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A Comparison Study of High-Temperature Low-Cycle Fatigue Behaviour and Deformation Mechanisms Between Incoloy 800H and Its Weldments

Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL), 286 Plant Road, Chalk River, ON K0J 1J0, Canada
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Retiree from CNL.
J. Nucl. Eng. 2024, 5(4), 545-562;
Submission received: 24 July 2024 / Revised: 26 November 2024 / Accepted: 27 November 2024 / Published: 30 November 2024


The high-temperature low-cycle fatigue (LCF) behaviour of Incoloy 800H and its weldments with Haynes 230 and Inconel 82 filler metals, which were fabricated with the gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) technique, was investigated and compared at 760 °C. The results revealed that the Incoloy 800H weldments showed lower fatigue lifetimes compared to the base metal. However, the weldments with the Haynes 230 filler metal demonstrated an improved fatigue life at the low strain amplitude compared to both Incoloy 800H and the weldment with the Inconel 82 filler metal. The Incoloy 800H base metal showed pronounced initial cyclic hardening with hardening factors increasing with strain amplitudes. In contrast, the weldments with Haynes 230 and Inconel 82 filler metals displayed short initial cyclic hardening and saturation stages, followed by long continuous cyclic softening. The fractography and microstructure after LCF the tests were characterized with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Transgranular fracture with multiple crack initiations was the predominant failure mode on the fracture surfaces of both Incoloy 800 base metal and the weldments. TEM examination revealed that planar dislocation slips at the low strain amplitude evolved to wavy slips, eventually forming a cell structure at high strain amplitudes in the Incoloy 800H material as the strain amplitudes increased. However, the weld metal exhibited a planar slip mode deformation mechanism regardless of cyclic strain amplitude in the weldment specimens. The differing cyclic hardening and softening behaviours between Incoloy 800H and its weldments are attributed to the higher strength of the weldment specimens compared to the base metal. In the Incoloy 800H base material specimens, the reverse strains during LCF created wavy dislocation structures, which could not fully recover due to the non-reversible nature of the microstructure. As a result, cells or subgrains formed within the microstructure once created. In contrast, the higher strength of the weld metal in the weldment specimens significantly suppressed the formation of wavy dislocation structures, and deformation primarily manifested as planar arrays of dislocations.

1. Introduction

Due to the escalating demand for energy and the concerns regarding resource availability, climate change, air quality, and energy security, nuclear energy is anticipated to play a crucial role in the future [1]. Advanced nuclear power systems are being designed and deployed with the potential to make significant contributions to future energy demands in an environmentally acceptable manner. High-temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs) are among the major designs of advanced and small modular reactors (SMRs). Over the past 50 years, the HTGR concept has been developed and utilized in the nuclear community because of its enhanced safety features, efficient fuel resource utilization, and improved economics [2]. Most of the HTGRs operate at an outlet gas temperature of 700 to 750 °C, and even as high as 900 to 1000 °C in the Very High Temperature Gas Reactor (VHTR), which is a further evolution of the HTGR concept with enhanced safety characteristics [2]. For both in-core and out-of-core environments with high temperature and long-term service, high-temperature creep strength, fatigue resistance, and thermal stability are essential for the materials. Incoloy 800H (or Alloy 800H, UNS—Unified Numbering System No. N08810) is one of a few ASME Section_III_5 code-qualified materials (up to 760 °C) for fabricating in-core and out-of-core components operating in high-temperature reactors [3], e.g., reactivity control rods and intermediate heat exchanger (IHX). To ensure the safe and reliable operation of the VHTR or other Gen-IV reactor designs, all major reactor components must be able to provide long-term, continuous service under severe working conditions. This necessitates high metallurgical and microstructural stabilities, and consequently, monotonic and dynamic mechanical properties of the component structural materials.
Welding is a common practice for assembling these components, but limited research has been conducted on the LCF behaviours of Alloy 800H welds and weldments. Moreover, knowledge gaps exist regarding the selection of a suitable filler material to enhance the high-temperature mechanical properties of Alloy 800H weldments in High-Temperature Reactor (HTR) applications. Kolluri et al. [4] investigated the high-temperature tensile properties of Incoloy 800H weldments with the filler material of Nicrofer S 7020 (Ni-based with 2.7 wt% Nb, 20.4 wt% Cr) by Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding at 21, 700 and 800 °C. The gauge section of the weldments contained both weld metal and base metal materials. It was reported that the apparent yield strength (YS) of the weldments was significantly higher than that of the base metal material, and the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of the weldments was slightly higher than that of the base metal. The ductility of the weldments was dramatically reduced than the base metal [4]. The high apparent YS reported by Kolluri et al. [4] indicated that the gauges section of the weldment only contained weld metal and heat-affected zone (HAZ). Dewa et al. [5] recently reported the uniaxial LCF results from the weldment specimen using the KW-T82 filler material in the Alloy 800H welds at the strain rate of 10−3 s−1, 700 °C. The gauge section of the weldments consisted of weld metal and HAZ only. Although the results showed a comparable fatigue life between the base metal and weldments at the tested condition, cyclic stress response behaviours were different. The base metal exhibited initial cyclic hardening while the weldment entirely underwent cyclic softening. The microstructures and fatigue deformation mechanisms of these weldments were not reported.
This study aimed to further investigate an alternative filler material for Alloy 800H in the HTR application. Haynes 230 and Inconel 82 filler materials were employed to weld the Alloy 800H plates using the gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) technique. Haynes 230, a solid solution strengthened Ni-Cr-W alloy, exhibits an enhanced creep rupture strength compared with Alloy 800H at temperatures higher than 475 °C. Additionally, it demonstrates better corrosion resistance at elevated temperatures and contains a lower cobalt concentration [6]. Inconel 82 is a commonly-used filler material for Incoloy 800H, but the high-temperature stress rupture properties of the weldments with this filler material significantly degrade at temperatures above 400 °C [3]. In this study, the high-temperature mechanical property and LCF behaviours of the Incoloy 800H weldments using these two filler materials will be investigated and compared. Microstructural evolution and deformation mechanisms after high-temperature deformation will be investigated.

