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Sports, Volume 11, Issue 1 (January 2023) – 19 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): The importance of neck strength for sport and general health has grown considerably in recent times and there is no single, universally accepted method of measuring isometric neck strength to inform exercise prescription and injury risk prediction. This study aimed to establish the inter- and intra-rater reliability of a novel protocol, utilizing a quadruped position, with a commercially available fixed frame dynamometer. Peak isometric neck strength was collected in healthy male and female participants. The reliability data demonstrated good to excellent results for both the equipment and protocol for measuring isometric neck strength. Our findings allow for increased tester confidence in, and accurate cross-population comparison of, neck strength measurements. View this paper
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11 pages, 1727 KiB  
The Concept of Optimal Dynamic Pedalling Rate and Its Application to Power Output and Fatigue in Track Cycling Sprinters—A Case Study
by Anna Katharina Dunst, Clemens Hesse and Olaf Ueberschär
Sports 2023, 11(1), 19; - 16 Jan 2023
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 2912
Sprint races in track cycling are characterised by maximal power requirements and high-power output over 15 to 75 s. As competition rules limit the athlete to a single gear, the choice of gear ratio has considerable impact on performance. Traditionally, a gear favouring [...] Read more.
Sprint races in track cycling are characterised by maximal power requirements and high-power output over 15 to 75 s. As competition rules limit the athlete to a single gear, the choice of gear ratio has considerable impact on performance. Traditionally, a gear favouring short start times and rapid acceleration, i.e., lower transmission ratios, was chosen. In recent years, track cyclists tended to choose higher gear ratios instead. Based on a review of the relevant literature, we aimed to provide an explanation for that increase in the gear ratio chosen and apply this to a 1000 m time trial. Race data with continuous measurements of crank force and velocity of an elite track cyclist were analysed retrospectively regarding the influence of the selected gear on power, cadence and resulting speed. For this purpose, time-dependent maximal force-velocity (F/v) profiles were used to describe changes in performance with increasing fatigue. By applying these profiles to a physical model of track cycling, theoretical power output, cadence and resulting speed were calculated for different scenarios. Based on previous research results, we assume a systematic and predictable decline in optimal cadence with increasing fatigue. The choice of higher gear ratios seems to be explained physiologically by the successive reduction in optimal cadence as fatigue sets in. Our approach indicates that average power output can be significantly increased by selecting a gear ratio that minimises the difference between the realised cadence and the time-dependent dynamic optimum. In view of the additional effects of the gear selection on acceleration and speed, gear selection should optimally meet the various requirements of the respective sprint event. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Effect of Neuromuscular Fatigue Mechanisms on Exercise Performance)
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5 pages, 185 KiB  
Acknowledgment to the Reviewers of Sports in 2022
by Sports Editorial Office
Sports 2023, 11(1), 18; - 13 Jan 2023
Viewed by 1751
High-quality academic publishing is built on rigorous peer review [...] Full article
9 pages, 7619 KiB  
Physical and Performance Characteristics of 3×3 Professional Male Basketball Players
by Dimitrije Cabarkapa, Darko Krsman, Damjana V. Cabarkapa, Nicolas M. Philipp and Andrew C. Fry
Sports 2023, 11(1), 17; - 12 Jan 2023
Cited by 11 | Viewed by 3760
Despite exponential growth in popularity over the last decade and recently becoming an Olympic sport, the amount of scientific literature focused on depicting a profile of successful 3×3 basketball players is sparse. Thus, the purpose of this study was to present the physical [...] Read more.
