Editorial Board

Please note that the order in which the Editors appear on this page is alphabetical, and follows the structure of the editorial board presented on the MDPI website under information for editors: editorial board responsibilities.


Editorial Board Member
Environmental Chemistry and Bioanalytics, Faculty of Chemistry, Nicolaus Copernicus University Gagarina 7, 87-100 Toruń, Poland
Interests: chemometrics; modelling; elemental analysis; ICP-MS; atomic absorption spectroscopy; field flow fractionation; SPLITT; heavy metals and nutrients in the environment
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Editorial Board Member
Chair of Urban Water Systems Engineering, Technical University of Munich, Am Coulombwall 3, 85748 Garching, Germany
Interests: analytical chemistry; environmental analysis; biofunctional analysis; non-target screening workflows; liquid phase separation strategies (RPLC, HILIC, SFC, etc.); mass spectrometry (ionization techniques and analysers)
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Editorial Board Member
REQUIMTE/LAQV, ISEP, Polytechnic of Porto, Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 4249-015 Porto, Portugal
Interests: (bio)sensors; application of functional nanostructured materials; green technologies; new methodologies for (electro)analysis; environmental chemistry; monitoring/biomonitoring
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Editorial Board Member
Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, School of Pharmacy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Panepistimiopolis, Zografou, 15771 Athens, Greece
Interests: pharmaceutical analysis; bioanalysis; cosmetics; cancer research; mass spectrometry imaging
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Editorial Board Member
Analytical and Food Chemistry Department, Faculty of Chemistry, Marine Research Center (CIM), University of Vigo, Campus As Lagoas-Marcosende s/n, 36310 Vigo, Spain
Interests: sample preparation; microextraction; miniaturization; nanoparticles; analytical method development; optical sensing; speciation analysis

Editorial Board Member
Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Geologiche, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Via G. Campi, 103, 41125 Modena, Italy
Interests: amperometric sensors; electronic tongue; electroanalysis; food analysis; modified electrodes; electrodic materials
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Editorial Board Member
Department of Chemistry, Analytical Division, University of La Laguna, San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Spain
Interests: analytical sample preparation; novel materials; chromatography; ionic liquids and derivatives; metal-organic frameworks
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Editorial Board Member
The Einstein-Mount Sinai Diabetes Research Center (ES-DRC), Department of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Yeshiva University, 1300 Morris Park Ave, Price 368, Bronx, NY 10461, USA
Interests: metabolomics; stable isotope; mass spectrometry; seperation; diabetes

Editorial Board Member
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Universidad de Sevilla, 41012 Seville, Spain
Interests: microfluidics; microchips; sample treatment; point of care; miniaturization; portable devices; optical detection; biological and environmental samples
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Editorial Board Member

Editorial Board Member
Department of Agriculture, Oecotrophology and Landscape Development, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Strenzfelder Allee 28, 06406 Bernburg, Germany
Interests: plant hormones; plant nutrition; responses of primary and secondary plant metabolism to plant nutrition; orphan crops; analytical methods including HPLC, UHPLC, GC, mass spectrometry, optical spectroscopy, electrophoresis, and quantitative PCR; separation and analysis of chiral molecules; enzyme assays; inhibitors
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Editorial Board Member
1. Institute of Meat and Meat Products (IPROCAR), University of Extremadura, Caceres, Spain
2. Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Interests: meat science and technology; food processing; analytical methodologies; flavor volatile compounds analysis; lipid composition; lipid oxidation; texture analysis; toxic compounds analysis (nitrosamines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons); statistics and experimental design; sensory analysis; microbiological and safety issues

Editorial Board Member
Institute of Nanotechnology and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics, Gdansk University of Technology, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland
Interests: applied electrochemistry; corrosion science; surface engineering; surface chemistry; non-stationary processes
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Editorial Board Member
Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche, 60131 Ancona, Italy
Interests: electroanalytical chemistry; environmental analytical chemistry; food analytical chemistry; analytical chemistry; heavy metals; atmospheric aerosol; seawater; snow; ice; wine; fish

Editorial Board Member
Department of Chemistry, Microchemistry and Microscopy Art Diagnostic Laboratory (M2ADL), University of Bologna, 48121 Ravenna, Italy
Interests: cultural heritage; non-invasive analytical methods; vibrational spectroscopy; XRF spectroscopy; hyperspectral imaging; chemometrics; immunoassays; new materials for restoration

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Editorial Board Member
Department of Analytical and Food Chemistry, Food Science and Technology Faculty, University of Vigo, 32004 Ourense, Spain
Interests: agro-environmental; food chemistry; sustainable primary production; food quality and safety
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Editorial Board Member
Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Athens, Panepistimiopolis Zografou, 157 71 Athens, Greece
Interests: emerging contaminants; (bio)transformation products; fate; ecotoxicology; analytical methods
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Editorial Board Member
Chair of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria
Interests: chemometrics; environmental analytical chemistry; intelligent data analysis
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Editorial Board Member
College of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Brunel University London, Kingston Lane, Uxbridge, London UB8 3PH, UK
Interests: analytical science; mass spectrometry; chromatography; gas-phase ion molecule reactions; metabolomics; volatile organic compounds; non-invasive diagnostics; biomarker discovery
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Editorial Board Member
Department of Physical Chemistry, Medical University of Lublin, Chodźki 4a, 20-093 Lublin, Poland
Interests: liquid chromatography with modern detection techniques; sample preparation; analysis of xenobiotics in various biological samples; analysis of ionic compounds in plant extracts; biological activity of plant extracts
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Editorial Board Member
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cumhuriyet University, 58140 Sivas, Turkey
Interests: analytical method development; chromatography; pre-concentration and seperation methods; trace analysis; molecular and atomic spectroscopy
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Editorial Board Member
CLECEM Group, Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Interests: porous organic polymers; nanomaterials; separation; sample preparation; miniaturization; aptamers; proteins
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Editorial Board Member
Division of Glycoscience, Department of Chemistry, School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology, and Health, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, AlbaNova University Centre, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Interests: chromatography and mass spectrometry of biopolymers; glycobiology and glycomics

Editorial Board Member
Laboratory of Physical Chemistry and Microbiology for the Materials and the Environment, CNRS—Université de Lorraine, F-54000 Nancy, France
Interests: mesoporous membrane was formed by electrochemical method; development of functional porous (biological) electrochemical systems; reactivity and multi-technology localization analysis of interfaces and nanoobjects

Editorial Board Member
Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
Interests: hyphenated techniques and mass spectrometry; atomic spectrometry techniques; speciation analysis; sample pretreatment techniques; chemometrics
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Editorial Board Member
Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, School of Pharmacy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
Interests: pharmaceutical analytical chemistry; method development and validation; sample preparation (derivatization, microextraction, etc.); liquid and gas chromatography; capillary electrophoresis; mass spectrometry
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Editorial Board Member
Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems, Università Cà Foscari Venezia, 30172 Venezia, Italy
Interests: amperometric sensing and biosensing; nanostructured electrode systems; spectroelectrochemistry; wearable sensors; sensors for foodstuffs and drugs of abuse
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