2. Materials and Methods

Incoloy 800H plates of 19 mm (3/4″) in thickness manufactured by VDM Metals, Germany, were used in this work. The as-received plates were in solution-annealed condition at 1167 °C for 32 min. The chemical composition is listed in Table 1. The as-received material exhibits an equiaxial austenitic structure with an average grain size of 121 µm, as depicted in Figure 1. The grain size falls within the specification of Alloy 800H (ASME grain size number of 5 or coarser 3). The Inconel 82 and Haynes 230 filler wires have a diameter of 1.6 mm (0.0625″). Table 2 provides the nominal compositions of the two filler materials.

3. Experiments

3.1. Welding Process and Specimen Fabrication

The GTAW technique was employed by a manual welding process. A double-sided modified X-type groove profile butt joint was designed for fabricating the Alloy 800H weldments, as shown in Figure 2a. A welding voltage of 24 V and a current of 230 A were applied in the welding process. There was a U-shaped notch with a uniform width of 6.35 mm (0.25 in at the joint location between the two side grooves). The welding seam was placed in the middle of plate, Figure 2b. A total of 15 passes were performed perpendicularly to the rolling direction (RD) of the plate. Minimum distortion after the welding process was achieved, and no post-weld heat treatment was carried out as per [3]. Bend testing was performed, and all the bent samples failed outside of the fusion zones.
Tensile and fatigue specimens were machined along the rolling direction of the plates and perpendicular to weld beam of weldments. Tensile specimens have a cylindrical geometry with a measured gauge length of 25 mm and 6.35 mm in diameter, as shown in Figure 3. Note that the 60° V-shaped grooves at each side of the shoulders are to hold the high-temperature extensometer frame for creep tests, which was reported in [8].
Figure 4 schematically illustrated the low-cycle fatigue specimen. The 60° V-shaped groove at each side of the shoulders in the fatigue specimens was used to hold the ceramic rod tips of the high-temperature extensometer. The distance between the two grooves is 12.5 mm, and it was considered as the nominal gauge length for strain control during the low-cycle fatigue tests. A strain correction was applied after testing for the tapered sections of the lengths between the ridges of the fatigue specimens.
The gauge section of weldment specimens contains both the weld and base metals. The U-shaped section of the weld seam (U-shaped notch, as shown in Figure 2a) has a width of approximately 0.25 inch (6.35 mm) and it was positioned in the middle of gauge section of tensile and fatigue specimens. This meant to provide a relatively uniform geometry in the fusion zone (FZ). The HAZ was approximately from 6.5 to 7.5 mm in length from the fusion boundary based on the measured hardness profile [8]. Thus, a 25 mm gauge section of the tensile specimen mostly consists of weld metal and HAZ materials, having about 1–2 mm of base metal each side of the gauge section. In the nominal gauge section (12.5 mm) of the fatigue specimens, it only consists of weld and HAZ materials.

3.2. High-Temperature Tensile and Low-Cycle Fatigue Testing

Both tension and symmetric push–pull LCF were conducted on a hydraulic MTS testing system equipped with a three-zone MTS high-temperature split furnace. The temperature was monitored with three K-type thermocouples within 760 ± 2 °C of the nominal temperature during testing. Tensile strain rate was 1 × 10−4 s−1. A triangular strain-wave was used for low-cycle fatigue testing at a strain rate of 3 × 10−3 s−1. A nominal strain amplitude from 0.2% to 0.6% was applied, i.e., an equivalent of strain amplitudes ( Δ ε t / 2 ) from 0.29% to 0.86% after a strain correction for the tapered sections of the gauged section, Figure 4. In the rest of the paper, the equivalent strain amplitudes are used. The specimen was soaked for 30 min at the testing temperature of 760 °C to facilitate thermal equilibrium. The tensile tests were performed until the specimens’ failure. The LCF tests were terminated when the maximum peak tensile stress decreased approximately 50%, and then the furnace door was opened to let the specimens cooled in air. This aimed to mitigate the potential recovery of the deformed substructure and retain the as-deformed substructure for the later microstructure analysis. After the specimens were cooled to room temperature, they were finally pulled to rupture at a strain rate of 1 × 10−4 s−1. Note that dramatic changes in the deformation substructure when the samples were pulled to rupture at room temperature were not expected because of the existence of cracks after fatigue tests.