Despite exponential growth in popularity over the last decade and recently becoming an Olympic sport, the amount of scientific literature focused on depicting a profile of successful 3×3 basketball players is sparse. Thus, the purpose of this study was to present the physical and performance characteristics of professional 3×3 male basketball players and how they differ between elite and non-elite athletes. The anthropometrics, vertical jump, agility, and sprint performance parameters collected from ten players during regular training sessions were (x¯ ± SD): height (193.7 ± 4.5 cm), weight (89.2 ± 4.1 cm), wingspan (196.5 ± 5.2 cm), squat jump (43.5 ± 4.6 cm), countermovement jump with (53.3 ± 4.4 cm) and without an arm swing (46.3 ± 4.0 cm), reactive strength index (2.4 ± 0.3 m/s), t-test (10.3 ± 0.3 s), 505 drill (2.4 ± 0.2 s), 10 m sprint (1.5 ± 0.1 s), 30 m sprint (4.0 ± 0.3 s), shuttle run (27.7 ± 1.7 s), and bench press (98.2 ± 10.0 kg) and back squat (139.5 ± 17.6 kg) one repetition maximum. Additionally, the average and maximal heart rate (HR) responses during simulated games were 160.6 ± 8.0 and 188.5 ± 6.3 bpm, with players spending 6.3 ± 4.2, 11.4 ± 5.2, 13.9 ± 3.5, 26.4 ± 10.4, and 42.1 ± 10.0% of the total time in HR Zones 1–5, respectively. Interestingly, no statistically significant differences in the aforementioned physical and performance parameters were noted between elite and non-elite players. Overall, the findings of the present study provide coaches, sports scientists, and strength and conditioning practitioners with information that can aid in the athlete selection process, detection of areas for further improvement, and development of training regimens that resemble 3×3 basketball on-court competitive demands. Full article
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8 pages, 3371 KiB  
Could Horse Gait and Induced Pelvic Dynamic Loads in Female Equestrians Be a Risk Factor in Pudendal Neuralgia?
by Sébastien Murer, Guillaume Polidori, Fabien Beaumont, Fabien Bogard, Hassen Hakim and Fabien Legrand
Sports 2023, 11(1), 16; - 10 Jan 2023
Viewed by 2133
Pudendal Neuralgia (PN) is a rare, debilitating disease caused by damage to the pudendal nerve, which innervates the anus, rectum, perineum, lower urinary tract, and genitalia. Although its etiology remains scientifically unknown, a number of sports practices, including horse-riding, are reported as triggering [...] Read more.
Pudendal Neuralgia (PN) is a rare, debilitating disease caused by damage to the pudendal nerve, which innervates the anus, rectum, perineum, lower urinary tract, and genitalia. Although its etiology remains scientifically unknown, a number of sports practices, including horse-riding, are reported as triggering and/or aggravating factors. The present work summarizes the experimental measurements of the contact pressure at the interface between the rider and saddle, for a population of 12 experienced female riders. These tests reveal that dynamic horseback-riding leads to high levels of peak pressures in the perineal region, which confirms that the practice of equine sports may cause neuropathologies such as PN. All collected data will be used as boundary conditions in a future numerical 3D model aimed at locating the possible areas of pudendal nerve crushing. Full article
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11 pages, 1610 KiB  
Usefulness of V˙O2 Kinetics and Biomechanical Parameters as Predictors of Athlete’s Performance in 800 m Running Race
by Vicente Torres Navarro, Jose Vicente Sánchez-Alarcos Díaz-Pintado, Diego Warr di Piero and Florentino Huertas Olmedo
Sports 2023, 11(1), 15; - 9 Jan 2023
Viewed by 2262
Incremental tests to exhaustion have been usually employed as the “gold standard” to establish the fitness level of athletes. However, during real competition in many sport disciplines, exertion is not characterized by an increasing effort until failure. The purpose of this preliminary study [...] Read more.
Incremental tests to exhaustion have been usually employed as the “gold standard” to establish the fitness level of athletes. However, during real competition in many sport disciplines, exertion is not characterized by an increasing effort until failure. The purpose of this preliminary study was to add new evidence regarding the usability of parameters obtained from an on-field testing in 800 m running athletes. V˙O2 kinetics (mean, amplitude, phase time, and phase start time) and biomechanical parameters (velocity, stride frequency, and stride length) were analyzed in eight athletes during a maximal 800 m running race test. Our results showed that only the peak of blood lactate concentration after the 800 m test was correlated with the race time (p = 0.047). The race time was positively associated with both the phase duration and phase start time (all p-values < 0.05). Conversely, race time was negatively correlated with velocity, stride frequency, and amplitude (p-values < 0.05). Our results reveal that jointly studying the V˙O2 kinetics and biomechanical parameters during a maximal 800 m running race test is a useful tool to predict the athlete’s upcoming performance and improve the planning and control of the training process of 800 m running athletes. Full article
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17 pages, 1126 KiB  
Pyjamas, Polysomnography and Professional Athletes: The Role of Sleep Tracking Technology in Sport
by Matthew W. Driller, Ian C. Dunican, Shauni E. T. Omond, Omar Boukhris, Shauna Stevenson, Kari Lambing and Amy M. Bender
Sports 2023, 11(1), 14; - 5 Jan 2023
Cited by 14 | Viewed by 9207
Technological advances in sleep monitoring have seen an explosion of devices used to gather important sleep metrics. These devices range from instrumented ‘smart pyjamas’ through to at-home polysomnography devices. Alongside these developments in sleep technologies, there have been concomitant increases in sleep monitoring [...] Read more.
