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Resources, Volume 13, Issue 1 (January 2024) – 17 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): Wastewater treatment utilities are confronted by the energy and supply crisis resulting from the war in Ukraine. More specifically, production and supply problems with precipitant production have shown that today’s wastewater treatment technology in Germany is not crisis-proof and must become more resilient. The aim of this article was to determine a required precipitant quantity with regard to chemical phosphorus elimination, as well as the expected shortfalls due to the shortage situation. Study surveys were conducted to gather data for a meaningful response regarding the operators, manufacturers, and the German federal states. A recommendation is given on what a path to more resilient wastewater management with a focus on phosphorus elimination could look like, e.g., via Bio-P. View this paper
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12 pages, 874 KiB  
Comparison of Mixed and Door-to-Door Systems for Urban Waste Collection in Terms of Effectiveness and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Case Study from Two Mountainous Italian Valleys
by Alberto Pietro Damiano Baltrocchi, Lucrezia Maggi, Marco Carnevale Miino, Vincenzo Torretta and Elena Cristina Rada
Resources 2024, 13(1), 17; - 22 Jan 2024
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2168
Collecting urban solid waste (USW) is a critical and essential phase for proper waste management and valorization. To date, many data are available for large cities, but few studies have focused on low-density areas, such as mountainous regions. Considering this lack in the [...] Read more.
Collecting urban solid waste (USW) is a critical and essential phase for proper waste management and valorization. To date, many data are available for large cities, but few studies have focused on low-density areas, such as mountainous regions. Considering this lack in the literature, this study aimed to compare two separate waste collection systems in two mountainous valleys in terms of effectiveness and GHG emissions. In the first scenario, a mixed collection system (door-to-door + centers) was used, while in the other, waste was separately collected by a full door-to-door system. The results suggested that the full door-to-door system achieved better performance than the mixed collection system (door-to-door + centers), with a fraction of separate waste collection compared to the unit equals (0.84 ± 0.01 vs. 0.79 ± 0.02). Moreover, the full door-to-door system represented the best option for collecting separate waste in mountainous areas in terms of GHG emissions, with 11.21 kgCO2, eq twaste−1 emitted vs. 15.62 kgCO2, eq twaste−1 in the case of the mixed system. Despite utilities emitting a higher amount of GHGs in the door-to-door scenario (4.66 kgCO2, eq inh−1 y−1), they were fully compensated for by the low GHG emissions from citizens in the mixed scenario (1.77 kgCO2, eq inh−1 y−1 vs. 6.65 kgCO2, eq inh−1 y−1). Given the low amount of data on this topic, this work could be considered as a pioneer study of waste management in mountainous areas by comparing the results of two systems regarding effectiveness and GHG emissions. The outcomes of this study could be helpful for waste utilities, institutional agencies, and local communities and also serve as a tool for decision-making in the case of comparing the different options for USW collection systems. Full article
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12 pages, 5744 KiB  
Microstructure and Mechanical Characterization of Rice Husks from the Tolima Region of Colombia
by Oscar Araque, Nelson Arzola and Ivonne X. Cerón
Resources 2024, 13(1), 16; - 19 Jan 2024
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2901
The under-utilization of rice husk, a milling by-product, demands attention due to its widespread disposal and limited usage. This research aims to assess the physical properties and mechanical behavior of three rice husk varieties (F 2000, Orizyca, and Panorama 394), to determine their [...] Read more.
The under-utilization of rice husk, a milling by-product, demands attention due to its widespread disposal and limited usage. This research aims to assess the physical properties and mechanical behavior of three rice husk varieties (F 2000, Orizyca, and Panorama 394), to determine their strength capacities and potential applications. Mechanical properties are evaluated through a non-standardized tension test using a universal machine. Subsequent analyses include measuring the moisture content following ASTM D1348, determining the particle size distribution through ASAE Standard S319, and establishing the bulk density using ASAE Standard S269 Method 4. Mechanical resistance in the rice husk varieties ranged from 60 MPa to 130 MPa, with a particle density exceeding 300 kg/m3 and an average apparent density of 140 kg/m3. Scanning electron microscopy revealed the husk structures, identifying epidermis, hypodermis, and sub-hypodermis layers. The mechanical stress of the Orizyca variety was 1.89 times higher than that of F 2000, and 1.18 times higher than that of Panorama 394. Potential applications include brick manufacturing and thermoformed materials for Orizyca and Panorama 394, while F 2000 could be utilized for producing fuel briquettes or cardboard, among other possibilities. Full article
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19 pages, 2684 KiB  
The Use of Geosites in Education—A Case Study in Central Poland
by Wojciech Zgłobicki, Izabela Nowak, Bogusława Baran-Zgłobicka and Aleksandra Głuszek
Resources 2024, 13(1), 15; - 19 Jan 2024
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 2126
One of the important ways to promote geoheritage values is to use geosites in school education. Particularly useful for this are nature reserves that include interesting geological and geomorphological sites. The area of Świętokrzyskie Province is one of the most interesting geological regions [...] Read more.
