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Games, Volume 15, Issue 6 (December 2024) – 11 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): Information about decision makers' (DMs) preferences is essential for efficient conflict modeling. However, obtaining this information becomes a challenge as the scale of the conflict increases. To address this issue, we propose an approach to elicit DMs' preferences with less cognitive effort. The proposed method involves partitioning the set of conflict options based on their importance, then applying the option prioritization and conflict stability analysis method to sub-conflicts where only the options from each partition set are considered. The main conclusions highlight a reduction in the cognitive effort required of DMs and the generation of more effective solutions that meet the central needs of the conflict. A case study of a real hydrological conflict was analyzed. View this paper
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7 pages, 183 KiB  
Computing Stackelberg Equilibrium for Cancer Treatment
by Sam Ganzfried
Games 2024, 15(6), 45; - 23 Dec 2024
Viewed by 635
Recent work by Kleshnina et al. has presented a Stackelberg evolutionary game model in which the Stackelberg equilibrium strategy for the leading player corresponds to the optimal cancer treatment. We present an approach that is able to quickly and accurately solve the model [...] Read more.
Recent work by Kleshnina et al. has presented a Stackelberg evolutionary game model in which the Stackelberg equilibrium strategy for the leading player corresponds to the optimal cancer treatment. We present an approach that is able to quickly and accurately solve the model presented in that work. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Evolution of Cooperation and Evolutionary Game Theory)
9 pages, 252 KiB  
Two-Valued Strongly Group Strategy-Proof Social Choice Functions
by Anna De Simone and K. P. S. Bhaskara Rao
Games 2024, 15(6), 44; - 10 Dec 2024
Viewed by 671
We present simple and direct arguments to characterize strongly group strategy-proof social choice functions whose range is of cardinality two. The underlying society is of arbitrary cardinality, and agents can be indifferent among alternatives. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Cooperative Game Theory and Bargaining)
18 pages, 333 KiB  
Isotone Classes of Social Choice Functions with Binary Range
by Achille Basile, K. P. S. Bhaskara Rao, Anna De Simone and Ciro Tarantino
Games 2024, 15(6), 43; - 9 Dec 2024
Viewed by 603
Recently, it has been shown that the characterizations of different classes of non-manipulable social choice functions with binary range can be reduced to a common functional form. In the present paper, we investigate the reasons why this happens. We show that all the [...] Read more.
Recently, it has been shown that the characterizations of different classes of non-manipulable social choice functions with binary range can be reduced to a common functional form. In the present paper, we investigate the reasons why this happens. We show that all the classes considered share a common mathematical property. We name this property, which is lattice theoretical in nature, isotonicity. Full article
27 pages, 587 KiB  
Threshold Protocol Game on Graphs with Magic Square-Generalization Labelings
by Alexandra Fedrigo
Games 2024, 15(6), 42; - 3 Dec 2024
Viewed by 680
Graphical games describe strategic interactions among a specified network of players. The threshold protocol game is a graphical game that models the adoption of a lesser-used product in a population when individuals benefit by using the same product. The threshold protocol game has [...] Read more.
Graphical games describe strategic interactions among a specified network of players. The threshold protocol game is a graphical game that models the adoption of a lesser-used product in a population when individuals benefit by using the same product. The threshold protocol game has historically been considered using infinite, simple graphs. In general, however, players might value some relationships more than others or may have different levels of influence in the graph. These traits are described by weights on graph edges or vertices, respectively. Relative comparisons on arbitrarily weighted graphs have been studied for a variety of graphical games. Alternatively, graph labelings are functions that assign values to the edges and vertices of graphs based on a particular set of rules. This work demonstrates that the outcome of the threshold protocol game can be characterized on a magic square-generalization labeled graph. There are a variety of graph labelings that generalize the concept of magic squares. In each, the labels on similar sets of graph elements sum to a constant. The constant sums of magic square-generalization labelings mean that each player experiences a constant level of influence without needing to specify the value of players relative to one another. The game outcome is compared across different types and features of labelings. Full article
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16 pages, 591 KiB  
End Behavior of the Threshold Protocol Game on Complete and Bipartite Graphs
by Alexandra Fedrigo
Games 2024, 15(6), 41; - 2 Dec 2024
Viewed by 1235
The threshold protocol game is a graphical game that models the adoption of an idea or product through a population. There are two states players may take in the game, and the goal of the game is to motivate the state that begins [...] Read more.