Technological advances in sleep monitoring have seen an explosion of devices used to gather important sleep metrics. These devices range from instrumented ‘smart pyjamas’ through to at-home polysomnography devices. Alongside these developments in sleep technologies, there have been concomitant increases in sleep monitoring in athletic populations, both in the research and in practical settings. The increase in sleep monitoring in sport is likely due to the increased knowledge of the importance of sleep in the recovery process and performance of an athlete, as well as the well-reported challenges that athletes can face with their sleep. This narrative review will discuss: (1) the importance of sleep to athletes; (2) the various wearable tools and technologies being used to monitor sleep in the sport setting; (3) the role that sleep tracking devices may play in gathering information about sleep; (4) the reliability and validity of sleep tracking devices; (5) the limitations and cautions associated with sleep trackers; and, (6) the use of sleep trackers to guide behaviour change in athletes. We also provide some practical recommendations for practitioners working with athletes to ensure that the selection of such devices and technology will meet the goals and requirements of the athlete. Full article
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16 pages, 3349 KiB  
Experience, Training Preferences, and Fighting Style Are Differentially Related to Measures of Body Composition, Strength, and Power in Male Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Athletes—A Pilot Study
by Christian G. Almeda, Gerald T. Mangine, Zackary H. Green, Yuri Feito and Duncan N. French
Sports 2023, 11(1), 13; - 5 Jan 2023
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 4936
To examine relationships between Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) descriptors (belt rank, experience, gi preference, and fighting style), resistance training (RT) experience, and measures of body composition, strength (maximal handgrip, 3-5-repetition maximum [RM] in barbell glute bridge [GB], prone bench row [PBR], and bench [...] Read more.
To examine relationships between Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) descriptors (belt rank, experience, gi preference, and fighting style), resistance training (RT) experience, and measures of body composition, strength (maximal handgrip, 3-5-repetition maximum [RM] in barbell glute bridge [GB], prone bench row [PBR], and bench press [BP]), and velocity (GB, PBR, and BP at 7 kg and 30–60% 1-RM), 13 experienced (4.3 ± 3.4 years) BJJ athletes were recruited for this cross-sectional, pilot study. Significant (p < 0.05) Kendall’s tau and Bayesian relationships were seen between belt rank and body fat percentage (τ = −0.53, BF10 = 6.5), BJJ experience and body fat percentage (τ = −0.44 to −0.66, BF10 = 2.6–30.8) and GB velocity (τ = −0.45 to −0.46, BF10 = 2.8–3.1), RT experience and strength (τ = 0.44 to 0.73, BF10 = 2.6–75.1) and velocity (τ = −0.44 to 0.47, BF10 = 2.6–3.3), gi preference-training and relative PBR strength (τ = 0.70, BF10 = 51.9), gi preference-competition and height and lean mass (τ = −0.57 to 0.67, BF10 = 5.3–12.4) and BP velocity (τ = −0.52 to 0.67, BF10 = 3.5–14.0). The relevance of body composition and performance measures to sport-specific training and research interpretation are differentially affected by a BJJ athlete’s experience (BJJ, belt rank, RT), gi preferences, and fighting style. Full article
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13 pages, 961 KiB  
The Assessment of Ankle Range-of-Motion and Its Relationship with Overall Muscle Strength in a Cross-Section of Soccer Players
by Piergiorgio Francia, Carlo Ferri Marini, Leonardo Bocchi, Barbara Piccini, Giuseppe Seghieri, Ario Federici, Sonia Toni and Francesco Lucertini
Sports 2023, 11(1), 12; - 5 Jan 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 3409
Soccer (football) practice can induce a limitation of ankle range of motion (ROM) that is a possible risk factor for injury and other negative consequences over time. The main objective of this research was to investigate the effects of soccer practice on ankle [...] Read more.
