Topical Advisory Panel for section 'Computer Science & Engineering'

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Computer Architecture for Embedded Systems (CAES), Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Twente, 7522 NB Enschede, The Netherlands
Interests: computer architectures; reconfigurable computing; FPGA accelerators; bioinformatics
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School of Information Security and Applied Computing, College of Engineering & Technology, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI 48197, USA
Interests: microelectronics/hardware assisted security; emerging IoT and connected autonomous systems security; security and privacy of smart building and spaces in modern smart cities environment; trusted next generations smart power grid networks
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School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK
Interests: distributed machine learning; stochastic optimization; mobile computing; inferential analytics at the edge
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Institute for Computer Science and Control (SZTAKI), Eötvös Lóránt Research Network, Budapest, Hungary
Interests: real-time computing; navigation sensors; environment sensing of UAVs and autonomous cars

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Cagliari, 09124 Cagliari, Italy
Interests: natural language processing; semantic web
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Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA
Interests: computer architecture; reconfigurable computing; heterogeneous computing; embedded systems; high-performance computing
Department of Electrical and Information Technologies Engineering, University of Naples, “Federico II”, Corso Umberto I, 40, 80138 Naples, Italy
Interests: pattern recognition; biometrics; image processing; financial forecasting; deep learning
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Biomedical Engineering Department, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA
Interests: biomedical signal processing; electrocardiogram; atrial fibrillation; machine learning
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Thapar Institute of Engineering &Technology, Punjab 147004, India
Interests: computer vision; image processing; deep cnn

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK
Interests: machine learning; natural language processing; computer vision; facial analysis

Engineering Systems and Environnement, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903, USA
Interests: ubiquitous sensing; machine learning; digital health
Institute of Electronics and Informatics Engineering of Aveiro (IEETA), University of Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
Interests: data mining; machine learning; signal processing; time series analysis; affective computing

1. Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral No 12, 6000-084 Castelo Branco, Portugal
2. Instituto de Telecomunicações, Rua Marquês d’Ávila e Bolama, 6201-001 Covilhã, Portugal
Interests: mobility support for wireless sensor networks; Internet of Things; smart cities; smart farming
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Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), IEIIT Institute, 16149 Genoa, Italy
Interests: cyber-security and network security; cyber-attack enhancement and development; critical infrastructure protection; intrusion detection systems; denial of service; covert channels; Internet of Things security; communication protocols; anonymizing networks; cloud computing and next generation storage solutions; mobile security

Department of Control and Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy
Interests: functional test; software-based self-test; data analysis; machine learning
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Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DISI), Alma Mater Studiorum–Università di Bologna, 47521 Cesena FC, Italy
Interests: self-organization; multi-agent systems; self-adaptive software; distributed systems; Internet of things
Centro Singular de Investigación en Tecnoloxías Intelixentes (CITIUS, Research Center of Intelligent Systems), University of Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Interests: image segmentation; texture analysis; classification; regression; pattern recognition; applications of computer vision
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Department of Computer Engineering, Chosun University, Gwangju 61452, Republic of Korea
Interests: computer networking; security systems; coding theory
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Computer Science and IT in Education (CSITEd), University of Louvain, 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Interests: computer science education; software engineering; modelling; code assessment; software quality; IoT; informatics; informatics education

School of Engineering and Digital Arts, University of Kent, Canterbury CT2 7NZ, UK
Interests: virtual and augmented reality; multisensory experiences; human computer interaction
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Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, USA
Interests: microwave devices and antennas; metamaterial and terahertz devices; UHF RFID-based sensing; chipless RFID-based tag and sensor; microwave sensors for biomedical applications; smart sensing materials; wearable antennas for healthcare applications; Internet of Things (IoT); machine learning
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Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa, via G. Caruso 16, 56122 Pisa, Italy
Interests: electronics systems; embedded systems; edge computing; data acquisition; machine learning; industrial IoT; telemedicine; assistive technology
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Department of Complex Systems, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rzeszów University of Technology, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland
Interests: complex systems; databases; data mining; security; computer networks

1. Vicomtech Foundation, Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA), 20009 Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain
2. Biodonostia Health Research Institute, eHealth Group, Paseo Doctor Begiristain, s/n, 20014 San Sebastián, Spain
Interests: health; software; data; network; data preparation; QoD; Synthetic data generation for data security / privacy
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Communications Engineering Department, University of Málaga, Málaga, Spain
Interests: mobile communications; 5G wireless network optimization, 5G wireless networks; machine learning; data analytics; fault management; self-organizing networks; proactive network management; localization; context-awareness; IoT communications

School of Engineering (ETSE), University of Valencia, 46100 Burjassot, Spain
Interests: reconfigurable logic; hardware implementation of signal processing; hardware implementation of machine learning; hardware real-time applications; spiking neural networks; biomedical engineering; EEG processing; ECG processing; automotive applications
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DunavNET, Serbia/ Faculty of Information Technology, Alfa BK University, Novi Sad/ Belgrade, Serbia
Interests: Internet of Things; machine learning; edge and mobile computing
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Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (ITACA), Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain
Interests: error correction codes; decoding; error detection codes; redundancy; CMOS digital integrated circuits; CMOS integrated circuits; fault diagnosis; fault tolerant computing

Department of Physics and Computer Architecture, Miguel Hernández University, 03205 Elche, Spain
Interests: image compression; video coding; parallel computing; multimedia transmission
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