Topic Editors

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE), Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minho, Campus de Azurém, 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal
CNR-IOM-OGG, Institut Laue Langevin, 71 Avenue des Martyrs, CEDEX 9, 38042 Grenoble, France
Department of Engineering and Geology, University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara, 65127 Pescara, Italy

Preserving Cultural Heritage by Integrating Modern Materials and Technologies: From the Nano to Building Scale

Abstract submission deadline
closed (31 January 2025)
Manuscript submission deadline
30 April 2025
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Topic Information

Dear Colleagues,

The preservation of cultural heritage is currently an important topic, but some critical aspects and perspectives are missing in regard to how it should be approached. Heritage buildings and assets (e.g., chapels and statues) are not just creations of the past but are also part of our future. Continuing to design and build within a proper construction culture is fundamental for the preservation of tangible heritage and people’s cultural identity.

The incorporation of new materials and structural improvements, as well as the application of new technologies and modern design approaches to buildings, allows for the preservation of our existing heritage and for new creations, even when faced with emerging hazards. In particular, nanotechnology has enhanced the development of construction and restoration, and new treatments based on nanoparticles have been developed for material conservation.

The use of modern materials and technologies for the structural retrofitting and restoration of heritage assets, with a view to improving their performance with respect to both conservation and functional requirements, is a much-discussed topic. Today’s creations also require the use of modern materials, technologies, and design methods. There is great potential to introduce innovative concepts in the construction and conservation sectors, such as bio-based design, digital tools (such as sensors and AI), additive construction, and BIM, as well as nanotechnology.

This Topic is intended to be a forum for the presentation and discussion of measures and possibilities for the preservation of existing and “newborn” heritage constructions.

Dr. Rui Marques
Dr. Claudia Mondelli
Dr. Maria Giovanna Masciotta
Topic Editors


  • building heritage
  • construction trends
  • preservation philosophy
  • heritage materials
  • condition assessment
  • design standards
  • innovation trends
  • computational methods
  • nanotechnology
  • consolidants
  • bio-based design
  • sensors
  • AI
  • additive construction
  • BIM

Participating Journals

Journal Name Impact Factor CiteScore Launched Year First Decision (median) APC
Applied Sciences
2.5 5.3 2011 18.4 Days CHF 2400 Submit
3.1 3.4 2011 15.3 Days CHF 2600 Submit
2.0 2.9 2018 19.8 Days CHF 1600 Submit
3.1 5.8 2008 13.9 Days CHF 2600 Submit
Remote Sensing
4.2 8.3 2009 23.9 Days CHF 2700 Submit
3.3 6.8 2009 19.7 Days CHF 2400 Submit is a multidiscipline platform providing preprint service that is dedicated to sharing your research from the start and empowering your research journey.

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Published Papers (5 papers)

