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The Comet Assay as a Tool in Human Biomonitoring Studies of Environmental and Occupational Exposure to Chemicals—A Systematic Scoping Review

H&TRC-Health & Technology Research Center, ESTeSL-Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, 1990-096 Lisbon, Portugal
NOVA National School of Public Health, Public Health Research Centre, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, 1600-560 Lisbon, Portugal
Department of Public Health, Section of Environmental Health, University of Copenhagen, 1172 Copenhagen, Denmark
Department NEUROFARBA, Section Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Florence, 50121 Florence, Italy
Division of Toxicology, Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Sarajevo, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Würzburg, 97078 Würzburg, Germany
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy and Nutrition, University of Navarra, 31009 Pamplona, Spain
Guarda Nacional Republicana, Destacamento Territorial de Vila Franca de Xira, Núcleo de Proteção Ambiental, 1500-124 Lisbon, Portugal
Pharmaceutical Care Research Group, Universidad de Granada, 18012 Granada, Spain
Department of Nutrition, University of Oslo, 0316 Oslo, Norway
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Toxics 2024, 12(4), 270;
Submission received: 27 February 2024 / Revised: 31 March 2024 / Accepted: 2 April 2024 / Published: 5 April 2024


Biomonitoring of human populations exposed to chemical substances that can act as potential mutagens or carcinogens, may enable the detection of damage and early disease prevention. In recent years, the comet assay has become an important tool for assessing DNA damage, both in environmental and occupational exposure contexts. To evidence the role of the comet assay in human biomonitoring, we have analysed original research studies of environmental or occupational exposure that used the comet assay in their assessments, following the PRISMA-ScR method (preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses extension for scoping reviews). Groups of chemicals were designated according to a broad classification, and the results obtained from over 300 original studies (n = 123 on air pollutants, n = 14 on anaesthetics, n = 18 on antineoplastic drugs, n = 57 on heavy metals, n = 59 on pesticides, and n = 49 on solvents) showed overall higher values of DNA strand breaks in the exposed subjects in comparison with the unexposed. In summary, our systematic scoping review strengthens the relevance of the use of the comet assay in assessing DNA damage in human biomonitoring studies.

1. Introduction

Humans are in contact with more than 160 million chemicals, based on the World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations (UN) compendium, while 6000 of these are responsible for 99% of the market by volume [1]. Even those chemicals that are carefully manufactured for safe use may have unwanted harmful by-products, generating potential health risks. It is important to conduct studies on environmental and occupational exposure to chemical substances and contaminants, considering the presence and severity of the adverse effects on human health [2]. Toxicological and epidemiological studies have collected biological markers (biomarkers) to evaluate the relationships between environmental or occupational chemical exposure and adverse health effects [3]. The development of molecular epidemiology introduced the concept of biomarkers of effect, strengthening the evidence of causality between chemical exposure and adverse effects, especially at an early stage before disease onset [4], and playing a pivotal role in disease prevention.
Worldwide, about 19 million people are diagnosed with some type of cancer annually, and the cancer mortality is almost 10 million [5], causing a significant financial and social burden, especially in ageing populations [6]. Since the induction of DNA damage is one of the most important steps in carcinogenesis, the biomonitoring of human populations exposed to genotoxic substances for DNA damage is potentially a useful preventive tool, as it can detect early events that can be precursors of carcinogenesis [7].
Cytogenetic methods have been extensively used for the biological monitoring of populations exposed to mutagenic and carcinogenic agents. The comet assay is widely employed in human biomonitoring for assessing DNA damage and also has applications in genotoxicity testing, environmental toxicology, and fundamental research on DNA damage and repair [7,8,9,10,11,12]. A summarised overview of the history of the assay was reviewed by Jiang et al., 2023 [13]. The alkaline comet assay identifies different types of damage resulting from recent exposure that are potentially reparable, such as single- and double-strand DNA breaks, alkali-labile lesions converted to strand breaks under alkaline conditions, and single-strand breaks associated with incomplete excision repair [14,15]; it is one of the most used methods for DNA damage biomonitoring [16]. Most human studies have focused on blood cells because they are easy to obtain, and—as they circulate in the body—the metabolic state of these cells can reflect the overall extent of body exposure [17]. However, other cell types have also been employed, such as buccal, nasal, lens epithelial, and germ cells [18,19].
The comet assay is a sensitive, rapid, versatile, and low-cost technique for quantifying and analysing DNA damage and repair at the level of individual cells [20,21], requiring small numbers of cells per sample and a relatively short time to complete a study [8]. This has made the comet assay more popular than other genotoxicity tests, such as sister chromatid exchanges, micronucleus assays, and chromosomal aberrations [13]. Thus, the comet assay is a method of choice for the measurement of DNA damage in environmental and occupational exposure studies for the assessment of the effects of chemical substances—either as single compounds or as mixtures [15]. Responding to the need for standardised protocols, a compendium of consensus protocols applying the comet assay to a variety of cells [14], as well as recommendations for describing comet assay procedures and results [22], have recently been published.
There are already some systematic reviews and meta-analyses focused on the use of the comet assay in studies of human exposure to particular classes of chemicals, such as antineoplastic drugs [23], pesticides [24], and air pollution [25], and a review published in 2009 looks at studies that employed the comet assay in the biomonitoring of environmental and occupational exposures, including radiation [18]. Despite its popularity and these systematic reviews, there is still a lack of literature and no comprehensive overview of the role of DNA damage measurement as a reliable biomarker for human monitoring programs, including different types of exposures.
This broad scoping review aims to systematically analyse evidence on the use of the comet assay in human biomonitoring studies assessing genotoxic effects from environmental or occupational exposures. Specifically, the work focuses on air pollutants, anaesthetics, antineoplastic drugs, heavy metals, pesticides, and solvents. The presentation of results, organised according to these groups of chemicals, exclusively follows alphabetical order criteria without considering the complexity of the chemical substances in each group. The reporting of “essential” information relating to the comet assay descriptors (e.g., %DNA in tail, tail length, tail moment, or visual score), the number of comets analysed per sample, and how the overall level of DNA migration is expressed (e.g., median or mean of comet scores), is necessary for scoring and data analysis of the comet assay [13,26]. It has been shown that 20–30% of published studies with comet assay results use visual scores, while 70–80% are the results from image analysis systems; tail length and tail moment used to be the most popular comet descriptors in the early 00s, but % tail DNA has become the most popular since 2010. Regarding the olive tail moment descriptor of DNA migration, it is considered to be particularly useful in describing heterogeneity within a cell population, as it can pick up variations in the DNA distribution within the tail [27], and it was very often used in the studies gathered in this scoping systematic review. More information regarding the various parameters that have appeared in scientific publications can be found in Kumaravel et al., 2009 [28].

2. Materials and Methods

The systematic scoping review was performed in accordance with the Jonna Briggs Institute and Cochrane Collaboration recommendations [29,30,31] and is reported following the PRISMA-ScR (preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses—extension for scoping reviews) checklists [32,33]. The protocol has been registered in PROSPERO—CRD42023402351. At least two authors independently conducted all steps of the study selection and data extraction. Divergences were resolved by discussion in consensus working group meetings.

2.1. Search Strategy and Eligibility Criteria

A comprehensive literature search was conducted to identify relevant studies in PubMed and Web of Science (last updated June 2023) without language limits. Searches were limited by the year of publication [from 2000, after the introduction of ‘Comet Assay’ as a Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) term] and to human studies. A manual search in the reference lists of the included studies was also performed, and other search engines (Google and Google Scholar) were employed.
Five distinct search strategies were developed and applied (according to the group of chemical substances under evaluation) using descriptors related to human biomonitoring and comet assay, and air pollution, anaesthetics, antineoplastic drugs, heavy metals, pesticides or solvents, combined with the Boolean operators AND and OR as follows:
  • Search string for air pollution: Human Biomonitoring OR monitoring AND comet assay AND (air pollution OR diesel exhaust OR dust OR ozone OR particulate matter OR ultrafine particles OR formaldehyde OR hydrocarbon).
  • Search string for anaesthetics: Human Biomonitoring OR monitoring AND comet assay AND (anaesthetic OR anaesthesia OR N2O OR nitrous oxide OR isoflurane OR halothane).
  • Search string for antineoplastic drugs: Human Biomonitoring OR monitoring AND Comet assay AND (antineoplastic drugs OR cytostatic OR cytotoxic OR cyclophosphamide OR paclitaxel OR 5-Fluororacil).
  • Search string for heavy metals: Human Biomonitoring OR monitoring AND Comet assay AND (lead OR mercury OR Cadmium OR arsenic OR heavy metals).
  • Search string for pesticides: Human biomonitoring OR monitoring AND comet assay AND pesticides.
  • Search string for solvents: Human Biomonitoring OR monitoring AND Comet assay AND (styrene OR benzene OR toluene OR xylene OR chloroform OR tetrachloro- or trichloroethylene OR perchloroethylene OR halogenated solvents OR solvents).
Registers retrieved from the databases (PubMed and Web of Science) were transferred into Mendeley (reference manager) or Rayyan, where duplicate records were removed. The reviewers independently performed the screening (title/abstract reading), full-text evaluation, and data extraction using Microsoft Excel sheets.
This systematic scoping review included articles meeting the following criteria (PECOS acronym):
  • Population: studies evaluating human subjects with environmental or occupational exposure to chemical substances;
  • Exposure: studies assessing the environmental or occupational effects of exposure to the chemical substances of interest (i.e., air pollution, anaesthetics gases, antineoplastic drugs, heavy metals, pesticides, or solvents) by means of the comet assay in biological samples;
  • Comparator: non-exposed human subjects or pre-post comparative data on exposure (in case of a single-arm study);
  • Outcomes: comet assay measurements such as the tail moment, tail length (μm), % tail intensity, olive tail moment, visual scoring/DNA damage index parameters, and other parameters considered;
  • Study design: interventional studies (controlled trials, experimental studies) or observational comparative studies, including case-control, cohort, cross-sectional studies, and quasi-experimental studies (pre–post-test).
  • Studies without data for extraction (unavailable information or an unpublished paper), conference abstracts, other study designs (reviews, case reports, letters, commentaries, and protocols), non-human studies (in vitro and in vivo), in vitro studies on primary human cells or cell lines, and those in non-English languages were excluded.

2.2. Data Extraction and Synthesis

A standard form (Microsoft Excel, Redmond, WA, USA) was developed by the coordinator (Carina Ladeira) and validated by all team members (co-authors) to extract data on the following: (1) authors, (2) year of publication, (3) main chemical substances in exposure, (4) country, (5) exposure assessment or biomarkers of exposure, (6) population characteristics, and (7) DNA damage measured by the comet assay. The studies were organised by the type of exposure—occupational or environmental—in each section whenever necessary. Data only available in figures were extracted, whenever possible, by a single team member.
Individual results of the studies were summarised as reported in the article, including the type of measures and units (narrative synthesis) and were sorted into one of the six categories according to the type of chemical substances (i.e., air pollution, anaesthetics, antineoplastic drugs, heavy metals, pesticides, or solvents) to properly account for their special features; flow diagrams were also presented independently.
To facilitate the comparison among studies of each group of substances, as well as ease the data interpretation and writing of the narrative text, the authors established a minimum set of methodological items that should be reported from the studies considered for analysis. In decreasing order of importance, these are (i) the existence of measurements of external exposure or markers of internal exposure; (ii) the use of additional types of biomarkers to add value to the data interpretation; and (iii) grouping subjects based on the exposure categories (e.g., work categories in occupational studies or regions in environmental studies) or studies without a control group.

3. Results

This section is divided by subheadings. It provides a concise and precise description of the experimental results, their interpretation, as well as the experimental conclusions that can be drawn.
This systematic scoping review included a total of 334 studies (128 for air pollution, 15 for anaesthetics, 19 for antineoplastic drugs, 57 for heavy metals, 65 for pesticides, and 50 for solvents) for data synthesis. The groups are arranged in alphabetical order and are described below according to the type of chemical after a brief introduction.

3.1. Air Pollution

Air pollution is currently one of the major issues in environmental and public health, recognised by leading world authorities as a risk factor associated with adverse health outcomes [34]. Both outdoor and indoor air pollution are categorised by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1). Exposure to outdoor air pollutants may occur in both urban and rural areas, with the most common sources being the emissions caused by combustion processes from motor vehicles, solid fuel burning, and industry [35]. The most common air pollutants present in ambient air include particulate matter (PM) of different sizes, ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and sulphur dioxide (SO2). Indoor air pollution can be linked to households; the release of gases or particles into the air is the primary cause of indoor air quality problems [36,37]. Regarding indoor air, one major concern is biomass smoke since it contains a number of health-damaging chemicals, including PM of different sizes, CO, oxides of nitrogen, formaldehyde, acrolein, benzene, toluene, styrene, 1,3-butadiene, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) such as benzo(a)pyrene [38].
Workplace exposure to airborne particulates (dusts) and chemicals (including anaesthetic gases and solvents) is typically not considered to be air pollution. However, certain professions with vehicle-related exhausts have been used in studies on both gaseous and particulate components in outdoor air pollution.
Regarding specifically the search string on air pollution, it was challenging to identify studies on air pollution since the term applies to a broad spectrum of exposure situations. Thus, we have used a search string that captured a large number of papers (approximately 2500), although many of these were excluded for further review, as is shown in Figure 1. A number of papers identified in the search on air pollution were also included in the heavy metals and solvents sections due to the variety of chemicals that were studied. In addition, we have only included studies of involuntary exposure to air pollution (thus, environmental tobacco smoke was considered involuntary exposure, whereas smoking was voluntary exposure).
In our systematic scoping review, 257 articles were assessed in full-text after duplicate removal and initial screening, in which 129 were excluded, mostly because they were in vitro studies (n = 66), complementary papers or protocols (n = 25), without numerical comet assay data (n = 16), or not in human samples (n = 10). A total of 128 studies were included in the qualitative analysis, as summarised in Figure 1 and Table 1.
Overall, 81 studies (63.3%) evaluated occupational exposure and 47 studies (36.7%) environmental exposure. Occupational exposure to air pollutants included silica dust, welding fumes, vapours, gases, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and metals. These studies were performed in Asia (n = 36, 44.4%), followed by Europe (n = 30, 37.0%), the Americas (n = 14, 17.3%), and Africa (n = 1, 1.2%). Fourteen (16.9%) studies assessed the effects of exposure to PAHs as the sole measured pollutants in firefighters [39], paving workers [99], airport personnel [51], policemen [53,54,55], coal tar workers [68], graphite-electrode-producing workers [88], automobile inspectors [90], brick factory workers [93], and automobile emission and waste incinerating companies [102,112]. Eight (9.6%) studies considered the PAH exposure combined with other chemicals, such as fluorene [40], VOCs [41,44], heterocyclic compounds [43], antineoplastic drugs [16], fibre glass [56], heavy metals, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) [73], as well as metals, benzene, persistent organic pollutants (POPs), and others [80]. Thirteen (15.9%) studies evaluated the exposure to formaldehyde in fibreboard plants [42], pathology anatomy laboratories [61,62,63], the plywood industry [74,84], a furniture manufacturing facility [91], melamine tableware manufacturing workshops [116,117,118], and in hairdressers; one of these directly reporting formaldehyde exposure and including a control group [92] and the other assessing exposure to hair dyes and waiving and straightening products that also have formaldehyde in their composition [67]. Eleven (13.4%) studies were performed on dust, specifically marble dust [45], silica dust [47], wood dust [48], coal [95] and coal together with traffic air pollution [105], cobalt dust and other metals [64], tobacco dust [75], graphene [52,94], and two referred as dust particles [82,107]. Twelve (14.6%) studies were based on coke-oven exposure [57,59,72,81,85,106,109,110,111,113,114,115]; this type of emission usually consists of complex mixtures of dust, vapours, and gases, which can include carcinogens such as cadmium and arsenic. Eight (9.8%) studies were conducted on diesel exhaust [65,77,78,79,83,97,100,107], with two studies [77,79] specifically on fuel and one study on diesel exhaust and dust [107]. Seven (8.5%) studies were performed under the air pollution “umbrella”, on outdoor air pollution [46], combined with benzene and CO exposure [70], traffic vehicle exhausts [71,104], traffic and coal mining [105], and in traffic policemen [49,89]. Three (3.7%) studies were made on welding fumes and solvent based paints [96], metals (zinc and copper) smelting work [60], and gold jewellery fumes [76]. Furthermore, other studies in the selected papers were found, such as polychlorinated dibenzodioxins, metals and silica [58], perchloroethylene [66], DDT, DDE together with arsenic and lead [73], bitumen [86,87], cement [98], tobacco smoke [108], and 1-bromopropane [103].
From a total of 81 studies, 65 (80.2%) performed exposure assessments by using air sampling measurements (n= 30, 46.1%) or personal air sampling devices (n = 6, 9.2%) or by using biomarkers of exposure, such as urinary 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHP) metabolite from PAHs exposure (n= 27, 41.5%), as well as other metabolites measured in urine or blood (n = 10, 15.3%).
Significantly higher DNA damage levels, as evaluated by the comet assay, were observed in 66 of these studies (81.5%). The remaining studies (n = 15, 18.5%) did not show statically significant results, namely PAH exposure [39,54,55], coke-oven PAH exposure [106,110,111,114], smelting [60], dust [64,107], traffic air pollution [71], JP-8 jet fuel [79], diesel exhaust [97], bitumen [86], and tobacco dust [108]. The study from Cavallo [52], in six graphene workers and eleven controls, used three comet descriptors, reaching statistically significant results with % DNA in the tail but not by using the tail moment and length. The descriptors used to express the comet assay data (one or more in the same study) were as follows: % DNA in tail/tail intensity in 33 studies, tail length in 25 studies, tail moment in 21 studies, olive tail moment in 16 studies, DNA damage index in 7, and other descriptors mentioned in 13 studies.
Regarding environmental exposure to air pollutants, as with occupational exposure, there is a variety of chemical exposures, including PAHs “alone” or combined, PM, diesel exhaust, wood smoke, tobacco smoke, and others. These studies were performed in Europe (n = 17; 36.2%), followed by Asia (n = 14; 28.8%), South America (n = 14; 28.8%), and Africa (n = 2; 4.3%). Regarding exposure to PAHs, from a total of eight (17.2%) studies, five (62.5%) were performed in children [129,131,135,154,156] and the other three (37.5%) in adults [133,150,158]. From six studies conducted in children and adolescents, two studies reported a combined exposure between PAHs, metals, and VOCs [149,160], and two others besides these chemical substances were also phthalates [73,139]. The studies from Coronas [127] and Lemos [140] reported both atmospheric PM2.5 concentrations and contents of 16 PAHs in the organic extract of PM2.5 collected on filters. Four (8.5%) studies addressed PM exposure, PM10 [126], ultrafine particles in controlled exposure [159], ultrafine particles combined with benzene [121], PM10, PM2.5, gases (NO2, CO, and SO2), and benzene [162]. Two studies addressed diesel exhaust [120,134], while others assessed fuel smoke, specifically biomass fuel, in comparison with liquefied petroleum gas [142,143,144,145,148], while three addressed wood smoke [128,130,157] in indoor environments.
Three studies addressed involuntary exposure to tobacco smoke, namely indoor tobacco smoke [122], second-hand cigarette smoking in children [155], and environmental tobacco smoking [161]. Two studies assessed exposure to ozone [147,153], one investigated the effects of formaldehyde under experimental conditions [164], and others looked at hair dye fumes [124] and coal mining residues [141].
From a total of 44 studies, 35 (74.5%) performed exposure assessments; air sampling was measured in twelve (25.5%) studies, seven (14.9%) measured ambient PM, and four (8.5%) specifically quantified PAHs from PM extracts [127,135,140,156]. Ten (21.3%) studies measured urinary 1-OHP, an internal biomarker of PAH exposure, and 12 (25.5%) measured other metabolites in urine or blood. Three studies were on controlled exposure to diesel exhaust [134], indoor wood smoke [137], and formaldehyde [164].
Significantly higher DNA damage, as evaluated by the comet assay, was observed in 38 of these studies (79.1%). The remaining studies (n = 10, 20.8%) did not show statistically significant results, namely PAH exposure [127,140,150,156], air pollution [123], wood smoke [130,137], diesel exhaust [134], ultrafine particles [159], the mixture of PM, gases, and solvents [162], and the mixture of PAHs, metals, and phthalates [73].
The descriptors used to express the comet assay data (one or more in the same study) were as follows: % DNA in tail/tail intensity in 21 studies, tail length in 11 studies, tail moment in 14 studies, olive tail moment in 4 studies, DNA damage index in 5, and strand breaks in 6 (i.e., primary comet descriptors converted to DNA strand-break frequency by using calibration with ionising radiation).
In summary, this comprehensive analysis of various studies, both occupational and environmental, on the genotoxic effects of a variety of air pollutants indicates increased levels of DNA strand breaks in subjects exposed to these substances compared with non-exposed subjects, with a majority of statistically significant results. It is important to stress that by reducing air pollution levels to the WHO-recommended concentrations, an average person might improve their life expectancy by 2 years, and the comet assay might be useful in detecting the most vulnerable population.

3.2. Anaesthetics

Anaesthetics play a crucial role in medical procedures, inducing controlled sedation for surgeries and other interventions. Common gases include nitrous oxide and various halogenated agents. While patients benefit from their use, healthcare workers exposed during their professional routine are at risk of health effects [165,166,167,168,169]. Long-term exposure may lead to symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and nausea and has been associated with reproductive issues, including miscarriages and fertility problems in healthcare workers. Additionally, there is a potential for liver and kidney damage, as well as an increased risk of cancer [168,169,170,171,172]. Available data reviewed in [166,167] suggested an association with genotoxic risks, particularly for nitrous oxide and halogenated agents, but not for propofol and its metabolites.
In our systematic scoping review on anaesthetics gases, 103 articles were identified after duplicate removal, of which 59 were excluded after screening (i.e., reading title/abstract). From the 44 that were read in full, a total of 29 were excluded (the reasons are shown in Figure 2). Finally, 15 studies were included in the qualitative analysis, as summarised in Figure 2 and Table 2.
Most of the studies were conducted in Asia (mainly Turkey, n = 6; 40.0%), followed by Europe (mainly Poland, n = 5; 33.3%) and South America (Brazil, n = 3; 20.0%), with only one study conducted in Africa (Egypt; 6.7%). A total of 15 studies of occupational exposure were conducted on medical room staff during their working shifts (anaesthesiologists, nurses, and technicians). Regarding exposure assessment, six studies [177] conducted workplace exposure assessments and two studies [174] measured the oxidative status of the subjects, not a specific biomarker of exposure to anaesthetic gases. It was verified that occupational exposure can lead to DNA-damaging effects (n = 11, 73.3%) and that younger exposed professionals with higher workloads tend to display higher levels of DNA damage [174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,186,187]. Only four of the reviewed papers showed no significant effects of occupational exposure [173,183,184,185]. In general, the studies that found positive results also mention the need for further research in this area and for the protection of workers dealing with anaesthetics. The descriptors used to express the comet assay data were as follows: % DNA in tail/tail intensity in five studies, tail length and DNA damage index in three studies each, tail moment in two studies, and other descriptors in three studies.
In summary, the overall results from the application of the comet assay in the study of anaesthetics indicate that exposure may have genotoxic effects, contributing to a better understanding of the potential risks to healthcare workers and thus strongly supporting the need for a mitigation of the risks.

