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Appl. Sci., Volume 11, Issue 1 (January-1 2021) – 464 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): Astrocytes are the star-shaped cells of the central nervous system (CNS) that regulate and support crucial brain development and function. Astrocytes play a variety of roles in health and disease. For example, they provide support by releasing necessary neurotrophic factors. A common response to CNS injury is reactive astrogliosis, an astrocyte feature to promote healing. Moreover, astrocytes aid cognition and memory through playing a critical role in synaptogenesis, synaptic maturation, and even synaptic pruning. Balanced synapses and networks for unimpaired cognition are a result of proper astrocyte functioning and are of the essence for space flight. View this paper.
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11 pages, 10516 KiB  
Investigation of the Destruction Process of Potash Ore with a Single Cutter Using Promising Cross Cutting Pattern
by Dmitriy Shishlyannikov and Ivan Zvonarev
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 464; - 5 Jan 2021
Cited by 10 | Viewed by 5179
The creation of modern machines and improvement of existing designs of rock cutting bodies of combines is constrained by the lack of experimental studies of the process of separation of successive elementary cleavages during the potash ore cutting with cutters of winning machines. [...] Read more.
The creation of modern machines and improvement of existing designs of rock cutting bodies of combines is constrained by the lack of experimental studies of the process of separation of successive elementary cleavages during the potash ore cutting with cutters of winning machines. The potential of the cross cutting pattern of potash ore is shown, since the formation of zones of localization of weakening and induced fractures on the surface of layer-by-layer cutting face determines the separation of the elementary cleavages with stable geometric parameters. The verification of the conclusions obtained theoretically was carried out during laboratory tastings on a specially designed bench. The research procedure provided for comparative tests of the potash block ore cutting, staggered and cross cuttings. It has been proven that the use of the cross pattern for set cutting parameters makes it possible to reduce the specific energy costs of the cutting of potash mass, to reduce the average load on the cutter, to reduce the root-mean-square deviation, and to reduce the number of fractions that are hard to enrich in the crushing products, compared to the traditional staggered cutting pattern. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Fracture Mechanics – Theory, Modeling and Applications)
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18 pages, 4155 KiB  
A Completion Method for Missing Concrete Dam Deformation Monitoring Data Pieces
by Hao Gu, Tengfei Wang, Yantao Zhu, Cheng Wang, Dashan Yang and Lixian Huang
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 463; - 5 Jan 2021
Cited by 17 | Viewed by 3885
A concrete dam is an important water-retaining hydraulic structure that stops or restricts the flow of water or underground streams. It can be regarded as a constantly changing complex system. The deformation of a concrete dam can reflect its operation behaviors most directly [...] Read more.
A concrete dam is an important water-retaining hydraulic structure that stops or restricts the flow of water or underground streams. It can be regarded as a constantly changing complex system. The deformation of a concrete dam can reflect its operation behaviors most directly among all the effect quantities. However, due to the change of the external environment, the failure of monitoring instruments, and the existence of human errors, the obtained deformation monitoring data usually miss pieces, and sometimes the missing pieces are so critical that the remaining data fail to fully reflect the actual deformation patterns. In this paper, the composition, characteristics, and contamination of the concrete dam deformation monitoring information are analyzed. From the single-value missing data completion method based on the nonlocal average method, a multi-value missing data completion method using BP (back propagation) mapping of spatial adjacent points is proposed to improve the accuracy of analysis and pattern prediction of concrete dam deformation behaviors. A case study is performed to validate the proposed method. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Heuristic Algorithms in Engineering and Applied Sciences)
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15 pages, 7246 KiB  
Deterioration of Coal Microstructure under Discontinuous Cyclic Loading Based on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
by Zhe Xiang, Nong Zhang, Zhengzheng Xie and Chenghao Zhang
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 462; - 5 Jan 2021
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 3162
To study the damage and destruction behavior of small coal pillars in coal mine roadway driving along gobs under long-term in-situ stress and multiple engineering disturbances, an unconfined compression experiment under a discontinuous cyclic load was designed, with the holding time as a [...] Read more.
To study the damage and destruction behavior of small coal pillars in coal mine roadway driving along gobs under long-term in-situ stress and multiple engineering disturbances, an unconfined compression experiment under a discontinuous cyclic load was designed, with the holding time as a variable. An electro-hydraulic servo rock testing machine was used to impose a discontinuous cyclic load on the coal sample and perform a final uniaxial compressive strength test. The changes in pore number and diameter in the coal under stress were monitored by nuclear magnetic resonance analysis. An increase in holding time in the discontinuous cyclic loading resulted in a significant increase in the number and diameter of pores in the coal sample; the coal porosity continued to increase, and the proportion of pores in the coal changed. The proportion of micropores decreased gradually, whereas the proportion of mesopores and macropores (cracks) increased. The degree of internal specimen damage increased with an increase of holding time, which resulted in a gradual decrease in final uniaxial compressive strength. Therefore, under the action of a long-term stress, to improve the bearing capacity of the coal pillar while avoiding gas and water influx into the working face in the goaf, the coal pillar should be reinforced with multi-layer and multi-grain grouting. Full article
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17 pages, 7994 KiB  
Failure Patterns and Morphological Soil–Rock Interface Characteristics of Frozen Soil–Rock Mixtures under Compression and Tension
by Feng Hu, Zhiqing Li, Yifan Tian and Ruilin Hu
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 461; - 5 Jan 2021
Cited by 21 | Viewed by 4033
Construction operations in cold regions may encounter frozen geomaterials. In construction, it is important to understand the processes by which geomaterials fail under common loading conditions to avoid accidents and work efficiently. In this work, an artificial frozen soil–rock mixture was used for [...] Read more.
