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J. Nucl. Eng., Volume 5, Issue 4 (December 2024) – 10 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): Ultra-cold neutrons (UCNs) are unique in that their low energies allow them to be fully trapped by the walls of standard material. This property has made them the preferred object of study for probing the fundamental properties of neutrons; however, with the new generation of more powerful UCN sources, it is hoped that their usefulness as a tool will extend to more fields such as condensed matter studies. One of these next-generation sources is undergoing commissioning at North Carolina State University's PULSTAR reactor. The source's design makes use of the reactor's intentionally under-moderated neutron flux to optimize UCN production with a unique remote moderation design. This study presents thermal flux characterization of the remote moderation system, proving that this design is a valuable option for this and future cryogenic UCN sources. View this paper
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17 pages, 23301 KiB  
A 3D Dual-Particle Imaging Algorithm for Multiple Imagers
by Dhruv Garg, Ricardo Lopez, Oskari Pakari, Shaun D. Clarke and Sara A. Pozzi
J. Nucl. Eng. 2024, 5(4), 584-600; - 20 Dec 2024
Viewed by 596
The ability to localize and image radiation sources has found use in various applications for nuclear nonproliferation practices, specifically in treaty verification, nuclear safeguards, and homeland security. Technologies that are capable of angular radiation imaging have been prevalent for years and, recently, 3D [...] Read more.
The ability to localize and image radiation sources has found use in various applications for nuclear nonproliferation practices, specifically in treaty verification, nuclear safeguards, and homeland security. Technologies that are capable of angular radiation imaging have been prevalent for years and, recently, 3D imaging technologies making use of emerging media like mixed reality have been rapidly developing and gaining popularity. Modern imaging techniques typically use a Compton camera to record coincident events and reconstruct the incident directional information of a gamma ray-emitting radiation source. However, Compton cameras are limited as they cannot obtain accurate source depth information when used for simple back projection imaging. Neutron scatter cameras are a complementary imaging technique that use double elastic scatters but also have their own limitations. This work presents a framework for multiple scatter-based particle imagers to construct 3D images and to localize a radiation source using gamma rays or fast neutrons. Specifically, localization is achieved by accounting for the position of the imagers. The imaging algorithm was validated using experimental data, measuring a 252Cf source. A three-dimensional representation of the imaging data provides a more intuitive and informative depiction of source positions and can aid in scenarios with complex environmental geometries such as when sources are in containers. Full article
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21 pages, 1634 KiB  
Droplet Entrainment in Steam Supply System of Water-Cooled Small Modular Reactors: Experiment and Modeling Approaches
by Kenneth Lee Fossum, Palash Kumar Bhowmik and Piyush Sabharwall
J. Nucl. Eng. 2024, 5(4), 563-583; - 12 Dec 2024
Viewed by 632
Droplet entrainment in steam-flow is a prominent phenomenon that needs adequate safety and risk analysis of postulated transient and accident scenarios—including experimental investigation and representative modeling and simulation (M&S)—for small modular reactor (SMR) system design and demonstration. This study identifies knowledge gaps by [...] Read more.
Droplet entrainment in steam-flow is a prominent phenomenon that needs adequate safety and risk analysis of postulated transient and accident scenarios—including experimental investigation and representative modeling and simulation (M&S)—for small modular reactor (SMR) system design and demonstration. This study identifies knowledge gaps by evaluating experimental and computational fluid dynamics modeling approaches to support early-stage reactor system design, testing, and model evaluation. Previous studies reported in the literature for steam-flow entrainment primarily focused on gigawatt capacity pressurized water reactor (PWR) systems. However, entrainment phenomena are even more prominent for PWR-type SMRs due to their more compact integrated designs, which need further research and development. To fill the research gaps, this study provides insight by specifying the phenomena of interest by leveraging the lessons learned from past research, adopting advanced M&S techniques and advanced instrumentation and control. The findings and recommendations are applicable for evaluating steam-flow entrainment models and for designing integral effect test and separate effect test facilities for gaining reactor design approvals. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Thermal Hydraulics of Nuclear Power Plants)
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18 pages, 13129 KiB  
A Comparison Study of High-Temperature Low-Cycle Fatigue Behaviour and Deformation Mechanisms Between Incoloy 800H and Its Weldments
by Wenjing Li, Lin Xiao, Lori Walters, Greg Kasprick and Robyn Sloan
J. Nucl. Eng. 2024, 5(4), 545-562; - 30 Nov 2024
Viewed by 659
The high-temperature low-cycle fatigue (LCF) behaviour of Incoloy 800H and its weldments with Haynes 230 and Inconel 82 filler metals, which were fabricated with the gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) technique, was investigated and compared at 760 °C. The results revealed that the [...] Read more.