3.3. Antineoplastic Drugs

Antineoplastic drugs, also known as cytotoxic or cytostatic drugs, are a heterogeneous group of chemicals that share an ability to inhibit tumour growth by disrupting cell division and killing actively growing cells [188]. Although patients may benefit from these treatments, there is still a major health concern regarding the use of some drugs classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic, or teratogenic agents [188,189]. Moreover, hospital workers can be exposed to antineoplastic drugs during drug preparation, administration, and contact with contaminated workplace, surfaces, medical equipment, clothing, and patient excreta [190,191,192,193].
Evidence has shown that occupational exposure to antineoplastic drugs is associated with an increased risk of acute health effects, including hair loss, headaches, and hypersensitivity; adverse reproductive outcomes, such as infertility, spontaneous abortions, and congenital malformations; and certain cancers [194,195,196,197,198,199].
In our systematic scoping review on occupational exposure to antineoplastic drugs, 68 articles were identified after the removal of duplicates, of which 47 were excluded after screening (reading title/abstract). From the 21 articles read in full, 2 were excluded because they did not present comet assay data. Nineteen studies of occupational exposure [12,16,191,196,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214] remained for qualitative analysis, as summarised in Figure 3 and Table 3.
From a total of 19 studies, around half were conducted in Europe (n = 9, 47.4%), 6 (31.6%) in Asia, and 4 (21.1%) in the Americas. All the studies were from occupational settings; one was from a production plant [214], and all the others (n = 18, 94.7%) involved hospital workers. Only four studies (21.1%) presented exposure assessment data from surface contamination [201,207,208,210], and one study (5.2%) tested the genotoxicity of 19 antineoplastic drugs used in the hospital ward and 8 wipe-samples from the workbench after handling antineoplastic drugs, using the umu assay [202]. The study by Connor (2010) measured fixed-location air samples and personal breathing zone air samples [207]. For biological monitoring of exposure, four studies (21.1%) performed urinary measurements, and three of these studies (15.8%) also made exposure assessments [201,207,208]. The study from Rombaldi (2008) measured the serum endpoints of oxidative stress, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) [205]; however, these are not considered specific biomarkers of exposure.
The results of studies on the genotoxic effects of antineoplastic drugs using the comet assay in occupationally exposed workers are inconsistent, but a slightly positive association exists. Overall, 13 studies (68.4%) showed a statistically significant increase in DNA damage in the exposed group compared with the controls [12,191,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,208,211,212,213,214]. Ursini (2006) showed positive results for both biological matrices under study—lymphocytes and buccal cells [201].
In five studies (26.3%), the levels of DNA damage did not differ statistically between the exposed and non-exposed groups [16,196,207,209,210], although in two of them (10.5%), a trend towards an increase in DNA damage was observed in the exposed group [196,210], while in one study, the % DNA in the tail in both lymphocytes and buccal cells was marginally higher in the control subjects [16]. It is important to mention that antineoplastic drugs are well-known cross-linking agents, which can reduce the ability of DNA with strand breaks to migrate in an electric field. The presence of a cross-linking agent could have hidden an increase in the DNA migration associated with the induction of DNA strand breaks [208]. The study of Hongping (2006) reported mixed results because there was a significant increase in the comet tail length and a non-significant increase in the comet tail moment in the exposed group [214]. The parameters used to express the comet assay results were as follows: tail length and tail moment in nine studies each, % DNA in the tail in seven studies, and the DNA damage index in three studies (some studies cited more than one parameter). When assessing the potential hazards of antineoplastic drugs in an occupational setting, it is also important to consider the use of personal protective equipment. Well-educated staff, adequate protection, and the use of automated systems for drug handling significantly decrease the possibility of contamination and exposure, thus affecting the comet assay results.
In summary, this comprehensive analysis of various studies on the genotoxic effects of antineoplastic drugs indicates increased levels of DNA strand breaks in subjects exposed to these drugs compared with non-exposed subjects, showing a majority of statistically significant results.

3.4. Heavy Metals

Several heavy metals pose significant health risks, particularly to industrial workers (as these substances are frequently used in this context) and residents in nearby areas. While the harmful effects of acute exposure to heavy metals are well-documented, there is a growing concern about their long-term effects and effects of combined exposures, especially considering their persistent nature, meaning that even minimal exposure to heavy metals may be detrimental to health, with particular risks of neurological disorders and cancer. Moreover, studies have demonstrated that metal ions interact with cellular components, including DNA, and that this can result in an altered structure and mutations, as well as cell death and carcinogenesis [215,216,217].
Our systematic scoping review gathered 979 reports (971 from the databases and 8 by manual entry, excluding duplicates). After the preliminary screening by title and abstract, 889 documents were excluded as they did not refer to human biomonitoring. From the 90 potentially eligible studies, 33 were excluded (mostly for not presenting comet assay data, study design flaws, DNA repair rather than DNA damage, etc.). The remaining 57 studies were assessed for qualitative analysis, as summarised in Figure 4 and Table 4.
From a total of 57 studies, 24 studies (42.1%) were conducted in Asia, 19 studies (31.6%) in Europe and 14 studies (24.6%) in the Americas. There were 37 studies (64.9%) of occupational exposure, mainly from industry settings, and 18 studies (31.6%) of environmental exposure, of which 3 (16.7%) were in children, 2 (11.1%) in adolescents and 11 (61.1%) in the general population. Two studies were classified as both occupational and environmental.
In the present review, the term “heavy metals” was used as a descriptor of the exposure, but it should be noted that most (if not all) of the studies refer to complex mixtures of metals (i.e., co-exposures). Moreover, it is likely that the study populations are exposed to multiple metals and maybe other hazardous substances, even though only one or a few metals have been assessed. Thus, confounding is a possibility in studies where genotoxicity is thought to be attributed to a specific type of heavy metal. Certain studies appear to have an exploratory approach (e.g., the Flemish biomonitoring studies on environmental exposures) [139,260,267], whereas other studies target specific agents (e.g., chromium in studies on welders).
Moreover, the definition of heavy metals is inconsistent in the literature. For instance, one rationale states that these are elements with a higher molecular weight than elementary iron, which is suitable as it includes arsenic and excludes substances such as sodium and aluminium. However, it also includes copper and nickel, which is problematic because these metals could also be regarded as transition metals [270]. Certain ions of elements in the fourth period of the periodic table catalyse the conversion of hydrogen peroxide to hydroxyl radicals, which is an important mechanism of their genotoxic effect [271]. This contrasts with “classic” heavy metals, such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, which are not chemical catalysts, while their mechanism of action is related to the inhibition of enzymes. It should also be emphasised that the oxidation state, chemical form (e.g., organic versus inorganic), solubility and particle size (in case of inhalation exposure) are key factors to be considered when assessing the genotoxic hazard of metals [217].
Lead is the heavy metal that has been assessed in most studies in this review (n = 36; 63.2%) [73,139,149,218,220,222,223,224,227,228,230,231,232,233,234,235,236,237,240,241,242,243,246,247,249,250,251,254,260,261,262,264,265,267,268,269], followed by arsenic (n = 18; 31.6%) [73,112,139,218,223,241,244,252,255,256,257,258,260,261,262,265,266,269], chromium (n = 14; 24.6%) [112,139,218,219,225,229,233,239,241,253,259,260,263,265], cadmium (n = 12; 21.1%) [139,218,233,234,237,243,247,248,259,260,264,265], and nickel (n = 11; 19.3%) [112,139,218,225,233,237,241,247,259,260,264]. A few studies have assessed the genotoxicity of other metals, such as iron [226,237,245,250], cobalt [64], iridium [238], antimony [221], and uranium [264]. In studies on lead exposure, this metal has either been the only element assessed (n = 16; 44.0%), or it has been measured in combination with other metals (n = 20; 56.0%). In the latter group, arsenic (n = 10), cadmium (n = 10), and nickel (n = 8) are the most prevalent co-exposures. The group of studies with metals other than lead is dominated by studies on arsenic (n = 8) and chromium (n = 7).
Overall, 20 studies (34.5%) have assessed lead exposure. Sixteen studies have only assessed lead exposure. Four studies have measured exposure to lead and other metals. In these four studies, exposure groups have had different levels of lead exposure, whereas there has been the same level of exposure to other metals. Thus, there is only an exposure contrast of lead in these four studies [234,250,251,268]. In 16 studies (80.0%), a significant increase in DNA strand breaks in lead-exposed subjects was observed [220,222,224,227,228,231,234,236,240,242,243,249,250,251,254,268], whereas 4 studies have shown unaltered levels of strand breaks [230,232,235,246]; 1 study additionally showed increased DNA damage in exposed subjects although they were not exposed to lead alone [149]. Assessment of the studies with a measurement of multiple types of heavy metals indicates that five of them (22.7%) have found consistency between increased exposure and DNA strand breaks [233,261,262,269], whereas nine (40.9%) demonstrated no effect on this outcome [73,139,218,223,241,247,260,265,267]. One study (4.5%) had unaltered levels of lead exposure yet increased levels of DNA strand breaks in subjects from a uranium mining district who were exposed to manganese and uranium [264]. Interestingly, there seems to be an over-representation of positive test results in lead-exposed subjects in studies that have assessed mainly lead (80.0%, 16 out of 20 studies; [220,222,224,227,228,231,234,236,240,242,243,249,250,251,254,268] versus [230,232,235,246]) compared to studies with a more elaborate exposure assessment (35.7%, 5 out of 13 studies; [233,261,262,269] versus [73,139,218,223,241,247,260,265,267]).
All studies with only an arsenic exposure assessment found increased levels of DNA strand breaks (n = 5) [244,252,255,256,257,266]. In studies with multiple metal exposures, there are many that have found statistically significant effects of arsenic exposure on levels of DNA strand breaks (n = 7) [73,241,258,261,262,269]. However, some studies with the assessment of multiple metals have not found elevated arsenic exposure (and therefore no association between exposure and DNA damage) or no association between arsenic exposure and levels of DNA strand breaks [112,139,218,260,265].
Five out of the thirteen (38.5%) studies were restricted to the effects of chromium exposure [219,229,239,253,263], as well as four studies, including chromium and other metals [225,233,237,259], found increased levels of DNA strand breaks in the exposed population. Conversely, two studies found no genotoxic effect [139,260], one study showed an increased level of DNA strand breaks in subjects who were not exposed to chromium [218], and two studies found unaltered levels of DNA strand breaks in subjects without chromium exposure contrast [112,241]. The parameters used to express the comet assay data (one or more in the same study) were as follows: % DNA in tail/tail intensity in 24 studies, tail length in 22 studies, tail moment in 16 studies, DNA damage index in 5 studies, and olive tail moment in 4 studies.
In summary, this comprehensive analysis of various studies on the genotoxic effects of heavy metals indicates increased levels of DNA strand breaks in subjects exposed to lead, arsenic, and chromium compared with the non-exposed subjects. Interestingly, studies that primarily examined lead exposure exhibited a higher proportion of positive results in comparison with the studies with broader exposure assessments, suggesting a potential bias in favour of detecting lead-related effects. Moreover, some contradictory results among the chromium studies might suggest that the impact of this metal on DNA strand breaks may be insignificant at low exposure levels and that other factors may contribute to this outcome. Further research is necessary to fully understand the potential effects of some metals (alone or combined with other metals and substances) regarding DNA damage.

3.5. Pesticides

Pesticides represent a large group of substances which are used in pest control, broadly classified based on target organisms (e.g., insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides), chemical structure (e.g., organochlorines, organophosphates, carbamates, and pyrethroids), or the mechanism of action and toxicity [272]. Although over 80% of pesticide use is attributed to agriculture, a significant percentage (around 20%) of these substances is employed in public health protection programs (e.g., to protect plants from pests, weeds, or diseases, and humans from vector-borne diseases), maintenance of non-agricultural areas as urban green spaces and sports fields, production of pet shampoos, building and food cover materials, as well as paints for boat protection [273,274,275].
Recent data from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) suggest that in the past 30 years, negligible changes in the land area used for agriculture occurred, but that the use of active substances in pesticides significantly increased—from 1.8 million—to 3.5 million tons annually, which corresponds to an increase from 1.22 kg/ha to 2.26 kg/ha of land [276]. Since pesticides are designed to improve crop yields, they are intentionally and diffusely applied to large areas, making their control difficult. Considering that the adverse nature of these compounds includes persistency (some can persist for even years in the environment) and lipophilicity (enabling biomagnification through the food web), their residues can be found in soil, freshwater, groundwater, air, and food [272,277,278]. Additionally, over 95% of pesticides have a harmful effect on non-target organisms, which include humans, as their mechanisms of action include inhibition of neural signals by disrupting the sodium/potassium balance, cholinesterase inhibition, opening sodium channels, blockage of receptors, or competition for hormonal receptors [278,279].
Humans can ingest, inhale, and absorb pesticides through the skin. Most individuals are exposed to low concentrations of pesticides in food, water, and the general environment; however, specific populations can experience a high concentration of exposure due to their occupation (e.g., open-field and greenhouse farmers, pesticide industry workers, public health agents, and pest exterminators) [273,278,280]. Moreover, due to their high body surface area to weight ratio, specific physiology, and behaviour, children represent a population vulnerable to developing health effects from pesticide exposure [281].
Apart from the environmental effects [275,279], pesticide exposure is associated with several human health effects, such as asthma, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, cognitive impairment, reproductive health effects, immunotoxicity, cardiotoxicity, leukaemia, and different types of cancer [273,278,280,282,283,284,285,286]. However, it is difficult to establish a firm link between pesticide exposure and DNA damage due to complex exposure assessment, control for other effect-changing variables, as well as a lack of adequate studies and inconsistent epidemiological data [287].
Our systematic scoping review gathered 90 reports assessed for eligibility, of which 25 were eliminated, mostly because they lacked comet assay data. Finally, 65 reports (representing 59 studies, some being published in more than one article) were included in the qualitative analysis—see Figure 5 and Table 5.
Considering that around 2 million tons of pesticides from a total global production of 3.5 million tonnes (57.1%) is used in the Americas and Asia [276], it was expected that most included studies would have been performed in these regions (n = 55; 84.6%). Effectively, from a total of 65 studies, 30 studies (46.2%) were conducted in Asia (mainly India), 25 studies (38.5%) in the Americas (mainly Brazil), 8 studies (12.3%) in Europe, and 2 studies (3.1%) in Africa. The majority of the studies compared levels of DNA damage between non-exposed subjects and agriculture workers (n = 45; 69.2%) and pesticide industry workers (n = 11; 16.9%). In addition, a few of the studies assessed health agents who are occupationally exposed to these compounds (n = 3; 4.6%) or focused on the environmental exposure of children (n = 6; 9.2%).
Regarding exposure assessment, it is important to highlight that the exposure assessment in the reviewed papers was highly heterogeneous. Only 12 studies (18.5%) had a good exposure assessment (including blood, urine, or skin analyses for pesticide residues), while around one-third (n = 21; 32.3%) presented a medium exposure assessment by evaluation of the enzymatic activities related to possible pesticide exposure (usually AchE or BuChE), or by using a model to predict the exposure. Almost half of the studies (n = 32; 49.2%) had no exposure assessment or simply provided a list of pesticides that volunteers might have been in contact with.
The effects measured by the comet assay were nearly consistent among studies (n = 63/65 reports; 96.9%), showing significantly higher DNA damage outcomes for the exposed populations. Only two papers did not find significant changes in these measures, both assessing agricultural workers either using a moderate- vs. high-exposure groups approach [345] or a before–after pesticide application design [320]. The descriptors used to express the comet assay data (one or more in the same study) were as follows: tail length in 33 studies, tail moment in 22 studies, % DNA in tail/tail intensity in 17 studies, DNA damage index in 13, olive tail moment in 11 studies, and other descriptors in 10 studies.
In summary, despite the high variability in the number of pesticides and classes of compounds (with different effects and mechanisms of action), the findings indicate that human populations exposed to pesticides have higher levels of DNA damage. However, the evaluation of exposure as well as the impact of the factors affecting the comet assay results (e.g., smoking, family history of cancer, other potential carcinogens exposure, UV exposure, and body mass index) [353] were scarcely considered.

3.6. Solvents

Organic solvents, such as benzene, toluene, and xylene (BTX), are a group of chemicals widely used in several occupational settings and are common components of air pollution (volatile organic compounds, VOCs) as a result of traffic and industry emissions. Although these substances are (highly volatile) ground-water contaminants, exposure occurs mainly via inhalation, either in occupational settings or through outdoor/indoor environments. Exposure to organic solvents, often in mixtures, is linked to different types of organ toxicities, such as neurological, hepatic, and respiratory [354,355,356,357]. Genotoxic effects of these substances have been repeatedly reported as attributable to the generation of oxidative stress and reactive metabolites able to form DNA adducts [358]. These mechanisms are also associated with carcinogenesis, and some organic solvents are well-known carcinogens: benzene is classified by the IARC as Group 1 (carcinogenic to humans), and styrene and perchloroethylene as Group 2A (probably carcinogenic to humans). Epidemiological studies reported an increased cancer risk for workers exposed to organic solvents, such as painters (sufficient evidence for mesothelioma and cancers of the urinary bladder and lung) [359] and shoemaking (leukaemia, nasal, and bladder cancer) [360] and petrochemical industry workers (mesothelioma, skin melanoma, multiple myeloma, and cancers of the prostate and urinary bladder) [361].
Our systematic scoping review identified 183 articles—180 from databases and 3 by manual entry, of which 75 were eliminated as duplicates. After the preliminary screening by title and abstract, 51 documents were excluded. From the articles eligible for full-text assessment, seven were excluded (mostly because they did not present comet assay data). A total of 50 studies were finally included in the qualitative analysis, as summarised in Figure 6 and Table 6.
The studies mostly focused on occupational exposure to organic solvents, namely benzene, toluene, xylenes, ethylbenzene, styrene, perchloroethylene, and isopropyl alcohol. In many cases, subjects were exposed to mixtures of different organic solvents or mixtures of solvents and other toxicants such as heavy metals, PAHs, or pesticides. Around 40% of the studies (n = 20) evaluated workers in factories (plastics, polymers, shoemaking and others) [96,97,363,365,368,372,373,374,375,376,378,379,380,384,385,387,393,394,395,397], a quarter (n = 12; 24.0%) assessed gas station and petrochemical industry workers [70,369,371,377,381,387,388,389,390,391,392,396] and fewer studies addressed painters (n = 6; 12.0%) [96,364,366,382,383,386], dry cleaners (n = 2; 4.0%) [66,362], biomedical laboratory workers (n = 1; 2.0%) [385], sewage workers (n = 1; 2.0%) [41], and employees in biomass fuel burning (n = 1; 2.0%) [144]. Nine studies (18.0%) evaluated exposure to pollutants in adults [49,104,121,398] or in adolescents/children [138,149,160,162,387] and one (2.0%) in glue sniffers [367]. Around half of the studies were conducted in Europe (n = 23; 46.0%), one-third in Asia (n = 14; 28.0%) and around 22% in Southern America (n = 11); only two studies were performed in Africa (4.0%).
All the studies were observational, and most of them used a cross-sectional design comparing the exposed and non-exposed subjects. Only a few studies (n = 3; 6.1%) evaluated the correlation between DNA damage and exposure markers in the exposed subjects [138,394,398].
Overall, 43 studies (86.0%) used either environmental or biological monitoring of exposure or both. Studies with exposure evaluation by questionnaire (n = 7; 14.0%) [96,362,364,370,380,382,383] were considered as limited regarding evidence. A significant increase in DNA damage in subjects exposed to solvents, or a positive correlation between DNA damage and exposure markers, was reported in 41 studies (82.0%) [of which 7 were limited based on the exposure evaluation], whereas in 8 studies (16.3%), the authors did not find any effect; in 1 paper (2.0%) a significant decrease in DNA damage was observed in the exposed subjects [374].
All of the studies reviewed took into consideration participants’ age and sex matching or a correction for variables in their analysis (19 were restricted to male subjects, and 2 to female participants). In the majority of the included studies (n = 48, 96.0%), a smoking habit was considered as a confounding factor, or the study was conducted in non-smokers, with the exception of two studies [384,392] that did not consider smoking. Alcohol drinking was evaluated in 13 (26.0%) studies. With the exception of Azimi [362], statistical power calculations were not presented.
The parameters used to express the comet assay data (one or more in the same study) were as follows: % DNA in the tail was used in 19, tail moment in 13, tail length in 13, and visual scoring in 9 papers. The cells used for biomonitoring were mostly blood cells, with saliva leukocytes from sputum in two cases [144,162]. In one study, urine genotoxicity was assessed [41], and in another, buccal cells were used to monitor exposure in car painters [383], while two studies focused on sperm DNA in workers in plastic factories [384,385].
In summary, the synthetised evidence from 50 studies confirms the positive effect of solvent exposure (different types/mixtures) on DNA damage (both in adults and children/adolescents) measured by the comet assay in sentinel cells. However, further well-designed observational studies properly accounting for confounding variables are still needed.

4. Considerations

This broad systematic scoping review provides a critical assessment of the available evidence on the use of the comet assay in human biomonitoring, based on 334 different primary studies on the genotoxic effects from occupational or environmental exposures to six major groups of chemical substances (i.e., air pollutants, anaesthetics, antineoplastic drugs, heavy metals, pesticides, and solvents). In general, the information gathered in this scoping systematic review shows that the comet assay can be a good candidate to provide reliable information for health risk evaluations; and the volume of publications that applied this methodology contributes to its validation.
The comet assay has, in fact, become an important method in the field of bio-assaying to assess genetic damage in a great variety of cells in exposed populations. Historically, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNCs), mainly represented by lymphocytes, have been regarded as long-living sentinel cells [399], which are useful for detecting past exposures to genotoxic compounds and are widely used in human biomonitoring studies [400]. Lately, whole blood preparations containing all leukocytes have been increasingly used in spite of their lower cellular homogeneity, as they do not involve cell isolation procedures and can be readily and safely stored frozen [17]. Moreover, there is already a substantial number of studies of exfoliated buccal cells obtained by a minimally invasive method. The comet assay is recommended for monitoring populations chronically exposed to genotoxic agents, combined with the cytokinesis-blocked micronucleus assay [16,203], since the first identifies injuries resulting from a recent exposure (over the previous few weeks), which are still reparable, such as single- and double-strand DNA breaks, alkali labile lesions converted to strand breaks under alkaline conditions, and single-strand breaks associated with incomplete excision repair sites [12,18,401,402]. It is highly desirable that each laboratory should set up and implement standard operating procedures for experimental protocols, manipulation of samples, and analyses [12,18,401,402]. To facilitate this, a compendium of comet assay protocols for the analysis of different types of samples was recently published [14].
The results of this systematic scoping review indicate that, in general, for all the groups of chemicals included, for both occupational and environmental exposure, increased levels of DNA damage are seen in subjects exposed in comparison to the non-exposed subjects, with a majority of statistically significant results. There is great heterogeneity in the assessment of exposure-outcome association, with a preponderance of studies with a lack of exposure assessment and/or biomarkers of exposure and accountability of confounding variables scarcely considered, which fits with the underuse of exposure assessment tools [403].
Human biomonitoring provides additional information, which can contribute to a more accurate risk assessment at the individual and/or group level. With respect to occupational exposure and the biomonitoring of workers, the scenario is clearer, and three main goals can be drafted as follows: the first is an individual or collective exposure assessment, the second is health protection, and the ultimate objective is an occupational health risk assessment [404].
Biomonitoring tools provide information for several actions related to occupational health interventions, such as the following: determining if a specific exposure has occurred and if it implies a risk to workers’ health; providing knowledge of exposure by all possible exposure routes; realising if health outcomes can be expected from exposure; helping to clarify the results from clinical testing in some circumstances; recognising the adequacy of control measures in place; helping to demonstrate the link between occupational exposure and a health effect [405]; and ultimately supporting health monitoring and surveillance programmes [406].
Emphasis should be given to monitoring populations which—at the environmental and/or occupational levels—are known to be exposed to hazardous substances, and to providing reliable health risk evaluations. This information can also be used to support regulations on environmental protection and/or to define limits in occupational settings. However, it is important to point out a critical issue in the application of any predictive biomarker in public health policies involving environmental and/or occupational exposures, namely, the meaning of the differing levels of predictive biomarkers at an individual level versus a group level. The latter (conservative approach) considers risk prediction to be valid only at a group level, allowing the effect of inter-individual variability and variability due to technical parameters being neglected [407]. The other (progressive approach) advocates that variability is a fundamental source of information, allowing the application of preventive measures in subsets of high-risk subjects. The other crucial aspect of predictive biomarkers is validation. A biomarker must be validated before it can be used for health risk assessments, especially as far as regulatory aspects are concerned.
The biomonitoring studies provide results on the associations between exposures and genotoxicity. There is an over-representation of studies with statistically significant increases in DNA damage in exposed subjects. Many studies use relatively simple statistical analyses such as ANOVA (or Student’s t-test) or the corresponding non-parametric tests (i.e., Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–Whitney U tests). The smallest studies have roughly group sizes of 20–30 subjects, whereas the largest studies have more than a hundred subjects in each exposure group. A conservative estimate indicates that a group size of 40 subjects is necessary to obtain a statistically significant two-fold difference between two groups if the coefficient of variation in each group is 100% (α = 0.05, β = 0.80, calculated in Stata version 15, StataCorp, College Station, TX, USA). Correction for confounding by multi-variate analyses decreases the statistical power, implying that more subjects are required to obtain the same statistical significance as with a crude analysis (i.e., adjusted analyses decrease the effect size in cases of classical confounding). However, some studies in the database also make use of confounders in stratified analyses of genotoxicity, such as the genotoxic effects of exposure in the strata of non-smokers and smokers. Statistical planning before conducting studies on the interactions between host factors and exposures requires knowledge of the anticipated effects of both factors. In addition, it is important to consider both the intra- and inter-individual variations when assessing the statistical power of studies on comet assay endpoints. Inter-individual variation is relatively easy to assess as the difference between levels of DNA damage; coefficient of variation values range between 10% and 100% in different biomonitoring studies and larger studies typically have larger variations than small studies. The lower variation in small studies is most likely due to less effect of the between-day variation in the comet assay, which is an important contributor to the overall variation. The relatively large between-day variation in the comet assay also increases the uncertainty of the intra-individual variation assessments because it contributes to the overall variation if the samples are isolated and analysed on different days. The alternative—specimens are stored and analysed in the same batch—entails uncertainty about the stability of stored samples for the comet assay and/or whether, for instance, the freezing/thawing of samples affects DNA damage in case cryopreservation is used to store the samples. Given the current knowledge of the sources of variability in the comet assay, a conservative approach is that the magnitude of the intra- and inter-individual variations are similar, and both of these contributors are smaller than the between-day variation in the comet assay. Therefore, it may be relevant to use block designs when analysing samples in biomonitoring studies. This can be accomplished by analysing matched samples in the same comet assay experiment in biomonitoring studies where individual or group matching has been used in the study design.
Our study has some limitations. No quantitative analyses or further in-depth comparisons among studies were possible given the heterogeneity of data from the different study designs and the lack of studies properly reporting outcomes measurements and units. Moreover, most studies have a small number of subjects, rendering them insufficiently powerful to tease out the statistical effects of individual chemicals in complex mixtures, which is often the case in human biomonitoring studies. The absence of a core outcome set or standardised reporting of data [408] using the comet assay may contribute to selective bias and a loss of information and may impair evidence gathering on the effects of occupational or environmental exposures to different types of substances in different populations. Yet, although the results are only exploratory, a systematic and critical review process was followed in our study; the data summarised by means of tables support the development of further research in this field. It should be noted that the findings and conclusions of the studies were considered as presented by the authors, meaning that the results cannot be generalised to different scenarios/settings and geographical regions.
In summary, our findings may support further scientific, technological, and innovative development in this field, especially regarding the incorporation of the comet assay as a validated tool for human biomonitoring studies. The gathered evidence may also be used to monitor and reassess the value of this assay, as well as to assist in the development of guidelines.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, C.L.; methodology, C.L., P.M., L.G. and F.S.T.; formal analysis, all authors; writing—original draft preparation, C.L.; writing each section, all authors; writing—review and editing, all authors; supervision, C.L. and F.S.T. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data are available from the corresponding author by request.


