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Fractal Fract., Volume 7, Issue 12 (December 2023) – 60 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): A sinuous antenna is a frequency-independent antenna known for its wide bandwidth and consistent gain. This makes it valuable in broadband applications, such as in the use of an ultrawideband (UWB) radar and a ground-penetrating radar (GPR). Despite its advantages, the large size of the sinuous antenna poses challenges in applications that simultaneously demand both miniaturization and broadband capabilities. This paper introduces a fractal-structured sinuous antenna to address this issue, combining the sinuous curve equation with meandering. The proposed antenna exhibits a broader impedance bandwidth and a reduced size compared to previously studied sinuous antennas. View this paper
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12 pages, 933 KiB  
Fractional Criticality Theory and Its Application in Seismology
by Boris Shevtsov and Olga Sheremetyeva
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 890; - 18 Dec 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1655
To understand how the temporal non-locality («memory») properties of a process affect its critical regimes, the power-law compound and time-fractional Poisson process is presented as a universal hereditary model of criticality. Seismicity is considered as an application of the theory of criticality. On [...] Read more.
To understand how the temporal non-locality («memory») properties of a process affect its critical regimes, the power-law compound and time-fractional Poisson process is presented as a universal hereditary model of criticality. Seismicity is considered as an application of the theory of criticality. On the basis of the proposed hereditarian criticality model, the critical regimes of seismicity are investigated. It is shown that the seismic process has the property of «memory» (non-locality over time) and statistical time-dependence of events. With a decrease in the fractional exponent of the Poisson process, the relaxation slows down, which can be associated with the hardening of the medium and the accumulation of elastic energy. Delayed relaxation is accompanied by an abnormal increase in fluctuations, which is caused by the non-local correlations of random events over time. According to the found criticality indices, the seismic process is in subcritical regimes for the zero and first moments and in supercritical regimes for the second statistical moment of events’ reoccurrence frequencies distribution. The supercritical regimes indicate the instability of the deformation changes that can go into a non-stationary regime of a seismic process. Full article
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26 pages, 740 KiB  
Solitary Waves Propagation Analysis in Nonlinear Dynamical System of Fractional Coupled Boussinesq-Whitham-Broer-Kaup Equation
by M. Mossa Al-Sawalha, Safyan Mukhtar, Rasool Shah, Abdul Hamid Ganie and Khaled Moaddy
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 889; - 18 Dec 2023
Cited by 11 | Viewed by 1770
The primary goal of this study is to create and characterise solitary wave solutions for the conformable Fractional Coupled Boussinesq-Whitham-Broer-Kaup Equations (FCBWBKEs), a model that governs shallow water waves. Through wave transformations and the chain rule, the authors used the modified Extended Direct [...] Read more.
The primary goal of this study is to create and characterise solitary wave solutions for the conformable Fractional Coupled Boussinesq-Whitham-Broer-Kaup Equations (FCBWBKEs), a model that governs shallow water waves. Through wave transformations and the chain rule, the authors used the modified Extended Direct Algebraic Method (mEDAM) for transforming FCBWBKEs into a more manageable Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equation (NODE). This accomplishment is particularly noteworthy because it surpasses the drawbacks linked to both the Caputo and Riemann–Liouville definitions in complying to the chain rule. The study uses visual representations such as 3D, 2D, and contour graphs to demonstrate the dynamic nature of solitary wave solutions. Furthermore, the investigation of diverse wave phenomena such as kinks, shock waves, periodic waves, and bell-shaped kink waves highlights the range of knowledge obtained in the study of shallow water wave behavior. Overall, this study introduces novel methodologies that produce valuable and consistent results for the problem under consideration. Full article
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23 pages, 7925 KiB  
Global Dynamics and Bifurcations of an Oscillator with Symmetric Irrational Nonlinearities
by Rong Liu and Huilin Shang
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 888; - 18 Dec 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1489
This study’s objective is an irrationally nonlinear oscillating system, whose bifurcations and consequent multi-stability under the circumstances of single potential well and double potential wells are investigated in detail to further reveal the mechanism of the transition of resonance and its utilization. First, [...] Read more.