Construction operations in cold regions may encounter frozen geomaterials. In construction, it is important to understand the processes by which geomaterials fail under common loading conditions to avoid accidents and work efficiently. In this work, an artificial frozen soil–rock mixture was used for uniaxial compression and indirect tension loading analysis to investigate macroscopic failure patterns and soil–rock interface crack evolution mechanisms. To further understand and compare the meso-mechanical failure mechanisms of the soil–rock interface, we used two types of rock block particles with different surface roughness for fabricating frozen artificial soil–rock mixtures. Acoustic emission (AE), ultrasonic plus velocity (UPV), and digital microscopy were utilized here to obtain the sample deformation response and analyze the morphology of the soil–rock interface. The results were as follows. From the perspective of macroscopic observation, bulging deformations and short tension cracks represent the main failure pattern under compression, and a tortuous tension crack in the center of the disk is the main failure pattern under indirect tension. From the perspective of microscopic observation, the soil–rock interface will evolve into a soil–rock contact band for the sample containing a rough rock block. The strength of the soil–rock contact band is obviously larger than that of the soil–rock interface. Three main failure patterns of the soil–rock interface were observed: a crack path through the accurate soil–rock interface, a crack path through the envelope of the rough rock block, and a crack path passing through the rough rock block. The experimental results could provide a reference for foundation engineering, especially in pile foundation engineering in cold regions. Full article
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14 pages, 7255 KiB  
Chemotherapy-Induced Survivin Regulation in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells
by Petra Otevřelová and Barbora Brodská
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 460; - 5 Jan 2021
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 3170
Survivin is a 16.5 kDa protein highly expressed in centrosomes, where it controls proper sister chromatid separation. In addition to its function in mitosis, survivin is also involved in apoptosis. Overexpression of survivin in many cancer types makes it a suitable target for [...] Read more.
Survivin is a 16.5 kDa protein highly expressed in centrosomes, where it controls proper sister chromatid separation. In addition to its function in mitosis, survivin is also involved in apoptosis. Overexpression of survivin in many cancer types makes it a suitable target for cancer therapy. Western blotting and confocal microscopy were used to characterize the effect of chemotherapy on acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells. We found enhanced survivin expression in a panel of AML cell lines treated with cytarabine (Ara-C), which is part of a first-line induction regimen for AML therapy. Simultaneously, Ara-C caused growth arrest and depletion of the mitotic cell fraction. Subsequently, the effect of a second component of standard therapy protocol, idarubicin, and of a known survivin inhibitor, YM-155, on cell viability and survivin expression and localization in AML cells was investigated. Idarubicin reversed Ara-C-induced survivin upregulation in the majority of AML cell lines. YM-155 caused survivin deregulation together with a viability decrease in cells resistant to idarubicin treatment, suggesting that YM-155 might be efficient in a specific subset of AML patients. Expression levels of other apoptosis-related proteins, in particular X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP), Mcl-1, and p53, and of the cell-cycle inhibitor p21 considerably changed in almost all cases, confirming the off-target effects of YM-155. Full article
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29 pages, 4402 KiB  
Analytical Models for Fast and Accurate Calculation of Electromagnetic Performances of Segmented Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines with Large Angular Gaps
by Eulalie Fleurot, Franck Scuiller and Jean-Frédéric Charpentier
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 459; - 5 Jan 2021
Cited by 8 | Viewed by 2839
In this paper original analytical models to determine the electromagnetic performances of segmented permanent magnet synchronous machines (with removed active parts in the stator or the rotor) are presented. These models are adapted to PMSM with large air gap width, large diameter, a [...] Read more.
In this paper original analytical models to determine the electromagnetic performances of segmented permanent magnet synchronous machines (with removed active parts in the stator or the rotor) are presented. These models are adapted to PMSM with large air gap width, large diameter, a high number of poles and large angular gaps. This method based on analytical approach is validated by comparizon with a 2D Finite Element calculation (Altair FluxTM 2D) for the specifications of a large diameter, low speed tidal high power current turbine generator. The presented method allows fast and accurate evaluation of the performances of this kind of particular machine and can be used in a systematic design process. Full article
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20 pages, 3355 KiB  
Development of Fluorescence Imaging Technique to Detect Fresh-Cut Food Organic Residue on Processing Equipment Surface
by Chansong Hwang, Changyeun Mo, Youngwook Seo, Jongguk Lim, Insuck Baek and Moon S. Kim
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 458; - 5 Jan 2021
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 3260
With increasing public demand for ready-to-eat fresh-cut food products, proper sanitation of food-processing equipment surfaces is essential to mitigate potential contamination of these products to ensure safe consumption. This study presents a sanitation monitoring technique using hyperspectral fluorescence images to detect fruit residues [...] Read more.
With increasing public demand for ready-to-eat fresh-cut food products, proper sanitation of food-processing equipment surfaces is essential to mitigate potential contamination of these products to ensure safe consumption. This study presents a sanitation monitoring technique using hyperspectral fluorescence images to detect fruit residues on food-processing equipment surfaces. An algorithm to detect residues on the surfaces of 2B-finished and #4-finished stainless-steel, both commonly used in food processing equipment, was developed. Honeydew, orange, apple, and watermelon were selected as representatives since they are mainly used as fresh-cut fruits. Hyperspectral fluorescence images were obtained for stainless steel sheets to which droplets of selected fruit juices at six concentrations were applied and allowed to dry. The most significant wavelengths for detecting juice at each concentration were selected through ANOVA analysis. Algorithms using a single waveband and using a ratio of two wavebands were developed for each sample and for all the samples combined. Results showed that detection accuracies were better for the samples with higher concentrations. The integrated algorithm had a detection accuracy of 100% and above 95%, respectively, for the original juice up to the 1:20 diluted samples and for the more dilute 1:50 to 1:100 samples, respectively. The results of this study establish that using hyperspectral imaging, even a small residual quantity that may exist on the surface of food processing equipment can be detected and that sanitation monitoring and management is possible. Full article
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36 pages, 15890 KiB  
Airplane Vortices Evolution Near Ground
by Josep M. Duró and Josep M. Bergadà
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 457; - 5 Jan 2021
Viewed by 2949
Airport traffic around the world has sharply increased over the years; as a result, airports need to be enlarged and the landing or taking off times between two consecutive airplanes must be reduced. To precisely determine the minimum time required between two consecutive [...] Read more.
