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is an international, open access, peer-reviewed journal covering all aspects of plasma science, published quarterly online by MDPI.
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- Rapid Publication: manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision is provided to authors approximately 26.8 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 3.8 days (median values for papers published in this journal in the second half of 2024).
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Impact Factor:
1.9 (2023)
Latest Articles
An Approach to Nuclear Fusion Utilizing the Dynamics of High-Density Electrons and Neutrals, Part I
Plasma 2025, 8(1), 4; - 31 Jan 2025
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An approach to achieve nuclear fusion utilizing the formation of high densities of electrons and neutrals is described. The abundance of low energy free electrons produces intense electric fields that reduce the Coulomb barrier in nuclear fusion. Meanwhile, high-density rotating neutrals provide high
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An approach to achieve nuclear fusion utilizing the formation of high densities of electrons and neutrals is described. The abundance of low energy free electrons produces intense electric fields that reduce the Coulomb barrier in nuclear fusion. Meanwhile, high-density rotating neutrals provide high centrifugal forces to achieve the extreme pressure gradients of electrons and consequent negative electric fields to reduce the ion repulsive Coulombic fields. These high-density neutrals also provide better stability and higher reaction rates. Ion–neutral coupling is responsible for the control of neutral dynamics. Since high-frequency excitations favor the generation of free electrons, pulsed operations are recommended to achieve fusion with higher gains.
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Shock Waves in Ion-Beam-Depleted Spin-Polarized Quantum Plasma with Ionic Pressure Anisotropy
Manoj K. Deka, Balaram Pradhan, Apul N. Dev, Deepsikha Mahanta, Jalil Manafian and Khaled H. Mahmoud
Plasma 2025, 8(1), 3; - 8 Jan 2025
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In this study, the effects of pressure anisotropy and viscosity on the propagation of shock waves in spin-polarized degenerate quantum magnetoplasma are studied under the influence of the streaming energy of ion beams. The effects of different suitable plasma parameters on the shock
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In this study, the effects of pressure anisotropy and viscosity on the propagation of shock waves in spin-polarized degenerate quantum magnetoplasma are studied under the influence of the streaming energy of ion beams. The effects of different suitable plasma parameters on the shock wave’s potential profile are studied using the steady state solution of the Zakharov–Kuznetsov–Burgers (Z–K–B) equation, as well as the numerical simulation of the governing non-linear Z–K–B equation. First-order analysis of the non-linear wave propagation depicted a new beam-induced stable mode whose Mach number may be subsonic or supersonic depending on the anisotropic pressure combination in the presence of different spin density polarization ratios. This is the first observation of this new beam-induced stable mode in ion beam plasma, apart from the other existing modes of ion beam plasma systems, namely, the fast beam mode, the slow beam mode, the inherent ion acoustic mode, and the coupled mode, which also has unique propagation characteristics compared to the other modes. The spin density polarization ratio of spin-up and spin-down electrons have an unprecedented effect on the polarity and the direction of propagation of different shock wave modes in such plasma systems. Apart from the spin effect, anisotropic pressure combinations, as well as the viscosity of ions and ion beams, also play an outstanding role in controlling the nature of propagation of shock waves, especially in the newly detected beam-induced stable mode, and depending on the viscosity parameters of ions and ion beams, both oscillatory and monotonic shock waves can propagate in such plasma.
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Open AccessArticle
Effects of Spiralling Trajectories on White Dwarf Spectra: Remarks on Different Calculations
Spiros Alexiou
Plasma 2025, 8(1), 2; - 3 Jan 2025
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The purpose of this paper is to address conflicting results regarding a simple criterion that has been proposed as decisive in determining whether accounting for spiralling electron trajectories increases or decreases the widths of hydrogen lines in a parameter range relevant to the
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The purpose of this paper is to address conflicting results regarding a simple criterion that has been proposed as decisive in determining whether accounting for spiralling electron trajectories increases or decreases the widths of hydrogen lines in a parameter range relevant to the spectral lines of white dwarfs. We analyse the claims in detail and also provide explicit calculations. It is shown that the recent attempts to justify a simple theory are erroneous and miss important physics.