This work was supported by the affiliated institutions, European Regional Development Fund project KK. (Rec-IMI), the Croatian Science Foundation (HUMNap project #1192), the Horizon Europe (EDIAQI project #101057497), the European Union—Next Generation EU 533-03-23-0006 (BioMolTox), and the International Comet Assay Working Group (ICAWG).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. PRISMA flow diagram of systematic scoping review for air pollutants.
Figure 1. PRISMA flow diagram of systematic scoping review for air pollutants.
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Figure 2. PRISMA flow diagram of systematic scoping review for anaesthetics.
Figure 2. PRISMA flow diagram of systematic scoping review for anaesthetics.
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Figure 3. PRISMA flow diagram of systematic scoping review for antineoplastic drugs.
Figure 3. PRISMA flow diagram of systematic scoping review for antineoplastic drugs.
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Figure 4. PRISMA flow diagram of systematic scoping review for heavy metals.
Figure 4. PRISMA flow diagram of systematic scoping review for heavy metals.
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Figure 5. PRISMA flow diagram of systematic scoping review for pesticides.
Figure 5. PRISMA flow diagram of systematic scoping review for pesticides.
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Figure 6. PRISMA flow diagram of systematic scoping review for solvents.
Figure 6. PRISMA flow diagram of systematic scoping review for solvents.
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Table 1. Summary of findings from the included studies on air pollution.
Table 1. Summary of findings from the included studies on air pollution.
AuthorYearMain Chemical ExposureCountryExposure Assessment or Biomarkers of ExposurePopulation CharacteristicsDNA DamageReference/DOI
Occupational exposure
Andersen 2018PAHDenmark Urinary 1-OHP22 professional firefighters
  • DNA strand breaks: before (0.12 ± 0.04), after (0.13 ± 0.04); non-sig.
Andersen 2021PAH fluoreneDenmarkExposure levels to PAH (silicone bands, skin wipes)
Exposure levels to PAHs and organophosphate esters (OPEs)
Urinary excretion of PAH metabolites (OH-PAHs).
116 air force personnel
(79 exposed, 37 controls)
  • DNA strand breaks (number of lesions/106 bp): exposed (0.09 ± 0.04), controls (0.10 ± 0.04); non-sig.
Al Zabadi **2011PAH, VOCFranceAir concentration PAH and benzene64 sewage workers
(34 exposed, 30 unexposed)
  • % tail DNA: exposed (8.07 ± 3.12), unexposed (2.70 ± 0.58); sig.
Aydin2013FormaldehydeTurkeyPassive air samplers (TWA8h)92 medium-density fibreboard plants
(46 exposed, 46 unexposed)
  • % tail DNA: exposed (4.25 ± 0.29), unexposed (5.28 ± 0.22); sig.
Bacaksiz 2013PAH and heterocyclic compoundsTurkey--60
(30 exposed asphalt workers, 30 controls)
  • % tail DNA: exposed (24.34 ± 2.72), controls (20.04 ± 2.75); sig.
Bagryants2010PAH, VOCCzech RepublicPersonal samplers, quantitative analysis of PAHs, radial diffusive samplers for VOC exposure, cotinine120
(50 bus drivers, 20 garagemen, 50 controls)
  • % tail DNA: bus drivers (1.60 ± 0.90), garagemen (2.42 ± 2.19), controls (1.31 ± 0.88); sig.
Becit 2021Marble dustTurkeyAir samples and particle analysis89
(48 exposed workers in marble processing plants, 41 controls)
  • % tail DNA: exposed (1.59 ± 0.69), controls (0.95 ± 0.29); sig.
Barth 2016Air pollution (outdoor)BrazilUrinary 1-hydroxy-pyrene (1-OHP)82
(45 taxi drivers, 37 controls)
  • % tail DNA: controls (8.28 ± 0.21), exposed (11.58 ± 0.35); sig.
  • Comet tail moment: controls (1.83 ± 0.20), exposed (2.64 ± 0.17); sig.
Balamur likrishnan 2014Silica dust exposureIndia--85
(50 exposed subjects: Group I ≤ 40 years and ≤13 years working duration (23 individuals)
Group II above 40 years and above 13 years (27 individuals)
working duration, 35 controls; Group I (17), Group II (18))
  • Total damaged cells: exposed: group I (50.17 ± 14.44), group II (83.74 ± 16.20), controls: group I (22.52 ± 13.49), group II (48.55 ± 17.08); sig.
Bruschweiler 2016Wood dustSwitzerlandWood dust, PAH, and B(a)P exposurenonsmoking wood workers
(n = 31, furniture and construction workers, natural wood, 12; wooden board, 19) and controls (n = 19)
  • Comet score (visual scoring)—median (25–75th): natural wood (11.3; 8.8–26.3), wooden board (61.5; 49.5–85), controls (11.0; 8.0–18.0); sig.
Carere **2002Air pollutionItalyBenzene exposure190
(133 traffic policemen, 57 office workers as controls)
  • Comet tail moment: exposed (0.46 ± 0.46), controls (0.36 ± 0.32); non-sig.
Cavallo 2005PAHItalyPersonal air sampling, urinary OH-pyrene41
(19 paving workers, 22 controls)
  • Comet tail moment: control (19.5 ± 6.0), exposed (22.7 ± 7.29); sig.
Cavallo 2006PAHItaly Urinary 1-hydroxy-pyrene (1-OHP)71
(41 exposed airport personnel (group A, 24 persons, group B, 17 persons; 31 controls))
  • Comet tail moment (buccal cells): exposed (118.87), unexposed (68.20); sig.
  • Comet tail moment (lymphocytes): exposed (43.01), unexposed (36.01); sig. only for controls and exposed subgroups (A and B)
Cavallo 2009PAHs, antineoplastic drugsItalyExposure assessment studies cited (reported in previous papers)163
(30 workers exposed to antineoplastic drugs, 57 workers exposed to PAHs, 76 controls)
  • % Comet (lymphocytes): exposed (18.11), unexposed (11.24); sig.
  • Comet tail (lymphocytes): airport workers (21.50), controls (17.43); sig.; and buccal cells of airport workers (59.43), controls (34.79); sig. exposed (21.84), controls (16.72); sig. for PAH exposure
Cavallo 2022 Graphene ItalyParticle number concentration (PNC, particles/
cm3) from 10 nm to 1000 nm;
airborne particle matter from 250 nm to 10 mm
6 graphene workers and 11 controls
  • % tail DNA: controls (11.20 ± 6.93), workers first biomonitoring (9.70 ± 2.88) vs. workers follow-up (14.00 ± 6.43); sig.
  • Comet tail moment: controls (3.80 ± 2.28), workers first biomonitoring (3.19 ± 2.03) vs. workers follow-up (3.39 ± 1.84)
  • Comet tail length: controls (20.68 ± 13.75), workers first biomonitoring (20.42 ± 5.95) vs. workers follow-up (18.90 ± 7.08)
Cebulska-Wasilewska *2005PAHCzech RepublicPM2.5 and PAH analyses78
(40 policemen, 38 controls)
  • % tail DNA: controls (40) winter (2.64 ± 1.37); (38) summer (2.62 ± 1.04); policemen (43) winter (2.72 ± 1.70); summer (2.91 ± 1.05); non-sig.
Cebulska-Wasilewska *2007PAHSlovakia/BulgariaPM2.5 and PAH analyses174 policemen
(99 exposed, 75 controls)
  • % tail DNA: controls (4.06 ± 1.40), exposed (3.86 ± 1.28); non-sig.
Cebulska-Wasilewska *2007*PAHSlovakia/BulgariaEnvironmental PAHs259
(144 exposed, who were municipal policemen or
bus drivers; 115 controls)
  • % tail DNA: exposed (3.7 ± 1.3), controls 3.8 ± 1.5; non-sig.
Ceppi 2023PAH and glass fibresSlovakiaAir sampling for the PAH analysis, air fibre sampling, personal exposure monitoring for PAH, cotinine116
(76 exposed shop floor workers, 34 controls)
  • DNA strand breaks (mean ± SEM): exposed (77 ± 4), controls (61 ± 5); sig.
Chen 2006PAH (coke-oven exposure)ChinaPAH analysis363
(240 coke-oven workers
and 123 controls, all males)
  • Olive tail moment: control (0.58 ± 0.92), exposed (1.23 ± 1.12); sig.
Chen 2010PCDD,
metals, and silica particles,
TaiwanAir samples analysis, metal analysis78
(37 workers were recruited from a bottom ash recovery plant and
41 workers from fly ash treatment plants)
  • Comet tail moment: bottom ash (2.64 ± 0.47); fly ash (7.55 ± 6.96); sig.
Cheng 2009PAH (coke-oven exposure)ChinaUrinary 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHP)158
(94 coke-oven workers
and 64 controls)
  • Baseline DNA damage: exposed (0.86; 0.77–0.97), controls (0.43; 0.35–0.52); sig.
Chia 2008Zinc and copper smelting workTaiwan8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OH-dG) in urine (ELISA),
lipid peroxidation (MDA in plasma)
(39 smelting workers, 28 non-exposed)
  • Comet tail moment: exposed (0.33 ± 0.09), non-exposed (0.29 ± 0.1); non-sig.
Costa §2008Formaldehyde PortugalAir samplers (TWA8h): ranging from 1.50 and 4.43 ppm60
(30 pathology anatomy workers, 30 controls)
  • Comet tail length: control (41.85 ± 1.97), exposed (60.00 ± 2.31); sig.
Costa §2011Formaldehyde PortugalAir sampling and FA analysis98
(48 pathology anatomy workers, 50 non-exposed)
  • % tail DNA—mean ± SE, (range): controls 8.01 ± 0.64 (2.83–24.40), exposed 11.76 ± 0.74 (4.72–29.67)
  • Comet tail length: controls 42 ± 1.6 (17.14–74.62), exposed 54.55 ± 2.02 (33.14–99.09); sig.
Costa 2015FormaldehydePortugalAir sampling (TWA8h) level of exposure171
(84 pathology anatomy workers, 87 controls)
  • % tail DNA: control [7.5 ± 0.47 (range 0.86–24.4)] vs. exposed [11.67 ± 0.72 (range 0.23–28.07)]; sig.
De Boeck 2000Cobalt dust, hard metal dustBelgiumUrinary 8-OH-dG99
(24 workers exposed to cobalt dust, 27 workers exposed to hard metal dust, and 27 controls)
  • Comet tail length: exposed cobalt 0.71 (1.38) (0.32–1.18); hard metals (0.65 (1.23) (0.36–0.90); controls 0.64 (1.25) (0.47–1.06);
  • % tail DNA: exposed cobalt 0.50 (1.44) (0.25–1.15); hard metals 0.57 (1.24) (0.38–0.77); controls 0.51 (1.35) (0.31–0.87);
  • Comet tail moment: exposed cobalt 0.37 (1.85) (0.11–1.18); hard metals 0.40 (1.45) (0.14–0.80); controls 0.34 (1.47) (0.18–0.81); non-sig.
Duan 2016Diesel engine exhaustChinaAir sampling: PM2.5, elemental carbon, NO2, SO2, and airborne PAHs
urinary 1-OHP
(101 DEE-exposed workers and 106 controls)
  • % tail DNA: controls (18.75 ± 28.29), exposed (60.02 ± 28.59); sig.
Everatt **2013Perchloroethylene LithuaniaPCE concentration in air: 31.40 ± 23.5159
(30 dry cleaner workers, 29 control)
  • Comet tail length: (lymphocytes): exposed (10.45 ± 6.52) vs. unexposed (5.77 ± 2.31); sig.
Galiotte 2008Hair dyes, waving, and straightening preparations Brazil--124 hairdressers
(69 exposed females, 55 unexposed)
  • Total Comet Score: exposed (159.8 ± 71) vs. unexposed (125.4 ± 64.1); sig.
Giri 2011PAH IndiaAir sampling, [B(a)P] analysis220
(115 coal-tar workers, 105 controls)
  • Comet tail moment: controls (0.44 ± 0.31); exposed (12.06 ± 0.56); sig.
Gomaa 2012FormaldehydeEgypt--45
(30 lab technicians, 15 unexposed)
  • Comet tail length (peripheral blood): exposed (47.3 ± 8.5) vs. unexposed (12.5 ± 1.5); sig.
  • Comet tail moment (peripheral blood): exposed (56.1 ± 16.5) vs. unexposed (10.8 ± 1.2); sig.
Göethel **2014Air pollution, benzene, and COBrazilUrinary t,t-muconic acid (t,t-MA) and 8OHdG
carboxyhaemoglobin (COHb) in whole blood
(43 gas station staff, 34 drivers, 22 unexposed)
  • DNA damage index WBC (AU): gas station staff (89.8 ± 21.5), drivers (94.2 ± 12.8), unexposed (48.6 ± 35.9); sig.
Hachesu 2019Air pollution (traffic) Iran--104 taxi drivers
(11 smokers, 93 non-smokers)
  • Comet tail moment: smokers (2.70 ± 2.48), non-smokers (3.31 ± 4.37), all (3.24 ± 4.19);
  • % tail DNA: smokers (7.12 ± 3.47), non-smokers (7.34 ± 5.67), all (7.32 ± 5.45);
  • Comet tail length: smokers (7.24 ± 3.55), non-smokers (10.37 ± 7.90), all (10.02 ± 7.59);
  • Comet tail intensity: smokers (14.79 ± 5.89), non-smokers (14.13 ± 5.06), all (14.20 ± 5.13); non-sig.
Huang 2012PAH (coke-oven exposure)ChinaAirborne samples analysis298
(202 exposed coke-oven workers: bottom 67, side 57, top 78 of the coke-oven; 96 controls)
  • Olive tail moment: controls (0.55 ± 0.93); bottom (0.98 ± 1.07); side (1.37 ± 1.07); top (1.39 ± 1.09); sig.
Jasso-Pineda **2015Arsenic, lead, PAH, DDT/DDEMexicoAs and 1-OHP in urine
Lead and total DDT/DDE in blood
276 children total; 191 for air pollution
(65 low PAH exposure; 50 biomass combustion; 76 high PAH exposure)
  • Olive tail moment: low exposure (2.1 ± 1.0); biomass combustion (6.6 ± 3.0); high exposure (7.5 ± 3.5); sig.
Jiang 2010FormaldehydeChinaAir samplers (TWA8h): 0.83 ppm, ranging 0.08–6.30 ppm263
(151 plywood industry workers, 112 controls)
  • Olive tail moment: exposed (3.54 [95%CI = 3.19–3.93]), unexposed (0.93 [95%CI = 0.78–1.10]); sig.
Khanna 2014Tobacco dustIndia--61
(31 female bidi rollers, 30 controls)
  • Comet tail length: young bidi rollers (14.67 ± 1.47) vs. older bidi rollers (22.26 ± 1.02) vs. controls (11.52 ± 2.75); sig.
Khisroon 2020Gold jewellery fumesPakistan--94
(54 gold jewellery workers, 40 controls)
  • Total comet score (TCS): gold jewellery workers (128.0 ± 60.6), controls (47.7 ± 21.4); sig.
Kianmehr 2017Fuel smokeIran --55
(11 exposed to natural gas, 11 exposed to diesel, 11 exposed to kerosene, 11 exposed to firewood, 11 unexposed)
  • Comet tail moment: firewood-burning (4.40 ± 1.98), natural gas (1.35 ± 0.84), diesel (1.85 ± 1.33), kerosene (2.19 ± 2.20), unexposed (0.17 ± 0.23); sig. for firewood
  • Comet tail length: firewood-burning (19.35 ± 5.97), natural gas (9.91 ± 4.10), diesel (12.31 ± 4.51), kerosene (13.37 ± 5.65), unexposed (2.89 ± 1.22); sig.
  • % tail DNA: firewood-burning (6.21 ± 1.88), natural gas (3.89 ± 1.17), diesel (4.03 ± 1.95), kerosene (4.08 ± 1.91), unexposed (6.21 ± 1.88); sig.
Knudsen 2005Diesel-powered truck exhaustsEstonia Cited in a previous paper92
(50 underground mine workers, 42 surface workers)
  • DNA damage (median): Underground non-smokers 113; underground smokers 157; surface smokers 90; surface non-smokers 142; sig. in underground workers
Krieg 2012JP-8 jet fuelUSAUrinary (2-methoxy ethoxy) acetic acid (MEAA) and creatinine, benzene, and naphthalene in exhaled breath310
(Before: low 152, moderate 42, and high exposure 116; After a 4 h work shift exposure: low 151, moderate 43, high 116)
  • % tail DNA: before: low (75.43 ± 5.93); moderate (75.94 ± 5.95); high (75.27 ± 4.69);
After: low (75.78 ± 5.89); moderate (75.60 ± 6.10); high (75.47 ± 5.03); non-sig.
  • Olive tail moment: before: low (5390.78 ± 1142.55); moderate (5577.56 ± 1216.76); high (5370.35 ± 950.63)
After: low (5511.14 ± 1133.04); moderate (5415.14 ± 1130.05); high (5425.66 ± 984.76); non-sig.
Kvitko 2012PAH, PM, pesticides, solventsBrazil--For PAH and PM exposure
(44 coal miners, 65 controls)
  • Damage Index (DI): exposed (18 ± 9.72), controls (5 ± 5.81); sig.
  • Damage Frequency (FD): exposed (14 ± 6.90), controls (2 ± 2.08); sig.
Leng 2004PAH (coke-oven exposure)ChinaUrinary 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHP)193
(143 Coke-oven workers, 50 controls)
  • Olive tail moment: coke-oven workers (2.6, 95% CI = /2.1/3.3), non-coke-oven workers (1.0, 95% CI = /0.8/1.2); sig.
León-Mejía 2011Dust particlesColombia--200
(100 exposed open-cast coal mine workers, 100 controls)
  • Comet tail length: exposed (23.4 ± 6.5), unexposed (14.3 ± 2.5)
  • % tail DNA: exposed (13.1 ± 7.9), unexposed (2.9 ± 1.5)
  • DI (damage index): exposed (60.0 ± 39.5), unexposed (9.0 ± 6.4); sig.
León-Mejía 2019Diesel exhaust (gases, PAH, PM)Colombia--220
(120 exposed mechanics and 100
  • % tail DNA: controls (23.39 ± 9.18), exposed (30.91 ± 17.52); sig.
  • Damage index: controls (107.05 ± 27.88), exposed (131.22 ± 48.15); sig.
Lin 2013FormaldehydeChinaAir-monitoring badges178
(96 plywood industry, 82 controls)
  • Olive tail moment: lower exposure (0.88 ± 0.55), higher exposure (1.01 ± 0.56), controls (0.67 ± 0.55); sig. increased with increasing levels of FA exposure
Marczynski 2002PAH (coke-oven exposure)Germany1-Hydroxypyrene (1-OHP) and sum of five hydroxyphenanthrenes (OHPHs), creatinine, and cotinine95
19 coke-oven workers, 29 graphite-electrode-producing workers), 32 controls
  • Tail extent moment: graphite-electrode-producing workers 7.95 ± 3.34, coke-oven workers 3.5 ± 1.72, controls 2.54 ± 0.68; sig. increased for graphite-electrode-producing workers
Marczynski 2010BitumenGermany--42 bitumen-exposed workers
  • DNA strand break—median (range) in
    Induced sputum: pre: 196 (158–209), and post: 202 (50–225) shift
    Blood: pre: 1.7 (1.2–2.4), and post: 1.3 (1.1–1.9); non-sig.
Marczynski 2011Vapours and aerosols of bitumenGermanyUrinary hydroxylated metabolites of naphthalene, phenanthrene, pyrene438
(320 exposed construction workers, 118 unexposed)
  • Olive tail moment: exposed pre-shift (1.74 [1.26–2.57]), unexposed pre-shift (1.41 [0.98–2.30]), exposed post-shift (1.51 [1.14–2.12]), unexposed post-shift (1.19 [0.98–1.49])
  • % DNA tail: exposed pre-shift (6.51 [4.72–9.31]), unexposed pre-shift (5.06 [3.66–8.95]), exposed post-shift (5.73 [4.04–7.97]), unexposed post-shift (4.66 [3.66–5.90]); sig.
Moretti 2007PAHItalyUrinary 1-OHP191
(109 graphite-electrode-producing workers, 82 controls)
  • % DNA tail: exposed (5.28 ± 0.21), control (4.33 ± 0.22); sig.
Novotna 2007Air pollutionCzech RepublicAir samples analysis;
personal air sampler.
Quantitative analysis of cPAHs
65 non-smoking city policemen (54 outdoor policemen, 11 indoor policemen)
  • % DNA tail: exposed January (7.04 ± 0.38), unexposed January (3.75 ± 0.85); exposed September (4.72 ± 0.29), unexposed September (2.65 ± 0.18); sig.
Oh 2006PAHSouth KoreaUrinary 1-OHP,2-naphthol, and creatinine in urine138
(54 automobile emission inspectors, 84 controls)
  • Olive tail moment (mononuclear cells): exposed (1.71 ± 0.23), controls (1.34 ± 0.16); sig.
  • % tail DNA (mononuclear cells): exposed (14.91 ± 2.37), controls (9.17 ± 2.22); sig.
  • Olive tail moment (polynuclear cells): exposed (3.21 ± 0.42), controls (2.76 ± 0.38); sig.
  • % tail DNA (polynuclear cells): exposed (15.58 ± 3.58), controls (13.35 ± 2.44); sig.
Peteffi 2016FormaldehydeBrazil Urinary formic acid concentrations91
(46 exposed furniture manufacturing workers, 45 controls)
  • Damage index: exposed (6.7), unexposed (2.0); sig.
  • Damage frequency: exposed (6%), unexposed (2%); sig.
Peteffi 2016FormaldehydeBrazilEnvironmental FA concentrations;
urinary formic acid
50 hairdresser workers
  • Damage index: 7.00 (2.00–52.25)
  • Damage frequency: 6.50 (2.00–44.00); sig.
Recio-Vega 2018PAHMexicoUrinary 1-OHP70 brick factory workers
(35 exposed; 35 controls)
  • Comet tail length: controls (29.61 ± 9.0), exposed (42.07 ± 10.0); sig.
  • Comet tail moment: controls (4.07 ± 3.5), exposed (8.11 ± 4.8); sig.
  • Comet tail migration: controls (11.37 ± 8.9), exposed (23.19 ± 11.2); sig.
Rekhadevi 2009wood
IndiaWood dust levels120
(60 carpentry workers, 60 controls)
  • Comet tail length: Age < 35 controls (5.90 ± 2.62), exposed (12.42 ± 1.52); ≥35 controls (7.76 ± 1.61), exposed (15.82 ± 2.01); smoking controls (7.91 ± 1.26), exposed (16.33 ± 1.52); not smoking controls (6.52 ± 2.53), exposed (12.36 ± 1.42); Alcohol consumption yes controls (8.00 ± 1.40), exposed (6.90 ± 1.15); no alcohol consumption controls (5.80 ± 2.51), exposed (12.86± 1.69); sig.
Rohr 2013Coal dustBrazil--128
(71 coal-exposed workers and 57 controls)
  • Damage index controls 15.53 ± 8.80, exposed 33.69 ± 28.70; sig.
  • Damage frequency controls 12.40 ± 6.18 27.46 ± 23.75; sig.
Sardas 2010Welding fumes and solvent-based paintsTurkey --78
(52 workers in construction, 26 controls)
  • % DNA tail: exposed (12.34 ± 2.05) vs. unexposed (6.64 ± 1.43); sig.