Airport traffic around the world has sharply increased over the years; as a result, airports need to be enlarged and the landing or taking off times between two consecutive airplanes must be reduced. To precisely determine the minimum time required between two consecutive airplanes, it is essential to understand the main physical characteristics of the vortices generated under airplanes’ wings and their evolution under different atmospheric conditions. In the present paper, such information is obtained through the complex potential equation of a vortex together with the potential Bernoulli equation. The process starts with the characteristic complex potential equation, which is simplified to find the velocity potential function. Then, the temporal movement of the vortices’ central core, the velocity and pressure fields around the vortical structures and the effect of the crosswind on the vortices’ displacement, velocity and pressure fields are obtained. The paper shows how optimizing the process of measuring and calculating the vortices’ behavior could save a certain amount of time between airplanes, therefore increasing airport throughput. This paper introduces a potential flow method, which is coupled with the temporal variation of the flow circulation, to predict the vortices’ behavior and movement over time. The inclusion of circulation decay over time is employed to simulate the viscosity effect over the vortical structures. The in-house code generates results in less than one minute and needs to be seen as a tool to determine, for each airport and crosswind condition, the minimum time needed between two consecutive airplanes. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Aerospace Science and Engineering)
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25 pages, 14067 KiB  
An Improved Cohesive Zone Model for Interface Mixed-Mode Fractures of Railway Slab Tracks
by Yanglong Zhong, Liang Gao, Xiaopei Cai, Bolun An, Zhihan Zhang, Janet Lin and Ying Qin
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 456; - 5 Jan 2021
Cited by 10 | Viewed by 3200
The interface crack of a slab track is a fracture of mixed-mode that experiences a complex loading–unloading–reloading process. A reasonable simulation of the interaction between the layers of slab tracks is the key to studying the interface crack. However, the existing models of [...] Read more.
The interface crack of a slab track is a fracture of mixed-mode that experiences a complex loading–unloading–reloading process. A reasonable simulation of the interaction between the layers of slab tracks is the key to studying the interface crack. However, the existing models of interface disease of slab track have problems, such as the stress oscillation of the crack tip and self-repairing, which do not simulate the mixed mode of interface cracks accurately. Aiming at these shortcomings, we propose an improved cohesive zone model combined with an unloading/reloading relationship based on the original Park–Paulino–Roesler (PPR) model in this paper. It is shown that the improved model guaranteed the consistency of the cohesive constitutive model and described the mixed-mode fracture better. This conclusion is based on the assessment of work-of-separation and the simulation of the mixed-mode bending test. Through the test of loading, unloading, and reloading, we observed that the improved unloading/reloading relationship effectively eliminated the issue of self-repairing and preserved all essential features. The proposed model provides a tool for the study of interface cracking mechanism of ballastless tracks and theoretical guidance for the monitoring, maintenance, and repair of layer defects, such as interfacial cracks and slab arches. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Monitoring and Maintenance Systems for Railway Infrastructure)
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32 pages, 2127 KiB  
Advanced Control and Fault Detection Strategies for District Heating and Cooling Systems—A Review
by Simone Buffa, Mohammad Hossein Fouladfar, Giuseppe Franchini, Ismael Lozano Gabarre and Manuel Andrés Chicote
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 455; - 5 Jan 2021
Cited by 62 | Viewed by 11634
Peak shaving, demand response, fast fault detection, emissions and costs reduction are some of the main objectives to meet in advanced district heating and cooling (DHC) systems. In order to enhance the operation of infrastructures, challenges such as supply temperature reduction and load [...] Read more.
Peak shaving, demand response, fast fault detection, emissions and costs reduction are some of the main objectives to meet in advanced district heating and cooling (DHC) systems. In order to enhance the operation of infrastructures, challenges such as supply temperature reduction and load uncertainty with the development of algorithms and technologies are growing. Therefore, traditional control strategies and diagnosis approaches cannot achieve these goals. Accordingly, to address these shortcomings, researchers have developed plenty of innovative methods based on their applications and features. The main purpose of this paper is to review recent publications that include both hard and soft computing implementations such as model predictive control and machine learning algorithms with applications also on both fourth and fifth generation district heating and cooling networks. After introducing traditional approaches, the innovative techniques, accomplished results and overview of the main strengths and weaknesses have been discussed together with a description of the main capabilities of some commercial platforms. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Urban District Heating and Cooling Technologies II)
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20 pages, 6912 KiB  
Optimization of Lignin Recovery from the Pre-Hydrolysate of Kraft-Based Dissolving Pulp Production Processes
by Adil Mazar, Naceur Jemaa, Waleed Wafa Al Dajani, Mariya Marinova and Michel Perrier
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 454; - 5 Jan 2021
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 4170
A pre-hydrolysate is an aqueous stream obtained during the production of hardwood kraft dissolving pulp. It is rich in sugars and contains dissolved organic matters. The purpose of this study is to investigate the optimization of lignin recovery from wood pre-hydrolysates and to [...] Read more.
A pre-hydrolysate is an aqueous stream obtained during the production of hardwood kraft dissolving pulp. It is rich in sugars and contains dissolved organic matters. The purpose of this study is to investigate the optimization of lignin recovery from wood pre-hydrolysates and to characterize the extracted lignin. The optimal conditions for lignin extraction have been determined to be (a) a filtration temperature of 40 °C, (b) a sulfuric acid concentration of 8.5 kg·m−3, and (c) a coagulation time of 180 min. Using these conditions, high filtration rates have been obtained and the extracted lignin has a low content of impurities (8.3%), a low molecular weight (1270 Da), and a very low polydispersity (Mw/Mn = 1.22). Compared to kraft lignin, the pre-hydrolysate lignin has a much lower molecular weight and could be a potential candidate for niche applications. A high lignin recovery rate is possible (52% of the total lignin content in the pre-hydrolysate). Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Biorefineries and Sustainable Biomass Conversion: Recent Advances)
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16 pages, 2897 KiB  
Methodology for Complex Efficiency Evaluation of Machinery Safety Measures in a Production Organization
by Hana Pačaiová, Miriam Andrejiová, Michaela Balažiková, Marianna Tomašková, Tomáš Gazda, Katarína Chomová, Ján Hijj and Lukáš Salaj
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 453; - 5 Jan 2021
Cited by 25 | Viewed by 4874
Even though the rules for the free circulation of machinery within the European Union (EU) market have existed for more than 30 years, accidents related to their activities have constantly been reaching significant value. When designing a machine, the design must stem from [...] Read more.