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Open AccessArticle
Longitudinally Resolved Terahertz Radiation Characteristics Along Two-Color Filament in Air
Juan Long, Tiejun Wang, Fukang Yin, Yaoxiang Liu, Yingxia Wei, Chengpu Liu and Yuxin Leng
Plasma 2025, 8(1), 1; - 29 Dec 2024
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The evolution of the THz waveform generated from the two-color air filament was experimentally investigated by moving an iris along the plasma channel. By taking the differentiation of the measured THz waveforms, the local longitudinally resolved THz waves along a 54 mm-long filament
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The evolution of the THz waveform generated from the two-color air filament was experimentally investigated by moving an iris along the plasma channel. By taking the differentiation of the measured THz waveforms, the local longitudinally resolved THz waves along a 54 mm-long filament were obtained. The local THz pulse underwent periodic phase shifts. A theoretical deduction indicates that the phase shifts are mainly caused by the dispersion in the plasma channel which plays a dominant role in the evolution of the local THz waveforms.
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Open AccessArticle
Characterization of the Plasma Generated by a Compact Theta Pinch
Sagi Turiel, Alexander Gribov, Daniel Maler and Yakov E. Krasik
Plasma 2024, 7(4), 978-997; - 20 Dec 2024
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Theta Pinch is one of the promising methods for the generation of hot and dense plasma. In this paper, we describe the results of experimental research on a small-scale Theta Pinch created with Helium or Hydrogen plasmas. Different plasma diagnostics, namely, optical, microwave
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Theta Pinch is one of the promising methods for the generation of hot and dense plasma. In this paper, we describe the results of experimental research on a small-scale Theta Pinch created with Helium or Hydrogen plasmas. Different plasma diagnostics, namely, optical, microwave cut-off, laser interferometry, visible spectroscopy, Thomson scattering, and Laser-Induced Fluorescence were used to characterize the time- and space-resolved evolution of the plasma parameters, and the specific features of these diagnostic results obtained are discussed. The measured plasma density and the electron and ion temperature evolution, obtained by these various diagnostic tools, agree to a satisfactory level. These methods will be applied for studies of the parameters of the plasma in the device that is being developed by the nT-Tao company towards fusion energy.
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Open AccessArticle
Evaluation of a New Kind of Z-Pinch-Based Space Propulsion Engine: Theoretical Foundations and Design of a Proof-of-Concept Experiment
S. K. H. Auluck, R. Verma and R. S. Rawat
Plasma 2024, 7(4), 939-977; - 19 Dec 2024
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This paper explores a recently proposed scalable z-pinch-based space propulsion engine in greater detail. This concept involves a “modified plasma focus with a tapered anode that transports current from a pulsed power source to a consumable portion of the anode in the form
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This paper explores a recently proposed scalable z-pinch-based space propulsion engine in greater detail. This concept involves a “modified plasma focus with a tapered anode that transports current from a pulsed power source to a consumable portion of the anode in the form of a hypodermic needle tube continuously extruded along the axis of the device”. This tube is filled with a gas at a high pressure and also optionally with an axial magnetic field. The current enters the metal tube through its contact with the anode and returns to the cathode via the plasma sliding over its outer wall. The resulting rapid electrical explosion of the metal tube partially transfers current to a snowplough shock in the fill gas. Both the metal plasma and the fill gas form axisymmetric converging shells. Their interaction forms a hot and dense plasma of the fill gas surrounded by the metal plasma. Its ejection along the axis provides the impulse needed for propulsion. In a nonnuclear version, the fill gas could be xenon or hydrogen. Its unique energy density scaling could potentially lead to a neutron-deficient nuclear fusion drive based on the proton-boron avalanche fusion reaction by lining the tube with solid decaborane. In order to explore the inherent potential of this idea as a scalable space propulsion engine, this paper discusses its theoretical foundations and outlines the first iteration of a conceptual engineering design study for a proof-of-concept experiment based on the UNU-ICTP Plasma Focus facility at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
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Open AccessArticle
Effect of Cathode Cooling in Three-Dimensional Simulations of an Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge
Valentin Boutrouche and Juan Pablo Trelles
Plasma 2024, 7(4), 920-938; - 29 Nov 2024