Scheepers **2002Diesel exhaust (benzene, PAHs)Estonia, Czech RepublicAnalysis of air samples, urinary metabolites of PAH and benzene92 underground miners (drivers of diesel-powered excavators)
(46 underground workers, 46 surface workers)
  • DNA damage lymphocytes (visual scoring comets): underground workers (134), surface workers (104); non-sig.
Sellappa 2010Cement dust exposureIndia--164
(96 building construction workers and 68 controls)
  • Comet tail length:
Controls: Age ≤ 40 (9.90 ± 0.92); ≥41 (8.09 ± 1.18); Smoking Yes (10.40 ± 2.42), No (9.21 ± 1.32); Tobacco chewing Yes (10.12 ± 2.71), No (8.85 ± 2.33); Alcohol Consumption Yes (9.96 ± 2.44), No (9.23 ± 2.30)
Workers: Age ≤ 40 (16.85 ± 2.08); sig.; ≥41 (14.12 ± 2.33); sig.; Smoking Yes (15.97 ± 2.61); sig.; No (13.71 ± 2.89); sig.; Tobacco chewing Yes (15.71 ± 2.34); sig.; No (15.71 ± 2.34); sig.; Alcohol Consumption Yes (14.05 ± 2.59); sig.; No (12.90 ± 2.98); sig.
Sellappa 2011PAHIndiaUrinary 1-OHP73
(36 road pavers; 37 control)
  • Comet tail length controls: smokers (13.3 ± 3.74); non-smokers (10.9 ± 2.85); alcohol drinkers (11.1 ± 2.92); non-drinkers (9.9 ± 2.83), workers: smokers (19.4 ± 4.99); sig. non-smokers (15.5 ± 4.94); sig.
  • alcohol drinkers (16.2 ± 2.03); sig.
  • non-drinkers (15.1 ± 3.12); sig.
Shen 2016Diesel ChinaUrinary OH-PAHs, urinary εdA levels185
(86 exposed diesel engine testing workers, 99 unexposed)
  • Olive tail moment: non-exposed (1.16 ± 2.45), exposed (5.29 ± 2.30); sig.
  • % DNA tail: non-exposed (2.20 ± 29.45), exposed (66.44 ± 25.93); sig.
Siwińska 2004PAHPolandUrinary 1-hydroxypyrene (HpU)98 coke-oven workers
(49 exposed; 49 controls)
  • Comet tail length—median with quartiles (25–75th): controls 34.6 (31.4; 40.4); exposed: 32.3 (29.0; 37.3); sig.
Sul 2003PAHSouth KoreaUrinary 1-OH-pyrene and creatinine, 2-naphthol95
(24 workers from automobile emission companies, 28 workers from waste incinerating company, 43 unexposed)
  • DNA damage (in T-lymphocytes): emission inspection workers (1.41 ± 0.22), incineration workers (1.76 ± 0.27), controls (1.42 ± 0.22); sig.
  • Comet tail moment (B-lymphocytes): emission inspection (2.44 ± 0.32), incineration workers (2.36 ± 0.37), controls (1.40 ± 0.27); sig.
  • Comet tail moment (granulocytes): emission inspection (3.32 ± 0.38), incineration workers (2.85 ± 0.49), controls (2.72 ± 0.59); sig.
Toraason 20061-BromopropaneUSAPersonal-breathing zone samples collected for 1–3 days up to 8 h per (TWA8h).
Bromide (Br) in blood and urine.
64 workers
(42 facility A (non-sprayer—low exposure 29; sprayer—high exposure 13) and
22 workers facility B (non-sprayer—low exposure 16; sprayer—high exposure 6))
  • Comet tail moment: start of the week: low exposure A (2517 ± 641), high exposure A (2867 ± 895); low exposure B (2856 ± 359); high exposure B (3430 ± 984); end-of-week: low exposure A (3080 ± 697); sig. high exposure A (3178 ± 762); low exposure B (2770 ± 504); high exposure B (2974 ± 280)
Tovalin **2006Air pollution (traffic), VOCs, PM2.5, ozoneMexicoPersonal occupational and non-occupational monitoring for VOCs, PM2.5, O355 City traffic exposure
(28 outdoor workers, 27 indoor workers)
  • Comet tail length (WBC): outdoor workers (median 46.80 [maximum 132.41]), indoor workers (median 30.11 [maximum 51.47]); sig.
Ullah 2021Air pollution (traffic), coal mining dustPakistan--240
(60 participants exposed to traffic pollution, 60 controls, 60 mine workers, 60 controls)
  • Comet tail length—mean (min-max): traffic conductors 28.69 (26.83–30.55), controls 8.62 (7.98–9.26); sig., coal miners 30.16 (29.06–31.26), controls 9.82 (9.42–10.22); sig.
van Delft2001PAH (coke-oven exposure)NetherlandsUrinary 1-hydroxypyrene72
(28 coke-oven workers, 37 controls)
  • DNA breaks: exposed (1.3 ± 0.4), controls (1.4 ± 0.4); non-sig.
Villarini 2008Dust
(a-quartz and other particles from blasting), gases (nitrogen dioxide,
NO2), diesel exhausts, oil mist
(39 underground workers and 34
unexposed subjects)
  • % tail DNA: exposed (3.08 ± 0.29), control 2.85 ± 0.18; non-sig.
Vital 2021Environmental tobacco smoke (occupational settings) PortugalMonitoring the level of indoor air contaminants, namely, particulate matter (PM2.5), CO, and CO276
(17 smoker workers (SW), 32 non-exposed non-smoker workers (NE NSW), 32 exposed non-smoker workers E NSW)
  • % tail DNA: SW (2.94 ± 0.94); NE NSW (2.93 ± 0.70); E NSW (3.24 ± 1.34); non-sig.
  • Comet tail length: SW (3.30 ± 1.64); NE NSW (3.13 ± 0.80); E NSW (3.00 ± 0.90); non-sig.
Wang 2007PAH (coke-oven exposure)ChinaBenzo[a]pyrene-r-7, t-8, t-9, c-10-tetrahydotetrol-albumin (BPDE-Alb) adducts309
(207 coke-oven workers exposed, 102 controls)
  • Olive tail moment: control (0.63 ± 0.93), exposed (1.20 ± 1.10); sig.
Wang 2010PAH (coke-oven exposure)ChinaAirborne PAH monitoring and urinary 1-Hydroxypyrene475 workers
(157 low, 160 intermediates, 158 high exposure)
  • Olive tail moment (median, 5–95 percentiles): all 0.36 (0.13–1.24), low 0.33 (0.12–1.06), intermediate 0.38 (0.17–1.74), high 0.40 (0.14–3.17); non-sig.
Wang 2011PAH (cooking oil fumes)China Urinary 1-OHP110
(67 kitchen workers, 43 controls)
  • Comet tail length: exposed (8.03 [6.83–9.18]), controls (6.89 [5.89–8.16]); sig.
  • % DNA tail: exposed (23.9 [17.8–30.1]) vs. controls (21.3 [16.2–29.1]); sig.
Wultsch 2011PAHAustriaCr, Mn, Ni, As, in urine, creatinine42 waste incinerator workers
(23 exposed, 19 unexposed)
  • DNA migration (tail factor): Group I [≥1 and ≤3 months employment] (6.7 ± 1.9), Group II [>3 and ≤8 months] (6.3 ± 1.5), Group III [>8 and ≤11 months] (6.5 ± 2.4), unexposed (7.1 ± 1.6); non-sig.
Yang 2007PAH (coke-oven exposure)ChinaPAH and urinary 1-OHP monitoring101 coke-oven workers
(Low (n = 33) Intermediate (n = 35) High (n = 33) exposure)
  • Olive tail Moment: low (1.63 ± 0.46), intermediate (1.74 ± 0.69), high (2.54 ± 0.75); sig. between low and high
Yu 2022PAH (coke-oven exposure)ChinaUrinary monohydroxy PAHs (OH-PAHs) 332 coke-oven workers
  • Olive tail Moment: Total participants (0.44 (0.30, 0.75)), <20 years of working (0.44 (0.28, 0.71)), (0.44 (0.32, 0.86)); non-sig.
  • % tail DNA: Total participants (3.20 (2.14, 5.18)), <20 years of working (3.18 (2.01, 4.88)), (3.21 (2.19, 5.68)); non-sig.
  • Comet tail length: Total participants (3.61 (3.24, 4.88)), <20 years of working (3.65 (3.20, 4.65)), (3.59 (3.28, 5.05)); non-sig.
  • Comet tail moment—median (25–75th percentile): Total participants (0.14 (0.08, 0.33)), <20 years of working (0.15 (0.08, 0.30)), (0.13 (0.09, 0.34)); non-sig.
Zhang 2021PAHs (coke-oven exposure)ChinaUrinary 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHP) analysis256
(173 male coke-oven workers,
83 male hot-rolling
workers not exposed as a
control group)
  • % tail DNA: controls 4.92, exposed 40.8
  • Olive tail Moment: controls 3.73, exposed 22.1; sig.
Zendehdel Ø2017Formaldehyde IranMonitoring FA exposure83
(49 melamine tableware workshop workers, 34 controls)
  • Olive tail moment—median (min–max): exposed 13 (7.4–36.7), controls 8.4 (6.4–31.7); sig.
  • Comet tail moment—median (min–max): exposed 22.2 (12.3–65), controls 14.8 (6.4–57.7); sig.
Zendehdel Ø2018FormaldehydeIranAir sampling87
(53 melamine tableware workshop workers, 34 unexposed)
  • Comet tail moment (whole blood): exposed (20.9 [12.3 to 65.1]), unexposed (14.8 [6.4 to 57.7]); sig.
Zendehdel Ø2018FormaldehydeIranAir sampling88
(54 melamine tableware workshop workers, 34 controls)
  • Comet tail length (median; min-max): exposed (28.9; 13.9–81), controls 18.5 (14–71); sig.
Environmental exposure
Alvarado-Cruz 2017Air pollutionMexicoPM10 characterization, urinary levels of 1-OHP (PAHs exposure) and t,t-MA (benzene exposure)141 children
  • Olive tail moment (interquartile range 25–75): 33.6 (28.0–40.2); sig. positive association with PM10
Andersen 2019Diesel-powered trains particlesDenmark Levels of 1-OHP, 2-OHF, 1-NAPH, and 2-NAPH in urine83 healthy volunteers
54 exposed to diesel, 29 exposed in electric train)
  • DNA damage (SB lesions/106 bp): electric (0.12 ± 0.13), diesel (0.18 ± 0.13); sig.
Avogbe **2005PM (UFPs), benzene BeninAmbient UFP, urinary excretion of S-PMA135 city traffic exposure
(29 drivers, 37 roadside residents, 42 suburban, 27 rural)
  • % DNA tail (MNBC): drivers (6.09 ± 3.46) vs. roadside residents (6.32 ± 4.00) vs. suburban (5.42 ± 2.28) vs. rural (4.26 ± 1.76); sig.
Beyoglu 2010Indoor tobacco smokeTurkey--60 children from paediatric unit
(30 exposed, 30 controls)
  • % tail DNA: exposed (10.73 ± 1.38), controls (8.16 ± 1.29); sig.
Cetkovic 2023Air pollution Bosnia and Herzegov--33 volunteers
(Summer and winter sampling)
  • Comet tail intensity: winter (1.14 ± 0.23); summer (1.19 ± 0.19);
  • Comet tail length: winter (2.20 ± 0.14); summer (2.25 ± 0.17);
  • Comet tail moment: winter (1.03 ± 0.29); summer (1.07 ± 0.25); non-sig.
Cho 2003Hair dye fumesKorea--20 volunteers
(before and after hair-dyeing)
  • Comet tail moment: before (1.47 ± 0.41); after (1.75 ± 0.29); sig.
Chu 2015Air pollutionChinaPersonal 24 h PM2.5 exposure301
(108 from Zhuhai, 114 from Wuhan, 79 from Tianjin)
  • % tail DNA—Median (25–75th percentile): Zhuhai 1.36 (0.67, 2.66); Wuhan 2.15 (0.77, 4.63); Tianjin 2.97 (1.47, 6.32); significance not indicated
[125] 10.1016/j.toxlet.2015.04.007
Coronas 2009PM BrazilWeekly airborne particulate matter (PM10) samples74 healthy men recruits, 18–40 years old, living or working at the target site
(37 exposed, 37 unexposed)
  • Comet tail intensity: exposed (10.04 ± 7.13) vs. unexposed (7.09 ± 3.85); sig.
  • Comet tail moment: exposed (2.53 ± 2.28) vs. unexposed (0.82 ± 0.68); sig.
Coronas 2016PAHs (in PM)BrazilAir sampling
Quantification of 16 PAHs from organic extract of PM 2.5: Acenaphthene, Acenaphthlene, Anthracene, Benzo(a)anthracene, Benzo(a)pyrene, Benzo(a)fluoranthene, Benzo(g,h,i)perylene, Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, Benzo(k)fluoranthene, Chrysene, Dibenzo(a,h) Anthracene, Phenanthrene, Fluoranthene, Fluorene, Naphthalene, and Pyrene.
62 children aged 5–12 years
(42 exposed, 20 controls)
  • % DNA tail: controls 7.2 ± 3.15 (interval 1.04–23.86), exposed 7.1 ± 2.16 (1.09–28.89); non-sig.
Danielsen 2008Wood smokeSweden Urinary 8-oxoGua, 8-oxodG13 never-smoking subjects
  • DNA damage: SB (per 106 bp): Time after exposure to filtered air: 3 h (0.071 ± 0.053), 20 h (0.085 ± 0.043); time after exposure to wood smoke: 3 h (0.042 ± 0.036), 20 h (0.035 ± 0.019); non-sig.
da Silva 2015PAHBrazil--45 children of Santo Antônio da Patrulha, Rio Grande do Sul
  • Comet tail length: 23.1 ± 12.44
  • Comet tail intensity: 7.3 ± 11.66
  • Comet tail moment: 0.9 ± 2.30
Forchhammer 2012Wood smoke
(controlled exposure)
Denmark14, 220, or 354 μg/m3 of particles from a well-burning modern wood stove for 3 h in a climate-controlled chamber with 2-week intervals20 healthy non-smoking subjects (controlled exposure)
  • DNA damage (single-strand breaks) (mean ± SEM): controls (0.16 ± 0.03 lesions/106 bp) (n = 18); non-sig. effect of wood smoke
Gamboa 2008PAHMexicoAir sampling6–15 years old children (37)
(12 from oil extraction activity; 10 from no extraction activity regions, 15 controls)
  • Comet tail length: exposed (14.21–42.14), controls (12.25 to 0.63); significance not indicated
Gong 2014Air pollutionChinaPM2.5 (mg/m3): Zhuhai 68.35 (37.17–116.79); Wuhan 114.96 (86.55–153.20); Tianjin 146.60
(110 from Zhuhai, 118 from Wuhan, 79 from Tianjin)
  • % tail DNA—median (25–75 percentile): Zhuhai 1.36 (0.65–2.59); Wuhan 1.85 (0.77–4.39); Tianjin 2.97 (1.47–6.32); significance not indicated
Han 2010PAHChinaPAH metabolites (2-OHNa, 9-OHPh, 2-OHFlu, and 1-OHP) in urine232 men from Chongqing, China.
  • % tail DNA: 13.26%, 95% CI 7.97–18.55;
  • Comet tail length (12.25; 95% CI 0.01–24.52),
  • Comet tail distribution (7.55; 95% CI 1.28–18.83); sig. associated with 2-OHNa
Hemmingsen 2015Diesel exhaust Sweden3 h to diesel exhaust (276 μg/m3) from a passenger car or filtered air, with co-exposure to traffic noise at 48 or 75 dB(A)18 individuals with controlled exposure (3 h)
  • DNA damage (before and after DE exposure): 0.32 ± 0.04; 0.30 ± 0.04; non-sig.
Hisamuddin 2022PAHs (in PM)Malaysia Gravimetric sampling of PM2.5
PAHs Extraction:
Acenaphthene, Acenaphthlene, Anthracene, Benzo(a)anthracene, Benzo(a)pyrene, Benzo(a)fluoranthene, Benzo(g,h,i)perylene, Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, Benzo(k)fluoranthene, Chrysene, Dibenzo(a,h) Anthracene, Phenanthrene, Fluoranthene, Fluorene, Naphthalene, and Pyrene.
228 school children
  • Comet tail moment: high traffic group (3.13 ± 0.53) vs. low traffic group (2.80 ± 0.81); sig.
Ismail 2019Traffic-related air pollutionMalaysiaAir samples analysis104
(52 exposed group, 52 controls)
  • Comet tail length: exposed (35.95 ± 7.93); controls (30.32 ± 8.36); sig.
Jasso-Pineda **2015Arsenic, lead, PAH, DDT/DDEMexicoArsenic and 1-OHP in urine
Lead and total DDT/DDE in blood
276 children
(40/25 with high/low arsenic, 55/10 with high/low lead)
  • Comet tail moment: high/low arsenic (4.5 ± 1.08/3.2 ± 0.5); sig high/low lead (3.7 ± 1.8/4.1 ± 1.5); non-sig.
Jensen 2014wood smoke exposureDenmarkExposure to high indoor concentrations of PM2.5 (700–3,600 μg/m3), CO (10.7–15.3 ppm), and NO2 (140–154 μg/m(3)) during 1 week.11 university students
  • DNA strand breaks: before (0.0.51 ± 0.031), after (0.061 ± 0.0.46); non-sig.
Koppen **2007Air pollution, PAHs, VOCs (benzene and toluene)Belgium Outdoor ozone concentrations, urinary concentrations of PAH, t,t′-muconic acid, o-cresol, VOCs metabolites200 adolescents
  • % DNA tail (WBC): 1.16 ± 0.51
  • Correlation DNA damage/o-cresol and OH-pyrene; sig.
Koppen **2020PAH, metals, benzene, POPs, phthalates, PMBelgiumAr, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Tl, Cr in blood, outdoor air analysis2283 adolescents
(14–18 years old)
  • % DNA tail: mean 2.4 [2.3–2.5]
Lemos 2020PAHs (in PM)BrazilAir sampling
Quantification of 16 PAHs from organic extract of PM 2.5: Acenaphthene, Acenaphthlene, Anthracene, Benzo(a)anthracene, Benzo(a)pyrene, Benzo(a)fluoranthene, Benzo(g,h,i)perylene, Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, Benzo(k)fluoranthene, Chrysene, Dibenzo(a,h) Anthracene, Phenanthrene, Fluoranthene, Fluorene, Naphthalene, and Pyrene.
54 children
living in industrial areas
  • Comet tail intensity: NW site 2.5 km from the petrochemical source of emission (10.65 ± 0.78), NWII site 35 km from the source of emission (6.73 ± 0.92), controls (7.20 ± 3.15); sig.
León-Mejía 2023Coal miningColombia--270
150 individuals exposed to coal mining residues from the locality of Loma-Cesar, 120 nonexposed individuals from the City of Barranquilla
  • % DNA tail: controls (8.11 ± 1.98), exposed (9.61 ± 1.06); non-sig.
Mondal 2010Fuel smoke
(biomass and liquefied petroleum)
India PM2.5 and PM10 (stationary sampling)217
(132 biomass users, 85 liquefied petroleum gas users)
  • % DNA tail: biomass users (21.6 ± 5.2), gas users (16.8 ± 3.3); sig.
  • Comet tail length: biomass users (46.6 ± 4.7) vs. gas users (44.1 ± 4.6); sig.
  • Olive tail moment: biomass users (4.2 ± 1.0) vs. gas users (4.2 ± 1.0); sig.
Mondal 2011Fuel smoke
(biomass and liquefied petroleum)
India PM2.5 and PM10 (stationary sampling)161 premenopausal women
(85 cooking with biomass; 76 control women cooking with liquid petroleum gas)
  • % DNA tail: exposed (32.23 ± 8.31), unexposed (12.41 ± 3.87); sig.
  • Comet tail length: exposed (37.81 ± 11.21), unexposed (14.22 ± 3.89); sig.
  • Olive tail moment: exposed (7.08 ± 2.11), unexposed (3.15 ± 0.97); sig.
Mukherjee ƍ2013Fuel smoke
(biomass and liquefied petroleum)
India Urinary trans, trans-muconic acid105
(56 biomass users, 49 cleaner liquefied petroleum gas users)
  • % DNA tail: biomass users (36.2 ± 9.4), gas users (9.0 ± 4.1)
  • Comet tail length: biomass users (44.2 ± 6.0), gas users (32.3 ± 7.3)
  • Olive tail moment: biomass users (6.2 ± 2.2), gas users (1.2 ± 0.5); sig.
Mukherjee ƍ2014Fuel smoke
(biomass and liquefied petroleum)
India PM2.5 and PM10 (stationary sampling)150
(80 biomass users, 70 liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) users)
  • % tail DNA: LPG users (10.1 ± 3.2), BMF users (36.2 ± 8.2); sig.
  • Comet tail length: LPG users (29.3 ± 4.6) vs. BMF users (45.2 ± 5.5); sig.
  • Olive tail moment: LPG users (1.2 ± 0.5) vs. BMF users (6.2 ± 1.9); sig.
Nagiah 2015Air pollutionSouth Africa--100 pregnant women
(50 from a highly industrialised south Durban
and 50 from the less industrialised north Durban)
  • Comet tail length (25th, 75th percentile): north Durban 0.47 (0.41, 0.52); south Durban 0.55 (0.47, 0.60); sig.
Pacini 2003OzoneItalyAir quality monitoring119
(102 subjects from Florence, 17 controls from Sardinia)
  • % tail DNA: Florence (45.7 ± 21.0): Sardinia (26.4 ± 6.7); sig.
Pandey 2005Fuel smoke (biomass fuel liquefied petroleum gas)India --144 volunteers
(70 biomass fuel users, 74 liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) users)
  • Tail percent DNA: LPG users (8.29 ± 0.18) vs. BMF users (11.19 ± 0.35); sig.
  • Comet tail length: LPG users (40.26 ± 0.88) vs. BMF users (51.15 ± 1.32); sig.
  • Olive tail moment: LPG users (2.77 ± 0.07) vs. BMF users (3.83 ± 0.15); sig.
Pelallo-Martínez **2014PAH, lead, benzene, tolueneMexicoUrinary and blood Pb, benzene, toluene, PAHs97 children, air pollution
(44 Allende, 37 Nuevo Mundo, 16 Lopez Mateos)
  • Olive tail moment (WBC): Allende (8.3 [3.1–16.8]) vs. Nuevo Mundo (10.6 [5.6–22.9]) vs. Lopez Mateos (11.7 [7.4–15.9]); sig.
Pereira 2013PAHBrazilPAH analysis59 subjects from two towns of Rio Grande do Sul State (24, site 1 (exposed)—high quantity of nitro and amino derivatives of PAHs; 35 from site 2 (controls)—lesser anthropogenic influence)
  • Comet tail intensityMean ± SD (range): exposed 6.7 ± 2.90 (3.25–14.40), controls 6.5 ± 2.81 (2.43–15.43) non-sig.
  • Comet tail momentMean ± SD (range): exposed 0.8 ± 0.70 (0.31–7.53), controls 0.7 ± 0.36 (0.30–2.70); non-sig.
Pérez-Cadahia 2006Air pollutionSpain VOCs determination by dosimeters110
(25 volunteers cleaning beaches, 20 manual workers beach, 23 high-pressure cleaners, 42 controls)
  • Comet tail length: exposed (48.79 ± 0.10) vs. unexposed (51.47 ± 0.10); sig.
Piperakis 2000Air pollutionGreece--80 healthy
individuals living in urban and rural areas with
different smoking habits
  • DNA damage (visual scoring): urban non-smokers (78 ± 10.2), urban smokers (99 ± 10.9), rural non-smokers (71 ± 7.8), rural smokers (98 ± 12.5); sig.
10.1002/1098-2280(2000)36:3<243::aid-em8 >;2-
Rojas 2000OzoneMexicoOzone values38
(27 exposed to hydrocarbons northward and 11
southward, exposed to ozone)
  • Comet tail length: north (67.17 ± 7.93) (8) (57.77 ± 4.55) (20); south (87.56 ± 11.75) (5) (88.24 ± 13.41) (5); sig.
Sánchez-Guerra 2012PAHMexicoUrinary 1-OHP82 children
  • Olive tail moment: 9.52; sig. affected by PAH exposure
Shermatov 2012Second hand cigarette smokingTurkeyUrinary cotinine and creatinine57 children
(27 exposed, 27 controls)
  • DNA damage (arbitrary units): exposed (62.14 ± 56.31), controls (6.14 ± 5.51); sig.