Soccer (football) practice can induce a limitation of ankle range of motion (ROM) that is a possible risk factor for injury and other negative consequences over time. The main objective of this research was to investigate the effects of soccer practice on ankle ROM throughout the entire period of a sports career of soccer players (SP). Furthermore, the relationship between ankle ROM and muscle strength in SP of different ages was studied. A total of 204 SP (range 6.7–45.1 years) and 87 controls (range: 7.5–45.2 years) matched for age, body mass index (BMI), and gender, were assessed. Ankle ROM in both plantar flexion (APF) and dorsiflexion (ADF) in addition to handgrip strength (HGS) were evaluated using an inclinometer and the Jamar hydraulic hand dynamometer, respectively. The comparison between SP and control groups showed a significant reduction in ankle ROM of both APF (26.3 ± 7.2° vs. 32.6 ± 7.4°; d = −0.90; p < 0.001) and ADF (95.5 ± 15.6° vs. 105.5 ± 15.8°; d = −0.66; p < 0.001). In SP, the results of the ANOVAs test indicate that age had a significant effect on ADF (F = 4.352, p = 0.038, partial eta-squared (ηp2) = 0.015) but not on APF (F = 0.430, p = 0.746, ηp2 = 0.001). Moreover, considering only the SP, a weak inverse correlation between ADF and HGS group ADF was found (rs = −0.27; p < 0.001). Factors such as the non-linear trend of growth in young SP could hinder the definition of the relationship between ankle ROM, age, and muscle strength. However, the appropriate consideration of age and muscle strength could facilitate the management of ankle ROM in PF of different ages. Full article
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13 pages, 798 KiB  
Effects of Exercise Frequency with Complex Contrast Training on Measures of Physical Fitness in Active Adult Males
by Gopal Kumar, Vivek Pandey, Rohit K. Thapa, Anthony Weldon, Urs Granacher and Rodrigo Ramirez-Campillo
Sports 2023, 11(1), 11; - 5 Jan 2023
Cited by 13 | Viewed by 4506
Complex contrast training (CCT) is an exercise modality that utilizes both high-load resistance activity and low-load plyometric activity in a set-by-set fashion within a single exercise session. Such a combination of exercises targets multiple aspects of the force–velocity curve and may thus lead [...] Read more.
Complex contrast training (CCT) is an exercise modality that utilizes both high-load resistance activity and low-load plyometric activity in a set-by-set fashion within a single exercise session. Such a combination of exercises targets multiple aspects of the force–velocity curve and may thus lead to improvement of various components of physical fitness. However, no previous study has attempted to compare the effects of load-equated two vs. three CCT sessions per week on measures of physical fitness. Forty-five male participants aged 21.4 ± 2.0 years were randomly assigned to either two weekly CCT sessions (CCT-2; n = 15), three weekly CCT sessions (CCT-3; n = 15), or an active control group (CG; n = 15). Selected measures of physical fitness were assessed pre- and post-six weeks of training. The tests included the assessment of 15 and 30 m linear sprint speeds, upper (medicine ball throw) and lower limb muscle power (standing long jump and countermovement jump with arm thrust), muscle strength (isokinetic peak knee extensor/flexor torque), and change-of-direction speed (modified agility T-test (MAT)). Significant group–time interactions were observed for all dependent variables (all p < 0.001, ɳp2 = 0.51–0.78) using ANOVA. Post hoc tests indicated significant performance improvements for the CCT-2 and CCT3 groups for all dependent variables (Hedge’s g = 0.28–3.26, %Δ = 2.4–16.7), including the 15 and 30 m linear sprint speeds (p < 0.001), medicine ball throw (p < 0.001), standing long jump (p < 0.001), countermovement jump with arm thrust (p < 0.001), right leg knee extensor (p < 0.001) and flexor peak torque (p < 0.001), left leg knee extensor (p < 0.001) and flexor peak torque (p < 0.001), and change-of-direction speed (p < 0.001). The CCT-3 group showed greater improvements in MAT compared to the CCT-2 group (g = 3.26 vs. 0.70, p < 0.001). In conclusion, compared to active controls, the load-equated CCT-2 and CCT-3 programs provided similar effects on measures of physical fitness in active adult males. However, an athlete’s goal is to improve their MAT score, the CCT-3 program may elicit greater improvements compared with the CCT-2 program. Full article
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11 pages, 473 KiB  
Transfer Effects of a Multiple-Joint Isokinetic Eccentric Resistance Training Intervention to Nontraining-Specific Traditional Muscle Strength Measures
by Steven Spencer, Brennan J. Thompson, Eadric Bressel, Talin Louder and David C. Harrell
Sports 2023, 11(1), 9; - 4 Jan 2023
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 2445
Relatively few investigations have examined the transfer effects of multiple-joint isokinetic eccentric only (MJIE) resistance training on non-specific measures of muscle strength. This study investigated the transfer effects of a short-term MJIE leg press (Eccentron) resistance training program on several non-specific measures of [...] Read more.
