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Sustainable Alternatives to Cement: Synthesizing Metakaolin-Based Geopolymer Concrete Using Nano-Silica
by Sarwar H. Mohmmad, Pshtiwan Shakor, Jaza H. Muhammad, Mustafa F. Hasan and Moses Karakouzian
Strength, Porosity and Permeability Properties of Porous Concrete Made from Recycled Concrete Aggregates
by Muniter Muresa Muda, Alemu Mosisa Legese, Girum Urgessa and Teshome Boja
Material and Environmental Aspects of Concrete Flooring in Cold Climate
by Jonny Nilimaa and Vasiola Zhaka
Environmental Impacts of Reinforced Concrete Buildings: Comparing Common and Sustainable Materials: A Case Study
by Niyousha Fallah Chamasemani, Massih Kelishadi, Hasan Mostafaei, Mohammad Amin Dehghani Najvani and Mohammadreza Mashayekhi
Effect of Metakaolin and Lime on Strength Development of Blended Cement Paste
by Kosar Hassannezhad, Yasemin Akyol, Mehmet Can Dursun, Cleva W. Ow-Yang and Mehmet Ali Gulgun
Review of Electrochemical Testing to Assess Corrosion of Post-Tensioned Tendons with Segregated Grout
by Samanbar Permeh and Kingsley Lau
Bibliometric Analysis of Bio- and Earth-Based Building Materials: Current and Future Trends
by Séverine Rosa Latapie, Ariane Abou-Chakra and Vincent Sabathier
Investigation of Rheological Test Methods for the Suitability of Mortars for Manufacturing of Textile-Reinforced Concrete Using a Laboratory Mortar Extruder (LabMorTex)
by Matthias Kalthoff, Michael Raupach and Thomas Matschei
Mechanical Properties of Rubberised Concrete Confined with Basalt-Fibre Textile-Reinforced Mortar Jackets
by Ioanna Skyrianou, Lampros N. Koutas and Christos G. Papakonstantinou
Evaluation of the Prediction and Durability on the Chloride Penetration in Cementitious Materials with Blast Furnace Slag as Cement Addition
by Prang Subpa-asa, Nobukazu Nito, Satoshi Fujiwara and Shigeyuki Date
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Environmental Impacts of Reinforced Concrete Buildings: Comparing Common and Sustainable Materials: A Case Study
by Niyousha Fallah Chamasemani, Massih Kelishadi, Hasan Mostafaei, Mohammad Amin Dehghani Najvani and Mohammadreza Mashayekhi
Strength, Porosity and Permeability Properties of Porous Concrete Made from Recycled Concrete Aggregates
by Muniter Muresa Muda, Alemu Mosisa Legese, Girum Urgessa and Teshome Boja
Thermophysical Properties of Sawdust and Coconut Coir Dust Incorporated Unfired Clay Blocks
by Nusrat Jannat, Jeff Cullen, Badr Abdullah, Rafal Latif Al-Mufti and Karyono Karyono
Geotechnical Properties of Soil Stabilized with Blended Binders for Sustainable Road Base Applications
by Per Lindh and Polina Lemenkova
Effects of Gypsum and Limestone Powder on Fresh Properties and Compressive Strength of Concrete Containing Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag under Different Curing Temperatures
by Gerald Gyabaah, Shingo Miyazawa and Nobukazu Nito
Effect of Metakaolin and Lime on Strength Development of Blended Cement Paste
by Kosar Hassannezhad, Yasemin Akyol, Mehmet Can Dursun, Cleva W. Ow-Yang and Mehmet Ali Gulgun
Review of Electrochemical Testing to Assess Corrosion of Post-Tensioned Tendons with Segregated Grout
by Samanbar Permeh and Kingsley Lau
Influence of the Type of Cement on the Durability of Concrete Structures Exposed to Various Carbonation Environments in Greece: A Contribution to the Sustainability of Structures
by Christos Tassos, Kosmas K. Sideris, Alexandros Chatzopoulos, Emmanouel Tzanis and Marios S. Katsiotis
An Index for Assessing the Environmental Impact of Pavement Maintenance Operations on the Motorway Network: The Environmental Asphalt Rating
by Davide Chiola, Vincenzo Cirimele and Cristina Tozzo
Technical Approaches to the Recycling of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement into Aggregate and Binder
by Kengo Akatsu, Yousuke Kanou and Shouichi Akiba
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Self-Compacting Cementitious Composites with Heavy Fuel Fly Ash Replacement
by Antroula Georgiou, Nicolaos Chousidis and Ioannis Ioannou
Effect of Metakaolin and Lime on Strength Development of Blended Cement Paste
by Kosar Hassannezhad, Yasemin Akyol, Mehmet Can Dursun, Cleva W. Ow-Yang and Mehmet Ali Gulgun
Thermophysical Properties of Sawdust and Coconut Coir Dust Incorporated Unfired Clay Blocks
by Nusrat Jannat, Jeff Cullen, Badr Abdullah, Rafal Latif Al-Mufti and Karyono Karyono
Strength, Porosity and Permeability Properties of Porous Concrete Made from Recycled Concrete Aggregates
by Muniter Muresa Muda, Alemu Mosisa Legese, Girum Urgessa and Teshome Boja
Review of Electrochemical Testing to Assess Corrosion of Post-Tensioned Tendons with Segregated Grout
by Samanbar Permeh and Kingsley Lau
Technical Approaches to the Recycling of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement into Aggregate and Binder
by Kengo Akatsu, Yousuke Kanou and Shouichi Akiba
A Multi-Scale Numerical Simulation on Thermal Conductivity of Bio-Based Construction Materials
by Gang Huang, Ariane Abou-Chakra, Sandrine Geoffroy and Joseph Absi
Effects of Gypsum and Limestone Powder on Fresh Properties and Compressive Strength of Concrete Containing Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag under Different Curing Temperatures
by Gerald Gyabaah, Shingo Miyazawa and Nobukazu Nito
Experimental Investigation on the Compressive Stress-Sensing Ability of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Cement-Based Composites under Varying Temperature Conditions
by Jesús N. Eiras, François Duplan and Cédric Payan
Cement and Clinker Production by Indirect Mechanosynthesis Process
by Othmane Bouchenafa, Rabah Hamzaoui, Céline Florence and Sandrine Mansoutre
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