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Photonics, Volume 10, Issue 11 (November 2023) – 111 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC) is recognized as a powerful method for the time-resolved analysis of fast and faint light signals. Unfortunately, its intrinsic repetitive nature requires extended acquisition times. To speed up TCSPC, integrated multichannel systems have been developed. Yet, for the solutions proposed thus far, the measurement speed has not increased proportionally to the number of channels, reducing the benefits of such an approach. Recent theoretical studies have shown that a new, so-called router-based, multichannel architecture is capable of optimizing the efficiency of data transfer from the integrated chip to the data processor, increasing the measurement speed. In this article, the most recent advances in router-based architecture are shown, allowing the theoretically stated bandwidth limits to be reached. View this paper
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10 pages, 27451 KiB  
Spin Hall Effect of Two-Index Paraxial Vector Propagation-Invariant Beams
by Victor V. Kotlyar and Alexey A. Kovalev
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1288; - 20 Nov 2023
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 1206
We investigate a simple paraxial vector beam, which is a coaxial superposition of two single-ringed Laguerre–Gaussian (LG) beams, linearly polarized along the horizontal axis, with topological charges (TC) n and −n, and of two LG beams, linearly polarized along the vertical [...] Read more.
We investigate a simple paraxial vector beam, which is a coaxial superposition of two single-ringed Laguerre–Gaussian (LG) beams, linearly polarized along the horizontal axis, with topological charges (TC) n and −n, and of two LG beams, linearly polarized along the vertical axis, with the TCs m and −m. In the initial plane, such a vector beam has zero spin angular momentum (SAM). Upon propagation in free space, such a propagation-invariant beam has still zero SAM at several distances from the waist plane (initial plane). However, we show that at all other distances, the SAM becomes nonzero. The intensity distribution in the cross-section of such a beam has 2m (if m > n) lobes, the maxima of which reside on a circle of a certain radius. The SAM distribution has also several lobes, from 2m till 2(m + n), the centers of which reside on a circle with a radius smaller than that of the maximal-intensity circle. The SAM sign alternates differently: one lobe has a positive SAM, while two neighbor lobes on the circle have a negative SAM, or two neighbor pairs of lobes can have a positive and negative SAM. When passing through a plane with zero SAM, positive and negative SAM lobes are swapped. The maximal SAM value is achieved at a distance smaller than or equal to the Rayleigh distance. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Structured Light Beams: Science and Applications)
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13 pages, 1635 KiB  
Review of 1.55 μm Waveband Integrated External Cavity Tunable Diode Lasers
by Linyu Zhang, Xuan Li, Wei Luo, Junce Shi, Kangxun Sun, Meiye Qiu, Zhaoxuan Zheng, Huiying Kong, Jinhui Zhou, Chi Zhang, Zaijin Li, Yi Qu, Zhongliang Qiao and Lin Li
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1287; - 20 Nov 2023
Viewed by 2166
The 1.55 μm waveband integrated external cavity tunable diode lasers have excellent merits such as their small volume, low cost, low power consumption, wide tuning range, narrow linewidth, large side mode suppression ratio, and high output power. These merits have attracted many applications [...] Read more.
The 1.55 μm waveband integrated external cavity tunable diode lasers have excellent merits such as their small volume, low cost, low power consumption, wide tuning range, narrow linewidth, large side mode suppression ratio, and high output power. These merits have attracted many applications for the lasers, such as in wavelength division multiplexing, passive optical networks, mobile backhaul, and spectral sensing technology. In this paper, firstly, the basic structure and principle of integrated external cavity tunable diode lasers are introduced, and then two main integrated structures of 1.55 μm waveband external cavity tunable diode lasers are reviewed and compared in detail, namely the hybrid integrated structure and monolithic integrated structure of 1.55 μm waveband integrated external cavity tunable diode lasers. Finally, the research progress in 1.55 μm waveband integrated external cavity tunable diode lasers in the last decade are summarised, and the advantages and disadvantages of 1.55 μm waveband integrated external cavity tunable diode lasers are analysed. The results show that, with the transformation of optical communication into more complex modulation formats, it is necessary to integrate miniature 1.55 μm waveband external cavity tunable diode lasers. Low-cost integrated 1.55 μm waveband external cavity tunable diode lasers are expected to be used in the next generation of optical transceivers in small-factor modules. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Recent Breakthroughs in Semiconductor Lasers)
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11 pages, 7031 KiB  
Redirecting Incident Light with Mie Resonance-Based Coatings
by Alexander A. Shklyaev, Dmitrii E. Utkin, Zhu Zheng and Andrei V. Tsarev
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1286; - 20 Nov 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1380
The efficiency of thin film photoelectric devices can be improved by redirecting incident electromagnetic radiation along their surface layers. Redirection can be achieved using antireflection coatings made of subwavelength dielectric particle arrays. In this study, we fabricate such coatings, consisting of Ge particles [...] Read more.
The efficiency of thin film photoelectric devices can be improved by redirecting incident electromagnetic radiation along their surface layers. Redirection can be achieved using antireflection coatings made of subwavelength dielectric particle arrays. In this study, we fabricate such coatings, consisting of Ge particles on quartz glass substrates via solid-state dewetting, transforming thin Ge films into compact particles. Using optically transparent substrates, we measure reflection and transmission spectra and determine absorption spectra, showing that substrates coated with Ge particles absorb much more strongly than substrates coated with continuous Ge films. The spectra obtained using objective lenses with different aperture angles indicate that scattered radiation is predominantly directed at glancing angles to the substrate surface. The lateral propagation of scattered radiation is the result of destructive interference, which suppresses both reflected and transmitted radiation. Full article
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13 pages, 6986 KiB  
Integrated Broadband Filter with Sharp Transition Edges Based on SiN and SiON Composite Waveguide Coupler
by Xiao Ma, Qiongchan Shao, Jiamei Gu, Tingting Lang, Xiang Guo and Jian-Jun He
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1285; - 20 Nov 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1524
Broadband filters with sharp transition edges are important elements in diverse applications, including Raman and fluorescence spectral analysis, wideband wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM), and multi-octave interferometry. While the multi-layer thin-film interference broadband filter has been widely applied in various free-space optical systems, its integrated [...] Read more.