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33 pages, 23649 KiB  
An Efficient Process for the Management of the Deterioration and Conservation of Architectural Heritage: The HBIM Project of the Duomo of Molfetta (Italy)
by Enrique Nieto-Julián, Silvana Bruno and Juan Moyano
Remote Sens. 2024, 16(23), 4542; - 4 Dec 2024
Viewed by 792
The work developed aims to present an innovative methodology to execute the heritage conservation processes in a collaborative and interdisciplinary Building Information Modeling (BIM) project, with an effective management of the deterioration suffered over time, emphasizing the structures and coatings. The research begins [...] Read more.
The work developed aims to present an innovative methodology to execute the heritage conservation processes in a collaborative and interdisciplinary Building Information Modeling (BIM) project, with an effective management of the deterioration suffered over time, emphasizing the structures and coatings. The research begins with an architectural survey using terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and terrestrial photogrammetry software, Structure from Motion (SfM), studying study the Duomo of Molfetta (Italy), a unique Romanesque architecture of Puglia (Italy). The methodological process is mainly aided by the precise semantic segmentation of global point clouds, a semi-automatic process assisted by classification algorithms implemented in the Cyclone 3DR post-processing software, which has allowed the classification of the unstructured information provided by the remote sensing equipment when identifying the architectural-structural systems of a building with high historical values. Subsequently, it was possible to develop an efficient Scan-to-HBIM workflow, where the Heritage BIM (HBIM) project has fulfilled the function of a database by incorporating and organizing all the information (graphic and non-graphic) to optimize the tasks of auscultation, identification, classification, and quantification and, in turn, facilitating the parametric modeling of unique structures and architectural elements. The results have shown great effectiveness in the processes of characterization of architectural heritage, focusing on the deformations and deterioration of the masonry in columns and pilasters. To make multidisciplinary conservation work more flexible, specific properties have been created for the identification and analysis of the degradation detected in the structures, with the HBIM project constituting a manager of the control and inspection activities. The restoration technician interacts with the determined 3D element to mark the “type decay”, managing the properties in the element’s own definition window. Interactive schemes have been defined that incorporate the items for the mapping of the elements, as well as particular properties of a conservation process (intervention, control, and maintenance). All listed parametric elements have links to be viewed in 2D and 3D views. Therefore, the procedure has facilitated the auscultation of the scanned element as it is semantically delimited, the parametric modeling of it, the analytical study of its materials and deterioration, and the association of intrinsic parameters so that they can be evaluated by all the intervening agents. But there are still some difficulties for the automatic interpretation of 3D point cloud data, related to specific systems of the historical architecture. In conclusion, human action and interpretation continues to be a fundamental pillar to achieve precise results in a heritage environment. Full article
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17 pages, 3337 KiB  
Evaluating Activation Functions in GAN Models for Virtual Inpainting: A Path to Architectural Heritage Restoration
by Ana M. Maitin, Alberto Nogales, Emilio Delgado-Martos, Giovanni Intra Sidola, Carlos Pesqueira-Calvo, Gabriel Furnieles and Álvaro J. García-Tejedor
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14(16), 6854; - 6 Aug 2024
Viewed by 1471
Computer vision has advanced much in recent years. Several tasks, such as image recognition, classification, or image restoration, are regularly solved with applications using artificial intelligence techniques. Image restoration comprises different use cases such as style transferring, improvement of quality resolution, or completing [...] Read more.
Computer vision has advanced much in recent years. Several tasks, such as image recognition, classification, or image restoration, are regularly solved with applications using artificial intelligence techniques. Image restoration comprises different use cases such as style transferring, improvement of quality resolution, or completing missing parts. The latter is also known as image inpainting, virtual image inpainting in this case, which consists of reconstructing missing regions or elements. This paper explores how to evaluate the performance of a deep learning method to do virtual image inpainting to reconstruct missing architectonical elements in images of ruined Greek temples to measure the performance of different activation functions. Unlike a previous study related to this work, a direct reconstruction process without segmented images was used. Then, two evaluation methods are presented: the objective one (mathematical metrics) and an expert (visual perception) evaluation to measure the performance of the different approaches. Results conclude that ReLU outperforms other activation functions, while Mish and Leaky ReLU perform poorly, and Swish’s professional evaluations highlight a gap between mathematical metrics and human visual perception. Full article
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29 pages, 13001 KiB  
A Comprehensive Heritage BIM Methodology for Digital Modelling and Conservation of Built Heritage: Application to Ghiqa Historical Market, Saudi Arabia
by Ahmad Baik
Remote Sens. 2024, 16(15), 2833; - 2 Aug 2024
Viewed by 1414
Preserving historical architectural structures is crucial for safeguarding cultural heritage. This study explores the application of Heritage Building Information Modelling (HBIM) to enhance the documentation process of the Ghiqa Historical Market in Saudi Arabia, a monument known for its intricate architecture and cultural [...] Read more.