Sopian 2021PAHs (PM)Malaysia 60 indoor and outdoor PM2.5 samples
PAHs analysis: naphthalene (NAP), acenaphthene (ACP), acenaphthylene (ACY), anthracene (ANT), fluorene (FLU), phenanthrene (PHE), anthracene (ANT), fluoranthene (FLA), pyrene (PYR), benzo(a)anthracene (BaA), chrysene (CYR), benzo(b)fluoranthene (BbF), benzo(k)fluoranthene (BkF), benzo(a)pyrene (BaP), indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene (IcP), dibenzo(a,h)anthracene (DbA), and benzo(ghi)perylene (BgP)
234 children
(near petrochemical industry)
  • Comet tail moment: exposed group (27.20 ± 8.21), unexposed (21.03 ± 4.88); sig.
Torres-Dosal 2008Wood smokeMexicoUrinary 1-OHP
Carboxyhemoglobin determination
20 healthy volunteers
(pre- and post-intervention)
  • Comet tail moment: before (5.8 ± 1.3), after (2.8 ± 0.9); sig.
Verschaeve 2007PAHBelgium1-Hydroxypyrene45 healthy subjects in different seasons
  • % tail DNA (average; mean): June (1.67; 1.29); August (2.16; 1.25); November (1.36 1.06); February (1.26; 0.99); sig.
Vinzents 2005PM (UFPs)DenmarkPersonal exposure in terms of number of concentrations of UFPs in the breathing zone, using portable instruments in six 18 h periods15 subjects bicycling in traffic or indoors on six occasions (controlled exposure)
  • DNA strand break (per 106 bp): in traffic, 74 bicycling days median (range) 0.06 (0.03–0.11); indoors, 14 bicycling days, 0.06 (0.02–0.12); non-sig.
Wilhelm **2007PAH, benzene, heavy metalsGermanyMonitored ambient air quality data, urinary (PAH) metabolites, benzene metabolites935 air pollution close to industrial settings
(620 exposed children, 315 unexposed)
  • Comet tail moment (lymphocytes)—percentile 50: exposed (1.99) vs. unexposed (1.32); sig.
  • Comet tail moment—percentile 90: exposed (6.69) vs. unexposed (1.89); non-sig.
Wu 2007Environmental tobacco smokeTaiwan--291
(18 smokers, 143 environmental tobacco exposure, 130 non-smokers)
  • DNA damage score: smokers (71.0 ± 46.6), environmental tobacco smoke-exposed (84.3 ± 44.3), non-smokers (63.5 ± 35.0); sig. between ETS-exposed and non-smokers
Zani **2020PM10, PM2.5, NO2, CO, SO2, benzene, and O3ItalyAir sampling152 pre-school children (3–6 years old)
  • % DNA tail: 6.2 ± 4.3;
  • Visual scoring: 182.1 ± 30.9; non-sig.
Zani 2021Air pollutionItalyAir pollutant levels142 children 6–8 years old
(71 first winter, 71 second winter)
  • DNA damage (visual score): first winter (173.2 ± 50.8), second winter (208.8 ± 67.1); sig.
Not significant association with air pollutant levels
Zeller 2011Controlled exposure to formaldehydeGermanyFA vapours (0 to 0.8 ppm) for 4 h/day over a period of five working days under strictly controlled conditions and bicycling (∼80 W) four times for 15 min.37 volunteers
  • Comet tail moment: before exposure 0.30 ± 0.117; after exposure 0.33 ± 0.118; non-sig.
  • Comet tail intensity: before exposure 2.28 ± 0.492; after exposure 2.66 ± 0.646; sig.
** Studies also in solvents table; ɣ Studies also in heavy metals table. * From the three papers from Cebulska-Wasilewska, the second 2007 paper (2007*) shows results compiled from the previous two papers. Thus, the second 2007 paper is not counted as an original study. § The second paper (Costa et al., 2011) is an expansion of the previous study sample with the addition of a new comet assay descriptor. Thus, one original study is counted for both papers. Ø Three papers from Zendehdel and co-workers appear to be very similar, although there are cross-references to ascertain whether these data originate from the same study. In essence, the authors appear to have reported results on different comet descriptors in separate papers, deriving, however, from the same subjects enrolled in the same biomonitoring. Thus, the papers are counted as one study. ƍ The second paper (Mukherjee, 2014) contains more subjects from six different villages as compared to the first study with studies from five villages (Mukherjee 2013). Nevertheless, the results are very similar, suggesting that the first paper describes only part of the complete dataset. Thus, we have counted the papers as one study.
Table 2. Summary of findings from the included studies on anaesthetics.
Table 2. Summary of findings from the included studies on anaesthetics.
AuthorYearMain Chemical ExposureCountryExposure Assessment or Biomarkers of ExposurePopulation CharacteristicsDNA DamageReference/DOI
Occupational exposure
Aun 2018Isoflurane, sevoflurane, desflurane, and N2OBrazil--26 medical residents
  • Comet tail intensity: baseline (6.1 ± 3.4) vs. half-year of exposure (7.0 ± 4.1) vs. 1 year of exposure (7.3 ± 3.3); non-sig.
Baysal 2009Halothane, isoflurane, sevoflurane, N2O, and desfluraneTurkey--60
(30 anaesthesiologist, certified
registered nurse anaesthetist, surgeons, 30 controls)
  • DNA damage (arbitrary unit): exposed (19.7 ± 16.6) vs. controls (8.8 ± 4.1); sig.
Chandrasekhar 2006Halothane, isoflurane, sevoflurane, sodium pentothal, N2O,
Desflurane, and enflurane
(45 exposed operating room staff, 54 controls)
  • Comet tail length: exposed (16.08) vs. controls (7.04); sig.
El-Ebiary 2013 Halothane, Isoflurane, (sevoflurane), and N2O (as pure, liquefied compressed, medical grade nitrous oxide gas)Egypt --60
[40 operating room staff (anaesthetists, nurses, technicians), 20 controls]
  • % DNA tail: controls (1.78 ± 0.71) vs. staff (3.69 ± 1.05) [anaesthetists (3.7 ± 1.02) vs. surgeons (3.63 ± 1.16) vs. technicians (4.2 ± 0.96) vs. nurses (3.51 ± 0.95)];
sig. for total exposed group, and for subgroups, non-sig. between subgroups
Figueiredo 2022Inhalational of aesthetic isofluraneBrazilWorkplace exposure assessment: waste anaesthetic gases (WAG), isoflurane, monitoring 76
(39 professionals working in a veterinary hospital, 37 matched controls)
  • % DNA tail (according to age): <31, control (6.0 ± 4.7 [3.8–7.8]) vs. exposed (9.8 ± 7.3 * [6.4–12.8]), p = 0.03; sig
≥31, control (7.2 ± 3.8 [5.0–10.1]) vs. exposed (8.4 ± 6.4 [4.7–11.0]), p = 0.55 not-sig.
  • % DNA tail (according to age and exposure time): <31, exposure < 5 years (8.9 ± 5.4 [7.1–11.1]) vs. (9.9 ± 4.5 [8.2–11.5]), p = 0.69; not sig
≥31, exposure ≥ 5 years (4.1 ± 2.2 [2.8–3.4]) vs. (9.7 ± 6.6 * [7.7–12.5]), p = 0.01 sig.
Izdes *2009N2O, isoflurane, sevoflurane, and desfluranTurkey--74
[19 office workers, 17 anaesthesia nurses, 19 nurses—antineoplastic drugs; 19 controls (unexposed office workers)]
  • Total comet scores (TCS): anaesthesia nurses (18.58 ± 5.03), control (6.84 ± 3.16); sig.
Izdes 2010Waste anaesthetic gases (N2O, isoflurane, sevoflurane, and desflurane)Turkey--80
[40 nurses, 40 controls (unexposed health care workers)]
  • Tail intensity: anaesthesia nurses (8.36 ± 2.16) vs. unexposed controls (3.77 ± 0.97); sig.
Khisroon 2020Mixture not specifiedPakistan--99
(50 exposed, 49 unexposed)
  • Total Comet Score (TCS): exposed (128.4 ± 44.3) vs. unexposed (50.5 ± 20.8); sig.
Rozgaj 2009Sevoflurane, isoflurane, and N2OCroatia--100
(50 room staff [anaesthetists, nurses, technicians], 50 controls)
  • Comet tail length: exposed (21.04 ± 7.30) vs. unexposed (17.57 ± 3.39); sig.
  • Comet tail moment: exposed (0.58 ± 0.40) vs. unexposed (0.51 ± 0.32); non-sig.
Sardas *2006N2O, isoflurane, sevoflurane, and desfluraneTurkey--34
[17 exposed anaesthesiology staff, 17 controls (unexposed office workers)]
  • TCS (total comet score): exposed (21.5 ± 5.0) vs. unexposed (8.6 ± 4.7); sig.
Souza 2016Waste anaesthetic gases (isoflurane, sevoflurane, desflurane, and N2O)BrazilConcentrations of halogenated
anaesthetics (isoflurane, sevoflurane, and desflurane) and N2O using
a sample flow rate of 10 L/min
(30 anaesthesiologists, 27 internal medicine physicians)
  • Tail moment: Comet assay (control 0.31 ± 0.27; exposed 0.34 ± 0.30); non-sig.
Szyfter §2004Sevoflurane, halothane, and isofluranePoland Analysis of N2O, volatile anaesthetics and organic solvents in the ambient air of operating rooms49
[29 operating room staff (anaesthetists, nurses, technicians), 20 controls]
  • Average migration (μM) of PBL DNA: exposed (41.57 ± 9.00) vs. controls (43.21 ± 8.00); non-sig.
Szyfter §2016N2O, halothane, isoflurane, and sevofluranePolandConcentration of waste anaesthetic gases (N2O, halothane, isoflurane, and sevoflurane) 200
(100 anaesthetists, 100 controls)
  • Comet length: exposed (43.21 ± 8.00) vs. unexposed (41.57 ± 9.02); non-sig.
Wrońska-Nofer 2009N2O, sevoflurane or isoflurane and halogenated hydrocarbonsPoland Air N2O (breathing zone sampling) and volatile anaesthetics (individual dosimeters)167 medical staff members
(84 exposed male anaesthetists and 55 nurses, and 83 unexposed controls without a history of working in operating rooms)
  • DNA damage score: low exposure (29.5± 1.94) vs. high exposure (34.3 ± 2.73) vs. unexposed (24.0 ± 1.54); sig.
Wrońska-Nofer 2012N2OPoland Air N2O (stationary monitoring sampling) halogenated anaesthetics and toxic solvents, 8 individual dosimeters) 72
(36 exposed nurses in operating rooms, 36 unexposed nurses)
  • DNA damage score: exposed (31.1 ± 1.5) vs. unexposed (23.3 ± 1.5); sig.
* The studies have partially overlapping populations of unexposed controls (i.e., healthy office workers). Comet assay results of 16 of the 19 subjects in the second study were obtained in the first study. There is no information regarding the reuse of comet data in the group of exposed nurses. § The papers report the same result, 41.57 ± 9.00 (median = 40.22), although in different groups in the 2016 paper as compared to the 2004 paper. Furthermore, the dataset with a mean of 43.21 ± 8.00 is reported in both papers but for different groups and with a different median (43.28 versus 42.28). In both cases, the results are surprisingly similar, considering that one study uses 29/20 subjects in each group, whereas the other study uses 100/100 subjects (exposed/unexposed). The authors have not clarified whether or not the same data have been reported twice.
Table 3. Summary of findings from the included studies on antineoplastic drugs (occupational exposure).
Table 3. Summary of findings from the included studies on antineoplastic drugs (occupational exposure).
AuthorYearMain Chemical ExposureCountryExposure Assessment or Biomarkers of ExposurePopulation CharacteristicsDNA DamageReference/DOI
Aristizabal-Pachon 2002Antineoplastic drugsColombia--80
(40 exposed, 40 unexposed)
hospital workers
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed (4.62 ± 1.477 μm) vs. unexposed (2.41 ± 0.577); sig.
Buschini 2013Antineoplastic drugsItaly--137
(63 exposed, 74 unexposed)
  • % DNA tail—Mean: exposed (0.95 ± 0.03) vs. unexposed (0.99 ± 0.03);
Cavallo 2009Antineoplastic drugsItaly--106
(30 exposed, 76 unexposed)
hospital workers
  • % DNA tail in lymphocytes: exposed (10.72 ± 7.04) vs. unexposed (11.24 ± 8.6); non-sig.
  • Comet tail moment in lymphocytes—Mean: exposed (16.86 ± 9.13) vs. unexposed (16.72 ± 7.17), p > 0.05.
  • % DNA tail in buccal cells: exposed (10.02 ± 6.1) vs. unexposed (13.78 ± 9.80); non-sig.
  • Comet tail moment in buccal cells—Mean: exposed (34.58 ± 25.98) vs. unexposed (32.31 ± 12.79); non-sig.
Connor 2010Antineoplastic drugsUSAFixed-location and personal breathing zone air samples
Cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide, paclitaxel, 5-fluorouracil, and cytarabine surface contamination
Urinary cyclophosphamide and paclitaxel.
(68 exposed, 53 unexposed)
hospital workers
  • % DNA in tail: exposed (53.06 ± 7.32) vs. unexposed (53.12 ± 7.5); non-sig.
  • Olive Tail Moment—Mean: exposed (2.540 ± 652) vs. unexposed (2.518 ± 715); non-sig.
Cornetta 2008Antineoplastic drugsItaly-90
(83 exposed and 73 unexposed)
hospital workers
  • Comet %DNA tail:
  • exposed (1.16 ± 0.82) vs. unexposed (0.77 ± 0.47); Sig.
Hongping 2006VincristineChina --30
(15 exposed, 15 unexposed) workers from a plant production
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed (1.72 ± 0.15 μm) vs. unexposed (0.71 ± 0.01 μm); Sig.
  • Comet tail moment—Mean: exposed (0.29 ± 0.03 μm) vs. unexposed (0.17 ± 0.05 μm); Sig.
Huang 2022Antineoplastic drugsChina--455
(305 exposed, 150 unexposed)
  • Comet Tail moment—Mean: exposed (0.62) vs. unexposed (0.46); Sig.
  • Comet Olive Tail moment—Mean: exposed (1.10) vs. unexposed (0.92); Sig.
  • Comet Tail length—Mean: exposed (6.17) vs. unexposed (5.16); Sig.
  • % DNA in tail: exposed (4.06) vs. unexposed (3.52); Sig.
Kopjar *2009Antineoplastic drugsCroatia--100
(50 exposed, 50 unexposed)
healthcare workers
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed (17.46 ± 0.08 μm) vs. unexposed (14.00 ± 0.02); Sig.
Kopjar *2001Antineoplastic drugsCroatia--70
(50 exposed, 20 unexposed) hospital workers
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed (17.46 ± 1.99 μm) vs. unexposed (12.55 ± 0.82 μm); Sig.
  • %DNA tail—Mean: exposed (81.49 ± 4.31%) vs. unexposed (76.01 ± 3.70%); Sig.
  • Comet tail moment: exposed (14.31 ± 2.16 μm) vs. unexposed (9.78 ± 0.91 μm); Sig.
Ladeira 2015Antineoplastic drugsPortugalCyclophosphamide, 5-Fluorouracil, and Paclitaxel surface contamination92
(46 exposed, 46 unexposed)
hospital workers
  • % DNA tail: exposed (15 ± 1.40) vs. unexposed (12.41 ± 1.24); Non-sig.
Laffon 2005Antineoplastic drugs (cyclophosphamide, cisplatin, doxorubicin, mitomycin C, 5-fluorouracil, methotrexate)Portugal--52
(30 exposed, 22 unexposed)
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed (46.46 ± 0.09 μm) vs. unexposed (42.68 ± 0.10 μm); Sig.
Maluf 2000Antineoplastic drugsBrazil--24
(12 exposed, 12 unexposed, plus a historic control of 34 non-exposed workers)
hospital workers
  • DNA damage index (visual scoring): exposed (20.83 ± 10.19) vs. unexposed (8.08 ± 5.16); sig.
Oltulu 2019Antineoplastic drugsTurkey--59
(29 exposed, 30 unexposed)
hospital workers
  • DNA damage index (visual scoring 0–200): exposed (2.00 IQR 0.00–3.00) vs. unexposed (0.00 (0.00–2.25); non-sig.
Rekhadevi 2007Antineoplastic drugsIndiaUrinary cyclophosphamide120
(60 exposed nurses and 60 unexposed subjects)
  • Comet tail length lymphocytes mean:
  • Exposed (13.66 ± 2.37) vs. unexposed (6.21 ± 0.0.92); sig.
Rombaldi 2008Antineoplastic drugsBrazil-40
(20 exposed and 20 unexposed)
hospital workers
  • Comet Damage Index:
  • exposed (18.89 ± 8.62) vs. unexposed (6.21 ± 2.78); sig.
Sasaki 2008Antineoplastic drugsJapan--224
(121 exposed, 57 highly exposed [antineoplastic preparation], 46 unexposed)
female nurses
  • Comet tail length in log units: exposed (0.764 ± 0.121) vs. unexposed (0.711 ± 0.089); Sig.
  • Comet tail moment in log units: exposed (0.312 ± 0.253) vs. unexposed (0.253 ± 0.237); Non-sig.
Ursini 2006Antineoplastic drugsItaly5-Fluorouracil, cytarabine, gemcitabine, cyclophosphamide, and ifosfamide surface contamination
Biological monitoring of α-Xuoro-β-alanine in urine (metabolite of 5-Xuorouracile)
(30 exposed, 35 unexposed)
hospital workers
  • Comet tail moment buccal cells—Mean: pharmacy technicians (32.6 ± 18.2 μm) vs. hospital nurses (43.2 ± 36.0 μm) vs. ward nurses (27.4 ± 13.9 μm) vs. unexposed (28.6 ± 12.4 μm); Non-sig.
  • Comet tail moment lymphocytes—Mean: pharmacy technicians (20.8 ±10.1 μm) vs. hospital nurses (15.5 ± 9.0 μm) vs. ward nurses (14.7 ± 7.9 μm) vs. unexposed (16.1 ± 8.1μm); Non-sig.
Villarini 2011Antineoplastic drugsItaly5-Fluorouracil and cytarabine surface contamination
Urinary cyclophosphamide
(52 exposed, 52 unexposed)
healthcare workers
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed (2.73 ± 0.28) vs. unexposed (1.67 ± 0.14); Sig.
Yoshida 2006Antineoplastic drugs
(cyclophosphamide, dacarbazine, isophosphamide, aclarubicin, amrubicin, bleomycin, daunorubicin, doxorubicin, pirarubicin, carboplatin, cisplatin, docetaxel, etoposide, irinotecan, paclitaxel, vinblastine, vincristine, vinorelbine, rituximab)
Japanumu assay from surface contamination37
(19 exposed, 18 unexposed)
female nurses
  • Comet tail length lymphocytes—Median: exposed (8.5, ranging 4.5–13.6 μm) vs. unexposed (5.1, ranging 3.5–10.3 μm); Sig.
* Updated studies from the same author/group of authors. In the first paper, the authors report the mean and SD as 17.46 ± 1.99 and 12.55 ± 0.82 for the exposed and controls, respectively. However, these data are at odds with the calculated SEM in the 2009 paper (i.e., 0.08 and 0.02 in exposed and controls, respectively). Based on the reported group size, the SEMs should be 0.28 (exposed, n = 50) and 0.18 (controls, n = 20), respectively.
Table 4. Summary of findings from the included studies on heavy metals.
Table 4. Summary of findings from the included studies on heavy metals.
AuthorYearMain Chemical ExposureCountryExposure Assessment or Biomarkers of ExposurePopulation CharacteristicsDNA DamageReference/DOI
Occupational exposure
Aksu 2019Cr, Cu, Cd, Ni, PbTurkeyCr, Mn, Ni, Cu, As, Cd, Pb in blood96
(48 welders, 48 controls)
  • Comet tail intensity (lymphocytes): exposed (6.52 ± 3.13) vs. unexposed (2.31 ± 1.09); sig.
Balachandar 2010ChromiumIndiaCr in air and urine
Cr in air
(36 leather tanning industry workers, 36 environmental exposure subjects, 36 controls)
  • Comet tail length: occupational exposure (4.21 [3.21–10.98]) vs. environmental exposure (3.98 [2.98–11.27]) vs. controls (3.01 [2.68–9.40]); reported to be sig. for exposed workers
Batra 2010LeadIndiaPb in blood220
(110 workers occupationally exposed to lead, 110 controls)
  • % DNA tail: exposed (14.80 ± 1.31) vs. unexposed (6.12 ± 1.80); sig.
Cavallo 2002AntimonyItalyAirborne Sb2O2; personal air samplers46
(23 workers assigned to different fire-retardant treatment tasks in the car upholstery industry, 23 controls)
  • Comet tail moment: control: 16 ± 7 (SD), exposed group A: 14 ± 8, exposed group B: 19 ± 9, non-sig.
Chinde 2014LeadIndiaPb in blood400
(200 lead–acid storage battery recycling and manufacturing industry workers, 200 controls)
  • % DNA tail: exposed (12.97 ± 2.33) vs. unexposed (4.80 ± 2.57); sig.
Coelho 2013Lead, Cd, AsPortugalMetalloids levels in blood122
(41 miners, 41 subjects living near a mine, 40 controls)
  • % DNA tail: occupational exposure (18.73 ± 7.60) vs. environmental exposure (25.58 ± 2.75) vs. unexposed (12.40 ± 3.04); sig.
Danadevi 2003LeadIndiaPb, Cd in blood81
(45 workers employed in a secondary Pb recovery unit, 36 controls)
  • Damage index (DI, visual scale—AU): exposed (44.6 ± 8.5) vs. unexposed (21.1 ± 11.7); sig.
Danadevi 2004Cr, NiIndiaCr, Ni in blood204
(102 welders, 102 controls)
  • Comet tail length: controls: 8.9 ± 3.2, welders: 23.1 ± 3.9, sig.
De Boeck 2000CobaltBelgium, Norway, Finland, Sweden, EnglandCo in urine99
(35 cobalt dust, 29 carbide-cobalt, 35 unexposed)
  • % DNA tail: Co (0.50 ± 1.44) vs. hard metals (0.57 ± 1.24) vs. unexposed (0.51 ± 1.35); non-sig.
  • Comet tail length: Co (0.71 ± 1.38) vs. hard metals (0.65 ± 1.23) vs. unexposed (0.64 ± 1.25); non-sig.
  • Comet tail moment: Co (0.37 ± 1.85) vs. hard metals (0.40 ± 1.45) vs. unexposed (0.34 ± 1.47); non-sig.
De Olivera 2012Copper (and other metals)BrazilCu in blood22
(11 copper-smelter, 11 controls)