Broadband filters with sharp transition edges are important elements in diverse applications, including Raman and fluorescence spectral analysis, wideband wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM), and multi-octave interferometry. While the multi-layer thin-film interference broadband filter has been widely applied in various free-space optical systems, its integrated counterpart is still far from mature, which is also highly desired for constructing chip-scale miniature optical modules. In this article, we design, fabricate, and characterize an integrated broadband filter with sharp transition edges. An adiabatic coupler based on silicon nitride (SiN) and silicon oxynitride (SiON) composite waveguide is employed here. Long-pass, short-pass, band-pass, and band-stop filters can be realized in a single design of the composite waveguide coupler for a specific wavelength range, with only a difference in the SiN taper waveguide width. Experimental results with a roll-off value of larger than 0.7 dB nm−1 and a 15 dB extinction ratio (ER) are presented. Full article
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15 pages, 1037 KiB  
Bound States in the Continuum and Induced Resonances in a Simple Plasmonic Waveguide with Sensing Application
by Yamina Rezzouk, Soufyane Khattou, Madiha Amrani, Adnane Noual, El Houssaine El Boudouti, Abdelkrim Talbi and Bahram Djafari-Rouhani
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1284; - 20 Nov 2023
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 1903
A Friedrich–Wintgen bound state in the continuum (FW-BIC) is of particular interest in the field of wave physics phenomena. It is induced via the destructive interference of two modes that belong to the same cavity. In this work, we analytically and numerically show [...] Read more.
A Friedrich–Wintgen bound state in the continuum (FW-BIC) is of particular interest in the field of wave physics phenomena. It is induced via the destructive interference of two modes that belong to the same cavity. In this work, we analytically and numerically show the existence of FW-BIC in a T-shaped cavity composed of a stub of length d0 and two lateral branches of lengths d1 and d2, attached to an infinite waveguide. The whole system consists of metal–insulator–metal (MIM) plasmonic waveguides that operate in the telecommunication range. Theoretically, when d1 and d2 are commensurated, BIC is induced by these two branches. This latter is independent of d0 and the infinite waveguide, where the T structure is grafted. By breaking the BIC condition, we obtain a plasmon-induced transparency (PIT) resonance. The PIT resonance’s sensitivity to the dielectric material of the waveguide may be exploited to design a sensitive nanosensor suitable for sensing platforms, thanks to its very small footprint. A sensitivity of 1400 nm/RIU and a resolution of 1.86×102 RIU showed a high level of performance that the designed structure achieved. Moreover, this structure could also be used as a biosensor, in which we have studied the detection of the concentration in the human body, such as Na+, K+, and glucose solutions, and these sensitivities can reach 0.21, 0.28, and 1.74 nm dL/mg, respectively. Our designed structure advances with technology and has good application prospects, working as a biosensor to detect the blood’s hemoglobin level. The analytical results, obtained via Green’s function method, are validated via numerical simulations using Comsol Multiphysics software based on the finite element method. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Women’s Special Issue Series: Photonics)
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12 pages, 4347 KiB  
Processing Accuracy of Microcomb-Based Microwave Photonic Signal Processors for Different Input Signal Waveforms
by Yang Li, Yang Sun, Jiayang Wu, Guanghui Ren, Bill Corcoran, Xingyuan Xu, Sai T. Chu, Brent. E. Little, Roberto Morandotti, Arnan Mitchell and David J. Moss
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1283; - 20 Nov 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1803
Microwave photonic (MWP) signal processors, which process microwave signals based on photonic technologies, bring advantages intrinsic to photonics such as low loss, large processing bandwidth, and strong immunity to electromagnetic interference. Optical microcombs can offer a large number of wavelength channels and compact [...] Read more.
Microwave photonic (MWP) signal processors, which process microwave signals based on photonic technologies, bring advantages intrinsic to photonics such as low loss, large processing bandwidth, and strong immunity to electromagnetic interference. Optical microcombs can offer a large number of wavelength channels and compact device footprints, which make them powerful multi-wavelength sources for MWP signal processors to realize a variety of processing functions. In this paper, we experimentally demonstrate the capability of microcomb-based MWP signal processors to handle diverse input signal waveforms. In addition, we quantify the processing accuracy for different input signal waveforms, including Gaussian, triangle, parabolic, super Gaussian, and nearly square waveforms. Finally, we analyse the factors contributing to the difference in the processing accuracy among the different input waveforms, and our theoretical analysis well elucidates the experimental results. These results provide guidance for microcomb-based MWP signal processors when processing microwave signals of various waveforms. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Editorial Board Members' Collection Series: Nonlinear Photonics)
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13 pages, 6240 KiB  
Measurement of Submicron Particle Size Using Scattering Angle-Corrected Polarization Difference with High Angular Resolution
by Chaoyi Shi, Zuwei Zhu, Gaofang Yin, Xianhe Gao, Zhongma Wang, Sheng Zhang, Zehua Zhou and Xueyou Hu
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1282; - 19 Nov 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2098
The particle size of submicron particles significantly affects their properties; thus, the accurate measurement of submicron particle size is essential to ensure its excellent properties. Polarized light scattering is an important tool for measuring the particle size of the ensemble of particles in [...] Read more.