The threshold protocol game is a graphical game that models the adoption of an idea or product through a population. There are two states players may take in the game, and the goal of the game is to motivate the state that begins in the minority to spread to every player. Here, the threshold protocol game is defined, and existence results are studied on infinite graphs. Many generalizations are proposed and applied. This work explores the impact of graph topology on the outcome of the threshold protocol game and consequently considers finite graphs. By exploiting the well-known topologies of complete and complete bipartite graphs, the outcome of the threshold protocol game can be fully characterized on these graphs. These characterizations are ideal, as they are given in terms of the game parameters. More generally, initial conditions in terms of game parameters that cause the preferred game outcome to occur are identified. It is shown that the necessary conditions differ between non-bipartite and bipartite graphs because non-bipartite graphs contain odd cycles while bipartite graphs do not. These results motivate the primary result of this work, which is an exhaustive list of achievable game outcomes on bipartite graphs. While possible outcomes are identified, it is noted that a complete characterization of when game outcomes occur is not possible on general bipartite graphs. Full article
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15 pages, 294 KiB  
Bayesian Fictitious Play in Oligopoly: The Case of Risk-Averse Agents
by Julide Yazar
Games 2024, 15(6), 40; - 27 Nov 2024
Viewed by 991
A number of learning models have been suggested to analyze the repeated interaction of boundedly rational agents competing in oligopolistic markets. The agents form a model of the environment that they are competing in, which includes the market demand and price formation process, [...] Read more.
A number of learning models have been suggested to analyze the repeated interaction of boundedly rational agents competing in oligopolistic markets. The agents form a model of the environment that they are competing in, which includes the market demand and price formation process, as well as their expectations of their rivals’ actions. The agents update their model based on the observed output and price realizations and then choose their next period output levels according to an optimization criterion. In previous works, the global dynamics of price movement have been analyzed when risk-neutral agents maximize their expected rewards at each round. However, in many practical settings, agents may be concerned with the risk or uncertainty in their reward stream, in addition to the expected value of the future rewards. Learning in oligopoly models for the case of risk-averse agents has received much less attention. In this paper, we present a novel learning model that extends fictitious play learning to continuous strategy spaces where agents combine their prior beliefs with market price realizations in previous periods to learn the mean and the variance of the aggregate supply function of the rival firms in a Bayesian framework. Next, each firm maximizes a linear combination of the expected value of the profit and a penalty term for the variance of the returns. Specifically, each agent assumes that the aggregate supply of the remaining agents is sampled from a parametric distribution employing a normal-inverse gamma prior. We prove the convergence of the proposed dynamics and present simulation results to compare the proposed learning rule to the traditional best response dynamics. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Applications of Game Theory to Industrial Organization)
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16 pages, 284 KiB  
A Stepwise Conflict Analysis Using the Graph Model
by Raí dos Santos Mota, Maisa Mendonça Silva and Leandro Chaves Rêgo
Games 2024, 15(6), 39; - 27 Nov 2024
Viewed by 851
Information about decision-makers’ preferences is essential for the efficient modeling of a conflict. However, obtaining this information becomes more challenging as the size of the conflict increases. To address this issue, this study proposes a new approach to the option prioritizing method within [...] Read more.
Information about decision-makers’ preferences is essential for the efficient modeling of a conflict. However, obtaining this information becomes more challenging as the size of the conflict increases. To address this issue, this study proposes a new approach to the option prioritizing method within the graph model for conflict resolution. The approach aims to gather preferences from decision-makers in a more consistent and practical manner. The proposed method involves partitioning the set of conflict options based on their importance, then applying the option prioritizing method and conflict stability analysis to subconflicts, where only the options in each partition set are considered. Additionally, only states that are equilibria in a given step are deemed feasible in subsequent steps. The main findings highlight a reduction in the cognitive effort required from decision-makers and the generation of more effective and consistent solutions that address the core needs of the conflict. By working with subsets of options incrementally, the method offers a more simplified and robust understanding of the problem. To demonstrate the proposed method, a real hydrological conflict was used as a case study. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Cooperative Game Theory and Bargaining)
6 pages, 243 KiB  
Evasion Differential Games in the Space of Square Summable Sequences
by Bekhzod Aminov and Marks Ruziboev
Games 2024, 15(6), 38; - 19 Nov 2024
Viewed by 650
In this article, we consider simple-motion pursuit–evasion differential games in the Hilbert space of square summable sequences. We show that when the players have the same dynamic capabilities, evasion is possible under some assumptions about the initial positions of the players. Full article
9 pages, 221 KiB  
On Remoteness Functions of k-NIM with k + 1 Piles in Normal and in Misère Versions
by Vladimir Gurvich, Vladislav Maximchuk, Georgy Miheenkov and Mariya Naumova
Games 2024, 15(6), 37; - 13 Nov 2024
Viewed by 1012
Given integer n and k such that 0<kn and n piles of stones, two players alternate turns. On each move, a player is allowed to choose any k piles and remove exactly one stone from each. The player who [...] Read more.