Relatively few investigations have examined the transfer effects of multiple-joint isokinetic eccentric only (MJIE) resistance training on non-specific measures of muscle strength. This study investigated the transfer effects of a short-term MJIE leg press (Eccentron) resistance training program on several non-specific measures of lower-body strength. Fifteen participants performed Eccentron training three times/week for four weeks and were evaluated on training-specific Eccentron peak force (EccPF), nontraining-specific leg press DCER one-repetition maximum (LP 1 RM), and peak torques of the knee extensors during isokinetic eccentric (Ecc30), isokinetic concentric (Con150) and isometric (IsomPT) tasks before and after the training period. The training elicited a large improvement in EccPF (37.9%; Cohen’s d effect size [ES] = 0.86). A moderate transfer effect was observed on LP 1 RM gains (19.0%; ES = 0.48) with the magnitude of the strength improvement being about one-half that of EccPF. A small effect was observed on IsomPT and Ecc30 (ES = 0.29 and 0.20, respectively), however, pre-post changes of these measures were not significant. Con150 testing showed no effect (ES = 0.04). These results suggest a short term MJIE training program elicits a large strength improvement in training-specific measures, a moderate strength gain transfer effect to DCER concentric-based strength of a similar movement (i.e., LP 1 RM), and poor transfer to single-joint knee extension measures. Full article
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12 pages, 1086 KiB  
Combined Static Stretching and Electrical Muscle Stimulation Induce Greater Changes in Range of Motion, Passive Torque, and Tendon Displacement Compared with Static Stretching
by Takamasa Mizuno
Sports 2023, 11(1), 10; - 4 Jan 2023
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 2850
The purpose of this study was to determine the combined effects of static stretching and electrical muscle stimulation on maximal dorsiflexion angle and passive properties. Sixteen healthy subjects participated in three randomly ordered experimental trials: combined static stretching and electrical muscle stimulation, static [...] Read more.
The purpose of this study was to determine the combined effects of static stretching and electrical muscle stimulation on maximal dorsiflexion angle and passive properties. Sixteen healthy subjects participated in three randomly ordered experimental trials: combined static stretching and electrical muscle stimulation, static stretching alone, and control. In combined trial, subjects performed 5 min of calf stretching while receiving electrical muscle stimulation of the gastrocnemius medialis. In static stretching trial, subjects performed calf stretching only. Maximal dorsiflexion angle, passive torque, and muscle displacement were measured before and after intervention. Tendon displacement was also calculated. The difference from pre- to post-intervention in maximal dorsiflexion angle in combined trial was greater compared with that in the control (p = 0.026), but the static stretching trial exhibited no significant difference (both p > 0.05). Passive torque at submaximal dorsiflexion angles was significantly decreased only after combined trial (all p < 0.05). Muscle displacement at maximal dorsiflexion angle was significantly increased in all conditions (all p < 0.05). Tendon displacement at maximal dorsiflexion angle was higher after combined trial compared with static stretching trial (p = 0.030). These results revealed additional effects of adding electrical muscle stimulation to static stretching on maximal dorsiflexion angle, passive torque, and tendon displacement. Full article
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11 pages, 585 KiB  
Impact of a 5-Week Individualised Training Program on Physical Performance and Measures Associated with Musculoskeletal Injury Risk in Army Personnel: A Pilot Study
by Chelsea Smith, Kenji Doma, Brian Heilbronn and Anthony Leicht
Sports 2023, 11(1), 8; - 3 Jan 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 3057
Objective: To examine the feasibility and effect of an individualised and force-plate guided training program on physical performance and musculoskeletal injury risk factors in army personnel. Design: Pre-post, randomised control. Methods: Fourteen male and five female Australian Army soldiers were randomised into two [...] Read more.