3.3. Microstructure Examination

The specimens from Alloy 800H base materials and the weldment with the Haynes 230 filler material were used to analyze and compare the deformation mechanism between the Alloy 800H and the weldment. TEM thin slices were cut from the middle of the gauge section of the tested LCF specimens. The cut slices were first mechanically ground to 0.2 mm, and then twin-jet electro-polishing was conducted at 17 V and −30 °C in an electrolyte composed of 95% methanol and 5% perchloric acid. The electron-transparent foils were examined using a FEI OSIRIS Scanning/TEM (STEM), FEI, Hillsboro, OR, US, operated at 200 kV.
The fracture surface was examined with Hitachi scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Hitachi, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

4. Results

4.1. High-Temperature Tensile Properties

Figure 5 illustrates the engineering tensile stress–strain curves of the Incoloy 800H base metal specimen and the two weldments with Haynes 230 and Inconel 82 filler metals at 760 °C, respectively. It is important to note that the stress–strain curves of the weldments are presented nominally for informational purpose due to the heterogeneity in material properties and microstructure within the gauge section. The results indicate that the apparent YS of the weldments is higher, while the relative residual elongation (apparent ductility) is lower compared with those of the base metal. Both weldments fractured at the heat-affected zone after the tensile tests. Furthermore, the apparent YS and UTS of the weldment with the Haynes 230 filler metal are superior to those of Inconel 82. It is noteworthy that the higher apparent YS of the weldment specimens was likely because the FZ and HAZ consist of a total volume fraction of approximately 86% within the gauge section, which had higher hardness than the base material [8]. The comparable UTS between the base metal and the weldment specimens and the fracture locations in the base metal indicated a satisfactory weld quality in this study.

4.2. Cyclic Deformation Behaviour

Figure 6 shows cyclic peak tensile stress responses as a function of the cycle number of the Incoloy 800H base metal and the weldment specimens at the cyclic strain amplitudes (SAs) from 0.29% to 0.86%.
In all tested strain amplitudes, the Incoloy 800H base metal specimens displayed significant initial cyclic hardening in the first five to ten cycles, followed by a relatively gradual cyclic hardening stage. The cyclic saturation stage was short, and it only occurred when approaching the final cyclic time. The Incoloy 800H weldment with the Inconel 82 filler metal illustrated a slight cyclic initial hardening in the first two cycles, with most of the cyclic life in the saturation stage at the strain amplitudes of 0.29% and 0.57%. A short cyclic softening occurred only at the strain amplitude of 0.86%. The weldments with the Haynes 230 filler material exhibited a similar cyclic behaviour to the one with the Inconel 82 filler metal at the strain amplitude of 0.29% (Figure 6a), while its cyclic life was double compared to the one with the Inconel 82 filler material and even slightly longer than that of the Alloy 800H base metal. At the strain amplitudes of 0.57% and 0.86%, the cyclic softening was the dominant behaviour of the weldment specimens with the Haynes 230 weld metal. The higher the cyclic strain amplitude, the more significant the cyclic strain softening is, as shown in Figure 6b,c.
The cyclic hardening level was calculated and compared between the base metal and the two weldments using the following cyclic hardening factors (Hs) [9]:
H s = σ a p σ a 1 σ a 1 × 100 %
where σ a p is the maximum peak tensile stress, and σ a 1 is the peak tensile stress at the first cycle.
Figure 7a plots the calculated cyclic hardening factors as a function of cyclic strain amplitudes. The base metal specimens showed considerable initial hardening, and the hardening factors increase with the increase in strain amplitudes. The cyclic hardening in the weldment was significantly lower than that of the base metal specimens, and the weldments with the Haynes 230 filler metal exhibited a decreasing trend with a higher total strain amplitude. Figure 7b illustrated the cyclic saturation stress–strain curves of the Incoloy 800H BM and its weldments at 760 °C. The saturated cyclic peak stresses of the weldments with both types of filler metal were higher than those of the base metal at the same cyclic strain amplitude. In particular, the weldment with the Haynes 230 filler metal had the highest cyclic saturated stress in the tested strain amplitudes.
Serrated stress–strain behaviour, characterized by fluctuating load levels during tension or compression stages, was observed in the initial three cycles in the Incoloy 800H base metal at the strain amplitudes of 0.57% and 0.86% and it vanished in the mid-life cycle. But this phenomenon was not obvious at the low amplitude of 0.29%. Figure 8a shows the hysteresis loops at the cycles of 1 to 3 and the mid-life cycle of the Incoloy 800H base metal at the strain amplitudes of 0.57%. The serrated stress–strain behaviour is one of the manifestations of dynamic strain ageing (DSA) [10]. The weldments with the Haynes 230 filler metal did not show any DSA behaviours during cycling at the different strain amplitudes, as shown in Figure 8b. However, the weldments with the Inconel 82 filler material exhibited significant DSA behaviour in the initial cycles and did not vanish at the mid-life cycles at the strain amplitudes of 0.57% and 0.86%, except for 0.29%. Figure 8c shows the hysteresis loops at the cycles of 1 to 3 and the mid-life cycle of the weldment with the Inconel 82 filler material at the strain amplitude of 0.57%.
In this study, the plastic deformation in the weldments within the gauge length is heterogeneous due to the differences in microstructure, phase composition, and then mechanical strength, and elastic modulus among the BM, HAZ, and FZ. In the nominal gauge section (12.5 mm) of the fatigue specimens, it consists only of weld (6 mm in the middle, having a uniform diameter of 6.3 mm) and HAZ materials (3.25 mm in length on each side of FZ, with the diameter gradually increasing in the tapered sections to the ridges of the fatigue specimens; see Figure 4). The filler metal in the fusion zone made a dominant contribution role during deformation. Since the strength of Haynes 230 [7] is significantly higher than both Inconel 82 and Alloy 800H [3], it is reasonable that the weldment specimens with Haynes 230 showed significant higher peak tensile stress, particularly at strain amplitudes of 0.57% and 0.86%, where plastic deformation played a dominant role, as shown in Figure 6.