Given integer n and k such that 0<kn and n piles of stones, two players alternate turns. On each move, a player is allowed to choose any k piles and remove exactly one stone from each. The player who has to move but cannot is the loser in the normal version of the game and (s)he is the winner in the misère version. Cases k=1 and k=n are trivial. For k=2, the game was solved for n6. For n4, the Sprague–Grundy function was efficiently computed (for both versions). For n=5,6, a polynomial algorithm computing P-positions was obtained for the normal version. Then, for the case k=n1, a very simple explicit rule that determines the Smith remoteness function was found for the normal version of the game: the player who has to move keeps a pile with the minimum even number of stones; if all piles have an odd number of stones, then (s)he keeps a maximum one, while the n1 remaining piles are reduced by one stone each in accordance with the rules of the game. Computations show that the same rule works efficiently for the misère version too. The exceptions are sparse. We list some. Denote a position by x=(x1,,xn). Due to symmetry, we can assume wlog that x1xn. Our computations partition all exceptions into the following three families: x1 is even, x1=1, and odd x13. In all three cases, we suggest formulas covering all found exceptions, but it is not proven that there are no others. Full article
12 pages, 266 KiB  
Monopoly and Quality Omission
by Amit Gayer
Games 2024, 15(6), 36; - 29 Oct 2024
Viewed by 874
This study delves into a market characterized by vertical product differentiation. Product qualities are represented on a one-dimensional interval scale. The research investigates the equilibrium within a monopoly scenario, considering a production cost that is strictly convex. The monopoly offers a strategy comprising [...] Read more.
This study delves into a market characterized by vertical product differentiation. Product qualities are represented on a one-dimensional interval scale. The research investigates the equilibrium within a monopoly scenario, considering a production cost that is strictly convex. The monopoly offers a strategy comprising various quality–price combinations, with consumer choices determining profits. The analysis involves a comparison between two analogous models: one with a continuous range of consumers and the other with a finite number of consumers. The study explores disparities in the potential for market failure between these two settings. Notably, numerical illustrations underscore these divergences in both market contexts. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Applications of Game Theory to Industrial Organization)
18 pages, 740 KiB  
On Isaac’s War Game of Attrition and Attack Using Dynamic Programming Approach
by Benghebrid Safa, Bouremani Touffik and Benterki Djamel
Games 2024, 15(6), 35; - 24 Oct 2024
Viewed by 1362
In this study, we use the dynamic programming method introduced by Mirică (2004) to solve the well-known war game of attrition and attack as formulated by Isaacs (1965). By using this modern approach, we extend the classical framework to explore optimal strategies within [...] Read more.
In this study, we use the dynamic programming method introduced by Mirică (2004) to solve the well-known war game of attrition and attack as formulated by Isaacs (1965). By using this modern approach, we extend the classical framework to explore optimal strategies within the differential game setting, offering a complete, comprehensive and theoretically robust solution. Additionally, the study identifies and analyzes feedback strategies, which represent a significant advancement over other strategy types in game theory. These strategies dynamically adapt to the evolving state of the system, providing more robust solutions for real-time decision-making in conflict scenarios. This novel contribution enhances the application of game theory, particularly in the context of warfare models, and illustrates the practical advantages of incorporating feedback mechanisms into strategic decision-making. The admissible feedback strategies and the corresponding value function are constructed through a refined application of Cauchy’s Method of characteristics for stratified Hamilton–Jacobi equations. Their optimality is proved using a suitable Elementary Verification Theorem for the associated value function as an argument for sufficient optimality conditions. Full article
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