Disease Detection in Apple Leaves Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
:1. Introduction
2. Related Works
- Previous models have limitations in utilising the advantage of Image Augmentation techniques properly. Our proposed model uses various Image Augmentation techniques such as Canny Edge Detection, Flipping, Blurring, etc., to enhance our dataset. These techniques can help in building a robust model.
- The performance of many of the previously proposed model were not adequate, especially under challenging cases, e.g., identifying leaves with multiple diseases. In our research, we have used an ensemble of pre-trained deep learning models. The advantage of this is that our proposed model combines the predictions of three models and can perform well under challenging situations.
- We have deployed the proposed model in the form of a web application that serves as an easy-to-use system for I users. The user has to upload the leaf’s image on our web application, and the result is obtained in a couple of seco.
3. Methodology
3.1. Dataset Collection
3.1.1. Healthy
3.1.2. Apple Scab
3.1.3. Cedar Apple Rust
3.1.4. Multiple Diseases
3.2. Image Augmentation
3.2.1. Canny Edge Detection
3.2.2. Flipping
3.2.3. Convolution
3.2.4. Blurring
3.3. Dataset Partition
3.4. Modeling
3.4.1. Multiclass Classification
3.4.2. Transfer Learning
3.4.3. Model Structure
3.4.4. DenseNet121
3.4.5. EfficientNet
3.4.6. EfficientNet Noisy Student
3.5. Ensembling
4. Experimental Results and Analyses
4.1. Experimental Setup
4.2. Performance Metrics
4.3. Performance Benchmarking
4.4. Computational Resources
4.5. Model Deployment
4.5.1. Overview
4.5.2. Web Application Work Flow
- User visits our web application and uploads the image of apple leaf. All this takes place at the frontend.
- The image uploaded is then sent to the backend, where it is fed to the CNN model. At the backend, we have stored the weights of our proposed model in the form of an HDF5 file [57]. The model is loaded from this HDF5 file. Before feeding the image to the model, the image is first trimmed into the required shape of 512 × 512.
- The result returned by our model is a NumPy array of size (4,1), which includes the probability of the four classes. The class with the maximum probability is extracted.
- The results are shown to the user at the frontend, and the image is stored in our database to enhance our model.
4.5.3. Technologies Used
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Split | DenseNet121 | EfficientNetB7 | NoisyStudent | Our Model |
0.10 | 0.9398 | 0.9416 | 0.9095 | 0.9344 |
0.15 | 0.9526 | 0.9562 | 0.9124 | 0.9625 |
0.20 | 0.9511 | 0.9506 | 0.9233 | 0.9499 |
0.25 | 0.9414 | 0.9471 | 0.8991 | 0.9211 |
0.30 | 0.9232 | 0.9376 | 0.9091 | 0.9301 |
Split | DenseNet121 | EfficientNetB7 | NoisyStudent | Our Model |
0.10 | 0.8432 | 0.8637 | 0.8344 | 0.8555 |
0.15 | 0.8637 | 0.8901 | 0.8479 | 0.9091 |
0.20 | 0.9496 | 0.8871 | 0.8544 | 0.8963 |
0.25 | 0.8598 | 0.8388 | 0.8282 | 0.8446 |
0.30 | 0.8876 | 0.8876 | 0.8298 | 0.8991 |
Split | DenseNet121 | EfficientNetB7 | NoisyStudent | Our Model |
0.10 | 0.8442 | 0.8637 | 0.8344 | 0.8518 |
0.15 | 0.8637 | 0.8961 | 0.8429 | 0.8977 |
0.20 | 0.9496 | 0.8870 | 0.8542 | 0.8951 |
0.25 | 0.8221 | 0.8388 | 0.8238 | 0.8331 |
0.30 | 0.8806 | 0.8806 | 0.8301 | 0.8881 |
Split | DenseNet121 | EfficientNetB7 | NoisyStudent | Our Model |
0.10 | 0.8442 | 0.8637 | 0.8329 | 0.8497 |
0.15 | 0.8637 | 0.8922 | 0.8453 | 0.9098 |
0.20 | 0.9496 | 0.8871 | 0.8576 | 0.8732 |
0.25 | 0.8560 | 0.8382 | 0.8249 | 0.8490 |
0.30 | 0.8839 | 0.8839 | 0.8290 | 0.8987 |
Model | Accuracy |
DenseNet | 0.9260 |
GoogleNet | 0.9530 |
EfficientNetB7 | 0.9562 |
ResNet20 | 0.9370 |
VggNet-16 | 0.9400 |
Our Model | 0.9625 |
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Bansal, P.; Kumar, R.; Kumar, S. Disease Detection in Apple Leaves Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network. Agriculture 2021, 11, 617. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture11070617
Bansal P, Kumar R, Kumar S. Disease Detection in Apple Leaves Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network. Agriculture. 2021; 11(7):617. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture11070617
Chicago/Turabian StyleBansal, Prakhar, Rahul Kumar, and Somesh Kumar. 2021. "Disease Detection in Apple Leaves Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network" Agriculture 11, no. 7: 617. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture11070617
APA StyleBansal, P., Kumar, R., & Kumar, S. (2021). Disease Detection in Apple Leaves Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network. Agriculture, 11(7), 617. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture11070617