The high-temperature low-cycle fatigue (LCF) behaviour of Incoloy 800H and its weldments with Haynes 230 and Inconel 82 filler metals, which were fabricated with the gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) technique, was investigated and compared at 760 °C. The results revealed that the Incoloy 800H weldments showed lower fatigue lifetimes compared to the base metal. However, the weldments with the Haynes 230 filler metal demonstrated an improved fatigue life at the low strain amplitude compared to both Incoloy 800H and the weldment with the Inconel 82 filler metal. The Incoloy 800H base metal showed pronounced initial cyclic hardening with hardening factors increasing with strain amplitudes. In contrast, the weldments with Haynes 230 and Inconel 82 filler metals displayed short initial cyclic hardening and saturation stages, followed by long continuous cyclic softening. The fractography and microstructure after LCF the tests were characterized with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Transgranular fracture with multiple crack initiations was the predominant failure mode on the fracture surfaces of both Incoloy 800 base metal and the weldments. TEM examination revealed that planar dislocation slips at the low strain amplitude evolved to wavy slips, eventually forming a cell structure at high strain amplitudes in the Incoloy 800H material as the strain amplitudes increased. However, the weld metal exhibited a planar slip mode deformation mechanism regardless of cyclic strain amplitude in the weldment specimens. The differing cyclic hardening and softening behaviours between Incoloy 800H and its weldments are attributed to the higher strength of the weldment specimens compared to the base metal. In the Incoloy 800H base material specimens, the reverse strains during LCF created wavy dislocation structures, which could not fully recover due to the non-reversible nature of the microstructure. As a result, cells or subgrains formed within the microstructure once created. In contrast, the higher strength of the weld metal in the weldment specimens significantly suppressed the formation of wavy dislocation structures, and deformation primarily manifested as planar arrays of dislocations. Full article
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14 pages, 5994 KiB  
The Effect of Ar and N2 Background Gas Pressure on H Isotope Detection and Separation by LIBS
by Indrek Jõgi, Jasper Ristkok and Peeter Paris
J. Nucl. Eng. 2024, 5(4), 531-544; - 22 Nov 2024
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Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) is one candidate for analyzing the fuel retention in ITER plasma-facing components during maintenance breaks when the reactor is filled with near atmospheric pressure nitrogen or dry air. It has been shown that using argon flow during LIBS measurements [...] Read more.
Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) is one candidate for analyzing the fuel retention in ITER plasma-facing components during maintenance breaks when the reactor is filled with near atmospheric pressure nitrogen or dry air. It has been shown that using argon flow during LIBS measurements increases the LIBS signal at atmospheric pressure conditions and helps to distinguish the hydrogen isotopes. However, atmospheric pressure might be suboptimal for such LIBS measurements. The present study investigated the effect of argon or nitrogen gas at different pressures on the hydrogen Hα line emission intensity during the LIBS measurements. Laser pulses with an 8 ns width were used to ablate a small amount of a molybdenum (Mo) target with hydrogen impurity. The development of the formed plasma plume was investigated by time- and space-resolved emission spectra and photographs. Photographs showed that the plasma plume development was similar for both gases, while the total intensity of the plume was higher in argon. Space-resolved emission spectra also had stronger Hα line intensities in argon. Shorter delay times necessitated the use of lower pressures to have sufficiently narrow lines for the distinguishing of the hydrogen isotopes. At the same line widths, the line intensities were higher at lower gas pressures and in argon. Hα and Mo I line emissions were spatially separated, which suggests that the geometry of collection optics should be considered when using LIBS. Full article
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13 pages, 700 KiB  
Evaluating Nuclear Forensic Signatures for Advanced Reactor Deployment: A Research Priority Assessment
by Megan N. Schiferl, Jeffrey R. McLachlan, Appie A. Peterson, Naomi E. Marks and Rebecca J. Abergel
J. Nucl. Eng. 2024, 5(4), 518-530; - 15 Nov 2024
Viewed by 1054
The development and deployment of a new generation of nuclear reactors necessitates a thorough evaluation of techniques used to characterize nuclear materials for nuclear forensic applications. Advanced fuels proposed for use in these reactors present both challenges and opportunities for the nuclear forensic [...] Read more.