The particle size of submicron particles significantly affects their properties; thus, the accurate measurement of submicron particle size is essential to ensure its excellent properties. Polarized light scattering is an important tool for measuring the particle size of the ensemble of particles in suspension. However, in the existing measurement systems, the polarized scattered light is detected using a CCD detector or an array of single-point detectors. The CCD detector misses a large part of the polarized scattered light due to its narrow detection range of scattering angles, and the array of single-point detectors has the problem of low angular resolution due to the limited number of detectors. According to the above problems, this paper designs a submicron particle size measurement method based on the polarization difference in polarized scattered light with high angular resolution. The vertically and horizontally polarized scattered light was acquired with high angular resolution (angular separation = 2°) over a scattering angle range of 50°–110° using a photomultiplier coupled with a turntable. The scattering angle of the acquired vertically and horizontally polarized scattered light were corrected to eliminate the scattering angle deviations caused by obliquely incident light, and then the polarization difference in the vertically and horizontally polarized scattered light was computed, from which the submicron particle size distribution was inverted subsequently. Experiments were performed using polystyrene microsphere standard particles with particle sizes of 350 nm, 200 nm, and 100 nm. The experimental results show that (1) the Pearson correlation coefficient of the linearly fitted curve of the corrected polarization difference to the theoretical polarization difference is larger than 0.997, and the slope and intercept of the linearly fitted curve are, respectively, close to 1 and 0, indicating that the corrected polarization difference is highly consistent with the theoretical polarization difference; (2) the mean relative error and coefficient of variation of the particle size distribution parameter D50 obtained from the polarization difference with high angular resolution (angular separation = 2°) are better than those of the parameter D50 obtained from the polarization difference with low angular resolution (angular separation = 12°), indicating better accuracy and repeatability of the particle size distribution inverted from the polarization difference with high angular resolution; and (3) for the particle size distribution parameters D10, D50, and D90 obtained from the scattering angle-corrected polarization difference with high angular resolution, the deviation of the measured values from the average value are all smaller than the thresholds given in the international standard, indicating a good repeatability of the proposed method. Full article
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10 pages, 3653 KiB  
Highly Responsive, Miniaturized Methane Telemetry Sensor Based on Open-Path TDLAS
by Qi Wu, Yuanjin Yang, Yuechun Shi, Yang Xu, Wenlong Wang, Chao Men and Bingxiong Yang
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1281; - 19 Nov 2023
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 1995
This paper proposes the design of a highly responsive, compact, non-contact methane telemetry sensor, employing the open-path tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (OP-TDLAS) technology. The sensor uses the dual-core structure of FPGA and ARM to achieve high-speed methane telemetry at 100 KHz repeated [...] Read more.
This paper proposes the design of a highly responsive, compact, non-contact methane telemetry sensor, employing the open-path tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (OP-TDLAS) technology. The sensor uses the dual-core structure of FPGA and ARM to achieve high-speed methane telemetry at 100 KHz repeated modulation frequency for the first time with a non-cooperate target, and a higher gas responsive time of 1.8 ms was achieved than previously reported. Moreover, the optical system (L × W × H: 68.8 × 52 × 62.7 mm) and the electronic system (L × W: 70 × 50 mm) make the sensor more compact. Methane gas samples of varying integral concentrations were examined at a distance of 20 m. The amplitude of the absorption peaks was subjected to a linear fit with the standard concentration values, resulting in a robust linear correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.998). Notably, despite the compact form factor of the methane sensor, it demonstrated commendable stability in gas concentration detection, offering a minimum detection limit of 43.14 ppm·m. Consequently, this highly responsive and compact methane sensor, with its open-path feature, is apt for integration into a variety of applications requiring such attributes. These include handheld telemetry devices, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) gas detection systems, vehicle mounted gas detection, and laser gas radar. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Lasers, Light Sources and Sensors)
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22 pages, 2051 KiB  
Parallel Implementation of CNOTN and C2NOT2 Gates via Homonuclear and Heteronuclear Förster Interactions of Rydberg Atoms
by Ahmed M. Farouk, Ilya I. Beterov, Peng Xu , Silvia Bergamini  and Igor I. Ryabtsev 
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1280; - 19 Nov 2023
Cited by 9 | Viewed by 1794
We analyze schemes of high-fidelity multi-qubit CNOTN and C2NOT2 gates for alkali metal neutral atoms used as qubits. These schemes are based on the electromagnetically induced transparency and Rydberg blockade. The fidelity of homonuclear multi-qubit CNOTN gate based [...] Read more.
We analyze schemes of high-fidelity multi-qubit CNOTN and C2NOT2 gates for alkali metal neutral atoms used as qubits. These schemes are based on the electromagnetically induced transparency and Rydberg blockade. The fidelity of homonuclear multi-qubit CNOTN gate based on Rydberg blockade was limited by the undesirable interaction between the target atoms and by the coupling laser intensity. We propose overcoming these limits by using strong heteronuclear dipole–dipole interactions via Förster resonances for control and target atoms, while the target atoms are coupled by a weaker van der Waals interaction. We optimized the gate performance in order to achieve higher fidelity, while keeping the coupling laser intensity as small as possible in order to improve the experimental feasibility of the gate schemes. We also considered the optimization of the schemes of the C2NOT2 gates, where the fidelity is affected by the relation between the control–control, control–target and target–target interaction energies. Our numeric simulations confirm that the fidelity of the CNOT4 gate (single control and four target atoms) can be up to 99.3% and the fidelity of the C2NOT2 (two control and two target atoms) is up to 99.7% for the conditions which are experimentally feasible. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Precision Atomic Spectroscopy)
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11 pages, 2956 KiB  
Tight Focusing of Circular Partially Coherent Radially Polarized Circular Airy Vortex Beam
by Zhihao Wan, Haifeng Wang, Cheng Huang, Zhimin He, Jun Zeng, Fuchang Chen, Chaoqun Yu, Yan Li, Huanting Chen, Jixiong Pu and Huichuan Lin
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1279; - 18 Nov 2023
Viewed by 1430
The tight focusing properties of circular partially coherent radially polarized circular Airy vortex beams (CPCRPCAVBs) are theoretically studied in this paper. After deriving the cross-spectral density matrix of CPCRPCAVBs in the focal region of a high-NA objective, numerical calculations were performed to indicate [...] Read more.
The tight focusing properties of circular partially coherent radially polarized circular Airy vortex beams (CPCRPCAVBs) are theoretically studied in this paper. After deriving the cross-spectral density matrix of CPCRPCAVBs in the focal region of a high-NA objective, numerical calculations were performed to indicate the influence of the topological charge of the vortex phase on intensity distribution, degree of coherence and degree of polarization of the tightly focused beam. An intensity profile along the propagation axis shows that a super-length optical needle (~15 λ) can be obtained with a topological charge of 1, and a super-length dark channel (~15 λ) is observed with a topological charge of 2 or 3. In the focal plane, the rise in the number of topological charge does not distort the shapes of the coherence distribution pattern and the polarization distribution pattern, but enlarges their sizes. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Coherence Properties of Light: From Theory to Applications)
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11 pages, 4469 KiB  
Design of a Passive Silicon-on-Insulator-Based On-Chip Optical Circulating Network Supporting Mode Conversion and High Optical Isolation
by Yuan-Zeng Lin, Jian-Wen Chen, Chi-Wai Chow and Chien-Hung Yeh
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1278; - 18 Nov 2023
Viewed by 2005
Over the past few decades, on-chip photonic integrated circuits based on silicon photonics (SiPh) platforms have gained widespread attention due to the fact that they offer many advantages, such as high bandwidth, low loss, compact size, low power consumption, and high integration with [...] Read more.