4.3. Low-Cycle Fatigue Lifetime

The total cyclic strain ( Δ ε t ) and total plastic strain ( Δ ε p ) as a function of fatigue lifetime (Nf) were plotted in Figure 9a,b, respectively. In general, the base metal specimens exhibited a higher fatigue lifetime than the weldments. However, at the lowest strain amplitude ( Δ ε t / 2 ) of 0.29%, the weldments with the Haynes 230 filler metal demonstrated a better fatigue resistance than both the base metal specimen and the weldment with the Inconel 82 filler material (Figure 9a).
The relationship between the cyclic plastic strain amplitude, Δ ε p / 2 , and the fatigue lifetime, N f , can be expressed by the Coffin–Manson equation to describe the cycles to failure in the LCF test [11]:
Δ ε p / 2 = ε f ( N f ) c
where Δ ε p / 2 is cyclic plastic strain amplitude, Nf is fatigue lifetime, ε f is the fatigue ductility coefficient, and c is the fatigue ductility exponent. The fatigue constants were calculated from the linear regression, as listed in Table 3. The low-cycle fatigue life curves of the Incoloy 800H base metal and weldments were plotted as a function of cyclic total strain range, and total plastic strain range at the mid-life cycles, to predict the low-cycle fatigue life at different cyclic plastic strain range in Figure 9a,b, respectively. The weldments with both the Inconel 82 and Haynes 230 filler metals have the lower fatigue lifetimes than that of the BM at the same cyclic plastic strain amplitude, as shown in Figure 9b. Furthermore, the weldments with the Inconel 82 filler metal have a slightly high plastic lifetime than that of the weldment with the Haynes 230 filler metal. However, the fatigue lifetime of the weldment with the Haynes 230 filler metal was enhanced in comparison with the Incoloy 800H BM and the welds with the Incoloy 82 filler metal as the cyclic plastic strain amplitude decreases.

4.4. Fractography

The LCF fracture of the weldments with Hayes 230 filler metal occurred in the heat-affected zone material within the gauge section at the strain amplitudes ranging from 0.29% to 0.86%, while the weldments with Inconel 82 fractured in the FZ material. Figure 10 provides the images of the fractured weldment specimens at the strain amplitude of 0.86%. It is worth noting that the damage marks at the shoulder of the specimens were produced by removing samples from the grips after testing.
Figure 11, Figure 12 and Figure 13 show the fracture morphology of the fracture surfaces in the Incoloy 800H base metal and the weldment specimens. Transgranular cleavage with multiple crack initiation locations was the typical morphology on the fracture surface in both base metal and weldment specimens. In the Alloy 800H base metal specimens, multiple crack initiation zones on the surface of the fatigue samples and river-like cleavage facets were present along the crack propagation direction, as shown in Figure 11d–f. The fatigue striations were observed in all the crack propagation zones at the strain amplitudes from 0.29% and 0.86%, indicating the propagation of cracks during the cycle loading and the direction of the crack propagation. The spacing along the striations increased with the increasing strain amplitudes (Figure 11g–i); however, the fatigue striations at the high strain amplitude ( Δ ε t / 2 = 0.86%) were not as well defined as the ones at the lower strain amplitudes ( Δ ε t / 2 = 0.29%). This observation was more obvious in the weldment specimens, as shown in Figure 12c,d and Figure 13c,d due to the reduction in ductility and the increase in the crack propagation rate compared with the 800H BM specimens. Secondary cracks in the crack propagation zone were observed in the fusion zone fracture surface from the weldment with the Inconel 82 filler material, as indicated by arrows in Figure 13c,d.

4.5. Low-Cycle Fatigue Dislocation Substructure

Figure 14, Figure 15, Figure 16 and Figure 17 show the TEM bright-field images of the Alloy 800H base metal specimens after LCF at the different strain amplitudes from 0.29% to 0.86% at 760 °C. At the strain amplitude of 0.29%, a typical planar dislocation linear structure was observed. The dislocation lines were aligned on the (111) slip planes, as shown in Figure 14b. Dislocation pairs or dragging lines indicating interactions between dislocations and particles and dislocation cross slips were observed (Figure 14c). As the cyclic strain amplitude increased to 0.57%, the elongated linear dislocation structure was formed (Figure 15a). Furthermore, some dislocation cells were formed, as shown in Figure 15b,c. This indicates that cyclic plastic deformation modes change from a planar slip to a wave slip, and dislocation cross slips significantly increase as the cyclic strain amplitude increases. Figure 16 shows the enlarged bright and dark-field images of wavy dislocation slip bands and the interaction between dislocation networks and nano-sized Ti (C, N) precipitates of the Incoloy 800H BM after the LCF tests with a strain amplitude of 0.57% at 760 °C. Note that the DF image in Figure 16b was taken with the objective aperture locations circled on the (111) diffraction spot of the matrix (yellow circle in the diffraction pattern in Figure 16a), and the one in Figure 16c was taken with the objective aperture placed on the (111) diffraction spot of Ti (C, N) precipitates (red circle in Figure 16a). Significant amounts of nano-sized Ti (C, N) precipitates were observed, and most of the precipitates lay on the dislocation lines. Dislocations appear to pass through these particles by the shearing mechanism. The tendency to form a cell configuration continued to increase with the increase in strain amplitudes. As the cyclic strain amplitude increased to 0.86%, well-developed dislocation cells were formed, and the dislocation cells became the predominant dislocation configuration, as shown in Figure 17.
In comparison with the Incoloy 800H base metal specimens, Figure 18 shows the TEM bright-field images of the dislocation structures and precipitates in the fusion zone (weld metal) of the weldments with the Haynes 230 filler metal after LCF at the strain amplitudes from 0.29% to 0.86% at 760 °C. No subgrains were observed at any of tested strain amplitudes. It implies that the dynamic strain recovery process is stronger in the weld metal than that in base metal material. As a result, dislocations quickly disappeared due to recovery once they were produced. The dislocation density appeared to increase with the increase in cyclic strain amplitudes. At the higher strain amplitudes of 0.57% and 0.86%, dislocation tangles with a high dislocation density were observed inside grains. At the same time, dislocation structures associated with zig-zag reversing movements or dragging patterns were observed (Figure 18e), and they occurred more frequently at the highest strain amplitude of 0.86% (Figure 18f). Note that deformation microstructure of the weld metal with the Inconel 82 filler material showed a similar planar slip deformation mechanism and microstructure, and therefore, it was not reported in the paper.