Even though the rules for the free circulation of machinery within the European Union (EU) market have existed for more than 30 years, accidents related to their activities have constantly been reaching significant value. When designing a machine, the design must stem from a risk assessment, where all stages of its life cycle and the ways to use it must be taken into consideration. In industrial operations with old machinery, despite fulfilling its function reliably, the safety level is below the developing requirements for safe operations. The proposed methodology to assess machinery safety conditions comes from the assumption of the proper application of risk assessment steps and their effectiveness in risk reduction mainly through implementing both effective and efficient preventive measures. The objective of the research applied in three operations was to verify the methods concerning machinery safety and its management. The created methodology, based on 19 requirements for safety, evaluates the level of current measures using a criterion of the current safety status and the total effectiveness of safety measures. Its output is the assessment of the efficiency level of the implemented safety measures of each machine as well as of the whole operation. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Mechanical Engineering)
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10 pages, 1808 KiB  
Changes in Muscle Hardness from Resting to Mid-Range Lengthened Positions Detected by Shear Wave Elastography (SWE) with a Novel Protocol of Ultrasound Probe Placement
by Long-Jun Ren, Connie Lok-Kan Cheng, Christina Zong-Hao Ma and Yong-Ping Zheng
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 452; - 5 Jan 2021
Cited by 7 | Viewed by 3533
Muscle hardness and its relationship with different muscle lengths/positions are important for understanding its underlying physiological status, and yet remained unclear. This study aimed to detect the local muscle hardness at different muscle lengths and identify the influence of muscle position on muscle [...] Read more.
Muscle hardness and its relationship with different muscle lengths/positions are important for understanding its underlying physiological status, and yet remained unclear. This study aimed to detect the local muscle hardness at different muscle lengths and identify the influence of muscle position on muscle hardness in healthy adults. A total of 26 healthy adults participated in this study. Shear wave elastography (SWE) was used to measure the muscle hardness of the Rectus Femoris (RF), Tibialis Anterior (TA) and Gastrocnemius Medialis (GM). Each muscle was tested at both resting (RST) and mid-range lengthened (MRL) positions. A novel ultrasound probe placing method was introduced, applied, and evaluated in this study. Moderate to excellent intra-/inter-rater reliability (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient, ICC ≥ 0.70) was found for muscle hardness measurements. The muscle hardness significantly increased from the RST to MRL position for all three muscles (p < 0.001). This study found that the muscle hardness increased at its mid-range lengthened position from the resting position. The mid-range lengthened muscle position of TA and GM could also be sensitive enough to reflect the age-related changes in local muscle hardness. This study also highlights the importance of placing the assessed extremities in an appropriate and consistent position when assessing muscle qualities by ultrasonics in clinical practice. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Engineering II)
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18 pages, 1296 KiB  
Comparing Innovative Versus Conventional Ham Processes via Environmental Life Cycle Assessment Supplemented with the Assessment of Nitrite Impacts on Human Health
by Gaëlle Petit, Gina Villamonte, Marie de Lamballerie and Vanessa Jury
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 451; - 5 Jan 2021
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 3387
Global sustainability indicators, particularly in human health, are necessary to describe agrifood products footprint. Nitrosamines are toxic molecules that are often encountered in cured and processed meats. As they are frequently consumed, meat-based products need to be assessed to evaluate their potential impact [...] Read more.
Global sustainability indicators, particularly in human health, are necessary to describe agrifood products footprint. Nitrosamines are toxic molecules that are often encountered in cured and processed meats. As they are frequently consumed, meat-based products need to be assessed to evaluate their potential impact on human health. This article provides a methodological framework based on life cycle assessment for comparing meat product processing scenarios. The respective contributions of each step of the product life cycle are extended with a new human health indicator, nitrosamine toxicity, which has not been previously included in life cycle assessment (LCA) studies and tools (software and databases). This inclusion allows for the comparison of conventional versus innovative processes. Nitrosamines toxicity was estimated to be 2.20x10−6 disability-adjusted life years (DALY) for 1 kg of consumed conventional cooked ham while 4.54x10−7 DALY for 1 kg of consumed innovative cooked ham. The potential carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic effects of nitrosamines from meat products on human health are taken into account. Human health indicators are an important step forward in the comprehensive application of LCA methodology to improve the global sustainability of food systems. Full article
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17 pages, 536 KiB  
Interclass Interference Suppression in Multi-Class Problems
by Jinfu Liu, Mingliang Bai, Na Jiang, Ran Cheng, Xianling Li, Yifang Wang and Daren Yu
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 450; - 5 Jan 2021
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 2332
Multi-classifiers are widely applied in many practical problems. But the features that can significantly discriminate a certain class from others are often deleted in the feature selection process of multi-classifiers, which seriously decreases the generalization ability. This paper refers to this phenomenon as [...] Read more.
Multi-classifiers are widely applied in many practical problems. But the features that can significantly discriminate a certain class from others are often deleted in the feature selection process of multi-classifiers, which seriously decreases the generalization ability. This paper refers to this phenomenon as interclass interference in multi-class problems and analyzes its reason in detail. Then, this paper summarizes three interclass interference suppression methods including the method based on all-features, one-class classifiers and binary classifiers and compares their effects on interclass interference via the 10-fold cross-validation experiments in 14 UCI datasets. Experiments show that the method based on binary classifiers can suppress the interclass interference efficiently and obtain the best classification accuracy among the three methods. Further experiments were done to compare the suppression effect of two methods based on binary classifiers including the one-versus-one method and one-versus-all method. Results show that the one-versus-one method can obtain a better suppression effect on interclass interference and obtain better classification accuracy. By proposing the concept of interclass inference and studying its suppression methods, this paper significantly improves the generalization ability of multi-classifiers. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Robotics and Automation)
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12 pages, 2573 KiB  
A Computer Simulation Research of Two Types of Cardiac Physiological Pacing
by Honglei Zhu, Lian Jin, Yanqi Huang and Xiaomei Wu
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 449; - 5 Jan 2021
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 2695
This manuscript adopted the cardiac modeling and simulation method to study the problems of physiological pacing in clinical application. A multiscale rabbit ventricular electrophysiological model was constructed. We simulated His-bundle pacing (HBP) treatment for left bundle branch block (LBBB) and atrioventricular block (AVB), [...] Read more.