Over the past few decades, on-chip photonic integrated circuits based on silicon photonics (SiPh) platforms have gained widespread attention due to the fact that they offer many advantages, such as high bandwidth, low loss, compact size, low power consumption, and high integration with different photonic devices. The demand for high-speed and high-performance SiPh devices is driven by the significant increase in demand for Internet traffic. In photonic integrated circuits, controlling optical signals to make them circulate in a specific direction is a highly researched area of study. However, achieving a purely passive on-chip optical circulating network on a SiPh platform is very challenging. Therefore, we propose and demonstrate, through simulations, an on-chip optical circulator network on a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform. The proposed device can also support mode conversion. The proposed on-chip optical circulating network consists of two kinds of tailor-made multi-mode interferometer (MMI) structures and waveguide crossings. Through the optical power division and mode combination capabilities of the MMI, an optical circulating network supporting high optical isolation and mode conversion is achieved. The proposed optical circulating network has a loss of 1.5 dB at each output port, while maintaining a high isolation of 35 dB in the transmission window from 1530 nm to 1570 nm. Full article
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5 pages, 185 KiB  
Advances in Visible Light Communication
by Cuiwei He and Wajahat Ali
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1277; - 17 Nov 2023
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 3213
Visible light communications (VLC) have been a highly popular area of research in recent years [...] Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Visible Light Communication)
13 pages, 3285 KiB  
Geometric Representation of Vector Vortex Beams: The Total Angular Momentum-Conserving Poincaré Sphere and Its Braid Clusters
by Wangke Yu, Hailong Pi, Marika Taylor and Jize Yan
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1276; - 17 Nov 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1543
This paper presents the total angular momentum-conserving Poincaré sphere (TAM-C PS), which offers a novel framework for efficiently characterizing a wide range of vector vortex beams. Unlike other types of Poincaré spheres, the TAM-C PS achieves a better balance between generality and validity, [...] Read more.
This paper presents the total angular momentum-conserving Poincaré sphere (TAM-C PS), which offers a novel framework for efficiently characterizing a wide range of vector vortex beams. Unlike other types of Poincaré spheres, the TAM-C PS achieves a better balance between generality and validity, while also providing clearer physical interpretation. By linking the poles of different spheres, the study also introduces two distinct categories of TAM-C PS braid clusters, enabling the representation of various Poincaré spheres within a unified framework. The Poincaré spheres include classical, higher-order, hybrid-order, Poincaré sphere with orbital angular momentum, and TAM-C PS. This is the first clear and unified approach to express multiple Poincaré spheres within a single framework. The TAM-C PS and its braid cluster can be employed to guide the creation of targeted vector vortex light beams, offer a geometric description of optical field evolution, and calculate the geometric phase of optical cyclic evolution. Full article
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15 pages, 2118 KiB  
Hybrid Bio-Nanocomposites by Integrating Nanoscale Au in Butterfly Scales Colored by Photonic Nanoarchitectures
by Krisztián Kertész, Gábor Piszter, Andrea Beck, Anita Horváth, Gergely Nagy, György Molnár, György Zoltán Radnóczi, Zsolt Endre Horváth, Levente Illés and László Péter Biró
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1275; - 17 Nov 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1279
Plasmonic metallic nanoparticles, like Au, can be used to tune the optical properties of photonic nanoarchitectures occurring in butterfly wing scales possessing structural color. The effect of the nanoscale Au depends on the location and the amount deposited in the chitin-based photonic nanoarchitecture. [...] Read more.
Plasmonic metallic nanoparticles, like Au, can be used to tune the optical properties of photonic nanoarchitectures occurring in butterfly wing scales possessing structural color. The effect of the nanoscale Au depends on the location and the amount deposited in the chitin-based photonic nanoarchitecture. The following three types of Au introduction methods were compared regarding the structural and optical properties of the resulting hybrid bio-nanocomposites: (i) growth of Au nanoparticles inside the nanopores of butterfly wing scales by a light-induced in situ chemical reduction of HAuCl4 in aqueous solution containing sodium citrate, as a new procedure we have developed, (ii) drop-drying of the aqueous Au sol formed during procedure (i) in the bulk liquid phase, and (iii) physical vapor deposition of Au thin film onto the butterfly wing. We investigated all three methods at two different Au concentrations on the wings of laboratory-bred blue-colored male Polyommatus icarus butterflies and characterized the optical properties of the resulting hybrid bio-nanocomposites. We found that the drop-drying and the in situ growth produced comparable redshift in the spectral position of the reflectance maximum associated with the chitin-based photonic nanoarchitecture in the wing scales, while the 5 nm or 15 nm thick Au layers vacuum deposited onto the butterfly wing behaved like an optical filter, without inducing spectral shift. The in situ growth in the photonic nanoarchitecture under intense illumination produced uniform Au nanoparticles located in the pores of the biological template, which is more advantageous for further applications. An additional benefit of this method is that the Au nanoparticles do not aggregate on drying, like in the case of drop-drying of preformed Au nanoparticles from the citrate-stabilized sol. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Recent Advances in Micro-Nano Optics)
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15 pages, 2426 KiB  
Lensless Image Restoration Based on Multi-Stage Deep Neural Networks and Pix2pix Architecture
by Muyuan Liu, Xiuqin Su, Xiaopeng Yao, Wei Hao and Wenhua Zhu
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1274; - 17 Nov 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1961
Lensless imaging represents a significant advancement in imaging technology, offering unique benefits over traditional optical systems due to its compact form factor, ideal for applications within the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. Despite its potential, the intensive computational requirements of current lensless imaging [...] Read more.