5. Discussion

5.1. A Comparison of Fatigue Behaviour and Damage Mechanism Between the Incoloy 800H BM and Weldments Specimens

The Incoloy 800H specimens showed a higher low-cycle fatigue lifetime when the plastic deformation played a dominant role in the fatigue life; however, the weldment with the Haynes 230 filler metal exhibited a better elastic deformation resistance in the fatigue lifetime than that of the base metal and the weldments with the Inconel 82 filler metal. The predicted fatigue life in Figure 9 indicated that the weldments with the Haynes 230 filler material would have a higher fatigue life than the BM when the total strain range is lower than 0.7%.
The cyclic hardening and softening behaviours between the Incoloy 800H base metal and weldment specimens are different. The Incoloy 800H BM has a considerably initial hardening stage and the hardening factors increased with increasing strain amplitudes (see Figure 7a). In contrast, the hardening factors of the weldment specimens did not show a clear increasing trend, and the ones of the Haynes 230 filler weldments decreased with the increasing strain amplitudes. Cyclic hardening and/or softening is considered as the microstructural evolution of materials during cyclic deformation; i.e., hardening is due to the introduction of dislocations and/or deformation-induced precipitation, while softening is due to the deformation-induced shearing of precipitates or dislocation redistribution, and dynamic recovery and recrystallization at high temperatures [12]. The different microstructural evolution in the Alloy 800H base metal specimens and the weld metal with the Haynes 230 filler material can provide some insight into their corresponding cyclic hardening and softening behaviours. As shown in Figure 14, Figure 15, Figure 16 and Figure 17, the dislocation and grain structure of the base metal showed an obvious change with increasing strain amplitudes. The microstructure at the strain amplitude of 0.29% showed a relatively homogenous dislocation structure, and the dislocation lines were aligned on the (111) slip planes. The dislocation pairs or dragging lines in Figure 14c indicated the dislocation bypass mechanisms, i.e., particle bypassing or shearing during fatigue tests which would give rise to inhomogeneous slip behaviours involving a planar slip of dislocations [13]. Bypassing or shearing facilitates the reversibility of the plastic flow and enables the dislocation movement to remain on the original slip planes, and therefore, the crack propagation rate was relatively low [14]. At the strain amplitude of 0.57%, a localized subgrain structure and wavy dislocations appeared in the microstructure. In the specimen with the strain amplitudes of 0.86%, the subgrain or cell structure became dominant in the microstructure, as shown in Figure 17. Instead of a homogeneous distribution of dislocations at the lower strain amplitude, localized high concentrations of dislocations were present in the cell or subgrain structure. Dislocation interactions significantly increase as the dislocation deformation mechanism changes from planar slip to wavy slip. Therefore, cyclic hardening is displayed. This prevailing structure became the obstacle of dislocation movement during the cyclic deformation and caused the cyclic hardening. Armas et al. [15] reported a similar observation that the subgrain boundaries acted as obstacles when slip systems associated with differing directions intersect, and the interaction between these slip systems resulted in curved dislocation lines and tangled dislocation lines, leading to an increase in the strain hardening rate.
Moreover, cyclic deformation also play an important role in the formation of the cell and subgrain structure in the Alloy 800H base metal. During the tensile strain cycles, new dislocation was created, and the dislocation density increased, which increased the possibility to form cell and sub-boundary structures. It is intuitive to anticipate that the tendency to form the cell and sub-boundaries increased with the increasing strain amplitudes. Meanwhile, the newly formed substructure was unstable, and it could be reformed or partially annihilated during the reversed straining [16,17]. The wavy slip dislocation lines observed at the strain amplitude of 0.56% in the Alloy 800H base metal specimens (Figure 15b,c) may be considered as evidence of the interaction of forward and reverse strain during the cyclic deformation. Bagherpour et al. [16] studied the effect of reverse strain on the microstructure of Al, and it was reported that the total dislocation density decreased by about 16% because of reversed straining. However, during strain reversing, the initial structure cannot wholly recover because the microstructure is not fully reversible; therefore, the cells or subgrains are capable of forming in the microstructure once they have been created.
No cells or subgrains were observed in the Incoloy 800H weldments in both the weld metal and heat-affected zone materials in all strain amplitudes. Prasad Reddy et al. [17,18] reported that the tendency toward cell structure or subgrain formation decreased and propensity to planar slip was manifested in the form of planar arrays of dislocations with increasing of strength in the SS316L with varying nitrogen content. The strength of the weldment specimens was significantly higher than the base metal in this study. In addition, the welding process can result in the precipitation and growth of precipitate in the fusion zone material to some extent [8]. The precipitate can restrict the long-range movement of dislocation and forest dislocation interaction of dislocation to form cell structures.