One of the important ways to promote geoheritage values is to use geosites in school education. Particularly useful for this are nature reserves that include interesting geological and geomorphological sites. The area of Świętokrzyskie Province is one of the most interesting geological regions of Poland. In 2021, the Holy Cross Mountains UNESCO Global Geopark was established. The main objective of this study was to determine the school students’ knowledge of geoheritage sites and their use in geotourism and education. The province’s nature reserves are well accessible by transportation from school. Diverse geoheritage sites were selected for the assessment of their geotourism values. An assessment of their geotourism values was made. The problem of knowledge and perception of geoheritage was studied using a questionnaire survey among students of high schools located in the city of Starachowice. The results showed that despite the presence of sites of high value, unique in the country and Europe, they are rarely visited by students and even less frequently used in formal education (field classes). On the other hand, students declare that geoheritage assets can be treated as important tourism attractions. Researchers in the field of geoeducation and geotourism should place greater emphasis on disseminating this knowledge among teachers and the public. An opportunity for the development of geoeducation will certainly be the establishment of a geopark. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Geosites as Tools for the Promotion and Conservation of Geoheritage)
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26 pages, 2707 KiB  
The Optimal Transportation Option in an Underground Hard Coal Mine: A Multi-Criteria Cost Analysis
by Patrycja Bąk, Marian Czesław Turek, Łukasz Bednarczyk and Izabela Jonek-Kowalska
Resources 2024, 13(1), 14; - 17 Jan 2024
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2246
The issue of transport in underground hard coal mines is very rarely described in the literature. The financial aspects of this issue are even less often analyzed. Publications in this area focus on technical issues and the safety of mining crews. More attention [...] Read more.
The issue of transport in underground hard coal mines is very rarely described in the literature. The financial aspects of this issue are even less often analyzed. Publications in this area focus on technical issues and the safety of mining crews. More attention is paid to transport in open-pit mines. The above premises and practical needs imply the need to conduct economic analyses of transport systems in underground hard coal mines. This paper is a scientific communication, which presents the concept of a multi-criteria cost analysis as a tool to support the selection of the optimal transportation option in an underground hard coal mine. Considerations in this area have not been carried out in the relevant literature, and the problem of selecting a transportation option is a complex and necessary issue in the practice of underground mines with extensive mine workings. The methodology presented includes five cost criteria (costs of carrying out the transportation task; route expansion costs; rolling stock maintenance costs; depreciation costs; and additional personnel costs). The simultaneous application of criteria relating to utility properties in addition to cost criteria makes it possible to adopt a specific technical and organizational model of the transportation system based on the indication of the optimal solution, resulting from the mathematical construction of functions of objectives relating to utility and cost. The optimal variant of the designed system and configuration of the material transportation system in underground workings takes into consideration the following: (1) seven utility criteria (KU1—transportation task completion time; KU2—compatibility of transportation systems; KU3—continuous connectivity; KU4—co-use with other transportation tasks; KU5—safety; KU6—inconvenience; KU7—operation under overplanning conditions) and (2) five cost criteria (KK1—costs of implementing the transportation task; KK2—costs of route expansion; KK3—rolling stock maintenance costs; KK4—depreciation costs; KK5—additional personnel costs). Based on the aforementioned criteria, two objective functions are built for each option: utility and cost. They present divergent goals; therefore, they are non-cooperative functions. Both utility and costs strive for the maximum. In the developed methodology, an ideal point is usually a fictitious solution representing a set of maximum values among all the achievable values in a set of solutions, but it is impossible to achieve this simultaneously based on all the criteria. This point illustrates the maximum utility and lowest cost among the alternatives considered, which is obviously impossible for any of the variants to meet at the same time, although it indicates the possibilities of the technique and the range of costs. For the developed method, a so-called “PND” nadir point is also determined, representing the least-preferred level of achievement of all goals simultaneously, determined from the set of optimal points in the Pareto sense. The originality of the conceptual considerations undertaken stems from: filling the gap in the economic methodology of complex transportation systems evaluation; embedding considerations in the trend concerning complex transportation systems of underground mines; and focusing considerations on the pre-investment phase, making it possible to optimize costs before expenditures are incurred. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Mineral Resource Management 2023: Assessment, Mining and Processing)
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14 pages, 247 KiB  
Groundwater Ecosystem Services: Redefining and Operationalizing the Concept
by Vasileios G. Iliopoulos and Dimitris Damigos
Resources 2024, 13(1), 13; - 16 Jan 2024
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 3061
In the last decade, the publication of research studies in the field of groundwater ecosystem services and their classification has increased dramatically. Several academic and other institutions have developed ecosystem service classification systems for use in environmental policy research. However, the existing classification [...] Read more.