Objective: To examine the feasibility and effect of an individualised and force-plate guided training program on physical performance and musculoskeletal injury risk factors in army personnel. Design: Pre-post, randomised control. Methods: Fourteen male and five female Australian Army soldiers were randomised into two groups and performed 5-weeks of physical training. The control group (n = 9) completed standard, group-designed, physical training whilst the experimental group (n = 8) completed an individualised training program. Physical (push-ups, multi-stage fitness test, three repetition maximum (3RM) for squat, strict press, deadlift and floor press), occupational (weight-loaded march time), and technological assessments (two-leg and one-leg countermovement jumps (CMJ), one-leg balance, one-arm plank) were conducted prior to and following the training period. Comparisons between groups and changes within groups were conducted via Mann–Whitney U tests. Results: Compared to the control group, the experimental group exhibited a significantly smaller improvement for weight-loaded march time (−0.7% ± 4.0% vs. −5.1% ± 3.0%, p = 0.03) and a greater improvement for deadlift-3RM (20.6% ± 11.9% vs. 8.4% ± 6.8%, p = 0.056). All other outcomes were similar between groups. Visually favourable alterations in the two-leg CMJ profile with no reports of injuries were noted for the experimental group. Conclusions: Individualised physical training was feasible within an army setting and, for the most part, produced similar physical, occupational and technological performances to that of standard, group-designed physical training. These preliminary results provide a foundation for future research to expand upon and clarify the benefits of individualised training programs on long-term physical performance and injury risk/incidence in active combat army personnel. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Sports Injury: Prevention and Rehabilitation)
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9 pages, 1183 KiB  
Relationship between Physical Performance, Anthropometric Measurements and Stroke Velocity in Youth Tennis Players
by Koulla Parpa, Marcos Michaelides, Dennis Petrov, Christos Kyrillou and Ana C. Paludo
Sports 2023, 11(1), 7; - 28 Dec 2022
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 2778
Given that serve velocity has been identified as one of the most important components influencing performance in tennis, identifying the factors associated with serve velocity is crucial for coaches and athletes. The aim of this study was to describe the relationship between physical [...] Read more.
Given that serve velocity has been identified as one of the most important components influencing performance in tennis, identifying the factors associated with serve velocity is crucial for coaches and athletes. The aim of this study was to describe the relationship between physical performance, anthropometric characteristics and stroke velocity in youth tennis players. Twenty-seven youth players (male = 16, age = 15.69 ± 1.70 years; female = 11, age = 15.82 ± 1.40 years) underwent an anthropometric and physical performance assessment. On a tennis court, players were assessed for forehand, backhand and serve velocities. Pearson’s correlation coefficient revealed that forehand velocity was significantly correlated with height (r = 0.58) and handgrip strength (right hand: r = 0.68; left hand: r = 0.57), whereas backhand velocity was significantly correlated with running time (r = 0.52) and handgrip strength (right hand: r = 0.67; left hand: r = 0.55) in males. Similarly, in males, serve velocity was significantly correlated with height (r = 0.60), running time (r = 0.62) and handgrip strength (right: r = 0.77, left hand: r = 0.71). In females, a significant correlation was only demonstrated between serve velocity and body weight (r = 0.69). These findings highlight that handgrip strength, running time and body height variables are positively associated with stroke velocities in male youth tennis players. Full article
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10 pages, 875 KiB  
Comparison of the PUSH Band 2.0 and Vicon Motion Capture to Measure Concentric Movement Velocity during the Barbell Back Squat and Bench Press
by Edward Z. Pelka, Carter Gadola, Daniel McLaughlin, Eric Slattery and Randal P. Claytor
Sports 2023, 11(1), 6; - 28 Dec 2022
Viewed by 2351
The purpose of this investigation was to compare concentric movement velocity (CMV) measured with the PUSH Band (v2.0) and a Vicon motion capture system (MC) during the back squat (SQ) and the bench press (BP) resistance exercises (RE). Twelve resistance-trained males (26.0 ± [...] Read more.
The purpose of this investigation was to compare concentric movement velocity (CMV) measured with the PUSH Band (v2.0) and a Vicon motion capture system (MC) during the back squat (SQ) and the bench press (BP) resistance exercises (RE). Twelve resistance-trained males (26.0 ± 5.5 years; 175.6 ± 4.9 cm; 96.3 ± 15.8 kg) completed ten repetitions at 50% of one-repetition maximum (1RM), and six repetitions at 75% 1RM for both BP and SQ. Four PUSH devices were utilized and attached to the subject’s right forearm, the center barbell, left and right sides of the barbell. MC markers were placed on top of each PUSH device. An overall analysis using a series of least-squares means contrasts suggested CMV did not differ (p > 0.05) between measurement technologies when position, RE, intensity and repetitions were combined. PUSH exhibited the highest Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC = 0.835–0.961) and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficients (r = 0.742–0.949) at the arm and center barbell locations when compared with MC. The measurement of CMV between MC and PUSH compares favorably during moderate (i.e., 50%) and high (75%) intensity SQ and BP RE. These data indicate individuals can use the PUSH band v2.0 to accurately monitor CMV within a RE set for SQ and BP RE. Full article
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9 pages, 2570 KiB  
Effect of Gear Ratio and Cadence on Gross Efficiency and Pedal Force Effectiveness during Multistage Graded Cycling Test Using a Road Racing Bicycle
by Mutsumi Kamba, Hisashi Naito, Hayao Ozaki, Shuichi Machida and Shizuo Katamoto
Sports 2023, 11(1), 5; - 23 Dec 2022
Viewed by 2854
Gross efficiency (GE) and the index of pedal force effectiveness (IFE) are important factors that enhance cyclists’ performance; however, the effects of changing pedal force (gear ratio) and cadence on these indices while riding on a road racing bicycle are poorly investigated. This [...] Read more.