  • Damage index (DI, visual scale—AU) exposed (17.6 ± 10.2) vs. unexposed (4.29 ± 2.53); sig.
De Restrepo 2000LeadColombiaLead in air
Pb in blood
(43 workers of electric battery factories exposed to lead compounds, 13 controls)
  • Comet tail length: Group I >40 μg/dL (55.60 [42.52–68.70]) vs. Group II 41–80 μg/dL (65.60 [52.50–78.63]) vs. Group III 81–120 μg/dL (60.53 [50.50–70.60]) vs. Group IV >120 μg/dL (85.90 [69.21–102.53]); sig. between the lowest and highest concentration groups.
Fracasso 2002LeadItalyPb, Cd in blood66
(37 battery plant workers, 29 controls)
  • % DNA tail: exposed (58.4 ± 15.8) vs. unexposed (40.9 ± 15.6); sig.
  • Comet tail length: exposed (117.1 ± 32.8) vs. unexposed (106.6 ± 25.3); non-sig.
  • Comet tail moment: exposed (69.0 ± 25.5) vs. unexposed (45.5 ± 19.4); sig.
Gambelunghe 2003ChromiumItalyCr urine39
(19 chrome-plating workers, 20 controls)
  • Comet tail moment: exposed (0.42 ± 0.21) vs. unexposed (0.42 ± 0.21); sig.
García-Lestón 2011LeadPortugalLead in blood
Zn protoporphyrin, δ-aminolaevulinic acid dehydratase activity
(70 workers in plants using inorganic lead, 38 controls)
  • % DNA tail: exposed (4.3) vs. unexposed (5.3) non-sig.
Grover 2010LeadIndia4.5 μg/m3 Pb in air
Pb in blood and urine
(90 workers of secondary Pb recovery unit, 90 controls)
  • Comet tail length: exposed (17.86 ± 0.88) vs. unexposed (8.15 ± 0.63); sig.
Hernandez-Franco 2022LeadMexicoPb in blood53
(37 battery recycling workers, 16 controls)
  • Comet tail length: control: 36, exposed: 40 μm; non-sig.
Iarmarcovai 2005Lead, cadmiumFranceAl, Cd, Cr, Co, Pb, Mn, Ni, Zn in blood and urine57
(27 welders, 30 controls)
  • Olive tail moment: exposed (4.5 ± 1.7) vs. unexposed (2.8 ± 0.8); sig.
Kašuba 2012Lead, cadmiumCroatiaPb, Cd in blood60
(30 pottery-glaze workers, 30 controls)
  • Comet tail intensity: exposed (3.21 ±0.73) vs. unexposed (1.54 ± 0.73); sig.
  • Comet tail moment: exposed (0.55 ±0.16) vs. unexposed (0.21 ± 0.02); sig.
  • Comet tail length: exposed (16.66 ± 1.20) vs. unexposed (14.10 ± 0.2); sig.
Kašuba 2020LeadCroatiaPb in blood
ALAD activity and EP level
(50 manufacture lead workers, 48 unexposed)
  • Comet tail length: exposed (16.15 ± 5.33) vs. unexposed (14.27 ± 1.23); non-sig.
  • Comet tail Intensity: exposed (2.64 ± 3.22) vs. unexposed (1.61 ± 0.74); non-sig.
Kayaalti 2015LeadTurkeyPb in blood61 occupationally exposed to lead workers
(36 low exposure, 25 high exposure)
  • Tail intensity:
Low: 46,908.41 ± 11,596.55, exposed: 62,219.17 ± 21,180.57; sig.
  • Comet tail moment.
Low: 4.00 ± 0.62, exposed: 4.90 ± 1.26; sig.
  • “DNA tail” (presumably tail length)
Low: 85.58 ± 24.24, exposed: 103.94 ± 34.22; sig. (all data are mean and SD)
Khisroon 2021Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, PbPakistanCd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb in scalp hair118
(59 welders, 59 controls)
  • DNA damage index: exposed (121.8 ± 10.7) vs. controls (56.5 ± 17.6); sig.
Liu 2017IndiumChinaIn in urine
In in ambient
(57 indium exposed workers, 63 controls)
  • Comet tail length: exposed (16.36 ± 7.56) vs. unexposed (10.80 ± 5.63); sig.
  • % DNA tail: exposed (5.01 ± 3.08) vs. unexposed (2.69 ± 1.61); sig.
Meibian-Zhang 2008ChromiumChinaCr in air
Cr in blood and urine
Exposure group I: 30 tannery workers exposed to trivalent chromium from tanning department; exposure group II: 30 tannery workers from finishing department; 30 controls.
  • Olive tail moment: moderate exposure (3.43 [2.31–8.29]) vs. high exposure (5.33 [2.90–8.50]) vs. unexposed (2.04 [0.09–3.83]); sig.
Minozzo 2010LeadBrazilLead in blood106
(53 workers in recycling of automotive batteries, 53 controls)
  • Damage index (DI, visual scale—AU): exposed (21.70 ± 27.85) vs. unexposed (2.57 ± 2.79); sig.
Muller 2022ChromiumBrazilCr, Pb, As, Ni, V in blood100
(50 male chrome-plating workers, 50 unexposed)
  • % DNA tail (alkaline CA): exposed (10.10 ± 2.16) vs. unexposed (8.31 ± 1.32); sig.
Olewińska 2010LeadPolandLead (PbB) and zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) in blood88
(62 metalworkers exposed to lead, 26 controls)
  • % DNA tail: exposed (60.3 ± 14) vs. unexposed (37.1 ± 17.6); sig.
Palus 2003Lead, cadmiumPolandPb, Cd in blood106
(44 Pb exposed, 22 Cd exposed, 40 unexposed)
  • Damage index (DI, visual scale—AU): Pb-exposed (15.6 ± 4.1) vs. Cd-exposed (19.6 ± 5.2) vs. unexposed (11.3 ± 5.0); sig.
Palus 2005ArsenicPolandAs concentration in dust and fumes
As in urine
(71 copper-smelter workers, 80 controls)
  • Comet tail moment: control: 2.1 (0.0–30.0) and workers: 13.2 (0.0–140.0); sig.
Pandeh 2017FeIranIron status (including serum iron)56
(30 steel company workers, 26 controls)
  • Tail length: 15.88 (8.94–20.44) vs. 6.17 (5.57–8.07); sig.
  • % DNA tail: 8.98 (5.81–11.37) vs. 3.97 (30.7–4.84); sig.
  • Tail moment: 3.42 (1.60–6.01) vs. 0.68 (0.53–0.93); sig.
  • Tail intensity: 24.59 (11.74–29.53) vs. 20.19 (17.50–22.26); sig.
Pawlas 2017LeadPolandCd, Zn in blood116
(78 lead and zinc-smelter and battery recycling plan workers, 38 controls)
  • % DNA tail: exposed (14.1 ± 8.8) vs. unexposed (16.2 ± 12.8); non-sig.
  • Comet tail moment: exposed (6.5 ± 8.4) vs. unexposed (10.2 ± 15.7); non-sig.
  • Comet tail length: exposed (28.4 ± 13.5) vs. unexposed (31.9 ± 24.4); non-sig.
Pérez-Cadahía 2008LeadSpainAl, Ni, Cd, Pb, Zn in blood240
(61 oil collectors, 59 hired workers, 60 high-pressure machine workers, 60 unexposed)
  • % DNA tail: exposed—all groups (0.18 ± 0) vs. unexposed (0.09 ± 0); sig.
Rashid2018Cd, ZnPakistanCd, Zn in blood60
(35 traffic police wardens, 25 controls)
  • Comet tail length: exposed (4.65 ± 1.70) vs. unexposed (2.07 ± 1.26); sig.
Singh 2016LeadIndiaPb in blood70
(35 welders, 35 unexposed)
  • Comet tail length: exposed (29.21 ± 8.8) vs. unexposed (1.47 ± 0.5); sig.
Wang 2018PbChinaPb in blood267
146 electronic waste processing workers, 121 controls)
  • % DNA tail: exposed (6.5 ± 0.9) vs. unexposed (1.8 ± 0.3); sig.
Wani 2017Lead, ZnIndiaPb in blood
Zn in blood
(92 occupationally exposed to lead or lead and zinc, 38 unexposed controls were selected from neighbouring with similar age)
  • Comet tail length: Exposed in lowest employment time group: 8.36 ± 2.16; unexposed in lowest employment time group: 6.91 ± 1.67; exposed in highest employment time group: 20.15 ± 3.53; unexposed in highest exposure time group: 12.99 ± 3.75; sig. (All)
Vuyyuri 2006ArsenicIndiaAs in blood365
(200 glass workers, 165 controls)
  • Comet tail length: exposed (14.95 ± 0.21) vs. unexposed (8.29 ± 0.71): sig.
Wultsch 2011As, Mn, Ni, CrAustriaCr, Mn, Ni, As in urine42
(23 waste incinerator workers, 19 controls)
  • DNA migration (tail factor): Group I [≥1 and ≤3 months employment] (6.7 ± 1.9) vs. Group II [>3 and ≤8 months] (6.3 ± 1.5) vs. Group III [>8 and ≤11 months] (6.5 ± 2.4) vs. unexposed (7.1 ± 1.6); non-sig.
Zhang 2011ChromiumChinaCr in air
Cr in blood
(157 electroplating workers, 93 unexposed)
  • % DNA tail: exposed (3.69 [0.65–16.2]) vs. unexposed (0.69 [0.04–2.74]); sig.
  • Comet tail moment: exposed (1.13 [0.14,6.77]) vs. unexposed (0.14 [0.01–0.39]); sig.
  • Comet tail length: exposed (11.77 [3.46, 52–19]) vs. unexposed (3.26 [3.00, 4.00]); sig.
Zhijian Chen2006LeadChinaPb in air
Pb in blood
50 storage battery workers
(25 exposed, 25 unexposed)
  • Comet tail moment: exposed (1.48 ± 3.43) vs. unexposed (0.49 ± 1.35); sig.
  • Comet tail length: exposed (2.42 ± 0.45) vs. unexposed (1.02 ± 0.55); sig.
Environmental exposure
Andrew2006ArsenicUSA, MexicoAs in drinking water24 subjects
(12 low exposure, 12 high exposure)
  • Comet tail moment: low (1.4 ± 0.5) vs. high (2.6 ± 0.6); sig.
Banerjee 2008ArsenicIndiaAs in water
As in urine, nail, hair
(30 exposed subjects with skin lesions, 30 without skin lesions, 30 controls)
  • Olive tail moment: exposed no skin lesions (2.76 ± 1.39) vs. exposed with skin lesions (2.51 ± 1.40) vs. unexposed (0.55 ± 0.83); sig.
  • Comet tail length: exposed no skin lesions (11.85 ± 5.51) vs. exposed with skin lesions (13.54 ± 4.38) vs. unexposed (2.20 ± 0.72); sig.
Basu 2005ArsenicIndiaAs in water
As in urine, nails, hair
60 volunteers
(30 high-level exposure, 30 controls)
  • Comet tail length: exposed (86.501 ± 5.135) vs. unexposed (21.25 ± 1.004); sig.
  • DNA damage index
  • Exposed (1.212 ± 0.049) vs. controls (0.579 ± 0.043); sig.
Cruz-Esquivel 2019As, HgColombiaAs, Hg in blood100 volunteers
(50 exposed, 50 unexposed)
  • % DNA tail: exposed (36.03 ± 5.9) vs. unexposed (13.1 ± 2.1); sig.
David 2021Cd, Cr, ZnPakistanNi, Cd, Zn, Cr in blood232 children
(134 living at brick kiln industries, 98 controls)
  • % DNA tail: exposed (15.02 ± 0.56) vs. unexposed (10.33 ± 0.55); sig.
Franken 2017PAHs, metalsBelgiumCr, Cd, Ni in urine
As in blood
MeHg in hair
598 adolescents
(14–15 years old)
  • % DNA tail (geometric mean): 4.1 (3.9–4.3)
Jasso-Pineda 2012Lead, arsenicMexicoPb in blood
As in urine
85 exposed subjects
(48 high area, 12 middle area, 25 low area)
  • Comet tail moment: low (2.5 ± 0.4) vs. middle (3.5 ± 0.4) vs. high (5.2 ± 0.6); sig.
Jasso-Pineda *2015Arsenic, lead, PAH, DDT/DDEMexicoAs and 1-OHP in urine
Lead and total DDT/DDE in blood
276 children
(40/25 with high/low arsenic, 55/10 with high/low lead)
  • Comet tail moment: high/low arsenic (4.5 ± 1.08/3.2 ± 0.5) sig.; high/low lead (3.7 ± 1.8/4.1 ± 1.5) non-sig.
Jasso-Pineda 2007Lead, AsMexicoAs, Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn in soil
Pb in blood, As in urine
60 children
(12 low area, 28 medium area, 20 high area exposure)
  • Comet tail moment: low exposure (3.9 ± 0.2) vs. medium exposure (5.4 ± 0.2) vs. high exposure (4.8 ± 0.3); sig. (high versus low)
Khan 2012ChromiumIndiaCr in blood200 volunteers
(100 exposed, 100 unexposed)
  • Comet tail length: exposed (27.39 ± 9.50) vs. unexposed (8.89 ± 2.49); sig.
Koppen *2020PAHs, metals, benzene, POPs, phthalatesBelgiumAr, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Tl, Cr in blood
Outdoor air
2283 adolescents
(14–18 years old)
  • % DNA tail (alkaline CA): mean 2.4 [2.3–2.5] (positively associated with blood metals)
Lourenço 2013UraniumPortugalU, Zn, Mn in blood84 volunteers
(54 exposed, 30 unexposed)
  • DNA damage index:
Stratification in three age groups:
  • <40 years: control sites 42.84 ± 28.6 and Cunha Baixa 82.11 ± 42.84; non-sig.
  • 40–60 years: control sites 28.6 ± 21.42 and Cunha Baixa 135.7 ± 74.9; sig.
  • >60 years: control site 35.7 ± 14.3 Cunha Baixa 71.4 ± 64.3; sig.
Mendez-Gomez 2008As, PbMexicoAs, Cd, Pb in air (playground) and drinking water, As in urine, Pb in blood65 subjects
(living near a smelter facility, 22 near, 22 intermediate, 21 distant)
  • Tail length: 28.6 (19.2–48.0), 25.3 (11.8–43.4), 29.2 (12.3–48.0); non-sig.
Pelallo-Martinez *2014LeadMexicoPb in blood97 volunteers
44 Allede, 37 Mundo Nuevo, 16 Lopez Mateo)
  • Olive tail moment: Allende (8.3 [3.1–16.8]) vs. Mundo Nuevo (10.6 [5.6–22.9]) vs. Lopez Mateo (11.7 [7.4–15.9]); sig.
Sampayo-Reyes 2010ArsenicMexicoAs in water
As in urine
286 subjects
(five villages)
  • % DNA tail: low exposure (22.90 ± 1.17) vs. medium exposure (32.76 ± 2.55) vs. high exposure (35.80 ± 3.05); sig.
Staessen 2001Lead, cadmiumBelgiumPb, Hg in blood
Hg in urine
200 exposed volunteers
(100 in Peer, 42 in Wilrijk, 58 in Hoboken)
  • % DNA tail: Peer (1.02 ± 0.44) vs. Wilrijk (1.70 ± 0.49) vs. Hoboken: (1.01 ± 0.42); sig.
Wu 2009LeadTaiwanLead in blood154 volunteers
(71 immigrant women from China, 83 native women from Taiwan)
  • % DNA tail: native (33.5 ± 11.7) vs. immigrant (31.3 ± 9.8); non-sig.
Yanez 2003Lead, arsenicMexicoAs, Pb in soil and house dust
Pb in blood, As in urine
55 children
(20 exposed, 35 unexposed)
  • Comet tail moment (geometric mean): exposed (6.8 [5.2–8.9]) vs. unexposed (3.2 [2.6–3.9]); sig.
  • Comet tail length (geometric mean): exposed (67.6 [58.3–79.3]) vs. unexposed (41.7 [35.8–48.6]); sig.
* Studies also in air pollution table; § Studies also in solvents table.
Table 5. Summary of findings from the included studies on pesticides.
Table 5. Summary of findings from the included studies on pesticides.
AuthorYearMain Chemical ExposureCountryExposure Assessment [Mean Concentration Pesticides (ppm)] or Biomarkers of Exposure Population CharacteristicsDNA DamageReference
Occupational exposure
Abhishek 2010--India--67
(40 exposed, 27 unexposed agricultural workers
  • %DNA tail: exposed (10.56 ± 3.63) vs. unexposed (5.18 ± 2.60); sig.
  • Damage Index: exposed (150.25 ± 60.84) vs. unexposed (31.37 ± 27.85); sig.
Aiassa 2019Glyphosate, cypermethrin, chlorpyrifosArgentina--52
(30 exposed, 22 unexposed) agricultural workers
  • Comet tail moment—Mean: exposed (3206 ± 785.4 μm) vs. unexposed (269.7 ± 67.91 μm); sig.
Ali 2018Cyhalothrin, endosulfan, deltamethrinPakistanSerum concentrations:
Deltamethrin: exposed (0.54 ± 0.22) vs. unexposed (0.28 ± 0.13); p < 0.01
Endosalfan: exposed (1.07 ± 0.52) vs. unexposed (0.36 ± 0.12); p < 0.001
Cyhalothrin: exposed (1.04 ± 0.38) vs. unexposed (0.33 ± 0.15); p < 0.01
(69 exposed, 69 unexposed) cotton-picking workers
  • Comet tail length—Before: exposed (14.64 ± 2.68 μm) vs. unexposed (9.6 ± 2.31 μm); sig.—After: exposed (18.29 ± 2.75 μm) vs. unexposed (9.8 ± 2.40 μm); sig.
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed (16.47 ± 2.65 μm) vs. unexposed (9.7 ± 2.34 μm); sig.
Alves 2016Dithiocarbamate, carbamate, dicarboximide, organophosphate, neonicotinoid, pyrethoid, isoxazolidinone, dinitroanilineBrazilList of compounds commonly used in the area137
(77 exposed, 60 unexposed) tobacco farmers
  • Damage index: exposed (28.01 ± 21.43) vs. unexposed (9.72 ± 7.50); sig.
  • Damage frequency: exposed (19.54 ± 13.03) vs. unexposed (6.75 ± 4.73); sig.
Arshad 2016Carbamates, organophosphates, pyrethroidsPakistanBlood malathion levels: detected in 72% of the exposed blood samples with na average value of 0.14 mg/L (range 0.01–0.31 mg/L)58
(38 exposed, 20 unexposed) pesticide-manufacturing workers
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed (7.04 ± 0.21 μm) vs. unexposed (0.94 ± 0.2 μm); sig.
  • Malathion correlated with TL
Benedetti 2013Organophosphorouscarbamates, pyrethroids, organochlorines BrazilBuChE—U/L: exposed (8231 ± 1368) vs. unexposed (8068 ± 920); p > 0.05
List of compounds used by volunteers
(81 exposed, 46 unexposed) agricultural workers
  • Damage index (0–400): exposed (38.5 ± 19.9) vs. unexposed (19.6 ± 10.3); sig.
  • % damage frequency: exposed (23.1 ± 9.4) vs. unexposed (13.3 ± 6.4); sig.
Bhalli 2006Organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethroidsPakistan--64
(29 exposed, 35 unexposed) pesticide-manufacturing workers
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed (20.0 ± 2.87 μm) vs. unexposed (7.4 ± 1.48 μm); sig.
Bhalli 2009Carbamate, organophosphate, organochlorine, pyrethroidsPakistanCypermethrin, cyhalothrin, deltamethrin, and endosulfan serum levels before and after spraying97
(47 exposed, 50 unexposed) agricultural workers
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed (before: 14.90 ± 2.99 μm and after: 19.00 ± 3.63 μm) vs. unexposed (6.54 ± 1.73 μm); both comparisons; sig.
Bian 2004Pyrethroids (fenvalerate), organophosphorus compounds (phoxim), carbamates (carbaryl)ChinaFenvalerate concentration 21.55 × 10−4 mg/m3 (operation site) vs. 1.19 × 10−4 mg/m3 (control site), and dermal contamination 1.59 mg/m2 higher than control63
(21 exposed, 23 internal controls, 19 external controls)
pesticide-manufacturing workers
  • Olive tail moment—Mean of comet sperm: exposed (3.80 [1.10–5.90]) vs. internal controls (1.50 [0.65–3.05]) (p = 0.016) vs. external controls (2.00 [0.60–2.80]); sig.
  • %DNA tail: exposed (11.30 [2.85–18.45]) vs. Internal controls (5.60 [1.98–10.5]) (p = 0.044) vs. External controls (5.10 [1.50–7.10]); sig.
Carbajal-López 2016Organochlorines, organophosphorus, carbamates, pyrethroidsMexicoList of compounds commonly used in the area171
(111 exposed, 60 unexposed)
agricultural workers
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed (190.77 ± 10.4 μm) vs. unexposed (106.08 ± 2.6 μm); sig.
Cayir 2019 Propineb, captan, boscalid, pyraclostrobin, cycloxydim, cypermethrin, alphacypermethri, deltamethrin, chlorpyrifos, permethrinTurkeyPesticides exposure assessment
List of compounds used by the volunteers
(41 exposed, 45 unexposed) greenhouse workers
  • Damage index—Median AU (0–400): exposed (8.72 [min–max: 1.62–25.09]) vs. unexposed (3.47 [min–max: 0.00–14.57]); sig.
Chen 2014Fungicides, herbicides, inseticidesChinaPesticides exposure assessment337
(83 low exposure, 113 high exposure, 141 unexposed) fruit growers
  • Comet tail moment—Mean: low exposed (2.18 ± 0.05 μm) vs. high exposed (2.14 ± 0.04 μm) vs. unexposed (1.28 ± 0.01 μm); sig.
Costa 2014Fungicides, herbicides, inseticidesPortugalUrinary metabolites: organic farmers PYR 0.06 ± 0.05, OP/CRB 1.86 ± 0.30, THIO 62.56 ± 5.60; pesticide workers PYR 0.08 ± 0.03, OP/CRB 2.23 ± 0.19, THIO 54.33 ± 3.16, unexposed PYR 0.13 ± 0.04, OP/CRB 1.54 ± 0.23, THIO 51.83 ± 3.28
BuChE—U/L: exposed farmers (6245.62 ± 191.41) vs. exposed pesticide workers (7063.66 ± 202.31) vs. unexposed (6425.44 ± 224.15); p = 0.943
List of compounds used by volunteers
(36 organic farmers, 85 pesticide workers, 61 unexposed)
agricultural workers
  • %DNA tail: exposed pesticide workers (15.05 ± 0.85) vs. unexposed (8.03 ± 0.73); sig.
da Silva 2008Carbamates and organophosphatesBrazil--173
(108 exposed, 65 unexposed) agricultural workers
  • Comet Damage Index—Mean: unexposed (4.42 ± 5.85) vs. exposed < 3 days ago (20.44 ± 11.19) vs. exposed > 3 days ago (20.14 ±12.23); sig.
da Silva 2012--Brazil--167
(111 exposed, 56 unexposed) tobacco farmers
  • Damage index (0–400): exposed pesticide applicators (17.35 ± 14.40) vs. exposed harvest (23.85 ± 17.70) vs. unexposed (5.91 ± 6.86); sig.
  • % damage frequency: exposed pesticide applicators (11.64 ± 9.02) vs. exposed harvest (16.15 ± 11.59) vs. unexposed (4.02 ± 4.65); sig.
da Silva 2014Organophosphorate, carbamate, dithiocarbamate, pyrethroidBrazilBuChE activity—did not differ between exposed and unexposed60
(30 exposed, 30 unexposed) tobacco farmers
  • Damage frequency: exposed (10.57 ± 7.83) vs. unexposed (4.97 ± 4.76); sig.
Dalberto 2022Neonicotinoid, pyrethroid, carbamate, organophosphateBrazilList of compounds used by the volunteers241
(84 exposed harvest, 72 exposed grading, 85 unexposed)
tobacco farmers
  • Visual score (0–400)—Mean: unexposed (15.3 ± 13.6) vs. harvest (37.4 ± 23.0) vs. grading (26.4 ± 19.6); sig.
Dhananjayan 2019Organophosphorus, organochlorine, synthetic pyrethroid, benzoylurea, limonoid, benzoylphenylurea, organosulfite, quinazoline, stereoisomers, triazole, copper compounds, diphenyl ether, phosphanoglycine, chlorophenoxyacetic, ammonium salt, bipyridiliumIndiaAchE activity—U/mL: exposed (2.86 ± 0.75) vs. unexposed (3.93 ± 0.87); p < 0.001
BuChE activity—U/mL: exposed (2.02 ± 0.74) vs. unexposed (2.60 ± 0.74); p < 0.001
(77 exposed, 66 unexposed) tea garden workers
