture media showed extended somaclonal variations [
17]. To reduce the somaclonal variation, a simple and direct shoot organogenesis protocol was developed. Soybean transgenic shoots were obtained directly from the cotyledonary node explant without callus generation [
18]. In comparison to previous culture media procedures, the direct organogenesis following an agrobacterium-mediated transformation also decreased the time for the acquisition of transgenic plants. Most recently, in-planta transformation gained momentum in transgenic plant production while mitigating the risk of somaclonal variations. In
Arabidopsis, this protocol requires only bacterial culture and inoculation media for the direct transfer of T-DNA to floral parts through the floral dip approach [
19]. No solid media culture was required for tissue or shoot regeneration. Based on this procedure, many attempts have been made to transform higher plants; however, only a model plant such as alfalfa (
Medicago truncatula Gaertn.)
, oilseed radish (
Raphanus sativus L.), and some other plants have been transformed successfully. No evidence of other economically important plant transformations through the floral dip method has been reported [
Soybean (
Glycine max. (L.) Merr.) is one of the most important nutritionally and economically as well as protein-rich crops originating from Asia and belongs to the Fabaceae family [
21]. It has high nutritional values, so it can be used as food, feed, and biofuel. Conventional breeding methods are of great importance in soybean; however, the introduction and application of new breeding tools and methods can overcome the barriers for simple and fast soybean breeding [
23]. Recently, a single plasmid was used to deliver gene-editing and developmental regulators to plant tissues for transient and stable transformations [
24]. They transformed the binary vector into axillary buds and leaf disks of stable-grown tobacco to obtain transgenic shoots. However, the unregulated expression of developmental regulators had a negative impact on phenotypes. The main aim of our research was to develop a novel in-planta shoot regeneration and transformation method by using three soybean genotypes as the experimental material. This study describes a rapid, robust, cost-effective, and simple protocol for shoot induction and transformation. The protocol does not involve solid media for shoot or root induction, an aseptic environment for bacterial inoculation, or most of the material handling. Moreover, there was no need to express endogenous developmental regulators inside transgenic cells. The
agrobacterium was transformed into the cotyledonary node portion of the stable-grown soybean seedlings, and a combination of growth regulators was applied exogenously to promote shoot induction. Initially, a composite transgene (transgenic shoots with a non-transgenic base) could be obtained in the T
0 generation. However, if needed, the positive shoot can be simply rooted in the soil pots to have whole transgenic seedlings in the T
0 generation. However, this protocol is in the stage of its infancy; further investigation is needed to boost the transformation efficiency and stable soybean production of recalcitrant plants.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Seed Preparation and Seedling Growth
Soybean (Glycine max. (L.) Merr.) seeds from three genotypes (William82 (Wm82) as Wm82 are susceptible soybean genotype and easy to transform, and our newly developed two hybrids, designated as ZX-16 and ZX-3, provided by Henan University, Zhengzhou, China) were surface sterilized using 70% ethanol for 5 min followed by 4% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) for 14 min. The seeds were rinsed with distilled water before being planted in pots containing a sterile mixture of vermiculite and peat (1:1; v/v). Two seeds were planted in each pot and incubated under a controlled environment (25 °C, 60% white florescence light, and 13/11 (day/night) hours of photoperiod with 60% relative humidity (RH)). Following germination, the seedlings were allowed to grow when the cotyledonary leaves fully expanded. Unhealthy and contaminated seedlings were carefully discarded. After six days of germination, the excision and inoculation of the explants were carried out.
2.2. Excision of Hypocotyls and Agrobacterium Infiltration
The stems from the explants above the cotyledons were excised using a sterile blade. A day before inoculation,
A. tumefaciens harboring the GmUbi-3XFlag-GUS: GFP vector was cultured (28 °C, 12 h) in yeast extract peptone (YEP) media with selective antibiotics. The overnight bacterial culture was centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 10 min. The cell pellet was re-suspended to an OD
600 (optical density at 600 nm) of 0.4 in infiltration media (1/2 strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium [
25] with vitamins, 2% (
v) sucrose, 200 µM acetosyringone, and 250 mg/L L-cysteine, pH 5.4). The bacteria culture medium was incubated at room temperature for 30 min. Prior to the inoculation of the explant, all tools were surface sterilized with 75% ethanol. The axillary buds on either side of the stem were removed. Close to the cotyledon base, several vertical cuts were made. Detailed procedure is given in
Figure 1. A small quantity (200 µL) of infiltration media was poured over each explant’s wounded portion. The light over the explants was switched off for 3 days. The inoculated areas were routinely kept moist with co-cultivation medium (1/2 strength MS medium with vitamins, 2% (
v) sucrose, 200 µM acetosyringone, 250 mg/L L-cysteine, 0.3 mg/L gibberellic acid (GA
3), 2 mg/L spermidine, and 1.3 mg/L indole butyric acid (IBA), pH 5.4) during the three days of co-cultivation under dark conditions.