Gross efficiency (GE) and the index of pedal force effectiveness (IFE) are important factors that enhance cyclists’ performance; however, the effects of changing pedal force (gear ratio) and cadence on these indices while riding on a road racing bicycle are poorly investigated. This study aimed to examine the effect of changing gear ratio or cadence on GE and IFE using a road racing bicycle. Nine male cyclists completed graded submaximal cycling tests (five stages of 4 min submaximal cycling sessions with 1 min passive rest intervals). The work rate of each stage was determined using two principles: changing gear ratio at a fixed cadence and changing cadence at a fixed gear ratio. We determined GE and IFE using respiratory variables and pedal reaction forces, respectively. Increasing the gear ratio improved GE, and was associated with the IFE. Although increasing the cadence slightly improved GE from the initial level, the increased values then mostly maintained. IFE was almost stable even when cadence increased. Moreover, no significant correlation was observed between the changes in GE and IFE accompanied by increasing cadence. Our data indicate that an increasing gear ratio, but not cadence, may affect GE and IFE while riding on a road racing bicycle. Full article
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10 pages, 987 KiB  
Cardiorespiratory, Metabolic, and Performance Changes from the Effects of Creatine and Caffeine Supplementations in Glucose—Electrolyte-Based Sports Drinks: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study
by Kunanya Masodsai, Thanachai Sahaschot and Rungchai Chaunchaiyakul
Sports 2023, 11(1), 4; - 22 Dec 2022
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 4334
The purpose of this study is to investigate the additive effects of creatine and caffeine on changes in the cardiorespiratory system, metabolism, and performance of soccer players. Seventeen male soccer players randomly ingested three sports drinks comprising the following: glucose–electrolyte-based (Drink 1, control; [...] Read more.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the additive effects of creatine and caffeine on changes in the cardiorespiratory system, metabolism, and performance of soccer players. Seventeen male soccer players randomly ingested three sports drinks comprising the following: glucose–electrolyte-based (Drink 1, control; D1), glucose–electrolyte-based drink + 5 g creatine (Drink 2; D2), and glucose–electrolyte-based drink + 5 g creatine + 35 mg caffeine (Drink 3; D3) during a 15 min recovery period after the modified Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle Test (LIST) on a standard outdoor soccer field. Then, a 20-m repeated intermittent sprinting activity was performed. The results showed no significant differences in cardiorespiratory and gas exchange variables. The non-significant levels of blood glucose concentrations among drinks with higher blood lactate concentrations were detected in parallel with increased heart rate during intermittent sprinting as a result of exercise intensities. Significantly longer sprinting time was found in D3 than D1 (p < 0.05), with no significant differences between D2 and D3. From this study, we conclude that the additive effect of caffeine–creatine supplements in a glucose–electrolyte drink during the 15 min recovery period enhances repeated 20-m high-intensity running in soccer players with no negative effect on cardiorespiratory functions. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Monitoring Load, Recovery, and Performance in Soccer Players)
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10 pages, 279 KiB  
The Most Active Child Is Not Always the Fittest: Physical Activity and Fitness Are Weakly Correlated
by Corrado Lupo, Paolo De Pasquale, Gennaro Boccia, Alexandru Nicolae Ungureanu, Paolo Moisè, Anna Mulasso and Paolo Riccardo Brustio
Sports 2023, 11(1), 3; - 22 Dec 2022
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 2734
The present cross-sectional study aimed to evaluate the impact of physical activity level (PA) on physical fitness by controlling for individual characteristics in Italian children. A total of 329 children (girls n = 155, 42.6%; from five primary schools, 17 classes) aged 8–10 [...] Read more.