The development and deployment of a new generation of nuclear reactors necessitates a thorough evaluation of techniques used to characterize nuclear materials for nuclear forensic applications. Advanced fuels proposed for use in these reactors present both challenges and opportunities for the nuclear forensic field. Many efforts in pre-detonation nuclear forensics are currently focused on the analysis of uranium oxides, uranium ore concentrates, and fuel pellets since these materials have historically been found outside of regulatory control. The increasing use of TRISO particles, metal fuels, molten fuel salts, and novel ceramic fuels will require an expansion of the current nuclear forensic suite of signatures to accommodate the different physical dimensions, chemical compositions, and material properties of these advanced fuel forms. In this work, a semi-quantitative priority scoring system is introduced to identify the order in which the nuclear forensics community should pursue research and development on material signatures for advanced reactor designs. This scoring system was applied to propose the following priority ranking of six major advanced reactor categories: (1) molten salt reactor (MSR), (2) liquid metal-cooled reactor (LMR), (3) very-high-temperature reactor (VHTR), (4) fluoride-salt-cooled high-temperature reactor (FHR), (5) gas-cooled fast reactor (GFR), and (6) supercritical water-cooled reactor (SWCR). Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Nuclear Security and Nonproliferation Research and Development)
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18 pages, 4878 KiB  
Intracore Natural Circulation Study in the High Temperature Test Facility
by Izabela Gutowska, Robert Kile, Brian G. Woods and Nicholas R. Brown
J. Nucl. Eng. 2024, 5(4), 500-517; - 14 Nov 2024
Viewed by 680
The development of the Modular High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor is a significant milestone in advanced nuclear reactor technology. One of the concerns for the reactor’s safe operation is the effects of a loss-of-flow accident (LOFA) where the coolant circulators are tripped, and forced coolant [...] Read more.
The development of the Modular High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor is a significant milestone in advanced nuclear reactor technology. One of the concerns for the reactor’s safe operation is the effects of a loss-of-flow accident (LOFA) where the coolant circulators are tripped, and forced coolant flow through the core is lost. Depending on the steam generator placement, loop or intracore natural circulation develops to help transfer heat from the core to the reactor cavity, cooling system. This paper investigates the fundamental physical phenomena associated with intracore coolant natural circulation flow in a one-sixth Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model of the Oregon State University High Temperature Test Facility (OSU HTTF) following a loss-of-flow accident transient. This study employs conjugate heat transfer and steady-state flow along with an SST k-ω turbulence model to characterize the phenomenon of core channel-to-channel natural convection. Previous studies have revealed the importance of complex flow distribution in the inlet and outlet plenums with the potential to generate hot coolant jets. For this reason, complete upper and lower plenum volumes are included in the analyzed computational domain. CFD results also include parametric studies performed for a mesh sensitivity analysis, generated using the STAR-CCM+ software. The resulting channel axial velocities and flow directions support the test facility scaling analysis and similarity group distortions calculation. Full article
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14 pages, 2533 KiB  
External Moderation of Reactor Core Neutrons for Optimized Production of Ultra-Cold Neutrons
by Graham Medlin, Ekaterina Korobkina, Cole Teander, Bernard Wehring, Eduard Sharapov, Ayman I. Hawari, Paul Huffman, Albert R. Young, Grant Palmquist, Matthew Morano, Clark Hickman, Thomas Rao and Robert Golub
J. Nucl. Eng. 2024, 5(4), 486-499; - 18 Oct 2024
Viewed by 969
The ultra-cold neutron (UCN) source being commissioned at North Carolina State University’s PULSTAR reactor is uniquely optimized for UCN production in the former graphite-filled thermal column outside of the reactor pool. The source utilizes a remote moderation design, which is particularly well suited [...] Read more.
The ultra-cold neutron (UCN) source being commissioned at North Carolina State University’s PULSTAR reactor is uniquely optimized for UCN production in the former graphite-filled thermal column outside of the reactor pool. The source utilizes a remote moderation design, which is particularly well suited to the PULSTAR reactor because of its high thermal and epithermal neutron leakage from the core face. This large non-equilibrium flux from the core is efficiently transported to the UCN source through the specially designed beam port in order to optimize UCN production at any given reactor power. The increased distance to the source from the core also greatly limits the heat load on the cryogenic system. A MCNP (Monte Carlo N-Particle) model of this system was developed and is in good agreement with gold foil activation measurements using a test configuration as well as with the real UCN source’s heavy water moderator. These results established a firm baseline for estimates of the cold neutron flux available for UCN production and prove that remote moderation in a thermal column port is a valuable option for future designs of cryogenic UCN sources. Full article
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30 pages, 2092 KiB  
An Overview of Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Nuclear Safety: What Has Been Done, and Where Do We Go from Here?
by Adolphus Lye, Jathniel Chang, Sicong Xiao and Keng Yeow Chung
J. Nucl. Eng. 2024, 5(4), 456-485; - 16 Oct 2024
Viewed by 2568
The paper provides an introduction to the concept of Probabilistic Safety Assessment, an evaluation of its recent developments, and perspectives on the future research directions in this area. To do so, a conceptual understanding to safety assessment is first provided, followed by an [...] Read more.