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed (9.45 ± 5.28 μm) vs. unexposed (2.09 ± 0.95 μm); sig.
  • Olive tail moment—Mean: exposed (4.15 ± 2.18 μm) vs. unexposed (0.59 ± 0.44 μm); sig.
  • %DNA tail: exposed (13.1 ± 8.17) vs. unexposed (2.26 ± 1.63); sig.
Dutta and Bahadur2019Organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethroids IndiaAchE activity—μmol/min/mL: exposed (6.43 ± 1.85) vs. unexposed (11.81 ± 3.40); p ≤ 0.001
BuChE activity—μmol/min/mL: exposed (3.50 ± 1.89) vs. unexposed (4.73 ± 1.84); p ≤ 0.001
(95 exposed, 60 unexposed) tea garden workers
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed (45.98 ± 4.25 μm) vs. unexposed (15.14 ± 2.99 μm); sig.
  • Olive tail moment—Mean: exposed (6.41 ± 0.78 μm) vs. unexposed (2.32 ± 0.36 μm); sig.
  • %DNA tail: exposed (17.23 ± 1.05) vs. unexposed (5.99 ± 0.82); sig.
Franco 2016Pyrethroids, carbamates, organophosphates, organochlorines, benzoylureasBrazil--249
(161 exposed, 88 unexposed) community health agents
  • Olive tail moment—Mean: exposed (7.8 ± 10.4) vs. unexposed (4.7 ± 3.8); sig.
Garaj-Vrhovac and Želježić *2000Atrazine, alachlor, cyanazine,
dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, malathion
(10 exposed, 10 unexposed) pesticide-manufacturing workers
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed after high exposure period (50.1 ± 9.4 μm) vs. exposed after no exposure period (17.2 ± 0.4 μm) vs. unexposed (13.3 ± 1.5 μm); sig.
  • Comet tail moment—Mean: exposed after high exposure period (60.8 ± 18.2 μm) vs. exposed after no exposure period (13.8 ± 0.4 μm) vs. unexposed (10.5 ± 1.1 μm); sig.
Garaj-Vrhovac and Želježić *2001Atrazine, alachlor, cyanazine, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, malathionCroatia--40
(20 exposed, 20 unexposed)
pesticide-manufacturing workers
  • Comet tail length—Range: exposed after high exposure period (16.3–95.2 μm) vs. exposed after no exposure period (11.0–30.5 μm) vs. unexposed (6.3–20.4 μm); sig.
  • Comet tail moment—Range: exposed after high exposure period (11.7–85.1) vs. exposed after no exposure period (6.35–25.4) vs. unexposed (5.0–15.1); sig.
Garaj-Vrhovac and Želježić *2002Atrazine, alachlor, cyanazine, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, malathionCroatia--30
(10 exposed, 20 unexposed) pesticide-manufacturing workers
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed (50.13 ± 9.44 μm) vs. unexposed (13.06 ± 1.36 μm); sig.
  • Comet tail moment—Mean: exposed (60.85 ± 18.17 μm) vs. unexposed (10.33 ± 1.21 μm); sig.
Godoy et al.2019Organochlorines, carbamates, pyrethroidsBrazilList of compounds used by the volunteers163
(74 exposed, 89 unexposed) agricultural workers
  • Comet tail length—Median: exposed (14.75 ± 18.97 μm) vs. unexposed (9.68 ± 5.49 μm); sig.
  • Olive tail moment—Mean: exposed (6.08 ± 8.79 μm) vs. unexposed (3.87 ± 3.16 μm); sig.
  • %DNA tail: exposed (21.63 ± 20.23) vs. unexposed (14.73 ± 8.93); sig.
Grover 2003Organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethroidsIndia--108
(54 exposed, 54 unexposed) pesticide-manufacturing workers
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed non-smokers (18.26 ± 2.13 μm) vs. unexposed non-smokers (7.03 ± 2.39 μm); sig. Mean: exposed smokers (19.75 ± 2.22 μm) vs. Unexposed smokers (10.34 ± 2.38 μm); sig.
Kahl 2018Glyphosate, flumetralin, clomazone, imidacloprid, sulfentrazone, dithiocarbamate, magnesium aluminium
phosphide, fertilizers
(121 exposed, 121 unexposed)
tobacco farmers
  • Damage index (0–400): exposed (22.1 ± 1.6) vs. unexposed (4.6 ± 0.4); sig.
Kasiotis 2012Chlorpyrifos, captan, myclobutanil, propargite, acetamiprid, cypermethrin, deltamethrinGreeceSerum levels:
Myclobutanil: 1.12–5.54 ppb
Cypermethrin: 22.92–30.32 ppb
Deltamethrin: <LOD–30.96 ppb
Propargite, chlorpyrifos, captan, acetamiprid <LOD
19 (all exposed)
fruit growers
  • %DNA tail: before exposure (12.10) vs. after exposure (24.17); sig.
  • %DNA tail: workers with detectible residues vs. non-detectible; sig.
Kaur 2011Carbamates, organophosphates, pyrethroidsIndiaList and frequency of compounds used by the volunteers260
(210 exposed [60 of them selected for follow-up], 50 unexposed)
agricultural workers
  • Comet tail length—Mean: fresh exposed (72.22 + 20.76 μm) vs. unexposed (46.92 + 8.17 μm) vs. followed-up (66.67 + 24.07 μm); sig.
Kaur and Kaur §2020 Organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethroids India--450
(225 exposed, 225 unexposed)
agricultural workers
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed (111.03 ± 24.7 μm) vs. unexposed (45.89 ± 11.00 μm); sig.
  • Total comet DNA migration: exposed (86.05 ± 16.9 μm) vs. unexposed (44.55 ± 8.07 μm); sig.
  • Frequency of cells showing DNA migration: exposed (53.27 ± 14.9) vs. unexposed (15.89 ± 7.89); sig.
Kaur and Kaur §2020Organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethroids India--450
(225 exposed, 225 unexposed)
agricultural workers
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed (111.03 ± 24.7 μm) vs. unexposed (45.89 ± 11.00 μm); sig.
  • Total comet DNA migration (μm): exposed (86.05 ± 16.9) vs. unexposed (44.55 ± 8.07); sig.
  • Frequency of cells showing DNA migration: exposed (53.27 ± 14.9) vs. unexposed (15.89 ± 7.89); sig.
Kaur and Kaur §2021Organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethroids IndiaList of compounds used by the volunteers450
(225 exposed, 225 unexposed)
agricultural workers
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed (86.05 ± 16.9 μm) vs. unexposed (44.55 ± 8.07 μm); sig.
Khayat 2013Glyphosate, fenpropathrin, carbofuranBrazilList of pesticide mixtures 73
(41 exposed, 32 unexposed) agricultural workers
  • Comet tail length—Median: exposed (4.9 ± 1.81 μm) vs. unexposed (3.82 ± 2.34 μm); sig.
  • Comet tail moment—Median: exposed (0.18 ± 0.13 μm) vs. unexposed (0.02 ± 0.04 μm); sig.
  • Olive tail moment—Median: exposed (0.54 ± 0.21 μm) vs. unexposed (0.09 ± 0.13 μm); sig.
  • %DNA tail: exposed (5.71 ± 1.63) vs. unexposed (1.13 ± 1.25); sig.
Lebailly 2003Fungicide captanFranceUK Predictive Operator Exposure Model suggested 14.4 mg (0.9–66.1 mg) of captan absorbed.
List of other compounds used a day before
19 (all exposed)
fruit growers
  • Comet tail moment—Mean: exposed in the morning (4.35 ± 1.11) vs. exposed the morning day after (4.80 ± 2.57); sig.
  • %DNA damage: exposed in the morning (10%, ranging 2–21%) vs. exposed the morning day after (13%, ranging 5–49%); sig.
Liu ɣ2006Organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethroid insecticides,
fungicides, growth regulator
List of pesticides used, area of use, and frequency of use
(43 low exposure, 48 high exposure, 106 unexposed) agricultural workers
  • Comet tail moment—Mean: low exposed (1.92 ± 0.04 μm) vs. high exposed (2.35 ± 0.06 μm) vs. unexposed (1.33 ± 0.03 μm); sig.
Muniz 2008OrganophosphonateUSAAdjusted urinary dialkylphosphate (DAP) metabolite levels: sum methyl DAP (μmol/L): Farmworker 1.03 ± 37%, Applicator 0.774 ± 36%, Control 0.126 ± 42%31
(10 farmworkers, 12 applicators, 9 unexposed) agricultural workers
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed applicator (7.674 ± 0.295 μm) vs. exposed farmer (7.478 ± 0.312 μm) vs. unexposed (4.509 ± 0.312 μm); sig.
  • Comet tail moment—Mean: exposed applicator (3.643 ± 0.111 μm) vs. exposed farmer (3.200 ± 0.11 μm) vs. unexposed (2.354 ± 0.118 μm); sig.
Naravaneni, Jamil2007Carbamates, organophosphates, pyrethroidsIndiaAchE activity- U/mL: exposed (253.5 ± 21.7) vs. unexposed (311.1 ± 7.99); p < 0.001370
(210 exposed, 160 unexposed)
agricultural workers
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed (26.13 ± 4.21 μm) vs. unexposed (7.61 ± 1.85 μm); sig.
Paiva 2011Organochlorates, organophosphates, pyrethroids, carbamatesBrazilList of compounds used by the volunteers63
(16 exposed region A, 16 exposed region B, 31 unexposed)
agricultural workers
  • Damage index (0–400): exposed region A (14.15 ± 0.95) vs. exposed region B (18.83 ± 0.68) vs. unexposed (5.63 ± 2.77); sig.
  • % damage frequency: exposed region A (10.16 ± 0.92) vs. exposed region B (9.56 ± 0.82) vs. unexposed (4.22 ± 0.81); sig.
Paz-y-Miño 2004Fungicides, herbicides, inseticidesEcuadorList of compounds used by the volunteers66
(45 exposed, 21 unexposed) agricultural workers
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed (31.58 ± 3.22 μm) vs. unexposed (25.94 ± 7.77 μm); sig.
Prabha, Chadha2017--India--100
(50 exposed, 50 unexposed) pesticide-manufacturing workers
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed (26.27 ± 0.83 μm) vs. unexposed (15.89 ± 0.39 μm); sig.
Ramos 2021Glyphosate, dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, atrazine, cypermethrin, deltamethrin, Brazil--360
(180 exposed, 180 unexposed)
agricultural workers
  • %DNA tail: exposed (18.4 ± 8.1%) vs. unexposed (15.8 ± 7.7%); sig.
Remor 2009Fungicides, herbicides, inseticidesBrazilALA-D and BuChE activity—lower in exposed group57
(37 exposed, 20 unexposed) agricultural workers
  • Damage index (0–400): exposed (21.38 ± 14.80) vs. unexposed (3.10 ± 1.59); sig.
  • % damage frequency: exposed (16.38 ± 11.68) vs. unexposed (2.35 ± 1.31); sig.
Rohr 2011Bipyridyl, organophosphates, copper sulfate, carbamatesBrazilPesticide exposure assessment
List of compounds used by the volunteers
(108 exposed, 65 unexposed) agricultural workers
  • Damage Index: exposed (150.25 ± 60.84) vs. unexposed (31.37 ± 27.85); sig.
  • Damage index (0–400): exposed (20.26 ± 11.76) vs. unexposed (4.42 ± 5.85); sig.
  • % damage frequency: exposed (10.97 ± 3.76) vs. unexposed (1.91 ± 2.09); sig.
Saad-Hussein 2017Malathion, chloropyrifos, dimethoate, carbofuranEgyptList of compounds commonly used in the area101
(51 exposed, 50 unexposed) agricultural workers
  • Comet tail length—Median: exposed (14.59, ranging from 2 to 37 μm) vs. unexposed (8.50, ranging from 1 to 19 μm); sig.
  • Comet tail moment—Median: exposed (0.73, ranging from 0.12 to 1.48 μm) vs. unexposed (0.08, ranging from 0.05 to 1.48 μm); sig.
  • %DNA tail: exposed (4.21%, ranging from 0.83 to 17.84) vs. unexposed (0.18%, ranging from 0.00 to 5.61); sig.
Saad-Hussein 2019Malathionchloropyrifos, dimethoate, carbofuranEgyptBuChE activity—U/L: rural exposed (2836 ± 189) vs. rural unexposed (3444.9 ± 148.4) vs. urban exposed (2653.2 ± 112.6) vs. urban unexposed (3040.8 ± 83.4)200
(50 rural exposed, 50 urban exposed, 50 rural unexposed, 50 urban unexposed) agricultural workers
  • Comet tail length—Mean: rural exposed (17.84 ± 1.07 μm) vs. rural unexposed (8.4 ± 0.72 μm) vs. urban exposed (16.95 ± 2.15 μm) vs. urban unexposed (7.55 ± 0.70 μm); sig.
  • Comet tail moment—Mean: rural exposed (0.73 ± 0.05 μm) vs. rural unexposed (0.08 ± 0.001 μm) vs. urban exposed (0.30 ± 0.05 μm) vs. urban unexposed (0.08 ± 0.002 μm); sig.
  • %DNA tail: rural exposed (4.57 ± 0.40%) vs. rural unexposed (0.84 ± 0.19%) vs. urban exposed (3.11 ± 0.54%) vs. urban unexposed (0.89 ± 0.21%); sig.
Sapbamrer2019Organophosphates, glyphosate, paraquatThailand--56 (all exposed)
agricultural workers
  • Comet tail length—Median: pre-application (5.66, ranging from 4.55 and 6.58 μm); post-application (5.67, ranging from 4.63 and 6.55 μm); non-sig.
  • Comet tail moment—Median: pre-application (2.84, ranging from 2.63 and 3.20 μm); pos-application (2.83, ranging from 2.66 and 3.27 μm); non-sig.
Simoniello 2008Thiophthalimide, inorganic-copper, dithiocarbamate-inorganic zinc, organophosphorus, carbamate, pyrethroid, organophosphorus, organochlorine, chloronicotinyl, phosphonoglycineArgentinaList of compounds used by volunteers84
(27 farmers, 27 pesticide workers, 30 unexposed) agricultural workers
  • Damage Index: exposed farmers (221.66 ± 19.95) vs. exposed pesticide workers (215.29 ± 15.06) vs. unexposed (113.20 ± 13.68); sig.
Simoniello 2010Thiophthalimide, inorganic-copper, dithiocarbamate-inorganic zinc, organophosphorus, carbamate, pyrethroid, organophosphorus, organochlorine, chloronicotinyl, phosphonoglycineArgentinaAchE activity—U/L: exposed farmers (7651.52 ± 2062.07) vs. exposed pesticide workers (6740.33 ± 1454.48) vs. unexposed (9045.54 ± 2191.56); p < 0.05
BuChE activity—U/L: exposed farmers (6313.86 ± 1268.26) vs. exposed pesticide workers (6777.77 ± 1281.84) vs. unexposed (6993.31 ± 1131.92); p > 0.05
(23 farmers, 18 pesticide workers, 82 unexposed) agricultural workers
  • Damage Index—Mean: exposed farmers (224.73 ± 20.56) vs. exposed pesticide workers (212.94 ± 14.79) vs. unexposed (113.56 ± 16.01); sig.
Singh 2011Pirimiphos methyl, chlorpyrifos, temephos, malathion IndiaAchE activity—KAU/L: exposed (3.45 ± 0.95) vs. unexposed (9.55 ± 0.35); p < 0.001
Pesticides exposure index
(70 exposed, 70 unexposed) pesticide-manufacturing workers
  • Comet tail moment—Median: exposed (14.48 ± 2.40 μm) vs. unexposed (6.42 ± 1.42 μm); sig.
  • %DNA tail: exposed (60.43 ± 5.16) vs. unexposed (31.86 ± 6.35); sig.
Singh 2011OrganophosphateIndiaPesticides exposure index230
(115 exposed, 115 unexposed)
pesticide-manufacturing workers
  • Comet tail moment—Median: exposed (14.41 ± 2.25 μm) vs. unexposed (6.36 ± 1.41 μm); sig.
Singh 2012OrganophosphateIndiaAchE activity—KAU/L: exposed (3.76 ± 1.06) vs. unexposed (9.33 ± 0.52); p < 0.001
PONase activity nmol/min/mL: exposed (180.97 ± 37.59) vs. unexposed (246.70 ± 43.23)
Pesticides exposure index
(134 exposed, 134 unexposed),
Community health agents
  • Comet tail moment—Median: exposed (14.32 ± 2.17) vs. unexposed (6.24 ± 1.37); sig.
Singh 2011OrganophosphateIndiaAchE activity—KAU/L: exposed (3.71 ± 1.04) vs. unexposed (9.33 ± 0.52); p < 0.001
PONase activity nmol/min/mL: exposed (181.76 ± 37.10) vs. unexposed (246.70 ± 43.24)
Pesticides exposure index
(150 exposed, 134 unexposed)
community health agents
  • Comet tail moment—Median: exposed (14.37 ± 2.15) vs. unexposed (6.24 ± 1.37); sig.
Valencia-Quintana 2021Organophosphate, carbamate, organochlorine, piretroidesMexicoAchE activity—U/L: exposed (52.35 ± 10.04) vs. unexposed (35.32 ± 11.07); p ≤ 0.006
BuChE activity—U/L: exposed (297.73 ± 60.78) vs. unexposed (231.76 ± 81.60); p ≤ 0.047
List of compounds used by the volunteers
(54 exposed, 26 unexposed) agricultural workers
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed (78.80 ± 25.00 μm) vs. unexposed (55.62 ± 13.88 μm); sig.
  • Comet tail moment—Mean: exposed (6.34 ± 5.02 μm) vs. unexposed (1.89 ± 1.24 μm); sig.
  • Olive tail moment—Mean: exposed (6.31 ± 9.73 μm) vs. unexposed (0.24 ± 1.18 μm); sig.
Varona-Uribe 2016Organochlorines, organophosphorus, carbamates, ethylenethioureaColombiaBlood/serum/urine concentrations:
Organophosphorus (8 substances) range 0.56–21.05;
Carbamates (2 substances) range 0.03–0.04;
Dithiocarbamates (1 substance) 0.90;
Organochlorines (14 substances) range 0.42–46.36
223 (all exposed) agricultural workers
  • Comet tail length—Median: exposed (17.79, ranging from 3.24 and 232.83 μm).
  • %DNA tail: exposed (6.53%, ranging from 0.15% to 97.96%)
Venkata 2017Carbamates, organochlorine, organophosphorus, pyrethroidIndiaAchE activity—U/L: exposed (1090.76 ± 71.28) vs. unexposed (1290.80 ± 78.68); p = 0.02
List of compounds used by the volunteers
(106 exposed, 106 unexposed)
tea garden workers
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed (15.61 ± 2.54 μm) vs. unexposed (7.40 ± 1.86 μm); sig.
Wilhelm 2015Fungicides, herbicides, inseticidesBrazilList of compounds commonly used in the area74
(37 exposed, 37 unexposed) floriculturists
  • % DNA tail: exposed (4.22 ± 3.89) vs. unexposed (1.51 ± 2.55); sig.
  • Damage index: exposed (4.73 ± 4.27) vs. unexposed (1.95 ± 3.88); sig.
Wong ɣ2008Organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethroid insecticides,
fungicides, growth regulator
List of pesticides used, area of use, and frequency of use241
(62 low exposure, 73 high exposure, 106 unexposed) fruit growers
  • Comet tail moment—Mean: low exposed (2.03 ± 0.05 μm) vs. high exposed (2.31 ± 0.06 μm) vs. unexposed (1.33 ± 0.03 μm); sig.
Yadav 2011OrganophosphatesIndiaList of compounds used by the volunteers62
(33 exposed, 29 unexposed) agricultural workers
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed (52.18 ± 3.74 μm) vs. unexposed (7.01 ± 1.47 μm); sig.
  • Comet tail moment—Mean: exposed (16.91 ± 2.14 μm) vs. unexposed (1.04 ± 0.32 μm); sig.
  • Olive tail moment—Mean: exposed (15.58 ± 1.57 μm) vs. unexposed (1.82 ± 0.32 μm); sig.
  • % DNA in tail: exposed (27.45 ± 1.64) vs. unexposed (9.04 ± 0.67); sig.
Zepeda-Arce 2017Organochlorines, carbamates, pyrethroidsMexicoAchE—U/g Hb: moderate exposed (19.4) vs. high exposed (20.5) vs. unexposed (18.8); p > 0.05
BuChE—U/L: moderate exposed (5943.97) vs. high exposed (4333.2) vs. unexposed (6673.27); p > 0.05
MDA concentration (nmol/mL): moderate exposed (0.98) vs. high exposed (1.0) vs. unexposed (0.97); p = 0.79.
Pesticides exposure assessment
List of compounds used by the volunteers
(186 moderate exposure, 60 high exposure, 22 unexposed)
agricultural workers
  • Comet tail moment—Median: moderate exposed (7.8) vs. high exposed (9.8) vs. unexposed (7.5); non-sig.
  • Olive tail moment—Median: moderate exposed (2.9) vs. high exposed (3.4) vs. unexposed (2.8); non-sig.
Želježić, Garaj-Vrhovac *2001
Atrazine, alachlor, cyanazine, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, malathionCroatia--40
(20 exposed, 20 unexposed)
pesticide-manufacturing workers
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed after high exposure period (50.1 ± 9.44 μm) vs. exposed after no exposure period (17.2 ± 0.44 μm) vs. unexposed (13.3 ± 1.47 μm); sig.
  • Comet tail moment—Mean: exposed after high exposure period (60.8 ± 18.17) vs. exposed after no exposure period (13.8 ± 0.39 μm) vs. unexposed (10.5 ± 1.13); sig.
Environmental exposure
Alvarado-Hernandez 2013OrganochlorineMexico17 analysed pesticides (detection range 58–100% in maternal blood, and 66–100% in umbilical cord blood)
Most abundant in maternal blood:
Heptachlor epoxide: 3764 ng/g lipids;
Oxychlordane: 1672 ng/g lipides;
Beta-HCH: 1320 ng/g lipides.
Most abundant in umbilical cord blood:
Heptachlor epoxide: 8707 ng/g lipides;
Oxychlordane: 1411 ng/g lipides;
Beta-HCH: 2815 ng/g lipides.
50 mother–infant pairs, pregnant women and their infants from rural areas
  • Olive tail moment—Mean maternal blood (7.36 ± 6.45 μm) vs. cord blood (8.87 ± 5.04); sig.
Dwivedi2022OrganochlorinesIndia10 analysed pesticides: maximum concentration found for aldrin (3.26 mg/L) in maternal blood and dieldrin (2.69 mg/L) in cord blood221
(104 preterm delivery, 117 full-term delivery)
pregnant women and their infants from rural areas
  • Comet tail length—Mean (maternal blood): larger preterm (18.29 ± 2.75 μm) vs. small preterm (16.42 ± 1.58 μm) vs. full-term appropriate for gestational age (8.10 ± 1.60 μm) vs. full-term small for gestational age (9.8 ± 2.31 μm); Mean (cord blood): larger preterm (14.64 ± 1.88 μm) vs. small preterm (12.12 ± 1.27 μm) vs. full-term appropriate for gestational age (7.40 ± 1.82 μm) vs. full-term small for gestational age (8.3 ± 1.52 μm); sig.