Lensless imaging represents a significant advancement in imaging technology, offering unique benefits over traditional optical systems due to its compact form factor, ideal for applications within the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. Despite its potential, the intensive computational requirements of current lensless imaging reconstruction algorithms pose a challenge, often exceeding the resource constraints typical of IoT devices. To meet this challenge, a novel approach is introduced, merging multi-level image restoration with the pix2pix generative adversarial network architecture within the lensless imaging sphere. Building on the foundation provided by U-Net, a Multi-level Attention-based Lensless Image Restoration Network (MARN) is introduced to further augment the generator’s capabilities. In this methodology, images reconstructed through Tikhonov regularization are perceived as degraded images, forming the foundation for further refinement via the Pix2pix network. This process is enhanced by incorporating an attention-focused mechanism in the encoder--decoder structure and by implementing stage-wise supervised training within the deep convolutional network, contributing markedly to the improvement of the final image quality. Through detailed comparative evaluations, the superiority of the introduced method is affirmed, outperforming existing techniques and underscoring its suitability for addressing the computational challenges in lensless imaging within IoT environments. This method can produce excellent lensless image reconstructions when sufficient computational resources are available, and it consistently delivers optimal results across varying computational resource constraints. This algorithm enhances the applicability of lensless imaging in applications such as the Internet of Things, providing higher-quality image acquisition and processing capabilities for these domains. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Computational Imaging: Progress and Challenges)
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14 pages, 2977 KiB  
Application-Aware Resource Allocation Based on Benefit–Cost Ratio in Computing Power Network with Heterogeneous Computing Resources
by Yahui Wang, Yajie Li, Jiaxing Guo, Yingbo Fan, Ling Chen, Boxin Zhang, Wei Wang, Yongli Zhao and Jie Zhang
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1273; - 17 Nov 2023
Viewed by 1482
The computing power network (CPN) is expected to realize the efficient provisioning of heterogeneous computing power through the collaboration between cloud computing and edge computing. Heterogeneous computing resources consist of CPU, GPU, and other types of computing power. Different types of applications may [...] Read more.
The computing power network (CPN) is expected to realize the efficient provisioning of heterogeneous computing power through the collaboration between cloud computing and edge computing. Heterogeneous computing resources consist of CPU, GPU, and other types of computing power. Different types of applications may have diverse requirements for heterogeneous computing resources, such as general applications, CPU-intensive applications, and GPU-intensive applications. Service providers are concerned about how to dynamically provide heterogeneous computing resources for different applications in a cost-effective manner, and how to deploy more applications as much as possible with limited resources. In this paper, the concept of the benefit–cost ratio (BCR) is proposed to quantify the usage efficiency of CPU and GPU in CPNs. An application-aware resource allocation (AARA) algorithm is designed for processing different types of applications. With massive simulations, we compare the performance of the AARA algorithm with a benchmark. In terms of blocking probability, resource utilization, and BCR, AARA achieves better performance than the benchmark. The simulation results indicate that more computing tasks can be accommodated by reducing 3.7% blocking probability through BCR-based resource allocation. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Enabling Technologies for Optical Communications and Networking)
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12 pages, 1996 KiB  
Research on Tip Characterization Techniques Based on Two-Dimensional Self-Traceable Nano-Gratings
by Yingfan Xiong, Jinming Gou, Zhaohui Tang, Guangxu Xiao, Lihua Lei, Song Song, Xiao Deng and Xinbin Cheng
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1272; - 17 Nov 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1493
The characterization of scanning tip morphology is crucial for accurate linewidth measurements. Conventional rectangular characterizers are affected by lateral distortion caused by the nonlinearities in AFM scanning, leading to errors between the actual characterization results and the true values. In this study, we [...] Read more.
The characterization of scanning tip morphology is crucial for accurate linewidth measurements. Conventional rectangular characterizers are affected by lateral distortion caused by the nonlinearities in AFM scanning, leading to errors between the actual characterization results and the true values. In this study, we innovatively developed self-traceable two-dimensional nano-gratings using chromium atomic deposition technology and extreme ultraviolet interference lithography. We used this structure as a characterizer for conducting scanning tip characterizations.This paper analyzed the periodic stability of the grating sample during scanning and corrected the lateral distortion of atomic force microscopy (AFM) at scan scales of 0.5 µm and 1 µm based on its self-traceable characteristics. Additionally, we extracted the angle information of the scanning tip in the X direction and Y direction within a scan scale of 0.5 µm. The results demonstrate that the two-dimensional grating sample exhibited excellent periodic stability during scanning. The characterization errors for the tip’s X direction and Y direction angles are within ±2°, showing high consistency. This study highlights that self-traceable two-dimensional grating samples have the capability for in situ bidirectional characterization of tip information, providing a creative solution for the development of new-style tip characterizers. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Optical Devices/Components/Coatings for Ultra-Precision Equipment)
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11 pages, 3153 KiB  
Upscaling Customer Access Network Using Spectrum Conversion–Slicing–Duplication Technique
by Mohammad Syuhaimi Ab-Rahman, Juwairiyyah Abdul Rahman, Nurul Farhana Mohd Arifin, Iszan Hana Kaharudin and I-Shyan Hwang
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1271; - 17 Nov 2023
Viewed by 1153
The purpose of this study is to increase the number of access users without having to install a new optical cable. With the proposed solution, the cost of installation work can be reduced and the number of users can be increased. Several parameters [...] Read more.
The purpose of this study is to increase the number of access users without having to install a new optical cable. With the proposed solution, the cost of installation work can be reduced and the number of users can be increased. Several parameters were observed to ensure that the modified network not only improved the scalability but also met the standard parameters. Among the parameters observed are the Q factor, bit error rate (BER), eye diagram and number of users. The study was continued using the spectrum conversion, slicing and duplication technique, where the signals would be duplicated in arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) and sliced using a demultiplexer WDM (WDM Demux). Simulations were performed using the latest-version Optisystem 18.0 software by setting the transmitter frequency value of 1491 nm, transmitter power of 0 dBm and loss of 0 dB. The result shows the total user access achieved is 196,608 users. Meanwhile, the common FTTH network is allowed 256 users only. The criterion is set based on the calculation of the Q factor, which is greater than 6, while the BER is less than 1 × 10−9. The Q factor for 196,608 users is 6.43617 and the BER is 4.52 × 10−11. The number of users is increased without compromising the quality of data offered to the customer. Our solution is the first reported to date. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Optical Network Design and Optimization)
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13 pages, 3102 KiB  
Exploration of Illicit Drug Detection Based on Goos–Hänchen Shift
by Yan Wang, Xiaodi Zhou, Xinmin Fan, Xiaodong Huang, Lujun Zhang and Chunyan Wang
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1270; - 16 Nov 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1316
Amidst the escalating issue of drug abuse, an urgent need for effective illicit drug detection methods has arisen. This paper introduces a novel optical approach utilizing the Goos–Hänchen Shift (GHS) to explore the possibility of on-site rapid detection of illicit drugs. Delving into [...] Read more.