This manuscript adopted the cardiac modeling and simulation method to study the problems of physiological pacing in clinical application. A multiscale rabbit ventricular electrophysiological model was constructed. We simulated His-bundle pacing (HBP) treatment for left bundle branch block (LBBB) and atrioventricular block (AVB), and left bundle branch pacing (LBBP) treatment for LBBB by setting various moments of the stimulus. The synthetic ECGs and detailed electrical activities were analyzed. Our electrophysiological model accurately simulated the normal state, HBP, and LBBP. The synthetic ECG showed that QRS duration was narrowed by 30% after HBP correction for LBBB. For LBBB correction with LBBP, the synthetic ECGs of LBBP starting before 30 ms (if the end of atrial excitation is set as 0 ms) presented right bundle branch block (RBBB), and those of LBBP starting at 30–38 ms were synchronous, while those of LBBP starting after 42 ms possessed LBBB morphologies. The best pacing results were obtained when LBBP started at 34 ms. This manuscript verified the feasibility of the constructed ventricular model, and studied the physiological pacing mechanism. The results showed that HBP realized correction for AVB and high LBBB. The performance of LBBP can be improved by applying the stimulus within a specific period of time (0–8 ms) after atrial excitation. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Applied Biosciences and Bioengineering)
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15 pages, 1965 KiB  
Trichoderma Biomass as an Alternative for Removal of Congo Red and Malachite Green Industrial Dyes
by Rosalba Argumedo-Delira, Mario J. Gómez-Martínez and Ramiro Uribe-Kaffure
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 448; - 5 Jan 2021
Cited by 40 | Viewed by 3680
The present study evaluated the removal efficiency of two dyes, Congo red (CR) and malachite green (MG), using either fresh or dry fungal biomass of two species of Trichoderma (T. virens and T. viride) and activated carbon. After 24 h, the [...] Read more.
The present study evaluated the removal efficiency of two dyes, Congo red (CR) and malachite green (MG), using either fresh or dry fungal biomass of two species of Trichoderma (T. virens and T. viride) and activated carbon. After 24 h, the CR removal efficiency obtained with fresh biomass was higher than that obtained with activated carbon. For the MG dye, the average removal with activated carbon (99%) was higher than those obtained with dry and fresh biomass of T. viride and T. virens. Experimental results for fresh and dry fungal biomass showed a good correlation with Langmuir isotherms. The adsorption rates of CR and MG by of T. virens and T. viride can be more appropriately described using the pseudo-second-order rate. We found an adsorption capacity of 81.82 mg g−1 for T. virens with MG dye. Results show that fresh or dry biomass of T. virens can represent a simple and cost-effective alternative for removing industrial dyes such as CR and MG. Full article
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28 pages, 34010 KiB  
Hair Removal Combining Saliency, Shape and Color
by Giuliana Ramella
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 447; - 5 Jan 2021
Cited by 11 | Viewed by 3953
In a computer-aided system for skin cancer diagnosis, hair removal is one of the main challenges to face before applying a process of automatic skin lesion segmentation and classification. In this paper, we propose a straightforward method to detect and remove hair from [...] Read more.
In a computer-aided system for skin cancer diagnosis, hair removal is one of the main challenges to face before applying a process of automatic skin lesion segmentation and classification. In this paper, we propose a straightforward method to detect and remove hair from dermoscopic images. Preliminarily, the regions to consider as candidate hair regions and the border/corner components located on the image frame are automatically detected. Then, the hair regions are determined using information regarding the saliency, shape and image colors. Finally, the detected hair regions are restored by a simple inpainting method. The method is evaluated on a publicly available dataset, comprising 340 images in total, extracted from two commonly used public databases, and on an available specific dataset including 13 images already used by other authors for evaluation and comparison purposes. We propose also a method for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of a hair removal method. The results of the evaluation are promising as the detection of the hair regions is accurate, and the performance results are satisfactory in comparison to other existing hair removal methods. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advanced Image Analysis and Processing for Biomedical Applications)
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17 pages, 16505 KiB  
Study on Wear Resistance of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Composite Coating Prepared by Laser Alloying
by Quan Chen, Jiajia Zhang, Anguo Huang and Pengyu Wei
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 446; - 5 Jan 2021
Cited by 19 | Viewed by 4708
Titanium alloy has extensive applications in numerous fields, such as in aerospace, shipbuilding, petrochemical, and bio-medical. However, under the condition of high temperature (above 700 °C), it is difficult to meet the requirements of the performance of the turbine blades, piston rings, valves, [...] Read more.
Titanium alloy has extensive applications in numerous fields, such as in aerospace, shipbuilding, petrochemical, and bio-medical. However, under the condition of high temperature (above 700 °C), it is difficult to meet the requirements of the performance of the turbine blades, piston rings, valves, etc. In this paper, the alloy powder is composed of Ni60A, TiN, Al, and Si in accordance with the proportion of 1:3:4:2 (mass ratio), and the composite coating, such as TiN, TiB, Ti5Si3, and Al3Ti were synthesized on Ti-6Al-4V alloy by Yttrium Aluminium Garnet(YAG) laser. The friction and wear experiments were carried out on Ti-6Al-4V alloy and alloyed coatings at different loads (3N, 6N, 9N), and different temperatures (25 °C, 350 °C, 700 °C). The impact of load and temperature on wear performance were analyzed by analyzing the friction traces. The results showed that the abrasion loss, wear width, and depth, wear volume, and wear ratio of the alloyed coatings were less than Ti-6Al-4V alloy, and the surface of furrow was shallow and the wear was less. However, under high temperature conditions, the alloy coating wears worse than Ti-6Al-4V alloy, and the high temperature wear resistance is not ideal. Full article
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15 pages, 4644 KiB  
Fast Sound Source Localization Based on SRP-PHAT Using Density Peaks Clustering
by De-Bing Zhuo and Hui Cao
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 445; - 5 Jan 2021
Cited by 17 | Viewed by 4956
Sound source localization has been increasingly used recently. Among the existing techniques of sound source localization, the steered response power–phase transform (SRP-PHAT) exhibits considerable advantages regarding anti-noise and anti-reverberation. When applied in real-time situations, however, the heavy computational load makes it impossible to [...] Read more.