In the last decade, the publication of research studies in the field of groundwater ecosystem services and their classification has increased dramatically. Several academic and other institutions have developed ecosystem service classification systems for use in environmental policy research. However, the existing classification systems need to be optimized in the following areas: (a) the weak correlation between concepts and the definitions assigned, which creates double counting in economic valuation, (b) the absence of correlation of the concept of use value with the ecosystem service, (c) the non-categorization of final and intermediate services, and (d) the overlapping of wetland, soil, and groundwater regulating ecosystem services. Our research aims, through the results of a literature analysis and the synthesis of the results of an expert consultation process, to develop a unified categorization system for groundwater ecosystem services. In the context of the conceptualization of groundwater ecosystem services, this research implemented an expert judging elicitation process where subject discussions and targeted interviews were performed, combined with a literature review analysis. Through the completion of a specific questionnaire and expert interviews, a new groundwater ecosystem services classification system, namely GROUNDWES, was established. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Editorial Board Members' Collection Series: Water Resources)
22 pages, 2071 KiB  
Comparison of Trenchless and Excavation Technologies in the Restoration of a Sewage Network and Their Carbon Footprints
by Tomáš Chorazy, Petr Hlavínek, Jakub Raček, Katarzyna Pietrucha-Urbanik, Barbara Tchórzewska-Cieślak, Šárka Keprdová and Zdeněk Dufek
Resources 2024, 13(1), 12; - 15 Jan 2024
Viewed by 3054
The restoration of aging sewer networks is a fundamental remediation approach with the aim of renewing or improving existing systems. Remediation methods include repair, renovation, and replacement (renewal). The restoration of a sewer network itself can be performed using either excavation or trenchless [...] Read more.
The restoration of aging sewer networks is a fundamental remediation approach with the aim of renewing or improving existing systems. Remediation methods include repair, renovation, and replacement (renewal). The restoration of a sewer network itself can be performed using either excavation or trenchless technologies. While these technologies offer various advantages, they also present disadvantages. The choice of a restoration technology depends on numerous parameters, including economic factors and local conditions (such as the construction of the existing sewage network, available working space, traffic load, and environmental safety restrictions). In addition to the parameters influencing the choice of restoration technology, recent considerations have been given to constraints related to greenhouse gas emissions and the corresponding carbon footprint. Carbon footprint serves as an indicator of the restoration activity’s dependence on fossil fuels, both during implementation and operation. In the 21st century, concerns regarding carbon footprints have rapidly escalated. The reduction in carbon footprints is a crucial objective from both an economic and an ecological point of view. This article specifically addresses the prospects of monitoring the carbon footprint concerning the partial restoration of a sewer network within the historical core of the city of Brno, located in the Czech Republic. This aspect constitutes the unique and innovative contribution of the paper. The intensity of the energy demand of excavation and trenchless technologies is utilized as a direct measure of the carbon footprint of each technology. The comparative assessment demonstrates that the trenchless technology used achieves a reduction of 59.2% in CO2 emissions compared to the excavation technology. The carbon footprint of Variant 1 (trenchless technology) is 9.91 t CO2 eq., while the carbon footprint of Variant 2 (excavation technology) is 24.29 t CO2 eq. The restoration of open pipelines produces more emissions due to the higher energy consumption, making it more expensive in terms of fuel costs, waste disposal costs, and the corresponding environmental hazards. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Editorial Board Members' Collection Series: Water Resources)
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14 pages, 9448 KiB  
Success Factors and Challenges: Implications of Real Options Valuation of Constructed Wetlands as Nature-Based Solutions for Wastewater Treatment
by Casper Boongaling Agaton and Patricia Marie Caparas Guila
Resources 2024, 13(1), 11; - 14 Jan 2024
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 4206
Constructed wetlands (CWs) are engineered water treatment systems that mimic the features and functions of natural wetlands. As a nature-based solution (NBS) for wastewater treatment, CWs are sustainable and cost-effective while providing various ecosystem services. However, their widespread application faces several uncertainties, particularly [...] Read more.