2.3. Vector Assembly and Cloning
For the construction of the GUS expression vector, computer simulation was performed in Snapgene software version 6.0.2 by using GmUbi-3XFlag-GFP as the destination vector (
Figure S1B). The GUS fragment was amplified from the pCambia-1300 vector by using a pair of overlapping PCR primers: the forward primer GACTCGACAGTCTAGAATGGGTTTACGTCCTGTAGAAACC and the reverse primer TCCTTATAGTCCATGGTACCTCATTGTTTGCCTCCCTGCTGC (other related primers list is given in
Supplementary Table S1). Double digesting the vector with Asc I and Xba I restriction endonucleases linearized the vector. Digestion of the vector was carried out in a 50 µL reaction volume containing 1 µg plasmid, 1 µL each of enzyme, 5 µL quick-cut buffer, and ddH
2O up to 50 µL volume. The reaction mix was incubated at 35 °C for 2 h. The products were resolved on 0.8% agarose to confirm the digestion of the vector. The digested vector band was purified from the gel using gel extraction kit. The digested vector was allowed to ligate with the GUS fragment containing a complementary overhang. Ligation of the GUS gene cassette and GmUbi-3XFlag vector was performed using a one-step DNA cloning kit (Novoprotein, Shanghai, China), following the user’s manual. The ligated vector was transformed into a competent bacterial cell by the heat-shock method. The selection of true colonies was made through colony PCR and then the true ligated GUS gene cassette was confirmed through Sanger sequencing. The positive colonies were cultured overnight in LB liquid media with selective antibiotics. The vector was extracted from the bacterial colonies by suing plasmid extraction kit. The vector was then transformed into Agrobacterium GV3101 by the freeze–thaw method. The positive
A. tumefaciens was cultured in YEP media with selective antibiotics overnight. The overnight culture was mixed with 30% glycerol (1:1) and stored in −80 °C freezer for future use.
2.4. Washing and Shoot Induction of the Inoculated Part
The inoculated explants were washed with distilled water after three days of co-cultivation to remove the adherent agrobacterial culture and media residue. The residual
A. tumefaciens were effectively removed by washing the wounded parts with washing media containing ½ MS supplemented with 250 mg/L Cefotaxime and 250 mg/L Carbenicillin for 30 min. The explants were then subjected to shoot induction under 13/11 h of light/dark conditions and 70% RH. We used the modified Fast-TrAAC protocol by Maher et al. [
24]. For fast shoot regeneration, we used our modified shoot induction media [
26]. The shoot induction medium (SIM) contained full-strength MS medium with vitamins, 0.2 mg/L MgCl
2 6H
2O, 1.3 mg/L 6-benzyl aminopurine (6-BA), 2.5 mg/L spermidine, 0.4 mg/L (N6-(2-isopentenyl) adenine (2iP), 0.3 mg/L kinetin, 0.3 mg/L GA
3, 150 mg/L Cefotaxime, 200 mg/L Carbenicillin, and 0.5 g/L 2-(N-Morpholino) ethane sulfonic acid monohydrate (MES). The pH of the medium was adjusted to 5.7. A small amount of SIM (200 µL) was poured over the inoculated portion for new shoot emergence. The air temperature and RH were kept constant to prevent fungal contamination. The seedlings were properly watered with dissolved water-soluble nitrogen fertilizers (2 g/L) for a constant supply of basic nutrients. The fertilizers were applied at a one-week interval until shoot harvesting. The newly emerged shoots from the inoculated portion were subjected to transgenic shoot identification when they reached 4 cm in length. The shoots that showed no GUS or GFP signals were considered non-transformed and were discarded. The explants were allowed to regenerate more axillary shoots.
2.5. Identification of T-DNA and Root Induction of Positive Transgenic Lines
For the transgenic identification, total genomic DNA was extracted from a putative transgenic line. While using the pMDC32 vector, the T-DNA cassette was identified through hpt-specific PCR using a pair of primers (forward ATTTGTGTACGCCCGACAGT and reverse CTCTCGGAGGGCGAAGAATC), followed by seedling selections in the T1 generation in hygromycin B-supplemented medium. An optimized PCR program was established to identify 840 bp of the hptII gene in transformed soybean shoots. Moreover, an empty GmUbi-3XFlag-GFP: GUS vectors’ T-DNA was confirmed through PCR, GFP signals, and GUS histochemical analysis. For stable transgene production throughout the process, we used our optimized root induction strategy. The positive shoots were excised and rooted in pots containing a sterile mixture of vermiculite: peat (1:1; v/v), moistened with ½ MS liquid medium with vitamins, and 4 mg/L indole-3 butyric acid (IBA). The seedlings were covered with plastic humidity domes (Suzhou Huanmei Plastic, Suzhou, China). Over the course of one week, both the root induction and acclimatization were carried out. Most of the transplants were permitted to grow as composites with a single positive shoot.