Sound source localization has been increasingly used recently. Among the existing techniques of sound source localization, the steered response power–phase transform (SRP-PHAT) exhibits considerable advantages regarding anti-noise and anti-reverberation. When applied in real-time situations, however, the heavy computational load makes it impossible to localize the sound source in a reasonable time since SRP-PHAT employs a grid search scheme. To solve the problem, an improved procedure called ODB-SRP-PHAT, i.e., steered response power and phase transformation with an offline database (ODB), was proposed by the authors. The basic idea of ODB-SRP-PHAT is to determine the possible sound source positions using SRP-PHAT and density peak clustering before real-time localization and store the identified positions in an ODB. Then, at the online positioning stage, only the power values of the positions in the ODB will be calculated. When used in real-time monitoring, e.g., locating the speaker in a video conference, the computational load of ODB-SRP-PHAT is significantly smaller than that of SRP-PHAT. Simulations and experiments under a real environment verified the high localization accuracy with a small computational load of ODB-SRP-PHAT. In addition, the advantages of anti-noise and anti-reverberation remained. The suggested procedure displayed good applicability in a real environment. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Acoustics and Vibrations)
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17 pages, 31118 KiB  
Parametric Study of the Corrosion of API-5L-X65 QT Steel Using Potentiostat Based Measurements in a Flow Loop
by Arjun Ravikumar, Paul Rostron, Nader Vahdati and Oleg Shiryayev
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 444; - 5 Jan 2021
Cited by 7 | Viewed by 4111
Low-carbon steel is widely used in industrial pipelines, and corrosion studies are focused mostly on erosion-corrosion, its prediction and control. In this paper, the corrosion rate in pipelines is modeled using a flow loop and measured by linear polarization resistance method (LPR) using [...] Read more.
Low-carbon steel is widely used in industrial pipelines, and corrosion studies are focused mostly on erosion-corrosion, its prediction and control. In this paper, the corrosion rate in pipelines is modeled using a flow loop and measured by linear polarization resistance method (LPR) using a 3-electrode corrosion setup for API-5L-X65 QT steel. Optical microscopy and SEM studies are conducted to examine the surface of the sample and the corrosion products. The effect of NaCl concentration on the corrosion rate is studied at different pH, temperature range, and flow velocities with dissolved oxygen content in the solution maintained at 6 mg/L (6ppm). The corrosion rate is found to be varying from 1 mil per year (0.0254 mmyr−1) to 10 mils per year (0.254 mmyr−1), and the corrosion rate increases with the flow velocity and reaches a maximum at Reynolds Number above 10,000. Further increase in fluid velocity shows corrosion is flow insensitive, and uniform corrosion is predominant in the region. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue New Materials and Advanced Procedures of Obtaining and Processing)
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23 pages, 8515 KiB  
A Novel Evolution Strategy of Level Set Method for the Segmentation of Overlapping Cervical Cells
by Guangqi Liu, Qinghai Ding, Haibo Luo, Moran Ju, Tianming Jin, Miao He and Gang Dong
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 443; - 5 Jan 2021
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 2425
Development of an accurate and automated algorithm to completely segment cervical cells in Pap images is still one of the most challenging tasks. The main reasons are the presence of overlapping cells and the lack of guiding mechanism for the convergence of ill-defined [...] Read more.
Development of an accurate and automated algorithm to completely segment cervical cells in Pap images is still one of the most challenging tasks. The main reasons are the presence of overlapping cells and the lack of guiding mechanism for the convergence of ill-defined contours to the actual cytoplasm boundaries. In this paper, we propose a novel method to address these problems based on level set method (LSM). Firstly, we proposed a morphological scaling-based topology filter (MSTF) and derived a new mathematical toolbox about vector calculus for evolution of level set function (LSF). Secondly, we combine MSTF and the mathematical toolbox into a multifunctional filtering algorithm 2D codimension two-object level set method (DCTLSM) to split touching cells. The DCTLSM can morphologically scale up and down the contour while keeping part of the contour points fixed. Thirdly, we design a contour scanning strategy as the evolution method of LSF to segment overlapping cells. In this strategy, a cutting line can be detected by morphologically scaling the union LSF of the pairs of cells. Then, we used this cutting line to construct a velocity field with an effective guiding mechanism for attracting and repelling LSF. The performance of the proposed algorithm was evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively on the ISBI-2014 dataset. The experimental results demonstrated that the proposed method is capable of fully segmenting cervical cells with superior segmentation accuracy compared with recent peer works. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Computing and Artificial Intelligence)
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11 pages, 492 KiB  
Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity of Nepeta × faassenii Bergmans ex Stearn Essential Oil
by Călin Jianu, Radu Moleriu, Daniela Stoin, Ileana Cocan, Gabriel Bujancă, Georgeta Pop, Alexandra Teodora Lukinich-Gruia, Delia Muntean, Laura-Cristina Rusu and Delia Ioana Horhat
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 442; - 5 Jan 2021
Cited by 15 | Viewed by 3583
This study was designed to evaluate, for the first time, the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Nepeta × faassenii essential oil (NEO). Twenty-six compounds were identified by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry analysis, of which 4a alpha,7alpha,7a alpha-nepetalactone (34.12%), elemol (23.23%), spiro(5,6)dodecane (13.73%), [...] Read more.