Constructed wetlands (CWs) are engineered water treatment systems that mimic the features and functions of natural wetlands. As a nature-based solution (NBS) for wastewater treatment, CWs are sustainable and cost-effective while providing various ecosystem services. However, their widespread application faces several uncertainties, particularly in developing countries. This study aims to analyze the success factors and challenges in implementing CW projects. Using the case of successful CWs in Bayawan City in the Philippines, this study surveyed 270 household heads from the community benefiting from the CWs and interviewed various CW stakeholders, including the project planner, management, community leader, social workers, and CW workers. The results showed that 89% of the respondents were aware of the existence of CWs in the community and 73% believed in their long-term sustainability. Among the identified factors for the successful implementation of the CW project were government support (43%), good governance (32%), and public support (14%). On the other hand, the implementation was challenged by improper maintenance (63%), overcrowding in the community (11%), foul smells (4%), funding (4%), and climate-related uncertainties, including natural calamities (4%), flooding (7%), earthquakes (4%), and sea level rise (11%). The implications of these success factors and challenges were discussed in the application of real options valuation to CW projects by incorporating the identified uncertainties into flexible decision making in the scaling up and widespread implementation of a more sustainable NBS to water resources management. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Wastewater Reuse)
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5 pages, 193 KiB  
Resources of Urban Green Spaces and Sustainable Development
by Farshid Aram
Resources 2024, 13(1), 10; - 10 Jan 2024
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 7556
Urban green spaces are considered one of the most valuable natural resources in cities [...] Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Resources of Urban Green Spaces and Sustainable Development)
1 pages, 136 KiB  
Correction: Titova et al. Meeting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in the Decarbonization Agenda: A Case of Russian Oil and Gas Companies. Resources 2023, 12, 121
by Nataliya Titova, Alina Cherepovitsyna and Tatiana Guseva
Resources 2024, 13(1), 9; - 9 Jan 2024
Viewed by 1518
Text Correction [...] Full article
33 pages, 5042 KiB  
Synthesis Methods, Properties, and Modifications of Biochar-Based Materials for Wastewater Treatment: A Review
by Bryan Díaz, Alicia Sommer-Márquez, Paola E. Ordoñez, Ernesto Bastardo-González, Marvin Ricaurte and Carlos Navas-Cárdenas
Resources 2024, 13(1), 8; - 5 Jan 2024
Cited by 24 | Viewed by 8329
The global impact of water and soil contamination has become a serious issue that affects the world and all living beings. In this sense, multiple treatment alternatives have been developed at different scales to improve quality. Among them, biochar has become a suitable [...] Read more.
The global impact of water and soil contamination has become a serious issue that affects the world and all living beings. In this sense, multiple treatment alternatives have been developed at different scales to improve quality. Among them, biochar has become a suitable alternative for environmental remediation due to its high efficiency and low cost, and the raw material used for its production comes from residual biomass. A biochar is a carbonaceous material with interesting physicochemical properties (e.g., high surface area, porosity, and functional surface groups), which can be prepared by different synthesis methods using agricultural wastes (branches of banana rachis, cocoa shells, cane bagasse, among others) as feedstock. This state-of-the-art review is based on a general description of biochar for environmental remediation. Biochar’s production, synthesis, and multiple uses have also been analyzed. In addition, this work shows some alternatives used to improve the biochar properties and thus its efficiency for several applications, like removing heavy metals, oil, dyes, and other toxic pollutants. Physical and chemical modifications, precursors, dopants, and promoting agents (e.g., Fe and N species) have been discussed. Finally, the primary uses of biochar and the corresponding mechanism to improve water and soil quality (via adsorption, heterogeneous photocatalysis, and advanced oxidation processes) have been described, both at laboratory and medium and large scales. Considering all the advantages, synthesis methods, and applications, biochar is a promising alternative with a high potential to mitigate environmental problems by improving water and soil quality, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and promoting the circular economy through residual biomass, generating value-added products for several uses. Full article
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23 pages, 1474 KiB  
Assessing the Perception and Contribution of Mangrove Ecosystem Services to the Well-Being of Coastal Communities of Chwaka and Menai Bays, Zanzibar
by Mohamed Khalfan Mohamed, Elhadi Adam and Colbert M. Jackson
Resources 2024, 13(1), 7; - 2 Jan 2024
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 3025
The mangroves in Zanzibar are crucial to the survival of the local population, as they provide essential ecosystem goods and services. However, the actual value of mangrove products is not easily recognized. As a result, it is chiefly concluded that mangrove forests should [...] Read more.