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The Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge (APGD) is a relatively simple and versatile plasma source used in a wide range of applications. Active cooling of the cathode can effectively mitigate instabilities, leading to glow-to-arc transitions. This study investigates the effect of varying the degree
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The Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge (APGD) is a relatively simple and versatile plasma source used in a wide range of applications. Active cooling of the cathode can effectively mitigate instabilities, leading to glow-to-arc transitions. This study investigates the effect of varying the degree of cathode cooling in APGD with a planar cathode in helium. The plasma flow model incorporates mass conservation, chemical species transport, momentum conservation, conservation of thermal energy of heavy species and of electrons, and electrostatics. The model is applied to time-dependent simulations through a three-dimensional computational domain describing the whole discharge, without geometric symmetry or steady-state assumptions. Simulations of an experimentally characterized APGD explore the effects of electric current and cathode cooling—ranging from thermally insulated to extreme convective cooling. Results show the formation of an annular region with high electric field over the cathode surface under conditions of high current and low cooling.
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Open AccessArticle
A Mechanism for Slow Electrostatic Solitary Waves in the Earth’s Plasma Sheet
Gurbax Singh Lakhina and Satyavir Singh
Plasma 2024, 7(4), 904-919; - 27 Nov 2024
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An analysis of the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft data shows the presence of slow electrostatic solitary waves (SESWs) in the Earth’s plasma sheet, which have been interpreted as slow electron holes (SEHs). An alternative mechanism based on slow ion-acoustic solitons is proposed for
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An analysis of the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft data shows the presence of slow electrostatic solitary waves (SESWs) in the Earth’s plasma sheet, which have been interpreted as slow electron holes (SEHs). An alternative mechanism based on slow ion-acoustic solitons is proposed for these SESWs. The SESWs are observed in the region where double humped ion distributions and hot electrons co-exist. Our theoretical model considers the plasma in the SESW region to consist of hot electrons with a vortex distribution, core Maxwellian protons drifting parallel to the magnetic field, B and beam protons drifting anti-parallel to B. Parallel propagating nonlinear ion-acoustic waves are studied using the Sagdeev pseudopotential technique. The analysis yields four types of modes, namely, two slow ion-acoustic (SIA1 and SIA2) solitons and two fast ion-acoustic (FIA1 and FIA2) solitons. All solitons have positive potentials. Except the FIA1 solitons which propagate parallel to B; the other three types propagate anti-parallel to B. Good agreement is found between the amplitudes of electrostatic potential, the electric field, the widths and speed of SIA1 and SIA2 solitons, and the observed properties of SESWs by the MMS spacecraft.
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Open AccessArticle
Electrochemical Reactions at the Boundary Areas Between Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasma, Air, and Water
Jamiah Thomas and Alexander G. Volkov
Plasma 2024, 7(4), 891-903; - 25 Nov 2024
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A cold atmospheric-pressure He-plasma jet (CAPPJ) interacts with air and water, producing reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS), including biologically active ions, radicals, and molecules such as NOx, H2O2, HNO3, HNO2, and O
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A cold atmospheric-pressure He-plasma jet (CAPPJ) interacts with air and water, producing reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS), including biologically active ions, radicals, and molecules such as NOx, H2O2, HNO3, HNO2, and O3. These compounds can activate interfacial redox processes in biological tissues. The CAPPJ can oxidize N2 to HNO3 and water to H2O2 at the interface between plasma and water. It can also induce the oxidation of water-soluble redox compounds in various organisms and in vitro. This includes salicylic acid, hydroquinone, and mixtures of antioxidants such as L (+)-ascorbic acid sodium salt with NADPH. It can react with redox indicators, such as ferroin, in a three-phase system consisting of air, CAPPJ, and water. Without reducing agents in the water, the CAPPJ will oxidize the water and decrease the pH of the solution. When antioxidants such as ascorbate, 1,4-hydroquinone, or NADPH are present in the aqueous phase, the CAPPJ oxidizes these substances first and then oxidizes water to H2O2. The multielectron mechanisms of the redox reactions in the plasma-air/water interfacial area are discussed and analyzed.