2.6. GUS Histochemical Analysis and GFP Detection
After two weeks of regeneration, the shoots were subjected to GUS histochemical analysis. The cotyledon portion along with newly emerged shoots were analyzed for GUS expression. The GUS staining buffer was 50 mM NaH
4 (pH 7.2), 10 mM Na
2EDTA, 0.1% (
v/v) Triton-X100, 1 mM K
6, 1 mM K
6, and 2 mM X-gluc. The plant samples were incubated overnight (12 h) at 37 °C as described by Jefferson et al. [
27]. The transformation efficiencies were calculated based on positive GUS events. For GFP identification, the T
0 putative transgenic lines and then the T
1 lines were subjected to GFP identification at different times. The GUS signals were detected through the confocal microscope LSM980 (ZEISS, Oberkochen, Germany). The GFP parameters were set to acquire clear images of the GFP florescence; the excitation wave length was 488 nm and the emission wave length was 509 nm. The detection of the images was carried out from 491–544 nm. Both the GFP and bright field images were acquired and processed in the ZEISS Efficient Navigation ZEN 3.1 software version.
2.7. Statistical Analysis
All experiments were set up in a completely randomized design with multiple biological replicates. The mean ± standard deviation was used to express the regeneration frequency, shoot induction rate, and transient transformation frequency. The percentage data were arcsine transformed before analysis, and mean values were compared using Tukey’s multiple range test in SAS software (version 9.4; SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC, USA).
4. Discussion
The availability of a rapid and rigorous technique for plant transgene development until the harvest stage remains a barrier. The embryogenesis of altered cells, followed by the morphogenesis into the whole plant, takes place in a stressful environment. Due to the numerous stress effects, many positive transgenic tissues would be wasted during the course. Progress has been made in the transformation systems of several plant species. In soybean, direct shoot regeneration was made possible from conditioned cotyledonary explants without callus formation [
28]. The usage of diverse plant cultural mediums for callus induction and differentiation was minimized as a result of this shift. For the first time, transgenic shoots were successfully regenerated on the cotyledon explant using
Agrobacterium as a gene delivery vehicle [
8]. Since then, different modifications have been brought to the MS media composition for fast and multiple shoot regenerations. However, the tissue culture induces certain unwanted modifications in the quantitative traits of cultured transformants [
29]. To minimize the likelihood of solid media-born mutations in targeted plants, a novel technique was recently devised. The CRISPR cassette and developmental regulators were cloned in a single vector and delivered to the axillary buds of stably growing plants using the novel Fast-TrACC method [
24]. They were successful in creating a stable transgene; however, the uncontrolled and pleotropic expression of developmental regulators resulted in undesirable changes in phenotypes.
To overcome these deficiencies, we developed a novel soybean in-planta transformation protocol. We called this new protocol Fast-TraP (fast transgene production) as the T
0 transgenic shoot could be obtained at the same time as normal-grown soybean. The composite-positive transgenic shoots in the T
0 generation were identified using PCR, GUS analysis, and GFP florescence signals. We progressed by making our protocol more accessible to the scientific community at large. Instead of transferring genes for the regeneration of shoots through the expression of developmental regulators endogenously, as described, we used an exogenous combination of growth regulators for de novo shoot induction and regeneration on stable-grown soybean seedlings. The application of growth regulators facilitated the expression of endogenous genes for de novo shoot induction on the soybean cotyledonary node. This interplay of exogenous auxins and cytokinins was important in activating the expression of stem cell regulatory genes in the wounded part [
30]. Meanwhile, different combinations of growth hormones and polyamines have been proven to induce
Agrobacterium growth and transformation [
32]. Thus, we used liquid growth media containing a combination of hormones and polyamines (spermidine) that not only promoted shoot regeneration, but also facilitated
Agrobacterium transformation. In addition, the investigation of the fitness of a novel soybean in-planta protocol for diverse soybean genotypes revealed its applicability for all genotypes. A range of soybean genotypes, mostly susceptible, were the best sources for being easily transformed through this protocol because the soybean transformation efficiency is substantially genotype-dependent [
33]. Another intriguing feature of this approach was the development of composite plants during T0 generation. The shoot-related attributes could be studied with a normal root system. It provides an opposite insight into hairy root transformation.
Agrobacterium rhizogenes produced transgenic roots with wild shoots [
35]. We foresee that this procedure will be more favorable, faster, and cost-effective in terms of producing composite or stable transgenes for functional or regulatory genomic studies in soybean. Moreover, other dicotyledonous plants could also be transformed by employing similar strategies. We conducted a separate experiment on chickpeas (
Cicer arietinum L.) while using our novel in-planta transformation protocol. Similar procedures were adopted as described for soybean transformation. We identified some GUS signals in the leaves of the regenerated chickpea shoots. No further investigation was conducted on a broad scale. Nevertheless, the immune response of stable-grown soybeans or other plants may be stronger. Thus, the identification and use of a partial plant immune suppressor during inoculation may significantly improve the transformation efficiency. Moreover, the inclusion of various biochemicals or surfactants may also facilitate the
Agrobacterium chemotaxis, transfer, and integration of T-DNA into the soybean. This phenomenon requires additional investigation.