The mangroves in Zanzibar are crucial to the survival of the local population, as they provide essential ecosystem goods and services. However, the actual value of mangrove products is not easily recognized. As a result, it is chiefly concluded that mangrove forests should be converted to uses that generate directly marketable products. This research sought to assess the perception and value of mangrove ecosystem services to the local communities around the Chwaka and Menai Bays. Key informant interviews, focus group discussions, and household surveys were used to collect data. The chi-squared test and one-way ANOVA were used to compare the awareness and perception of mangrove ecosystem services, respectively. The results show that provisioning services were the mangrove ecosystem services most identified by the household surveys, i.e., c. 84%. Supporting, regulating, and cultural services were rated in that order by 46.2%, 45.4%, and 21.0% of the respondents, respectively. This study found that there were statistically significant differences between Chwaka, Charawe, Ukongoroni, Unguja Ukuu, and Uzi wards in terms of households’ awareness of regulating services (χ2 = 6.061, p = 0.014) and supporting services (χ2 = 6.006, p = 0.014). There were no significant differences in the identification of provisioning (χ2 = 1.510, p = 0.919) and cultural (χ2 = 1.601, p = 0.901) services. Occupations did not determine the reliance on mangrove ecosystem services (χ2 = 8.015; p = 0.1554). The approach used in this study can provide policymakers and land planners with a framework for the sustainable management of the ecosystem services provided by mangroves. Full article
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11 pages, 1785 KiB  
Assessment of Nutrients in Natural Saltlicks, Artificial Saltlicks, and General Soils Used by Wild Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus) in the Western Forests of Thailand
by Rattanawat Chaiyarat, Salisa Kanthachompoo, Nikorn Thongtip and Monthira Yuttitham
Resources 2024, 13(1), 6; - 29 Dec 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2397
Saltlicks are fundamental resources for wild Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). This study aimed to assess the nutrients found in natural saltlicks (NSs) and artificial saltlicks (ASs), as well as general soils (GS) in the natural forest of Salakphra Wildlife Sanctuary (SWS) [...] Read more.
Saltlicks are fundamental resources for wild Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). This study aimed to assess the nutrients found in natural saltlicks (NSs) and artificial saltlicks (ASs), as well as general soils (GS) in the natural forest of Salakphra Wildlife Sanctuary (SWS) and a restoration area of Kui Buri National Park (KNP), a which is a forest in Western Thailand. We monitored 33 NSs, 35 ASs, and 20 GSs used by wild Asian elephants. In both areas, the K, Mg, Fe, and Cu in NSs were significantly higher than in ASs. The Ca and Zn in NSs of KNP were lower than the ASs of SWS. The salinity of ASs was the highest, making it significantly higher than that of the NSs in both areas. The ASs can supplement Na, thereby increasing salinity in both areas. The Ca, K, Mg, Fe, and Cu in NSs were significantly higher than in ASs, making them a primary target for elephants. These findings have consequences for conserving elephants and other large herbivores by supplementing essential macro- and micro-nutrients in ASs. Full article
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15 pages, 1631 KiB  
Unveiling the Environmental Impacts of Concentrated Latex Manufacturing in Sri Lanka through a Life Cycle Assessment
by Pasan Dunuwila, V. H. L. Rodrigo, Ichiro Daigo and Naohiro Goto
Resources 2024, 13(1), 5; - 25 Dec 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 4080
Sri Lanka is a top producer of premium quality concentrated latex (CL), which becomes a base material for dipped rubber products such as gloves and condoms. The processing of CL is resource-intensive, requiring significant amounts of energy, fuel, water, and chemicals. This process [...] Read more.