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Open AccessArticle
Gliding Arc/Glow Discharge for CO2 Conversion: The Role of Discharge Configuration and Gas Channel Thickness
Svetlana Lazarova, Tsvetelina Paunska, Veselin Vasilev, Khristo Tarnev, Snejana Iordanova and Stanimir Kolev
Plasma 2024, 7(4), 877-890; - 21 Nov 2024
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This work investigates CO2 conversion using atmospheric pressure low-current gliding discharges (GD). The following three modifications are studied: classic GD; magnetically accelerated GD (MAGD); and magnetically retarded GD (MRGD). In the latter two, permanent magnets produce a magnetic field that either accelerates
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This work investigates CO2 conversion using atmospheric pressure low-current gliding discharges (GD). The following three modifications are studied: classic GD; magnetically accelerated GD (MAGD); and magnetically retarded GD (MRGD). In the latter two, permanent magnets produce a magnetic field that either accelerates or retards the discharge downstream. The gas flow is confined between quartz plates and the electrodes, with varying channel thicknesses. The magnetic configurations improve the performance compared to the classic GD, with up to 30% higher energy efficiency and up to a 50% higher conversion rate. The highest conversion rate is 11–12% with 10% energy efficiency, while the highest efficiency is 40% with 5% conversion, achieved with MRGD and MAGD at channel thicknesses of 2 mm and 3 mm.
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Open AccessArticle
Polymerization of Sodium 4-Styrenesulfonate Inside Filter Paper via Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma
Samira Amiri Khoshkar Vandani, Lian Farhadian, Alex Pennycuick and Hai-Feng Ji
Plasma 2024, 7(4), 867-876; - 11 Nov 2024
This work explores the polymerization of sodium 4-styrenesulfonate (NaSS) inside filter paper using dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma and its application in the environmental field. The plasma-based technique, performed under mild conditions, solves common problems associated with conventional polymerization inside porous materials. The
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This work explores the polymerization of sodium 4-styrenesulfonate (NaSS) inside filter paper using dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma and its application in the environmental field. The plasma-based technique, performed under mild conditions, solves common problems associated with conventional polymerization inside porous materials. The polymerization process was monitored using Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, which confirmed the consumption of double bonds, particularly in NaSS samples containing the optimal concentration of crosslinker divinyl benzene (DVB) (0.25% wt). Our work demonstrates the effectiveness and promise of DBD plasma as a substitute polymerization approach, especially for those in porous materials.
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(This article belongs to the Special Issue Dielectric Barrier Discharges 2024)
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Open AccessArticle
The Influence of the Ionic Core on Structural and Thermodynamic Properties of Dense Plasmas
Tomiris Ismagambetova, Mukhit Muratov and Maratbek Gabdullin
Plasma 2024, 7(4), 858-866; - 31 Oct 2024
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In this paper, a new ion–ion screened potential was numerically calculated, which takes into account the ion core effect, i.e., the influence of strongly bound electrons. The pseudopotential model describing the shielding of ion cores and the screening using the density response function
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In this paper, a new ion–ion screened potential was numerically calculated, which takes into account the ion core effect, i.e., the influence of strongly bound electrons. The pseudopotential model describing the shielding of ion cores and the screening using the density response function in the long wavelength approximation were used. To study the influence of this ion core effect on dense plasma’s structural and thermodynamic properties, the integral Ornstein–Zernike equation was solved in the hypernetted chain approximation. Our results show that the ion core has a significant impact on ionic radial distribution functions and thermodynamic properties when compared to the results obtained for the Yukawa potential, which does not take the ion core into account. Increasing the steepness of the core edge or decreasing the depth of the minimum leads to more pronounced screening due to bound electrons.