Amidst the escalating issue of drug abuse, an urgent need for effective illicit drug detection methods has arisen. This paper introduces a novel optical approach utilizing the Goos–Hänchen Shift (GHS) to explore the possibility of on-site rapid detection of illicit drugs. Delving into the mechanisms, light absorption and attenuation in biological samples are considered through absorption and attenuation coefficients, establishing connections between complex refractive indices, complex dielectric constants, and GHS. A self-assembled GHS detection system measured GHS values across various samples: ultrapure water, serum, methamphetamine, serum–methamphetamine, heroin, and serum–heroin. These experiments unveiled substantial GHS variations among the samples. Refractive indices for serum, serum–methamphetamine, and serum–heroin samples were computed using GHS values and sample extinction coefficients, highlighting GHS’s remarkable sensitivity to refractive index variations as a high-sensitivity refractive index sensing technology. The correlation between the dielectric constant and GHS was explored, yielding refractive indices for pure solutes—serum, methamphetamine, and heroin—of 1.66300, 1.51300, and 1.62300, respectively. Notably, the dielectric constants for these solutes were 2.76557, 2.28917, and 2.63413, emphasizing the dielectric constant’s discriminative potential in identifying illicit drugs. In conclusion, these findings suggest that GHS holds promise for distinguishing various illicit drug types, charting an innovative path for illicit drug detection. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Emerging Topics in High-Power Laser and Light–Matter Interactions)
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11 pages, 6477 KiB  
Photonic Measurement for Doppler Frequency Shift and Angle of Arrival Based on Integrated Dual-Parallel Dual-Drive Modulator
by Ruiqiong Wang, Weile Zhai, Yangyu Fan, Jiajun Tan, Xubo Wang and Yongsheng Gao
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1269; - 16 Nov 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1420
A microwave photonic Doppler frequency shift (DFS) and angle of arrival (AOA) measurement method based on a dual-parallel dual-drive Mach–Zehnder modulator (DP-DDMZM) is proposed and demonstrated. A sawtooth wave signal is used to drive the DC port of the modulator to realize the [...] Read more.
A microwave photonic Doppler frequency shift (DFS) and angle of arrival (AOA) measurement method based on a dual-parallel dual-drive Mach–Zehnder modulator (DP-DDMZM) is proposed and demonstrated. A sawtooth wave signal is used to drive the DC port of the modulator to realize the optical frequency shift, and thus the direction discrimination of DFS is realized. Due to single-sideband modulation, the proposed system can avoid periodic power fading and the separation of the remote antenna unit (RAU) and central office (CO) can be achieved. In the experiment, the microwave DFS is estimated with a clear direction and a maximum measurement error of 0.25 Hz over an ultrawide operation frequency from 6 to 36 GHz. The experiment also proves that the phase error of AOA measurement is less than 1.5 degrees. Compared with the traditional electronic microwave measurement scheme, the proposed scheme has great competitive advantages in future broadband electronic applications due to the features of multifunction, large bandwidth and anti-interference. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Emerging Topics in Integrated Microwave Photonics)
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12 pages, 1741 KiB  
Interface Engineering and Electron-Hole Wave Function Overlap of InAs/AlSb Superlattice Infrared Detectors
by Jing Yu, Lianqing Zhu, Lidan Lu, Weiqiang Chen, Xiantong Zheng, Dongliang Zhang, Yuegang Fu and Jianzhen Ou
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1268; - 16 Nov 2023
Viewed by 1341
InAs/AlSb is a material system that can be used as a low-noise avalanche detector and operates in the short-wave infrared band. The interface parameters determine the wave function overlap (WFO). Maximizing the WFO of InAs/AlSb superlattices improves the quantum efficiency (QE) of infrared [...] Read more.
InAs/AlSb is a material system that can be used as a low-noise avalanche detector and operates in the short-wave infrared band. The interface parameters determine the wave function overlap (WFO). Maximizing the WFO of InAs/AlSb superlattices improves the quantum efficiency (QE) of infrared avalanche photodetectors (APDs). However, this remains a huge challenge. Here, the 8-band k·p perturbation method based on Bloch wave envelope function approximation was used to calculate the energy level structure of InAs/AlSb superlattices. The results indicate that the WFO is enhanced with increasing InSb interface thickness or when the InSb (or AlAs) interface is far from the intersection of InAs and AlSb. As the AlAs interface thickness increases, the WFO enhances and then reduces. The maximum increase in WFO is 15.7%, 93%, and 156.8%, respectively, with three different models. Based on the stress equilibrium condition, we consider the interface engineering scheme proposed for enhancing WFO with an increase of 16%, 114%, and 159.5%, respectively. Moreover, the absorption wavelength shift is less than ±0.1 μm. Therefore, the interface layer thickness and position can be designed to enhance the WFO without sacrificing other properties, thereby improving the QE of the device. It provides a new idea for the material epitaxy of APDs. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advanced Infrared Technology and Applications)
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14 pages, 6359 KiB  
An Eccentricity Error Separation Method for Rotary Table Based on Phase Feature of Moiré Signal of Single Reading Head
by Yao Huang, Shuangliang Che, Weibin Zhu, Cheng Ma, Yi Zhou, Wei Zou and Zi Xue
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1267; - 16 Nov 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1258
In view of the limitations of the existing eccentricity error separation method of the rotary table, an eccentricity error separation method based on the phase feature of the moiré signal of a single reading head is proposed herein. A grating pair transmission model [...] Read more.