The paper provides an introduction to the concept of Probabilistic Safety Assessment, an evaluation of its recent developments, and perspectives on the future research directions in this area. To do so, a conceptual understanding to safety assessment is first provided, followed by an introduction to what Probabilistic Safety Assessment is about. From this, the historical background and development of Probabilistic Safety Assessment in the context of nuclear safety are discussed, including a brief description and evaluation of some methods implemented to perform such analysis. After this, the paper reviews some of the recent research developments in Probabilistic Safety Assessment in the aspects of multi-unit safety assessment, dynamic Probabilistic Safety Assessment, reliability analysis, cyber-security, and policy-making. Each aspect is elaborated in detail, with perspectives provided on its potential limitations. Finally, the paper discusses research topics in six areas and challenges within the Probabilistic Safety Assessment discipline, for which further investigation might be conducted in the future. Hence, the objectives of the review paper are (1) to serve as a tutorial for readers who are new to the concept of Probabilistic Safety Assessment; (2) to provide a historical perspective on the development of the Probabilistic Safety Assessment field over the past seven decades; (3) to review the state-of-the-art developments in the use of Probabilistic Safety Assessment in the context of nuclear safety; (4) to provide an evaluative perspective on the methods implemented for Probabilistic Safety Assessment within the current literature; and (5) to provide perspectives on the future research directions that can potentially be explored, thereby also targeting the wider research community within the nuclear safety discipline towards pushing the frontiers of Probabilistic Safety Assessment research. Full article
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11 pages, 5542 KiB  
Experimental and Numerical Study on the Characteristics of Bubble Motion in a Narrow Channel
by Borong Tang, Shenfei Wang, Fang Liu and Fenglei Niu
J. Nucl. Eng. 2024, 5(4), 445-455; - 15 Oct 2024
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Plate fuel elements, known for their compact structure and efficient cooling, are commonly used in the core of nuclear reactors. In these reactors, coolant channels are designed as rectangular narrow slits. Bubble behavior in narrow channels differs significantly from that in conventional channels. [...] Read more.
Plate fuel elements, known for their compact structure and efficient cooling, are commonly used in the core of nuclear reactors. In these reactors, coolant channels are designed as rectangular narrow slits. Bubble behavior in narrow channels differs significantly from that in conventional channels. This paper investigates the vertical rise of bubbles in narrow slit channels. A gas–liquid two-phase flow experimental rig was constructed using transparent acrylic boards. A high-speed camera captured the bubble formation process during gas injection, and code implemented in Matlab was used to process the images. Numerical simulations were conducted with CFD software under identical conditions and compared with the experimental results, showing a good agreement. The results show that the experimental and simulated bubble movement velocities are in good agreement. In the experiments of this paper, when the width of the narrow gap is below 3 mm, the sidewalls exert a pronounced influence on the dynamics of bubble rise, notably altering both the velocity profile and the trajectory of the bubbles’ ascent. As the gas injection flow rate gradually increases, the bubble rising speed and trajectory change from regular to oscillatory patterns. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Thermal Hydraulics of Nuclear Power Plants)
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9 pages, 3828 KiB  
Long-Term Afterglow Measurement of Scintillators after Gamma Irradiation
by Ladislav Viererbl, Hana Assmann Vratislavská and Antonín Kolros
J. Nucl. Eng. 2024, 5(4), 436-444; - 5 Oct 2024
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The long-term afterglow of scintillators is an important aspect, especially when the light signal from a scintillator is evaluated in the current mode. Scintillators used for radiation detection exhibit an afterglow, which usually comes from multiple components that have different decay times. A [...] Read more.
The long-term afterglow of scintillators is an important aspect, especially when the light signal from a scintillator is evaluated in the current mode. Scintillators used for radiation detection exhibit an afterglow, which usually comes from multiple components that have different decay times. A high level of afterglow usually has a negative influence on the detection parameters for the energy resolution in spectrometry measurements or X-ray and neutron imaging. The paper deals with the long-term afterglow of some types of scintillators, which is more significant for integral measurement when the current is measured in a photodetector. The range of decay times studied was in the order of tens of seconds to days. Seven types of scintillators were examined: BGO, CaF2(Eu), CdWO4, CsI(Tl), LiI(Eu), NaI(Tl), and plastic scintillator. The scintillators were excited by gamma-ray radiation. After irradiation, the detection unit, along with the scintillator, was moved to a laboratory where the anode current of the photomultiplier tube was measured using a picoammeter for at least a day. The measurements showed that CdWO4 and plastic scintillators have relatively low long-term afterglow signals in comparison to the other scintillators studied. Full article
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