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Open AccessArticle
Control-Oriented Free-Boundary Equilibrium Solver for Tokamaks
Xiao Song, Brian Leard, Zibo Wang, Sai Tej Paruchuri, Tariq Rafiq and Eugenio Schuster
Plasma 2024, 7(4), 842-857; - 23 Oct 2024
A free-boundary equilibrium solver for an axisymmetric tokamak geometry was developed based on the finite difference method and Picard iteration in a rectangular computational area. The solver can run either in forward mode, where external coil currents are prescribed until the converged magnetic
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A free-boundary equilibrium solver for an axisymmetric tokamak geometry was developed based on the finite difference method and Picard iteration in a rectangular computational area. The solver can run either in forward mode, where external coil currents are prescribed until the converged magnetic flux function map is achieved, or in inverse mode, where the desired plasma boundary, with or without an X-point, is prescribed to determine the required coil currents. The equilibrium solutions are made consistent with prescribed plasma parameters, such as the total plasma current, poloidal beta, or safety factor at a specified flux surface. To verify the mathematical correctness and accuracy of the solver, the solution obtained using this numerical solver was compared with that from an analytic fixed-boundary equilibrium solver based on the EAST geometry. Additionally, the proposed solver was benchmarked against another numerical solver based on the finite-element and Newton-iteration methods in a triangular-based mesh. Finally, the proposed solver was compared with equilibrium reconstruction results in DIII-D experiments.
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(This article belongs to the Special Issue New Insights into Plasma Theory, Modeling and Predictive Simulations)
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Open AccessArticle
Energy Efficiency of Plasma Jets: Electrical Modeling Based on Experimental Results
Achraf Hani, Karim Saber, Alyen Abahazem and Nofel Merbahi
Plasma 2024, 7(4), 826-841; - 23 Oct 2024
This paper focuses on the determination of and improvement in the energy efficiency of plasma jets. To achieve this goal, an equivalent electrical model of a discharge reactor was developed, incorporating variable electrical parameters. The evolution of these parameters was determined by a
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This paper focuses on the determination of and improvement in the energy efficiency of plasma jets. To achieve this goal, an equivalent electrical model of a discharge reactor was developed, incorporating variable electrical parameters. The evolution of these parameters was determined by a mathematical identification method based on the recursive least squares algorithm (RLSA). The good agreement between the measured currents and those calculated using our electrical circuit, as well as the significant shapes of the estimated parameters, confirmed the accuracy of the parameter estimation method. This allowed us to use these parameters to determine the energy delivered to the reactor and that used during the discharge. This made our reactor controllable at the energy level. Thus, the ratio between these two energies allowed us to calculate the energy efficiency of plasma jets at each discharge instant. We also studied the effect of the applied voltage on efficiency. We found that efficiency was increased from 75% to 90% by increasing the voltage from 6 kV to 8 kV. All the results found in this work were interpreted and compared with the discharge behavior. This proposed model will help us to choose the right operating conditions to reach the maximum efficiency.
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(This article belongs to the Special Issue New Insights into Plasma Theory, Modeling and Predictive Simulations)
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Open AccessArticle
Polishing Ceramic Samples with Fast Argon Atoms at Different Angles of Their Incidence on the Sample Surface
Sergey N. Grigoriev, Alexander S. Metel, Marina A. Volosova, Enver S. Mustafaev and Yury A. Melnik
Plasma 2024, 7(4), 816-825; - 17 Oct 2024
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Mechanical polishing of a product makes it possible to decrease the roughness of its surface to Ra = 0.001 µm by rubbing it with a fine abrasive contained in a fabric or other soft material. This method takes too much time and is
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Mechanical polishing of a product makes it possible to decrease the roughness of its surface to Ra = 0.001 µm by rubbing it with a fine abrasive contained in a fabric or other soft material. This method takes too much time and is associated with abrasive particles and microscopic scratches remaining after the processing. As such, a non-contact treatment with plasma and accelerated particles has been chosen in the present work to study polishing of ceramic samples. The small angular divergence of fast argon atoms made it possible to obtain the dependence of the sample roughness on the angle α of the atom’s incidence on its surface. It was found that the roughness weakly depends on the angle α, if not exceeding the threshold value αo ~ 50°, and rapidly decreases with increasing α > αo. Polishing with fast argon atoms leads to a noticeable decrease in friction of ceramic samples.