This study was designed to evaluate, for the first time, the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Nepeta × faassenii essential oil (NEO). Twenty-six compounds were identified by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry analysis, of which 4a alpha,7alpha,7a alpha-nepetalactone (34.12%), elemol (23.23%), spiro(5,6)dodecane (13.73%), and 3,4 alpha-dihydro-4a alpha, 7 alpha, 7a alpha-nepetalactone (7.93%) were the major compounds. The NEO exhibited broad-spectrum antibacterial effects, and possesses potent antifungal activity on Candida albicans and Candida parapsilosis. NEO’s antioxidant activity was evaluated against cold-pressed sunflowers oil by peroxide, thiobarbituric acid, 1,1-diphenyl- 2-picrylhydrazyl radical, and β-carotene/linoleic acid bleaching methods. The NEO showed strong scavenging (IC50: 0.032 ± 0.005 mg/mL) and relative antioxidative activity (RAA%: 92.31 ± 0.17%) in 1,1-diphenyl- 2-picrylhydrazyl radical and β-carotene/linoleic acid bleaching assays, respectively. Moreover, during 24 days of the incubation period, the oil inhibits the primary lipid oxidation significantly better (p < 0.05) than butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA). In the case of secondary lipid oxidation, the oil performed significantly better (p < 0.001) than BHA from day 8 to day 12 of the incubation period. The biological activities recorded suggest that NEO may represent an antioxidant and antimicrobial agent with applications in medicine or the food industry. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Antioxidants in Natural Products II)
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13 pages, 1782 KiB  
Influence of Ammonia Stripping Parameters on the Efficiency and Mass Transfer Rate of Ammonia Removal
by Eun Ju Kim, Ho Kim and Eunsil Lee
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 441; - 5 Jan 2021
Cited by 32 | Viewed by 8436
This study analyzed the influence of different ammonia stripping parameters on ammonia removal efficiency and mass transfer rate. Ammonia stripping was performed on two devices, a column and a packed tower, with artificial ammonium hydroxide wastewater. First, ammonia concentration and pH were varied [...] Read more.
This study analyzed the influence of different ammonia stripping parameters on ammonia removal efficiency and mass transfer rate. Ammonia stripping was performed on two devices, a column and a packed tower, with artificial ammonium hydroxide wastewater. First, ammonia concentration and pH were varied in a column without liquid circulation. At the same pH, the removal efficiency and mass transfer rate were constant, irrespective of initial ammonia concentration. When pH was increased, the ammonia fraction also increased, resulting in higher removal efficiency and mass transfer rate. Second, the effects of stripping were assessed using a packed tower with fluid circulation. The ammonium hydroxide concentration did not affect the removal efficiency or mass transfer rate. Furthermore, at apparatus liquid-gas ratios of 26.8–107.2 L/m3, a lower liquid-gas ratio led to increased ammonia removal efficiency and mass transfer rate. Conversely, the lower the liquid-gas ratio, the greater the air consumption. In conclusion, considering the removal rate and volume of air supply, the range of optimal liquid-gas ratio was determined as 26.8–53.6 L/m3. In particular, the 26.8 L/m3 condition achieved the best ammonia removal rate of 63.0% through only 6 h of stripping at 70 °C and pH 8.5. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Environmental Sciences)
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20 pages, 7554 KiB  
Medical Applications of the GEMPix
by Johannes Leidner, Fabrizio Murtas and Marco Silari
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 440; - 5 Jan 2021
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 3191
The GEMPix is a small gaseous detector with a highly pixelated readout, consisting of a drift region, three Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs) for signal amplification, and four Timepix ASICs with 55 µm pixel pitch and a total of 262,144 pixels. A continuous flow [...] Read more.
The GEMPix is a small gaseous detector with a highly pixelated readout, consisting of a drift region, three Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs) for signal amplification, and four Timepix ASICs with 55 µm pixel pitch and a total of 262,144 pixels. A continuous flow of a gas mixture such as Ar:CO2:CF4, Ar:CO2 or propane-based tissue equivalent gas is supplied externally at a rate of 5 L/h. This article reviews the medical applications of the GEMPix. These include relative dose measurements in conventional photon radiation therapy and in carbon ion beams, by which on-line 2D dose images provided a similar or better performance compared to gafchromic films. Depth scans in a water phantom with 12C ions allowed measuring the 3D energy deposition and reconstructing the Bragg curve of a pencil beam. Microdosimetric measurements performed in neutron and photon fields allowed comparing dose spectra with those from Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counters and, additionally, to obtain particle track images. Some preliminary measurements performed to check the capabilities as the detector in proton tomography are also illustrated. The most important on-going developments are: (1) a new, larger area readout to cover the typical maximum field size in radiation therapy of 20 × 20 cm2; (2) a sealed and low-pressure version to facilitate measurements and to increase the equivalent spatial resolution for microdosimetry; (3) 3D particle track reconstruction when operating the GEMPix as a Time Projection Chamber. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Applications of Medical Physics)
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25 pages, 1166 KiB  
A Backwards-Tracking Lagrangian-Eulerian Method for Viscoelastic Two-Fluid Flows
by Simon Ingelsten, Andreas Mark, Roland Kádár and Fredrik Edelvik
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 439; - 5 Jan 2021
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 2959
A new Lagrangian–Eulerian method for the simulation of viscoelastic free surface flow is proposed. The approach is developed from a method in which the constitutive equation for viscoelastic stress is solved at Lagrangian nodes, which are convected by the flow, and interpolated to [...] Read more.