  • Olive tail moment—Mean (maternal blood): larger preterm (3.93 ± 0.52 μm) vs. small preterm (2.16 ± 0.81 μm) vs. full-term appropriate for gestational age (0.68 ± 0.31 μm) vs. full-term small for gestational age (0.99 ± 0.45 μm); mean (cord blood): larger preterm (2.81 ± 0.51 μm) vs. small preterm (1.05 ± 0.55 μm) vs. full-term appropriate for gestational age (0.55 ± 0.37 μm) vs. full-term small for gestational age (0.62 ± 0.35 μm); sig.
How 2014OrganophosphatesMalaysiaBlood cholinesterase levels—unexposed (79.55 ± 13.48) vs. exposed (56.32 ± 12.35)180
(95 exposed, 85 unexposed) children exposed lived < 2 km from paddy farmland
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed (8.45 ± 3.89 μm) vs. unexposed (4.38 ± 1.66 μm); sig.
Kapka-Skrzypczak 2019 Carbetamide, carbofuran, chloridazon, dodemorph, cyclopropanecarboxamide, permethrinPolandSweat pesticides (19 positive samples) for carbetamide, carbofuran, chloridazon, dodemorph, cyclopropanecarboxamide, permethrin
AchE activity and BuChE activity significantly lower in exposed group
200 children
(108 exposed, 92 unexposed), lived <1 km from the nearest orchards, cultivated fields, greenhouses
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed (23.39 ± 8.26% in blood samples and 24.10 ± 8.43% in sweat-positive samples) vs. unexposed (19.84 ± 7.70%); sig.
  • Mean FPG-sensitive sites: exposed (7.30 ± 5.65% in blood samples and 4.79 ± 4.05% in sweat-positive samples) vs. unexposed (3.05 ± 4.05%); sig.
Leite 2019--ParaguayPlasma cholinesterase activity did not differ among groups84 children
(43 exposed, 41 unexposed). Children exposed were born < 1 km from fumigated fields and have been living in that location for >5 years
  • Comet tail length—Mean: exposed (59.1 μm) vs. unexposed (37.2 μm); sig.
  • Comet tail moment—Mean: exposed (32.8 μm) vs. unexposed (14.4 μm); sig.
  • %DNA tail: exposed (45.2%) vs. unexposed (27.6%)
  • %DNA head: exposed (54.8%) vs. unexposed (72.4%)
Sutris 2016Dimethyphosphate, diethylphosphate, dimethylthiophosp, diethylthiophosph, dimethylthiophosph diethyldithiphosphMalaysiaUrine organophosphate metabolites:
46.7% positive results: dimethyphosphate (46.7%), diethylphosphate (16.7%), dimethylthiophosphate (3.3%)
180 children (all exposed) living on agricultural island
  • Comet tail length—Median: 37.1 (IQR 17.5 to 54.5) μm; pesticide-positive volunteers: 43.5 (30.9–68.1) μm vs. negative volunteers: 24.7 (9.5–48.1) μm; sig.
*, §, ɣ—updated studies from the same author/group of authors.
Table 6. Summary of findings from the included studies on solvents.
Table 6. Summary of findings from the included studies on solvents.
AuthorYearMain Chemical ExposureCountryExposure Assessment or Biomarkers of Exposure Population CharacteristicsDNA DamageReference/DOI
Occupational exposure
Al Zabadi **2011PAHs, VOCsFranceAir concentration PAH and benzene64 sewage workers
(34 exposed, 30 unexposed)
  • % DNA tail (urine genotoxicity): exposed (8.07 ± 3.12) vs. unexposed (2.70 ± 0.58); sig.
Azimi 2017PerchloroethyleneIran--59 dry cleaners
(33 exposed, 26 unexposed)
  • % DNA tail (lymphocytes): exposed (23.03; ranging 5.73 to 48.85) vs. unexposed (8.77; ranging 3.05 to 21.03); sig.
  • Comet tail length: exposed (25.85; ranging 6.63 to 67.2) vs. unexposed (5.61; ranging 2.65 to 18.53); sig.
  • Comet tail moment: exposed (7.07; ranging 0.42 to 44.29) vs. unexposed (1.03; ranging 0.14 to 5.12); sig.
Buschini 2003StyreneItalyPassive air samplers (TWA8h)
Urinary excretion of MA and PGA
62 workers in polyester resins and fibreglass-reinforced plastics factories
(48 exposed, 14 unexposed)
  • Comet tail moment (peripheral WBC): unexposed (TM 7.4 ± 0.5, TM99 12.4 ± 4.9) vs. exposed (TM7.8 ± 0.8, TM99 34.1 ± 14.0); sig.
Careree **2002Benzene and other aromatic hydrocarbonsItalyPassive air samplers (TWA7h)190 traffic policemen
(133 exposed, 57 unexposed)
  • Comet tail moment (PBMNC) in subgroups by sex and smoking status: exposed (0.46 ± 0.46) vs. controls (0.36 ± 0.32); non-sig.
Cassini 2011Paint complex mixturesBrazil--62 painters
(33 exposed, 29 unexposed)
  • DNA damage (Arbitrary Units, WBC): unexposed (30.11 ± 2.08) vs. exposed (71.42± 2.77); sig.
Cavallo 2018StyreneItalyPassive air samplers (4–7 h)
Urinary excretion of MA and PGA
39 workers in fibreglass-
reinforced plastics factories
(11 workers on open moulding plastic process, 16 workers on closed moulding plastic process, 12 controls)
  • Comet Tail moment (lymphocyte SBs): all workers (6.11 ± 3.16) vs. controls (8.53 ± 2.49); non-sig.
Cavallo 2021VOCItalyPersonal VOCs exposure
Urinary VOCs metabolites
(17 shipyard painters, 18 unexposed)
  • % DNA tail (lymphocytes): exposed (17.68 ± 4.35) vs. unexposed (11.56 ± 2.62); sig.
Cok 2004Toluene, other VOCs TurkeyUrinary hippuric acid and o-cresol40
(20 male glue sniffers, 20 smoking habit matched controls)
  • Total Comet score (visual) (lymphocytes): exposed (142.45 ± 9.61) vs. controls (103.30 ± 2.81); sig.
Costa 2012StyrenePortugalStyrene in workplace air
Urinary mandelic and phenylglyoxylic acids
(75 workers from a fibreglass factory, 77 unexposed)
  • Comet tail length (PBMNC): exposed (49.39 ± 0.84) vs. unexposed (47.43 ± 0.52); sig.
Costa-Amaral 2019BenzeneBrazilBenzene and toluene in air
Urinary excretion of MA and S-PMA
(51 employees of filling stations, 35 controls)
  • % DNA tail (leukocytes): exposed (21.34 ± 20.32) vs. controls (28.73 ± 17.72); non-sig.
de Aquino 2016Xylene, other organic solventsBrazil--29 technicians in pathology laboratory
(18 exposed, 11 unexposed)
  • DNA damage (Arbitrary Units, WBC): exposed (19.61 ± 7.95) vs. unexposed (8.36 ± 6.47); sig.
Everatt **2013Perchloroethylene LithuaniaPCE concentration in air: 31.40 ± 23.5159 dry cleaning workers
(30 exposed, 29 unexposed)
  • Comet tail length (lymphocytes): exposed (10.45 ± 6.52) vs. unexposed (5.77 ± 2.31); sig.
Fracasso 2010BenzeneItalyPersonal passive air samplers
Urinary excretion of MA and S-PMA
(33 petrochemical industry operators, 28 service station staff, 21 gasoline pump staff, 51 unexposed)
  • Comet tail intensity (lymphocytes): exposed (2.78 ± 0.92) vs. unexposed (2.26 ± 0.56); sig.
Fracasso 2009StyreneItalyPersonal passive air samplers
Urinary excretion of MA and S-PMA
63 workers in fibreglass-reinforced plastics factories
(34 exposed, 29 unexposed)
  • Comet tail length (lymphocytes): exposed (3.47 ± 1.14) vs. unexposed (2.44 ± 0.48); sig.
Godderis 2004StyreneBelgiumUrinary mandelic acid: 201.57 mg/g creatinine ± 148.32 in exposed workers88 workers in fibreglass-reinforced plastics factories
(44 exposed, 44 unexposed)
  • % DNA tail (PBMNC): exposed (0.80 ± 0.31) vs. unexposed (0.80 ± 0.34); non-sig.
Göethel **2014Benzene and COBrazilUrinary t,t-muconic acid (t,t-MA) and 8OhdG
Carboxyhaemoglobin (COHb) in whole blood
(43 gas station staff, 34 drivers, 22 unexposed)
  • DNA damage index (Arbitrary Units): gas station staff (89.8 ± 21.5) vs. drivers (94.2 ± 12.8) vs. unexposed (48.6 ± 35.9); sig.
Hanova 2010StyreneCzechiaStyrene concentration at workplace and in blood122 hand lamination workers in a plastics factory
(71 exposed, 51 unexposed)
  • Comet assay (lymphocytes): 1.20 ± 0.70 SSB/109 Da, subjects exposed to low: 0.77 ± 0.39 SSB/109 Da, and high: 0.51 ± 0.41 SSB/109; sig. but negative effect
Heuser 2005Toluene, n-hexane, acetone, MEKBrazilUrinary hippuric acid70
(29 solvent-based adhesive workers, 16 water-based adhesive workers, 25 controls)
  • DNA damage (Arbitrary Units, lymphocytes): exposed (8.46 ± 7.79) vs. controls (2.82 ± 2.87); sig.
Heuser 2007Toluene, n-hexane, acetone, MEKBrazilUrinary hippuric acid94 footwear workers
(39 exposed, 55 unexposed)
  • DNA damage (Arbitrary Units, lymphocytes): exposed (2.13 ± 2.45 and 8.35 ± 7.85) vs. controls (3.44 ± 3.24); sig.
Keretetse 2008BTXSouth AfricaAir samplers (TWA)40
(20 petrol station staff, 20 controls)
  • Comet tail intensity (lymphocytes): exposed (15.06 ± 9.10) vs. unexposed (6.30 ± 3.37); sig.
Ladeira 2020Styrene, xylenePortugalStyrene and xylene air-monitoring campaigns (NIOSH 1501)34 workers in polymer producing factory
(17 exposed, 17 unexposed)
  • % DNA tail (PBMNC): exposed (23.83 ± 20.84) vs. unexposed (5.99 ± 5.01); sig.
Laffon 2002StyreneSpainUrinary mandelic acid: average exposures of 16.76 ± 5.9, 17.51 ± 4.64, 19.33 ± 9.95 ppm)44 workers in fiberglass-reinforced plastics
(14 exposed, 30 unexposed)
  • Comet tail length (PBMNC): exposed (48.68 ± 0.33) vs. unexposed (43.34 ± 0.18); sig.
Lam 2002Benzene China--718 workers in elevator manufacturing factory
(359 workers manufacturing, 205 department staff, 154 controls)
  • Tail moment (lymphocytes): non-exposed 0.53 (0.49–0.56), exposed: 0.74 (0.68–0.80); sig.
Li 2017Benzene, tolueneChinaAir levels of benzene and toluene
Urinary S-phenylmercapturic acid (SPMA) and S-benzylmercapturic acid (SBMA)
(96 petrochemical staff, 100 controls)
  • % DNA tail (WBC): exposed (6.51 ± 2.03) vs. controls (5.84 ± 2.24); sig.
Londoño-Velasco 2016Organic solventsSpain--104
(52 painters, 52 unexposed)
  • % DNA tail (lymphocytes): exposed (11.09 ± 0.65) vs. unexposed (7.29 ± 0.31); sig.
Martino-Roth 2003Organic solvents, leadBrazil--40
(10 car painters, 10 storage staff, 20 controls)
  • Comet tail length (buccal cells): car painters (33.85± 0.507) vs. matched controls (30.73 ± 0.162) vs. storage staff (34.18 ± 0.484) vs. matched controls (30.54 ± 0.136); sig.
Migliore ¥2006StyreneItalyUrinary excretion styrene metabolites, mandelic, and phenylglyoxylic acids (MAPGA)67 workers in fibreglass-reinforced plastics factory
(42 exposed, 25 unexposed)
  • % DNA tail (sperm): exposed (11.02 ± 2.99) vs. unexposed (7.42 ± 2.30); sig.
Migliore ¥2002StyreneItalyUrinary concentration of mandelic acid (MA)73 workers in fibreglass-reinforced plastics factory
(46 exposed, 27 unexposed)
  • % DNA tail (sperm): exposed (10.09 ± 3.0) vs. unexposed (7.4 ± 2.30); sig.
  • Olive tail moment: exposed (1.5 ± 0.6) vs. unexposed (0.8 ± 0.4); sig.
Moro 2012TolueneBrazilUrinary levels of hippuric acid (HA)61 painters
(34 exposed, 27 unexposed)
  • Damage index (visual score, WBC): exposed (60.4 ± 3.6) vs. unexposed (39.4 ± 2.5); sig.
Navasumrit 2005BenzeneThailandPersonal benzene exposure by diffusive badges
Urinary metabolites, blood benzene
(28 children in Chonburi, 41 children in Bangkok, 29 gasoline service staff in Bangkok, 23 factory staff, 27 controls)
  • Olive tail moment (WBC): children Chonburi (0.13 ± 0.01) vs. children Bangkok (0.22 ± 0.01); sig.
  • Olive tail moment (WBC): gasoline service (0.24 ± 0.01) vs. factory staff (0.44 ± 0.06) vs. controls (0.24 ± 0.01); sig.
Pandey 2008BTXIndiaBenzene monitoring in air
Benzene, toluene, and xylene in blood samples
200 petrol pump workers
(100 exposed, 100 unexposed)
  • % DNA tail (lymphocytes): exposed (11.92 ± 2.74) vs. unexposed (7.79 ± 1.17); sig.
  • Comet tail length: exposed (54.61 ± 7.81) vs. unexposed (50.33 ± 9.83); sig.
Poça 2021Benzene in gasolineBrazilUrinary t,t-muconic acid349
(154 exposed filling station workers, 95 convenience store workers, 100 unexposed office workers)
  • DNA damage (Whole blood): the filling and convenience store workers had significantly higher DNA damage (Class 1) than the comparison group (p ≤ 0.001); sig.
  • Comet assay (Whole blood): office workers [class 0 (96.00), class 1 (4.00), class 2 (0.00), class 3 (0.00)]; convenience store workers [class 0 (94.00), class 1 (5.33), class 2 (0.00), class 3 (0.00)]; filling station [class 0 (94.67), class 1 (5.33), class 2 (0.00), class 3 (0.00)]
Rekhadevi 2010BTXIndiaMonitoring of ambient and breathing zone air
BTX in blood
(200 fuel station staff, 200 controls)
  • Tail length WBC: exposed (25.10 ± 2.28) vs. controls (10.27 ± 1.52); sig.
Roma-Torres 2006BTXPortugalUrinary t,t-Muconic acid (t,t-MA), hippuric acid (HA), and methylhippuric acid (MHA)78
(48 petroleum unit workers, 30 controls)
  • Comet tail length (WBC): exposed (52.90 ± 0.85) vs. controls (48.09 ± 0.74); sig.
Sakhvidi 2022Benzene found in petroleum compoundsIranAir sampling for benzene32 petroleum products workers exposed to benzene, 32 non-exposed administrative
  • Tail length (TL), tail density (TD), tail momentum (TM), percentage of tail in the DNA (%DNA), and %TAC (WBC): in control group were 78.59, 8.35, 1.20, 10.05, and 25.58, and in the exposure group were 59.21, 75.74, 57.74, 3.5, and 16.58, respectively; sig.
Sardas 2010Welding fume, solvent base paintTurkey--78
(26 welders, 26 painters, 26 controls)
  • % DNA tail (lymphocytes): all exposed (12.34 ± 2.05) vs. controls (6.64 ± 1.43); p < 0.05
  • % DNA tail: welders (13.59 ± 1.89) vs. painters (11.10 ± 1.35); sig.
Scheepers **2002Diesel exhaust (benzene, PAHs)Estonia, Czech RepublicAnalysis of air samples
Urinary metabolites of PAH and benzene
92 underground miners (drivers of diesel-powered excavators)
(46 underground workers, 46 surface workers)
  • DNA damage (lymphocytes, visual scoring): underground workers (134) vs. surface workers (104); non-sig.
Sul *2002BenzeneSouth KoreaUrinary t,t-muconic acid (t,t-MA), and creatinine81 printing factory
(41 exposed, 41 unexposed)
  • Olive tail moment (lymphocytes and granulocytes): exposed (1.75 ± 0.29) vs. unexposed (1.47 ± 0.41); sig.
  • Comet tail moment (lymphocytes): exposed (3.86 ± 0.71) vs. unexposed (1.51 ± 0.39); sig.
  • Comet tail moment (granulocytes): exposed (3.61 ± 0.75) vs. unexposed (2.60 ± 0.59); sig.
Sul *2005BenzeneSouth KoreaPersonal sampler benzene
Urinary trans, trans-muconic acid (t,t-MA), phenol, creatinine
61 subjects (working in printing, shoemaking, production of methylene di-aniline (MDA), nitrobenzene, carbomer, and
  • Olive tail moment: 1.73 ± 0.81
  • Correlation levels of benzene/DNA damage in lymphocyte of workers; sig.
Teixeira 2010StyrenePortugalStyrene in inhaled air
Urinary excretion styrene metabolites, mandelic, and phenylglyoxylic acids (MAPGA)
(52 fibreglass workers, 54 controls)
  • Comet tail length (PBMNC): exposed (49.20 ± 0.93) vs. controls (47.64 ± 0.64); non-sig.
Tovalin **2006VOCs, PM2.5, ozoneMexicoPersonal occupational and non-occupational monitoring55 city traffic exposure
(28 outdoor workers, 27 indoor workers)
  • Comet tail length (WBC): outdoor workers (median 46.80 [maximum 132.41]) vs. indoor workers (median 30.11 [maximum 51.47]); sig.
Xiong 2016Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX)ChinaAir sampling252 gas station workers
(200 refueling workers, 52 controls)
  • Comet tail moment (lymphocytes): exposed (0.094 [0.045–0.215]) vs. controls (0.064 [0.027–0.113]); sig.
Zhao 2017Benzene, acetone, xylene, toluene, lead, isopropanol, and physical factorsChinaAir sampling722 workers in electronics factory
(584 exposed, 138 controls)
  • % DNA tail (peripheral blood): lead+high temp (12.06 ± 17.89) vs. isopropanol (20.15 ± 15.41) vs. controls (6.36); sig.
Environmental exposure
Avogbe **2005Benzene, ultrafine particlesBeninAmbient UFP
Urinary excretion of S-PMA
135 city traffic exposure
(29 drivers, 37 roadside residents, 42 suburban, 27 rural)
  • % DNA tail (PBMNC): drivers (6.09 ± 3.46) vs. roadside residents (6.32 ± 4.00) vs. suburban (5.42 ± 2.28) vs. rural (4.26 ± 1.76); sig.
Koppen **2007PAHs, VOCs (benzene and toluene)BelgiumOutdoor ozone concentrations
Urinary concentrations of PAH, t,t′-muconic acid, o-cresol, VOCs metabolites
200 adolescents
air pollution
  • % DNA tail (WBC): 1.16 ± 0.51
  • Correlation DNA damage/o-cresol and OHpyrene; sig.
Mukherjee ** 2013Particulate pollutants and benzene IndiaUrinary trans, trans-muconic acid105
(56 biomass users, 49 cleaner liquefied petroleum gas users)
  • % DNA tail (sputum cells): biomass users (36.2 ± 9.4) vs. gas users (9.0 ± 4.1); sig.
  • Comet tail length (sputum cells): biomass users (44.2 ± 6.0) vs. gas users (32.3 ± 7.3); sig.
  • Olive tail moment (sputum cells): biomass users (6.2 ± 2.2) vs. gas users (1.2 ± 0.5); sig.
Pelallo-Martínez **2014Lead, benzene, toluene, PAHsMexicoUrinary and blood Pb, benzene, toluene, PAHs97 children, air pollution
(44 Allende, 37 Nuevo Mundo, 16 Lopez Mateos)
  • Olive tail moment (WBC): Allende (8.3 [3.1–16.8]) vs. Nuevo Mundo (10.6 [5.6–22.9]) vs. Lopez Mateos (11.7 [7.4–15.9]); sig.
Sørensen 2003BenzeneDenmarkExposure benzene, toluene, MTBE
8-oxodG in blood
Urinary ttMA, S-PMA
40 subjects, air pollution
  • Visual score (lymphocytes): 13.0 (7.0–21.5)
  • No correlation comet/exposure
Wilhelm **2007PAH, benzene, heavy metalsGermanyMonitored ambient air quality data
Urinary (PAH) metabolites, benzene metabolites
935 air pollution close to industrial settings
(620 exposed children, 315 unexposed)
  • Comet tail moment (lymphocytes): —percentile 50: exposed (1.99) vs. unexposed (1.32); sig.
  • Comet tail moment—percentile 90: exposed (6.69) vs. unexposed (1.89); non-sig.
Zani **2020PM10, PM2.5, NO2, CO, SO2, benzene, O3ItalyAir monitoring by regional agency152 children, air pollutionSaliva leukocytes from sputum
  • Comet tail intensity: 6.2 ± 4.3
  • Visual score: 182.1 ± 30.9; non-sig.
PBMNC—Peripheral blood mononuclear cells. WBC—Whole blood cells. ¥ Updated studies from the same author/group of authors. * We noted that the studies have most likely been conducted on partly overlapping samples of benzene-exposed workers in a printing company (4 out of 41 samples from the first study appear to have been included in the second). The references are counted as separate studies; ** studies also in air pollution table; ɣ studies also in heavy metals table.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Ladeira, C.; Møller, P.; Giovannelli, L.; Gajski, G.; Haveric, A.; Bankoglu, E.E.; Azqueta, A.; Gerić, M.; Stopper, H.; Cabêda, J.; et al. The Comet Assay as a Tool in Human Biomonitoring Studies of Environmental and Occupational Exposure to Chemicals—A Systematic Scoping Review. Toxics 2024, 12, 270.

AMA Style

Ladeira C, Møller P, Giovannelli L, Gajski G, Haveric A, Bankoglu EE, Azqueta A, Gerić M, Stopper H, Cabêda J, et al. The Comet Assay as a Tool in Human Biomonitoring Studies of Environmental and Occupational Exposure to Chemicals—A Systematic Scoping Review. Toxics. 2024; 12(4):270.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Ladeira, Carina, Peter Møller, Lisa Giovannelli, Goran Gajski, Anja Haveric, Ezgi Eyluel Bankoglu, Amaya Azqueta, Marko Gerić, Helga Stopper, José Cabêda, and et al. 2024. "The Comet Assay as a Tool in Human Biomonitoring Studies of Environmental and Occupational Exposure to Chemicals—A Systematic Scoping Review" Toxics 12, no. 4: 270.

APA Style

Ladeira, C., Møller, P., Giovannelli, L., Gajski, G., Haveric, A., Bankoglu, E. E., Azqueta, A., Gerić, M., Stopper, H., Cabêda, J., Tonin, F. S., & Collins, A. (2024). The Comet Assay as a Tool in Human Biomonitoring Studies of Environmental and Occupational Exposure to Chemicals—A Systematic Scoping Review. Toxics, 12(4), 270.

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