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Open AccessReview
Formation of Fine Structures in Incompressible Hall Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence Simulations
Hideaki Miura
Plasma 2024, 7(4), 793-815; - 11 Oct 2024
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Hall magnetohydrodynamic simulations are often carried out to study the subjects of instabilities and turbulence of space and nuclear fusion plasmas in which sub-ion-scale effects are important. Hall effects on a structure formation at a small scale in homogeneous and isotropic turbulence are
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Hall magnetohydrodynamic simulations are often carried out to study the subjects of instabilities and turbulence of space and nuclear fusion plasmas in which sub-ion-scale effects are important. Hall effects on a structure formation at a small scale in homogeneous and isotropic turbulence are reviewed together with a simple comparison to a (non-Hall) MHD turbulence simulation. A comparison between MHD and Hall MHD simulations highlights a fine structure in Hall MHD turbulence. This enhancement of the fine structures by the Hall term can be understood in relation to the whistler waves at the sub-ion scale. The generation and enhancement of fine-scale sheet, filamentary, or tubular structures do not necessarily contradict one another.
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Open AccessArticle
Exploring Experimental Isotope Scaling and Density Limit in Tokamak Transport
Jan Weiland, Tariq Rafiq and Eugenio Schuster
Plasma 2024, 7(3), 780-792; - 23 Sep 2024
As it turns out, both isotope scaling and density limits are phenomena closely linked to fluid closure. The necessity to include ion viscosity arises for both phenomena. Thus, we have added ion viscosity to our model. The experimental isotope scaling has been successfully
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As it turns out, both isotope scaling and density limits are phenomena closely linked to fluid closure. The necessity to include ion viscosity arises for both phenomena. Thus, we have added ion viscosity to our model. The experimental isotope scaling has been successfully recovered in our fluid model through parameter scans. Although ion viscosity typically exerts a small effect, the density limit is manifested by increasing the density by approximately tenfold from the typical experimental density. In our case, this increase originates from the density in the Cyclone base case. Notably, these phenomena would not manifest with a gyro-Landau fluid closure. The isotope scaling is nullified by the addition of a gyro-Landau term, while the density limit results from permitting ion viscosity to become comparable to the gyro-Landau term. The mechanism of zonal flows, demonstrated analytically for the Dimits upshift, yields insights into the isotope scaling observed in experiments. In our approach, ion viscosity is introduced in place of the Landau fluid resonances found in some fluid models. This implies that the mechanism of isotope scaling operates at the level of fluid closure in connection with the generation of zonal flows. The strength of zonal flows in our model has been verified, particularly in connection with the successful simulation of the nonlinear Dimits shift. Consequently, a role is played by our approach in the temperature perturbation part of the Reynolds stress.
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(This article belongs to the Special Issue New Insights into Plasma Theory, Modeling and Predictive Simulations)
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Open AccessArticle
Methylene Blue Degradation Using Non-Thermal Plasma
Hae Kwang Kim, Geon Woo Yang and Yong Cheol Hong
Plasma 2024, 7(3), 767-779; - 19 Sep 2024
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Methylene blue (C16H18ClN3) dye can be decomposed using non-thermal plasma. However, there is a problem in that the maintenance of electrodes and dielectrics is necessary due to the durability and heat generation problems due to the high
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Methylene blue (C16H18ClN3) dye can be decomposed using non-thermal plasma. However, there is a problem in that the maintenance of electrodes and dielectrics is necessary due to the durability and heat generation problems due to the high temperatures. Therefore, in this study, a comparative experiment was performed between the flat DBD plasma module and the diffuser DBD module under the same conditions. For methylene blue decomposition, the characteristic changes in the air flow rate, ozone production rate, energy consumption rate, and decomposition rate were compared. In the experiment, 7 L water was placed in a 15 L reactor, and measurements were performed for approximately 1 h. We performed the same process by setting the initial methylene blue concentration to 143 mg/L. According to the results, the flat DBD module achieved a decomposition rate of 100% in 40 min, an energy yield of 46.7 g/kWh, and an ozone generation amount of 6.5 g/h. The diffuser DBD module achieved a decomposition rate of 90%, an energy production of 24.6 g/kWh, and an ozone generation of 1.97 g/h in 60 min.