A new Lagrangian–Eulerian method for the simulation of viscoelastic free surface flow is proposed. The approach is developed from a method in which the constitutive equation for viscoelastic stress is solved at Lagrangian nodes, which are convected by the flow, and interpolated to the Eulerian grid with radial basis functions. In the new method, a backwards-tracking methodology is employed, allowing for fixed locations for the Lagrangian nodes to be chosen a priori. The proposed method is also extended to the simulation of viscoelastic free surface flow with the volume of fluid method. No unstructured interpolation or node redistribution is required with the new approach. Furthermore, the total amount of Lagrangian nodes is significantly reduced when compared to the original Lagrangian–Eulerian method. Consequently, the method is more computationally efficient and robust. No additional stabilization technique, such as both-sides diffusion or reformulation of the constitutive equation, is necessary. A validation is performed with the analytic solution for transient and steady planar Poiseuille flow, with excellent results. Furthermore, the proposed method agrees well with numerical data from the literature for the viscoelastic die swell flow of an Oldroyd-B model. The capabilities to simulate viscoelastic free surface flow are also demonstrated through the simulation of a jet buckling case. Full article
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18 pages, 1854 KiB  
Recent Advances in Nanoparticle-Mediated Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
by Andreea Nedelcu, Ofelia Mosteanu, Teodora Pop, Teodora Mocan and Lucian Mocan
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 438; - 5 Jan 2021
Cited by 12 | Viewed by 4564
There have been continuous advances in nanoscience since the beginning of the 21st century, and the emerging field of computational nanomedicine, the development of nanomaterial-based sensors or the prominent biomedical engineering applications should be mentioned. Intestinal disorders causing prolonged inflammation of the digestive [...] Read more.
There have been continuous advances in nanoscience since the beginning of the 21st century, and the emerging field of computational nanomedicine, the development of nanomaterial-based sensors or the prominent biomedical engineering applications should be mentioned. Intestinal disorders causing prolonged inflammation of the digestive tract, largely known as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), include Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), have seen a significant increase in incidence rates. Nanoparticle-based approaches to locally target therapy could help regulate immune responses and act as an anti-inflammatory in individual patients diagnosed with IBD. The results of the paper emphasize the major role that nanoparticle-mediated drug delivery has in IBD treatment, giving IBD patients in remission the chance for a more effective drug therapy with a decreased medication load. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Synthesis and Biomedical Application of Nanoparticles)
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16 pages, 7951 KiB  
A Simple Technique for Studying Chaos Using Jerk Equation with Discrete Time Sine Map
by Muhammad Haseeb Arshad, Mahmoud Kassas, Alaa E. Hussein and Mohammad A. Abido
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 437; - 4 Jan 2021
Cited by 8 | Viewed by 3421
Over the past decade, chaotic systems have found their immense application in different fields, which has led to various generalized, novel, and modified chaotic systems. In this paper, the general jerk equation is combined with a scaled sine map, which has been approximated [...] Read more.
Over the past decade, chaotic systems have found their immense application in different fields, which has led to various generalized, novel, and modified chaotic systems. In this paper, the general jerk equation is combined with a scaled sine map, which has been approximated in terms of a polynomial using Taylor series expansion for exhibiting chaotic behavior. The paper is based on numerical simulation and experimental verification of the system with four control parameters. The proposed system’s chaotic behavior is verified by calculating different chaotic invariants using MATLAB, such as bifurcation diagram, 2-D attractor, Fourier spectra, correlation dimension, and Maximum Lyapunov Exponent. Experimental verification of the system was carried out using Op-Amps with analog multipliers. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Applied Physics General)
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13 pages, 2101 KiB  
Type and Amount of Legume Protein Concentrate Influencing the Technological, Nutritional, and Sensorial Properties of Wheat Bread
by Nastasia Belc, Denisa Eglantina Duta, Alina Culetu and Gabriela Daniela Stamatie
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 436; - 4 Jan 2021
Cited by 22 | Viewed by 4254
Plant protein concentrates are used to enhance the nutritional quality of bread and to respond to the demand of consumers with respect to increased protein intake. In the present study, bread samples were produced using pea protein concentrate (PP) and soy protein concentrate [...] Read more.
Plant protein concentrates are used to enhance the nutritional quality of bread and to respond to the demand of consumers with respect to increased protein intake. In the present study, bread samples were produced using pea protein concentrate (PP) and soy protein concentrate (SP) substituting wheat flour by 5%, 10%, and 15%. The protein levels were between 1.2- and 1.7-fold (PP) and 1.1- and 1.3-fold (SP) higher than the control bread. The incorporation of 10% and 15% PP allowed for the achievement of a “high protein” claim. Water absorption was correlated with the protein contents of the breads (r = 0.9441). The decrease in bread volume was higher for the PP than SP incorporations, and it was highly negatively correlated with the protein content (r = −0.9356). Soy breads had a softer crumb than pea breads. The total change in crumb colour was higher in the PP than SP breads. The soy breads had an overall acceptability between 6.3 and 6.8, which did not differ (p > 0.05) from the control. PP breads were statistically less liked (p < 0.05). The results underlined that the choice of the type and amount of protein concentrates influenced the bread properties differently. Full article
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13 pages, 2525 KiB  
Siderurgical Aggregate Cement-Treated Bases and Concrete Using Foundry Sand
by Gilberto Garcia Del Angel, Ali Aghajanian, Pablo Tamayo, Jokin Rico and Carlos Thomas
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 435; - 4 Jan 2021
Cited by 13 | Viewed by 3360
Cement-treated bases are soils, gravels or manufactured aggregates mixed with certain quantities of cement and water in order to improve the characteristics of a base or sub-base layer. Due to the exploitation of natural aggregates, it is a matter of importance to avoid [...] Read more.
Cement-treated bases are soils, gravels or manufactured aggregates mixed with certain quantities of cement and water in order to improve the characteristics of a base or sub-base layer. Due to the exploitation of natural aggregates, it is a matter of importance to avoid shortage of natural resources, which is why the use of recycled aggregates is a practical solution. In this paper we studied the feasibility of the use of untreated electric arc furnace slags and foundry sand in the development of cement-treated bases and slag aggregate concrete with a lower quantity of cement. We analyzed the physical, mechanical and durability characteristics of the aggregates, followed by the design of mixes to fabricate test specimens. With cement-treated bases, results showed an optimal moisture content of 5% and a dry density of 2.47 g/cm3. Cement-treated bases made with untreated slag aggregate, foundry sand and 4% of cement content showed an unconfined compression strength at seven days of 3.73 MPa. For siderurgical aggregate concrete mixes, compressive strength, modulus of elasticity and flexural strength tests were made. The results showed that the mixes had good mechanical properties but durability properties could be an issue. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Recycling of Construction Materials)
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