5.2. Deformation-Induced Precipitation Hardening Effect and Dynamic Strain Ageing

Cyclic strain-induced precipitation is anticipated in the Incoloy 800H material as the test temperature of 760 °C is sufficiently high in this study. All tests reported in this paper ran for less than 10 h before failure. According to the time–temperature transformation (TTT) diagram of Incoloy 800H [19], M23C6 are the only precipitates at 760 °C during exposures less than 10 h, and Ti (C, N) precipitates after 1000 h at the same temperature. It was reported that fine chromium carbides precipitated at 550 to 760 °C at regions of high density of dislocations inside the grains after short periods of thermal exposure leading to strengthening of the grains [20]. This study showed that a large number strain-induced precipitates were produced (Figure 14, Figure 15, Figure 16 and Figure 17). Therefore, the thermal or ageing effect played an important role in the precipitation of M23C6 particles, in addition to the reverse deformation effect due to cyclic loads. However, the significant amount and the appearance of Ti (C, N) after the short-duration LCF test (less than 10 h) at 760 °C can significantly contribute to the cyclic deformation behaviour. Cyclic deformation generates vacancies at a greater rate than unidirectional deformation or stress-free exposure at elevated temperature by non-conservative jog motion or by annihilation of non-screw dislocation, i.e., generating vacancies by jog-motion or the annihilation of non-screw dislocation, and the production rates of point defects increase with increasing strain rates [21,22]. As a result, the diffusion of the solute elements, such as Cr, Ti, C, and N, can be accelerated to precipitate as M23C6 and Ti (C, N). Meanwhile, the cyclic deformation also causes the formation of many dislocations, which increase the number of precipitation nucleation sites and further facilitate the solute diffusion, therefore increasing the kinetics of precipitation.
Serrated stress–strain behaviours or DSA were displayed in the initial cycles of the Incoloy 800H base metal specimens fatigued at different cyclic strain amplitudes in this study, but the serrated flow vanished after a few cycles, and the saturated-life hysteresis loops were smooth (Figure 8a). A similar observation was reported in reference [10]. Although the weldments with Haynes 230 did not show DSA, the weldments with Inconel 82 exhibited significant DSA behaviours except at 0.29%. Their respective serrated stress–strain behaviours did not disappear even at the mid-fatigue life (Figure 8c). The DSA was the result of repeated interactions of the solute and/or interstitial atoms and mobile dislocations in solid-solution-strengthened alloys [10]. Therefore, the DSA itself is a strengthening mechanism resulting from locking–unlocking dislocation motions by the diffusion of solute atoms. The weldments with Inconel 82 had the higher cyclic hardening factor compared with the one with the Haynes 230 filler metal (Figure 7a), which is likely due to the DSA.

6. Conclusions

In this study, high-temperature low-cycle fatigue properties at 760 °C of Alloy 800H and its weldments using Haynes 230 and Inconel 82 filler materials were investigated and compared. The microstructures after fatigue and the fracture mode were reported. The deformation mechanisms, dislocation structure, and precipitate evolution were explicated.
In general, the weldments showed lower fatigue lifetimes than that of the Incoloy 800H base material. The Incoloy 800H weldments with the filler materials of Haynes 230 and Inconel 82 exhibited higher strength but lower ductility compared with the Incoloy 800H base metal. However, the weldment with the Haynes 230 filler material exhibited an excellent fatigue resistance at a low cyclic strain amplitude. The Incoloy 800H base metal exhibited an obvious initial cyclic hardening, and its hardening factors increased with strain amplitudes. In contrast, a short initial cyclic hardening and saturation stages followed by a long continuous cyclic softening were displayed in the Incoloy 800H weldments with the filler materials of Haynes 230 and Inconel 82.
Transgranular cleavage with multiple crack initiation locations on the surface is primary low-cycle fatigue crack propagation and failure mode in both the Incoloy 800H BM and its weldments with the filler materials of Haynes 230 and Inconel 82. The plastic deformation mechanism of the Incoloy 800H base metal changed from planar slips to wavy slips with the increase in the cyclic strain amplitude. A typical fatigue dislocation configuration evolved from planar dislocation bands to dislocation cells. In comparison, the dislocation configuration of the weld metal remained planar dislocation lines with a low density of dislocations. The differing cyclic hardening and softening behaviours between Incoloy 800H and its weldments are attributed to the higher strength of the weldment specimens compared to the base metal. In the Incoloy 800H base material specimens, reverse strains during low-cycle fatigue (LCF) created wavy dislocation structures that could not fully recover due to the irreversible nature of the microstructure. Consequently, cells or subgrains formed within the microstructure. In contrast, the higher strength of the weld metal in the weldment specimens significantly suppressed the formation of wavy dislocation structures, with deformation primarily manifesting as planar arrays of dislocations.
It is worth emphasizing that the plastic deformation in the weldments within the gauge length is heterogeneous due to the differences in microstructure, phase composition, mechanical strength, and elastic modulus among the BM, HAZ, and FZ. The measured strain in the tension and cyclic stress–strain curves is an average strain among these regions. Therefore, the measured stress is a nominal value. Further finite element simulation and/or localized measurement are needed to quantitatively distinguish the deformation behaviour among the different regions.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, W.L. and L.X.; methodology, W.L., L.X., G.K. and R.S.; validation, W.L., L.X., G.K. and R.S.; formal analysis, W.L.; investigation, W.L., L.X., G.K. and R.S.; resources, W.L. and L.W.; data curation, W.L. and L.W.; writing—original draft, W.L.; writing—review and editing, L.X. and L.W.; project administration, L.W. and W.L.; funding acquisition, L.W. and W.L.; All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work was supported by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited’s Federal Nuclear Science & Technology (FNST) Work Plan, FNST-51120.0.A111.