Preserving historical architectural structures is crucial for safeguarding cultural heritage. This study explores the application of Heritage Building Information Modelling (HBIM) to enhance the documentation process of the Ghiqa Historical Market in Saudi Arabia, a monument known for its intricate architecture and cultural significance. Traditional documentation methods often fail to capture detailed features accurately and rely on labour-intensive manual processes. HBIM uses advanced digital technologies to improve precision, efficiency, and preservation efforts. In this study, point cloud data from 3D laser scanning is used to create a detailed digital model of the market, covering structural systems, material attributes, architectural features, and historical context. The research also integrates historical archives and photographs to enrich the model with additional contextual information. This comprehensive approach provides a holistic understanding of the Ghiqa Historical Market, aiding accurate preservation and restoration decisions. HBIM offers several advantages in architectural documentation. The digital model enhances visualization, allowing stakeholders to explore the site from multiple perspectives. It also serves as a tool for analysing structural integrity, identifying potential risks, and planning restoration interventions. Moreover, digital documentation ensures effective knowledge transfer across generations, preserving valuable architectural heritage for future reference and research. Additionally, it promotes interdisciplinary collaboration among architects, historians, conservators, and other stakeholders involved in preservation. Including the Ghiqa Historical Market in the UNESCO World Heritage List would highlight its global significance, attracting international attention and resources for its preservation. This designation would underscore the market’s cultural and historical importance, fostering a sense of pride and responsibility in its maintenance. The implementation of Heritage BIM demonstrates its potential to revolutionize heritage conservation by combining diverse data sources into a single, detailed, and accessible digital resource. Full article
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16 pages, 8510 KiB  
Design of an Instant Vibration-Based Warning System and Its Operation during Relocation Works of Historic Facades
by Antolin Lorenzana, Juan Jose Villacorta, Alvaro Magdaleno, Lara del Val and Alberto Izquierdo
Buildings 2024, 14(7), 1889; - 21 Jun 2024
Viewed by 1148
Preserved listed building facades may require large-scale and highly technical work when the supporting building structure is at serious risk of collapse. Such is the case described in this paper, where vast facades must be cut into large panels up to 200 m [...] Read more.
Preserved listed building facades may require large-scale and highly technical work when the supporting building structure is at serious risk of collapse. Such is the case described in this paper, where vast facades must be cut into large panels up to 200 m2 and 150 t in weight and carefully laid on the ground. Various engineering works must be carried out to ensure the structural integrity of the panels to be safeguarded. Each panel must be reinforced by a temporary lattice steel structure prior to the disengagement from the supporting building frame. The operations require the use of cutting tools, hitting demolition machines and heavy cranes, which can induce potentially damaging vibrations that should be monitored and processed so that workers can be alerted in real time if certain thresholds are exceeded so that they can proceed more carefully. The paper describes the specifically designed monitoring system, its electronic parts, how they operate and how the data are processed and displayed. The monitoring system, once verified in laboratory tests, is applied to the detachment and overturning activities of a representative full-scale panel, tracking vibration levels and tilting rates. After days of operation and visual observation, it is possible to correlate vibration levels with incipient damage, establishing that peaks below 0.5 m/s2 or RMS values of 0.05 m/s2 are permissible, but that above 1.0 m/s2 or 0.3 m/s2, respectively, activities should be halted. The proposed system has proven to be useful for the intended purposes, making it possible to know the acceptable thresholds and trigger the necessary alarms in real time for the successful course of the work. Full article
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19 pages, 7723 KiB  
Bayesian Updating for Random Tensile Force Identification of Ancient Tie Rods Using Modal Data
by Chiara Pepi and Massimiliano Gioffrè
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14(9), 3698; - 26 Apr 2024
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1009
Tie rods play a crucial role in civil engineering, particularly in controlling lateral thrusts in arches and vaults, and enhancing the structural integrity of masonry buildings, both historic and contemporary. Accurately assessing the tensile axial forces in tie rods is challenging due to [...] Read more.
Tie rods play a crucial role in civil engineering, particularly in controlling lateral thrusts in arches and vaults, and enhancing the structural integrity of masonry buildings, both historic and contemporary. Accurately assessing the tensile axial forces in tie rods is challenging due to the limitations of existing methodologies. These methodologies often rely on indirect measurements, computational models, and optimization procedures, resulting in single-point solutions and neglecting both modeling and measurement uncertainties. This study introduces a novel Bayesian updating framework to effectively address these limitations. The framework aims to accurately identify the structural parameters influencing tie rod behavior and estimate uncertainties using natural frequencies as references. A key innovation lies in the mathematical formulation of Bayesian updating, which is founded upon the definition of computational models integrating uncertain updating parameters and latent random variables derived from a rigorous sensitivity analysis aimed at quantifying the impact of the updating parameters on the natural frequencies. Notably, the application of Bayesian updating to the structural identification problem of ancient tie rods represents a significant advancement. The framework provides a comprehensive description of the uncertainties associated with computational models, offering valuable insights for practitioners and researchers alike. Moreover, the results of the sensitivity analysis serve as a valuable tool for setting up inverse problems geared towards accurately identifying tensile axial forces. Full article
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