In view of the limitations of the existing eccentricity error separation method of the rotary table, an eccentricity error separation method based on the phase feature of the moiré signal of a single reading head is proposed herein. A grating pair transmission model is established based on the analysis of the principle of the rotary table; thereby, the influence of eccentricity error on the phase feature of the moiré signal in the rotation course of the rotary table is clarified, and the corresponding model between the phase feature spectral components and the eccentricity error is established. The verification experiments of the proposed method are carried out based on the laboratory-made circuit system. After verifying the accuracy of the data acquisition of the laboratory-made circuit board, the verification experiments of the eccentricity error separation effect of the proposed method are carried out. The experimental data are compared with those of the traditional method, and the results show that the error between the two methods is 2.34 μm, while the relative error is 2.3%. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Optical Devices/Components/Coatings for Ultra-Precision Equipment)
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9 pages, 1994 KiB  
Dual-Stage Double-Pass Extended L-Band Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier with Improved Gain Performance
by Haoxian Lao, Jiyu Ruan, Manbing Lin, Li Zhong, Song Wang, Pengbai Xu and Xinyong Dong
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1266; - 16 Nov 2023
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 2080
Extended L-band erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) have attracted much attention in recent years despite their relatively low gain levels. In this paper, a dual-stage extended L-band EDFA with improved gain level is demonstrated by using an Er/Yb/P co-doped fiber-based double-pass structure assisted by [...] Read more.
Extended L-band erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) have attracted much attention in recent years despite their relatively low gain levels. In this paper, a dual-stage extended L-band EDFA with improved gain level is demonstrated by using an Er/Yb/P co-doped fiber-based double-pass structure assisted by a low noise pre-amplifier. High gain levels of up to 48.79 dB at 1566 nm and 20.05 dB at 1621.4 nm are achieved with saturated output power at 1605 nm of 20.58 dBm under a total pump power of only 400 mW. Bandwidths with the gain of more than 20 and 30 dB are reached up to 66 nm (1555.4–1621.4 nm) and 58.4 nm (1557.5–1615.9 nm), respectively. The noise figure benefited by using the low noise pre-amplifier is 5.40 ± 1.55 dB in the 1565–1610 nm range. The wide gain bandwidth, high gain level and relatively low pump power give it great potential for future high-capacity optical fiber communication systems. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Design and Applications of Optical Amplifiers)
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14 pages, 1694 KiB  
Multiplexing Quantum and Classical Channels of a Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) System by Using the Attenuation Method
by Ondrej Klicnik, Petr Munster and Tomas Horvath
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1265; - 16 Nov 2023
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 2001
The primary goal in this paper is to verify the possibility of combining a quantum channel into a single optical fiber with other classical channels by using the so-called attenuation method. Since the quantum channel is very weak in terms of power, combining [...] Read more.
The primary goal in this paper is to verify the possibility of combining a quantum channel into a single optical fiber with other classical channels by using the so-called attenuation method. Since the quantum channel is very weak in terms of power, combining it into a single fiber with much more powerful classical channels is challenging. Thus, sufficiently high-quality filtering is important to avoid possible crosstalk. A second and more difficult problem to address is the interference caused by Raman noise, which increases with the fiber length and is also dependent on the input power of the classical channel. Thus, in this paper the focus is on the possibility of suppressing the Raman noise effect, both in advance by means of wavelength positioning and by means of installed optical components. Such phenomena must be considered in the route design, as the quantum channel must be placed at a suitable wavelength with respect to the classical channels. The influence of other nonlinear phenomena has been neglected. In this paper, a practical experiment aimed at building a fully functional multiplexed quantum key distribution link is also described. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advanced Photonic Sensing and Measurement II)
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21 pages, 6013 KiB  
The Features of the Optical Traps Formation Using Silicon Ring Gratings with Variable Height
by Dmitry A. Savelyev
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1264; - 15 Nov 2023
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 1482
Features of the diffraction of Gaussian beams and Laguerre–Gaussian modes on subwavelength optical 3D microstructures with variable relief heights are calculated and studied in this paper. Silicon subwavelength ring gratings and diffraction axicons were considered as such optical microstructures. The height of individual [...] Read more.
Features of the diffraction of Gaussian beams and Laguerre–Gaussian modes on subwavelength optical 3D microstructures with variable relief heights are calculated and studied in this paper. Silicon subwavelength ring gratings and diffraction axicons were considered as such optical microstructures. The height of individual relief elements varied. The propagation of laser light through the proposed optical elements was simulated using the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method. It was shown that it is possible to select the height of individual relief rings of ring gratings in such a way that it is possible to reduce the size of the focal spot down to 0.36 λ, form an extended light segment (up to 5.79 λ), and form optical traps. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Optical Tweezers as Scientific Tools: Applications and Techniques)
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22 pages, 6105 KiB  
Cryogenic Systems for Astronomical Research in the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences
by Yurii Balega, Oleg Bolshakov, Aleksandr Chernikov, Valerian Edelman, Aleksandr Eliseev, Eduard Emelyanov, Aleksandra Gunbina, Artem Krasilnikov, Ilya Lesnov, Mariya Mansfeld, Sergey Markelov, Mariya Markina, Guram Mitiani, Evgenii Pevzner, Nickolay Tyatushkin, Gennady Valyavin, Anton Vdovin and Vyacheslav Vdovin
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1263; - 15 Nov 2023
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 1814
This article presents the main results and new plans for the development of receivers which are cooled cryogenically to deep cryogenic temperatures and used in optical and radio astronomy research at the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SAO RAS) [...] Read more.
This article presents the main results and new plans for the development of receivers which are cooled cryogenically to deep cryogenic temperatures and used in optical and radio astronomy research at the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SAO RAS) on both the Big Telescope Alt-Azimuthal optical telescope (BTA) and the Radio Astronomical Telescope Academy of Sciences (RATAN-600) radio telescope, 600 m in diameter. These two instruments almost completely cover the frequency range from long radio waves to the IR and optical bands (0.25–8 mm on RATAN and 10–0.3 μm, on BTA) with a certain gap in the terahertz part (8–0.01 mm) of the spectrum. Today, this range is of the greatest interest for astronomers. In particular, the ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter Array) observatory and the worldwide network of modern telescopes called the EVH (Event Horizon Telescope) operate in this range. New developments at SAO RAS are aimed at mastering this part of the spectrum. Cryogenic systems of receivers in these ranges are a key element of the system and differ markedly from the cooling systems of optical and radio receivers that ensure cooling of the receivers to sub-Kelvin temperatures. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Optical Systems for Astronomy)
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13 pages, 16416 KiB  
PDT-Induced Variations of Radachlorin Fluorescence Lifetime in Living Cells In Vitro
by Andrey V. Belashov, Anna A. Zhikhoreva, Anna V. Salova, Tatiana N. Belyaeva, Ilia K. Litvinov, Elena S. Kornilova and Irina V. Semenova
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1262; - 15 Nov 2023
Viewed by 1374
Variations in the fluorescence lifetimes of Radachlorin photosensitizers in HeLa and A549 cells, caused by photodynamic treatment, were studied using fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM). An analysis of FLIM images of the cells demonstrated a substantial decrease in the mean Radachlorin fluorescence lifetime [...] Read more.
