Editorial Board

Please note that the order in which the Editors appear on this page is alphabetical, and follows the structure of the editorial board presented on the MDPI website under information for editors: editorial board responsibilities.


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Department of Innovation Engineering, University of Salento, 73100 Lecce, Italy
Interests: theory of shells, plates, arches, and beams; generalized differential quadrature; FEM; SFEM; WFEM; IGA; advanced composite materials; functionally graded materials; nanomaterials and nanotechnology
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Associate Editor
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca Degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy
Interests: smart composite and FGM structures; multifield problems; hygro-thermal stress analysis; CNTs; inflatable structures; shell 3D and 2D numerical and exact solutions; additive manufacturing and UAVs
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Associate Editor
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Patras, GR-26504 Patras, Greece
Interests: advanced structural materials; composite materials; structural engineering
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Advisory Board Member
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 200 Bobby Dodd Way, Atlanta, GA 30332-0373, USA
Interests: high-density algal cultivation; crop protection; membrane technology for water/wastewater treatment and water and nutrient recycling for algal biomass production; life cycle analysis (LCA) of biofuel production
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Advisory Board Member
Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Pusan National University, Pusan, Korea
Interests: organic/inorganic nanohybrids; polymer nanocomposites; composite interfaces

Advisory Board Member
1. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA
2. Material Measurement Laboratory, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA
Interests: biopolymers; biomass; nanocomposites; soft matter; neutron scattering

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Advisory Board Member
School of Engineering, RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Interests: structural dynamics and stability; smart structures; advanced composite and functionally graded structures; mechanics of micro- and nano-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS and NEMS); sandwich construction; computational mechanics

Editorial Board Member
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC 20064, USA
Interests: experimental stress mechanics; polymeric composite materials; carbon nanotube fibers; integrated and distributed structural health monitoring in composite materials; piezoresistive sensors
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Editorial Board Member
School of Mechanical Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv 69978, Israel
Interests: micromechanical modeling; smart composites; multi-scale analysis; piezoelectric composites; electrostrictive composites; magnetostrictive composites; damage in composites

Editorial Board Member
Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy
Interests: static and fatigue behaviour of composite materials; low velocity impact on composite and sandwich materials; effect of through-thickness reinforcement on fracture resistance; non destructive assessment and identification of damage (ultrasonics, x-radiography); structural health monitoring of composite structures by non linear acoustics
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Editorial Board Member
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
Interests: composite material and structure; computational mechanics; materials by design
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Editorial Board Member
INSA-Lyon, LaMCoS CNRS, Université de Lyon, F-69621 Lyon, France
Interests: composite forming; process simulation; textile materials
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Editorial Board Member
National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Interests: biomaterials; nanocomposites; biocompatible materials; nanodiamonds

Editorial Board Member
School of Science, University of Greenwich, London SE10 9LS, UK
Interests: cements and silicate materials for biomedical; environmental; civil engineering
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Editorial Board Member
Department of Industrial Engineering, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA
Interests: machining of composites; fabrication of composites with additive manufacturing; mechanical testing for composites

Editorial Board Member
AMADE, Polytechnic School, Universitat de Girona, Campus Montilivi s/n, 17073 Girona, Spain
Interests: composites; fracture; delamination; damage; simulation

Editorial Board Member
School of Engineering, RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC 3001, Australia
Interests: structural optimization; aerospace composites; computational simulation; finite element modelling; multiscale modelling; failure analysis; fracture and fatigue; damage tolerance analysis
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Editorial Board Member
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, 10129 Torino, Italy
Interests: thin-walled structures; multilayered structures; finite element method; functionally graded materials; structural dynamics

Editorial Board Member
Kudrinskaja sq. 1-155, 123242 Moscow, Russia
Interests: hydroxyapatite; calcium phosphates; bioceramics
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Editorial Board Member
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, 111 Church Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
Interests: carbon-carbon composites; carbon nanotubes; nano-fibers; polymers; atomistic and coarse grained simulations

Editorial Board Member
1. 3B's Research Group, I3Bs–Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics, University of Minho, Headquarters of the European Institute of Excellence on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, AvePark, Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia, Zona Industrial da Gandra, 4805-017 Barco, Guimarães, Portugal
2. ICVS/3B’s–PT Government Associate Laboratory, Braga/Guimarães, Portugal
Interests: sustainable biomaterials composites; polymer lightweight composites; melt-based technologies and properties; natural-origin materials; lignocellulosic materials; antimicrobial properties; biodegradability; value-added products; biomedical applications
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Editorial Board Member
Department of Materials and Ceramic Engineering, CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials, University of Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
Interests: bionanocomposite materials for funcional applications; flexible piezoelectric materials; active and intelligent food packaging; adsorption; catalysis
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Editorial Board Member
Department of Cogno-Mechatronics Engineering, College of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Pusan National University, Busan 46241, Republic of Korea
Interests: nanobiomaterials; tissue engineering; regenerative medicine; 3D bioprinting; cells/tissues/organs-on-chips; medical devices
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Editorial Board Member
Department of Fibre and Polymer Technology, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
Interests: cellulose; lignin and pectin biodegradation

Editorial Board Member

Editorial Board Member
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