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Open AccessArticle
Plasma Coating for Hydrophobisation of Micro- and Nanotextured Electrocatalyst Materials
Georgia Esselbach, Ka Wai Hui, Iliana Delcheva, Zhongfan Jia and Melanie MacGregor
Plasma 2024, 7(3), 749-766; - 17 Sep 2024
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The need for sustainable energy solutions is steering research towards green fuels. One promising approach involves electrocatalytic gas conversion, which requires efficient catalyst surfaces. This study focuses on developing and testing a hydrophobic octadiene (OD) coating for potential use in electrocatalytic gas conversion.
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The need for sustainable energy solutions is steering research towards green fuels. One promising approach involves electrocatalytic gas conversion, which requires efficient catalyst surfaces. This study focuses on developing and testing a hydrophobic octadiene (OD) coating for potential use in electrocatalytic gas conversion. The approach aims to combine a plasma-deposited hydrophobic coating with air-trapping micro- and nanotopographies to increase the yield of electrocatalytic reactions. Plasma polymerisation was used to deposit OD films, chosen for their fluorine-free non-polar properties, onto titanium substrates. We assessed the stability and charge permeability of these hydrophobic coatings under electrochemical conditions relevant to electrocatalysis. Our findings indicate that plasma-deposited OD films, combined with micro-texturing, could improve the availability of reactant gases at the catalyst surface while limiting water access. In the presence of nanotextures, however, the OD-coated catalyst did not retain its hydrophobicity. This approach holds promise to inform the future development of catalyst materials for the electrocatalytic conversion of dinitrogen (N2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) into green fuels.
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Open AccessArticle
Pharmaceutically Active Compound (PhAC) Degradation by Means of Cold Plasma Jet Treatment
Alkistis Kanteraki, Ekavi Aikaterini Isari, Eleni Grilla, Konstantinos Giotis, Ioannis Kalavrouziotis and Panagiotis Svarnas
Plasma 2024, 7(3), 733-748; - 16 Sep 2024
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The occurrence of emerging micropollutants of pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) in the environment poses a public health concern. Due to PhAC persistence and toxicity even at low concentrations, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) have gained interest as effective treatment methods. In this context, the
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The occurrence of emerging micropollutants of pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) in the environment poses a public health concern. Due to PhAC persistence and toxicity even at low concentrations, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) have gained interest as effective treatment methods. In this context, the present study focuses on the application of a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD)-based plasma jet to Diclofenac (DCF) and Sulfamethoxazole (SMX) degradation in aqueous media. Plasma is sustained by continuous-wave sinusoidal high-voltage of audio frequencies, and negligible total harmonic distortion, in a helium–air mixture. The target pharmaceuticals are chosen based on anticipation of their occurrence due to rehabilitation center (DCF) and hospital (SMX) effluents in sewage systems. The degradation rates are determined by Liquid Chromatography Triple-Quadrupole Mass Spectroscopy (LC-MS/MS). Removal efficiency close to 100%, after 20 min of plasma treatment in the case of DCF at an initial concentration of 50 ppb, is achieved. The post-treatment action of the plasma-induced reactants on PhAC degradation over a day-scale period is studied. The results provide an insight into the dynamic degradation (kinetics) of both DCF and SMX, and they overall highlight the potentiality of the process under consideration for sewage remediation.
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Dielectric Barrier Discharges 2024
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Electrostatic Coherent Structures in Planetary Magnetospheres: Observations, Theory and Simulations
Guest Editors: Gurbax Lakhina, Satyavir SinghDeadline: 15 October 2025
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