Sri Lanka is a top producer of premium quality concentrated latex (CL), which becomes a base material for dipped rubber products such as gloves and condoms. The processing of CL is resource-intensive, requiring significant amounts of energy, fuel, water, and chemicals. This process leads to various environmental issues such as wastewater pollution, malodor, and greenhouse gas emissions. Several environmental life cycle assessments (LCA) have been conducted at international and local levels to address the aforesaid issues. However, LCAs encapsulating different environmental impact areas on CL processing in Sri Lanka are absent. The study revealed that electricity usage was the main hotspot of the environmental burden, significantly impacting abiotic depletion (fossil fuels), global warming potential, ozone layer depletion, photochemical oxidation, and acidification. Heavy reliance on coal in the Sri Lankan power grid was identified as the root of this trend. The study suggested two viable options to mitigate the environmental impact: installing inverters to centrifuge separators and solar systems in the factories. The second option was deemed more effective, reducing acidification, photochemical oxidation, and global warming potential by approximately 37%, 36%, and 28%, respectively. Relevant officials may immediately consider these improvement options and collaborate to pave the way to a sustainable natural rubber industry. Full article
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12 pages, 286 KiB  
Indigenous Peoples and Land-Based Disputes: Paraguay and the Paĩ Tavyterã
by Antonio Augusto Rossotto Ioris
Resources 2024, 13(1), 4; - 25 Dec 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2463
This article discusses some of the long-term tendencies of the Paraguayan political economy, focusing, in particular, on impacts on indigenous peoples and, because of the ongoing agribusiness expansion in the northeast of the country, on the Paĩ Tavyterã nation. This analysis is warranted [...] Read more.
This article discusses some of the long-term tendencies of the Paraguayan political economy, focusing, in particular, on impacts on indigenous peoples and, because of the ongoing agribusiness expansion in the northeast of the country, on the Paĩ Tavyterã nation. This analysis is warranted because of the growing recognition of the importance of land-related disputes affecting indigenous peoples, particularly in countries such as Paraguay that rely heavily on agribusiness exports and on the exploitation of natural resources. It is based on more than six years of research dedicated to the land struggles of the Paĩ Tavyterã (and members of the same ethnic group in Brazil, called Guarani-Kaiowa). Instead of a comparative study, this is a relational storytelling text that draws insights from various actors, communities and situations that were obtained through a qualitative and participative methodology, involving indigenous communities as co-participants and co-investigators in the study. Empirical results demonstrate that, despite the fact that Paraguay is a major exporter of agribusiness commodities the accumulation of multiple forms of subtraction is a prevailing geographical force. The reaction of indigenous peoples is in the form of anti-subtraction. The main implication of this research is that the process of decolonisation is, first and foremost, an anti-subtraction movement that aims to revert the deficit caused by the systemic subtraction of socio-economic and socio-ecological opportunities. Full article
21 pages, 2708 KiB  
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Analysis for the Strengthening of Solar Thermal Energy in Colombia
by Stefania Betancur, Naghelli Ortega-Avila and Erick César López-Vidaña
Resources 2024, 13(1), 3; - 21 Dec 2023
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 4558
Colombia has made different efforts to contribute to fulfilling its international commitments to curb climate change by reducing emissions and promoting technological development and project financing. However, the existing policies and regulatory framework primarily focus on promoting the photovoltaic industry for electricity production. [...] Read more.