The present cross-sectional study aimed to evaluate the impact of physical activity level (PA) on physical fitness by controlling for individual characteristics in Italian children. A total of 329 children (girls n = 155, 42.6%; from five primary schools, 17 classes) aged 8–10 filled out the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children (PAQ-C) to assess their PA level and performed anthropometric measurements (body mass, height, and BMI) and physical tests for measuring sprint (20 m sprint), cardiorespiratory fitness (shuttle-run test), balance (single-leg stance), handgrip strength (handgrip), lower-limb power (standing long-jump), peak force (countermovement jump), and low-back flexibility (sit-and-reach) skills. Linear mixed-effects models were applied to determine the relationship between physical fitness and PAQ-C score controlling for individual characteristics (i.e., gender, age, BMI). Results reported significant relationships between PAQ-C scores and sit-and-reach, shuttle-run, long-jump, and sprint tests. All considered physical tests were correlated with gender, age, and BMI, except for sit-and-reach from BMI. The variance in age, gender, BMI, and PAQ-C score accounted altogether for 30.0% of the variance in handgrip, 23.0% in single-leg stance, 26% in sit-and-reach, 36% in shuttle-run, 31% in long-jump, 34% in sprint, and 31% in countermovement jump. Therefore, the relationship between PA and fitness is not absolute and depends on the test and children’s characteristics. Full article
8 pages, 880 KiB  
Intra and Inter-Rater Reliability of a Novel Isometric Test of Neck Strength
by Lesley McBride, Rob S. James, Siân Alsop and Samuel W. Oxford
Sports 2023, 11(1), 2; - 21 Dec 2022
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 4180
There is no single, universally accepted method of measuring isometric neck strength to inform exercise prescription and injury risk prediction. This study aimed to establish the inter- and intra-rater reliability of a commercially available fixed frame dynamometer in measuring peak isometric neck strength. [...] Read more.
There is no single, universally accepted method of measuring isometric neck strength to inform exercise prescription and injury risk prediction. This study aimed to establish the inter- and intra-rater reliability of a commercially available fixed frame dynamometer in measuring peak isometric neck strength. A convenience sample of male (n = 16) and female (n = 20) university students performed maximal isometric contractions for flexion (Flex), extension (Ext), left- (LSF) and right-side flexion (RSF) in a quadruped position over three sessions. The intra-rater reliability results were good-to-excellent for both males (ICC = 0.83–0.90) and females (ICC = 0.86–0.94) and acceptable (CV < 15%) across all directions for both males and females. The inter-rater reliability results were excellent (ICC = 0.96–0.97) and acceptable (CV < 11.1%) across all directions. Findings demonstrated a significant effect for sex (p ≤ 0.05): males were stronger in all four directions, and a significant effect for direction (p ≤ 0.05): Ext tested stronger (193 N) than Flex (176 N), LSF (130 N) and RSF (125 N). The findings show that the VALD fixed frame dynamometer can reliably assess isometric neck strength and can provides reference values for healthy males and females. Full article
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13 pages, 541 KiB  
Optimal Drop Height in Prepubertal Boys Is Revealed by the Performance in Squat Jump
by Eleni Bassa, Ilias Adamopoulos, Vassilios Panoutsakopoulos, Anthi Xenofondos, Athanasios Yannakos, Christos Galazoulas and Dimitrios A. Patikas
Sports 2023, 11(1), 1; - 21 Dec 2022
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 2666
Drop jump (DJ) performance gain with increasing drop height is well documented in adults, but there is still no clear evidence of such gain in children. This study aimed to examine the differences in DJ performance gain in male adults and prepubescent boys [...] Read more.
Drop jump (DJ) performance gain with increasing drop height is well documented in adults, but there is still no clear evidence of such gain in children. This study aimed to examine the differences in DJ performance gain in male adults and prepubescent boys by comparing drop heights tailored to each individual’s performance and expressed as a percentage of their squat jump (SJ) performance. Fifteen boys (9–11 y) and 15 men (19–27 y) executed DJs from drop heights that were set at 75%, 100%, 125%, and 150% of their best performance in SJ (DJ75, DJ100, DJ125, and DJ150, respectively). Vertical ground reaction force (vGRF), contact time and kinematics of the lower extremities were captured. The results showed that boys jumped significantly lower than adults in DJs, and both age groups presented jumping gain with increasing drop height, up to DJ125. Boys demonstrated longer total contact time, lower angular velocity and vGRF during the propulsive phase, as well as smaller knee flexion at touchdown and lower reactive strength index. vGRF in DJ75 and DJ100 was lower than in DJ125 and DJ150. The highest value for maximum knee flexion was also presented at DJ150. It is concluded that in prepubescent boys, the appropriate drop height for an effective DJ is linked to their performance in SJ and might be between 75% and 125% of their maximum SJ performance. Full article
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