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this study are available on request from the corresponding author.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Three-dimensional montage of Incoloy 800H microstructure at as-received condition. Note the arrows indicate the example of the twins within the grains. RD: rolling direction; TD: transverse direction; ND: normal direction.
Figure 1. Three-dimensional montage of Incoloy 800H microstructure at as-received condition. Note the arrows indicate the example of the twins within the grains. RD: rolling direction; TD: transverse direction; ND: normal direction.
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Figure 2. Schematic views of (a) groove profile butt joint (all dimensions are in mm), (b) the plate with a machined groove showing the rolling direction (RD).
Figure 2. Schematic views of (a) groove profile butt joint (all dimensions are in mm), (b) the plate with a machined groove showing the rolling direction (RD).
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Figure 3. Geometry of tensile specimens (all dimensions are in mm).
Figure 3. Geometry of tensile specimens (all dimensions are in mm).
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Figure 4. Geometry of fatigue specimens (all dimensions are in mm).
Figure 4. Geometry of fatigue specimens (all dimensions are in mm).
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Figure 5. Tensile engineering stress–strain curves of Incoloy 800H and the weldments at 760 °C.
Figure 5. Tensile engineering stress–strain curves of Incoloy 800H and the weldments at 760 °C.
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Figure 6. Cyclic peak tensile stress response curves of Incoloy 800H and its weldments as a function of cycle number at different cyclic strain amplitudes: (a) 0.29%, (b) 0.57%, and (c) 0.86%.
Figure 6. Cyclic peak tensile stress response curves of Incoloy 800H and its weldments as a function of cycle number at different cyclic strain amplitudes: (a) 0.29%, (b) 0.57%, and (c) 0.86%.
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Figure 7. A comparison of (a) cyclic hardening factor (Hs) and (b) cyclic saturated stress as a function of strain amplitude between Incoloy 800H base metal and its weldments.
Figure 7. A comparison of (a) cyclic hardening factor (Hs) and (b) cyclic saturated stress as a function of strain amplitude between Incoloy 800H base metal and its weldments.
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Figure 8. Serrated stress–strain behaviours in (a) Incoloy BM (b) and in (c) the weldment specimens with the Haynes 230 and Inconel 82 filler metals at the strain amplitude of 0.57%.
Figure 8. Serrated stress–strain behaviours in (a) Incoloy BM (b) and in (c) the weldment specimens with the Haynes 230 and Inconel 82 filler metals at the strain amplitude of 0.57%.
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Figure 9. Low-cycle fatigue life curves of Incoloy 800H base metal and weldments: (a) fatigue lifetime vs. cyclic total strain range, and (b) fatigue lifetime vs. cyclic total plastic strain range at the mid-life cycles.
Figure 9. Low-cycle fatigue life curves of Incoloy 800H base metal and weldments: (a) fatigue lifetime vs. cyclic total strain range, and (b) fatigue lifetime vs. cyclic total plastic strain range at the mid-life cycles.
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Figure 10. Fractured specimens of the weldments: (a) Haynes 230 filler and (b) Inconel 82 filler materials at the strain amplitude of 0.86%. Note that the damage marks at the shoulder of the specimens were produced by removing samples from the grips after testing.
Figure 10. Fractured specimens of the weldments: (a) Haynes 230 filler and (b) Inconel 82 filler materials at the strain amplitude of 0.86%. Note that the damage marks at the shoulder of the specimens were produced by removing samples from the grips after testing.
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Figure 11. Fractography of the Alloy 800H base metal after LCF at the strain amplitudes of (a,d,g) Δɛt/2 = 0.29%, (b,e,h) Δɛt/2 = 0.57%, and (c,f,i) Δɛt/2 = 0.86% at 760 °C. Note that the red dashed lines are plotted to separate the fatigue crack propagation and the final fracture regions in Figure 11, Figure 12 and Figure 13.
Figure 11. Fractography of the Alloy 800H base metal after LCF at the strain amplitudes of (a,d,g) Δɛt/2 = 0.29%, (b,e,h) Δɛt/2 = 0.57%, and (c,f,i) Δɛt/2 = 0.86% at 760 °C. Note that the red dashed lines are plotted to separate the fatigue crack propagation and the final fracture regions in Figure 11, Figure 12 and Figure 13.
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Figure 12. Fractography of the Alloy 800H weldment with the Haynes 230 filler metal after LCF at the strain amplitude of (a,c) Δɛt/2 = 0.29%, and (b,d) Δɛt/2 = 0.86% at 760 °C. Note that the fracture occurred in the heat-affected zone.
Figure 12. Fractography of the Alloy 800H weldment with the Haynes 230 filler metal after LCF at the strain amplitude of (a,c) Δɛt/2 = 0.29%, and (b,d) Δɛt/2 = 0.86% at 760 °C. Note that the fracture occurred in the heat-affected zone.
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Figure 13. Fractography of the Alloy 800H weldment with the Inconel 82 filler metal after LCF at the strain amplitude of (a,c) Δɛt/2 = 0.29%, and (b,d) Δɛt/2 = 0.86% at 760 °C. Secondary cracks were arrowed in (c,d). Note that the fracture occurred in the fusion zone.