Colombia has made different efforts to contribute to fulfilling its international commitments to curb climate change by reducing emissions and promoting technological development and project financing. However, the existing policies and regulatory framework primarily focus on promoting the photovoltaic industry for electricity production. Likewise, the energy sector has neglected the potential of solar thermal energy as a heat source. In this sense, it is necessary to redouble efforts through new public policies that integrate solar thermal energy in the residential and productive sectors. Using solar thermal energy for heating can contribute to the energy transition and meet its sustainable development goals. Therefore, the main objective of this work was to analyze Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats to determine the potential application of thermal solar heat in Colombia while considering the local context. Factors such as their environmental conditions, policies, and regulations; the existence of international agreements; and their political status in general were analyzed. The analysis revealed Colombia’s significant solar heat potential, enabling over 1.3 million cold-climate households to access hot water or reduce firewood use. Industrially, applying solar heat in 5% of the current industry could decrease fossil fuel consumption by 13 PJ. The findings highlight that Colombia’s potential in thermal solar energy necessitates collaborative efforts, legislative reinforcement, climate-adaptive measures, and the resolution of political and social challenges. Full article
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16 pages, 3591 KiB  
Radiometric Signatures of Gold Mineralization Zone in Pongkor, West Java, Indonesia: A Baseline for Radiometric Mapping Application on Low-Sulfidation Epithermal Deposit
by Heri Syaeful, Roni Cahya Ciputra, Tyto Baskara Adimedha, Agus Sumaryanto, I Gde Sukadana, Frederikus Dian Indrastomo, Fadiah Pratiwi, Sucipta Sucipta, Hendra Adhi Pratama, Deni Mustika, Kurnia Setiawan Widana, Susilo Widodo, Muhammad Burhannudinnur, Ildrem Syafri and Bronto Sutopo
Resources 2024, 13(1), 2; - 21 Dec 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 3162
Radiometric mapping could play a prominent role in locating the host rock or alteration that leads to gold mineralization. Nevertheless, in low-sulfidation epithermal gold deposits, the radiometric signatures have to be priorly characterized due to their geometry. It is comprised of a small [...] Read more.
Radiometric mapping could play a prominent role in locating the host rock or alteration that leads to gold mineralization. Nevertheless, in low-sulfidation epithermal gold deposits, the radiometric signatures have to be priorly characterized due to their geometry. It is comprised of a small ore vein system within the large alteration zones. The Pongkor gold mine is a low-sulfidation epithermal deposit and was selected for this purpose. The method started with the surface identification of radiometric signatures on altered and unaltered rocks near Pongkor using portable spectrometers. They are followed by the characterization of the underground mining front, which is comprised of different types of veins and host rocks. The results show that the altered rocks were characterized by a high K% and a low eTh/K ratio. Vice versa, the mineralized veins show low radioelement concentrations. Following the characterization of the geometry of alteration zones and mineralized veins, a study of the relationship between radioelements detected by radiometric mapping and gold pathfinder elements was conducted. Gold pathfinders of Mn, Fe, Zn, As, and Pb were selected for correlation studies with the radioelement. The pathfinders and radioelements were more significantly correlated in veins compared to the host rock. Based on this study, radiometric mapping has the potential and benefit of being applied in the exploration of low-sulfidation epithermal gold deposits. An alteration zone could be delineated by K or eTh/K as an anomaly indicator, and the vein bodies could also be delineated using low K or eTh as an anomaly indicator. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Mineral Resource Management 2023: Assessment, Mining and Processing)
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16 pages, 2526 KiB  
A Study on the Situation and Learnings of the Precipitant Shortage in the German Wastewater Sector
by Cora Eichholz, Matthias Barjenbruch, Claus-Gerhard Bannick and Peter Hartwig
Resources 2024, 13(1), 1; - 21 Dec 2023
Viewed by 1990
Wastewater treatment companies are particularly confronted by the energy and supply crisis resulting from the war in the Ukraine. More specifically, production and supply problems with precipitant production have shown that today’s wastewater treatment technology in Germany is not crisis-proofed and must become [...] Read more.
Wastewater treatment companies are particularly confronted by the energy and supply crisis resulting from the war in the Ukraine. More specifically, production and supply problems with precipitant production have shown that today’s wastewater treatment technology in Germany is not crisis-proofed and must become more resilient. The aim of this paper was to determine a required precipitant quantity for Germany with regard to chemical phosphorus elimination, as well as the expected shortfalls due to the shortage situation. Furthermore, possible solutions were identified for how the precipitant can be saved or substituted. Study surveys were conducted to gather data for a meaningful response regarding the operators (wastewater treatment plants, industry, and water suppliers), manufacturers, and the German federal states. A recommendation is given on what a path to more resilient wastewater management with a focus on phosphorus elimination could look like. Based on the data obtained, the report focused on wastewater engineering issues for wastewater treatment plants and industry. The results of the study are relevant for decision-makers, researchers, and operators in the wastewater sector in order to intervene in the market themselves if necessary, e.g., money for production or conversion to biological phosphorus elimination. Full article
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