Variations in the fluorescence lifetimes of Radachlorin photosensitizers in HeLa and A549 cells, caused by photodynamic treatment, were studied using fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM). An analysis of FLIM images of the cells demonstrated a substantial decrease in the mean Radachlorin fluorescence lifetime and intensity as a result of UV irradiation of the photosensitized cells at different doses, with higher doses causing a more pronounced decrease in the mean fluorescence lifetime in cells. The post-treatment decrease in Radachlorin fluorescence intensity was accompanied by the appearance of an additional rapidly decaying fluorescence component and a nonlinear decrease in the weighted fluorescence lifetime obtained from double-exponential fits of time-resolved fluorescence signals. Experiments performed in the aqueous solutions of the photosensitizer revealed similar irreversible changes in the Radachlorin fluorescence lifetime and intensity. Therefore, the observed phenomena occurred most likely due to the photodegradation of the photosensitizer molecules and can be applied for dosimetry and monitoring of irradiation doses in different areas of malignant tissues in the course of photodynamic treatment. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Fluorescence Microscopy)
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14 pages, 4366 KiB  
Broadband 2.85 μm Luminescence Properties of Er3+/Dy3+ Co-Doped Fluorotellurite Glass
by Yuerong Bai, Dechun Zhou, Jilong Cao, Yuxuan Cong and Yuxiao Wu
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1261; - 15 Nov 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1288
TeO2-BaF2-Er2O3-Dy2O3 laser glasses were prepared using the melt-quenching method. The bound water that can capture the excited state energy was reduced by physical and chemical methods. We did not observe a significant [...] Read more.
TeO2-BaF2-Er2O3-Dy2O3 laser glasses were prepared using the melt-quenching method. The bound water that can capture the excited state energy was reduced by physical and chemical methods. We did not observe a significant Er3+ emission peak at 2.7 μm in fluorescence spectra, which may be due to the efficient energy transfer process (ET2). Meanwhile, we found a broadband gain span of approximately 400 nm in fluorescence spectra at the 2.85 μm band, attributed to the ‘vector summation’ of the energy level radiation transition and the change of the glass network. Subsequently, we explored the structural properties of the glass. The results indicated that the Gaussian peak located at 250 cm−1 drifts toward 370 cm−1, which may be caused by the fracture or recombination of Te-O-Te and a decrease in the bridge oxygen content with the increasing concentration of Er2O3. The topology cage structure around the luminescence center of rare earth ions is changed and the stability of the optically active center is enhanced, finally contributing to the enhancement of luminescence. Meanwhile, the maximum σemi and gain coefficient of Dy3+ reach up to 7.22 × 10−21 cm2 and 7.37 cm−1, respectively. The comprehensive results show that the fluorotellurite glass designed in this study is expected to be a gain medium for mid-infrared lasers in remote sensing monitoring, military, and other fields. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Optical Communication and Network)
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15 pages, 2070 KiB  
A Semi-Analytical Method for the S-Parameter Calculations of an N × M Multimode Interference Coupler
by Dmitrii Moskalev, Andrei Kozlov, Uliana Salgaeva, Victor Krishtop, Anatolii V. Perminov and Vladimir Venediktov
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1260; - 14 Nov 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1536
A semi-analytical method for the S-parameter calculations of an N×M multimode interference coupler (MMI coupler) is presented. The proposed semi-analytical method is based on the mode decomposition and utilizes an effective index method to approximate the channel waveguide using an equivalent [...] Read more.
A semi-analytical method for the S-parameter calculations of an N×M multimode interference coupler (MMI coupler) is presented. The proposed semi-analytical method is based on the mode decomposition and utilizes an effective index method to approximate the channel waveguide using an equivalent slab waveguide whose modes are described by exact analytic expressions. In comparison to the commonly used beam propagation method (BPM) and finite difference time domain method, which require significant time and computational resources, the proposed method accelerates the design process of photonic integrated circuits and basic building blocks such as an MMI coupler. The simulation results obtained using the developed method and the BPM were compared and showed very similar outcomes for different topologies of the MMI coupler. The key advantage of the proposed semi-analytical method over other analytical models is its ability to accurately simulate MMI couplers with an arbitrary position and number of input and output waveguides. In addition, this method can be extended using the theory of local coupled modes by taking into account the reflections from the end face of the MMI box. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Photonic Devices for Optical Signal Processing)
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11 pages, 3466 KiB  
A Simulation Study of the Dynamical Control of Optical Skyrmion Lattices through the Superposition of Optical Vortex Beams
by Gao Tang, Chunyan Bai, Tianchen Tang, Jiansheng Peng, Songlin Zhuang and Dawei Zhang
Photonics 2023, 10(11), 1259; - 14 Nov 2023
Viewed by 1477
Optical skyrmion lattices play an important role in photonic system design and have potential applications in optical transmission and storage. In this study, we propose a novel metasurface approach to calculating the dependence of the multi-beam interference principle and the angular momentum action [...] Read more.
Optical skyrmion lattices play an important role in photonic system design and have potential applications in optical transmission and storage. In this study, we propose a novel metasurface approach to calculating the dependence of the multi-beam interference principle and the angular momentum action in the spin–orbit interaction. The metasurface consists of nanopore structures, which are used to generate an optical skyrmion lattice. The superposition of optical vortex beams with circular polarization states is used to evaluate the evolution of the shape of the topological domain walls of the hexagonal skyrmion lattice. Our results show that the distribution of the skyrmion spin vector can be controlled by changing the lattice arrangement from triangular to hexagonal shapes. The distribution of skyrmion number at the microscale is further calculated. Our work has significant implications for the regulation of the shape of topological domain walls of skyrmion lattices, with potential applications in polarization sensing, nanopositioning, and super-resolution microimaging. Full article
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