Figure 13. Fractography of the Alloy 800H weldment with the Inconel 82 filler metal after LCF at the strain amplitude of (a,c) Δɛt/2 = 0.29%, and (b,d) Δɛt/2 = 0.86% at 760 °C. Secondary cracks were arrowed in (c,d). Note that the fracture occurred in the fusion zone.
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Figure 14. TEM images taken at the reflect vector g = 111, showing the dislocation structures. (a) dislocations adjacent to a grain boundary, (b) the dislocation lines aligned on the (111) slip planes, and (c) dislocation pairs or dragging lines indicating interactions between dislocations and particles and dislocation cross slips. in the Incoloy 800H BM after the LCF tests at the strain amplitude of 0.29% at 760 °C.
Figure 14. TEM images taken at the reflect vector g = 111, showing the dislocation structures. (a) dislocations adjacent to a grain boundary, (b) the dislocation lines aligned on the (111) slip planes, and (c) dislocation pairs or dragging lines indicating interactions between dislocations and particles and dislocation cross slips. in the Incoloy 800H BM after the LCF tests at the strain amplitude of 0.29% at 760 °C.
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Figure 15. TEM images taken at the reflect vector g = 111 showing the dislocation structures (a) line dislocations adjacent to a grain boundary, (b,c) dislocation cell structures n the Incoloy 800H BM after the LCF tests at the strain amplitudes of 0.57% at 760 °C.
Figure 15. TEM images taken at the reflect vector g = 111 showing the dislocation structures (a) line dislocations adjacent to a grain boundary, (b,c) dislocation cell structures n the Incoloy 800H BM after the LCF tests at the strain amplitudes of 0.57% at 760 °C.
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Figure 16. (a) Bright-field TEM image and (b,c) dark-field TEM images showing the wavy dislocation bands and associated high density of nano-sized Ti (C, N) particles in the Incoloy 800H BM after LCF with the strain amplitude of 0.57% at 760 °C.
Figure 16. (a) Bright-field TEM image and (b,c) dark-field TEM images showing the wavy dislocation bands and associated high density of nano-sized Ti (C, N) particles in the Incoloy 800H BM after LCF with the strain amplitude of 0.57% at 760 °C.
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Figure 17. TEM images showing (a,b) dislocation cell structures, and (c) dislocations in a cell structure in the Incoloy 800H BM after the LCF tests at the strain amplitude of 0.86% at 760 °C.
Figure 17. TEM images showing (a,b) dislocation cell structures, and (c) dislocations in a cell structure in the Incoloy 800H BM after the LCF tests at the strain amplitude of 0.86% at 760 °C.
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Figure 18. TEM bright-field images showing the dislocation structures and precipitates in the Haynes 230 weld metal after LCF with the different strain amplitudes at 760 °C. (a,d) 0.29%, (b,e) 0.57%, and (c,f) 0.86%.
Figure 18. TEM bright-field images showing the dislocation structures and precipitates in the Haynes 230 weld metal after LCF with the different strain amplitudes at 760 °C. (a,d) 0.29%, (b,e) 0.57%, and (c,f) 0.86%.
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Table 1. Chemical compositions of as-received Alloy 800H (wt%).
Table 1. Chemical compositions of as-received Alloy 800H (wt%).
ElementsFeNiCrMoCoMnAlTiAl + TiCuSiSC
Alloy 800H45.630.320.<0.0020.08
Table 2. Nominal chemical compositions of the two filler materials (wt%) [3,7].
Table 2. Nominal chemical compositions of the two filler materials (wt%) [3,7].
Haynes 230<3.057222<0.5<<0.114 W, 0.015 B, 0.02 La
Inconel 820.1172.1520.90/2.880.023.340.02/0.420.03Si, 0.03Cu
Table 3. Coffin–Manson constants for regression analysis of Incoloy 800H BM and the weldments.
Table 3. Coffin–Manson constants for regression analysis of Incoloy 800H BM and the weldments.
MaterialsCoffin–Manson EquationFatigue Ductility (εf’)Fatigue Ductility Exponent, c
Incoloy 800H BM ( Δ ε p / 2 ) N f 1.01 = 2.14 2.14−1.01
Weldment with Haynes 230 filler metal ( Δ ε p / 2 ) N f 0.79 = 0.26 0.26−0.79
Weldment with Inconel 82 filler metal ( Δ ε p / 2 ) N f 1.07 = 2.40 2.40−1.07
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MDPI and ACS Style

Li, W.; Xiao, L.; Walters, L.; Kasprick, G.; Sloan, R. A Comparison Study of High-Temperature Low-Cycle Fatigue Behaviour and Deformation Mechanisms Between Incoloy 800H and Its Weldments. J. Nucl. Eng. 2024, 5, 545-562.

AMA Style

Li W, Xiao L, Walters L, Kasprick G, Sloan R. A Comparison Study of High-Temperature Low-Cycle Fatigue Behaviour and Deformation Mechanisms Between Incoloy 800H and Its Weldments. Journal of Nuclear Engineering. 2024; 5(4):545-562.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Li, Wenjing, Lin Xiao, Lori Walters, Greg Kasprick, and Robyn Sloan. 2024. "A Comparison Study of High-Temperature Low-Cycle Fatigue Behaviour and Deformation Mechanisms Between Incoloy 800H and Its Weldments" Journal of Nuclear Engineering 5, no. 4: 545-562.

APA Style

Li, W., Xiao, L., Walters, L., Kasprick, G., & Sloan, R. (2024). A Comparison Study of High-Temperature Low-Cycle Fatigue Behaviour and Deformation Mechanisms Between Incoloy 800H and Its Weldments. Journal of Nuclear Engineering, 5(4), 545-562.

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