This study’s objective is an irrationally nonlinear oscillating system, whose bifurcations and consequent multi-stability under the circumstances of single potential well and double potential wells are investigated in detail to further reveal the mechanism of the transition of resonance and its utilization. First, static bifurcations of its nondimensional system are discussed. It is found that variations of two structural parameters can induce different numbers and natures of potential wells. Next, the cases of mono-potential wells and double wells are explored. The forms and stabilities of the resonant responses within each potential well and the inter-well resonant responses are discussed via different theoretical methods. The results show that the natural frequencies and trends of frequency responses in the cases of mono- and double-potential wells are totally different; as a result of the saddle-node bifurcations of resonant solutions, raising the excitation level or frequency can lead to the coexistence of bistable responses within each well and cause an inter-well periodic response. Moreover, in addition to verifying the accuracy of the theoretical prediction, numerical results considering the disturbance of initial conditions are presented to detect complicated dynamical behaviors such as jump between coexisting resonant responses, intra-well period-two responses and chaos. The results herein provide a theoretical foundation for designing and utilizing the multi-stable behaviors of irrationally nonlinear oscillators. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics: Theory, Methods and Applications)
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31 pages, 8215 KiB  
Exploiting Newly Designed Fractional-Order 3D Lorenz Chaotic System and 2D Discrete Polynomial Hyper-Chaotic Map for High-Performance Multi-Image Encryption
by Wei Feng, Quanwen Wang, Hui Liu, Yu Ren, Junhao Zhang, Shubo Zhang, Kun Qian and Heping Wen
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 887; - 16 Dec 2023
Cited by 63 | Viewed by 2573
Chaos-based image encryption has become a prominent area of research in recent years. In comparison to ordinary chaotic systems, fractional-order chaotic systems tend to have a greater number of control parameters and more complex dynamical characteristics. Thus, an increasing number of researchers are [...] Read more.
Chaos-based image encryption has become a prominent area of research in recent years. In comparison to ordinary chaotic systems, fractional-order chaotic systems tend to have a greater number of control parameters and more complex dynamical characteristics. Thus, an increasing number of researchers are introducing fractional-order chaotic systems to enhance the security of chaos-based image encryption. However, their suggested algorithms still suffer from some security, practicality, and efficiency problems. To address these problems, we first constructed a new fractional-order 3D Lorenz chaotic system and a 2D sinusoidally constrained polynomial hyper-chaotic map (2D-SCPM). Then, we elaborately developed a multi-image encryption algorithm based on the new fractional-order 3D Lorenz chaotic system and 2D-SCPM (MIEA-FCSM). The introduction of the fractional-order 3D Lorenz chaotic system with the fourth parameter not only enables MIEA-FCSM to have a significantly large key space but also enhances its overall security. Compared with recent alternatives, the structure of 2D-SCPM is simpler and more conducive to application implementation. In our proposed MIEA-FCSM, multi-channel fusion initially reduces the number of pixels to one-sixth of the original. Next, after two rounds of plaintext-related chaotic random substitution, dynamic diffusion, and fast scrambling, the fused 2D pixel matrix is eventually encrypted into the ciphertext one. According to numerous experiments and analyses, MIEA-FCSM obtained excellent scores for key space (2541), correlation coefficients (<0.004), information entropy (7.9994), NPCR (99.6098%), and UACI (33.4659%). Significantly, MIEA-FCSM also attained an average encryption rate as high as 168.5608 Mbps. Due to the superiority of the new fractional-order chaotic system, 2D-SCPM, and targeted designs, MIEA-FCSM outperforms many recently reported leading image encryption algorithms. Full article
(This article belongs to the Topic Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics: Methods and Applications)
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14 pages, 7105 KiB  
Complex Rayleigh–van-der-Pol–Duffing Oscillators: Dynamics, Phase, Antiphase Synchronization, and Image Encryption
by Asma Al Themairi, Gamal M. Mahmoud, Ahmed A. Farghaly and Tarek M. Abed-Elhameed
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 886; - 15 Dec 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1471
This paper introduces the complex Rayleigh–van-der- Pol–Duffing oscillators (RVDOs), which are hyperchaotic and can be autonomous or nonautonomous. The fundamental dynamics of the autonomous and nonautonomous complex RVDOs, including dissipation, symmetry, fixed points, and stability, are studied. These oscillators are found in various [...] Read more.
This paper introduces the complex Rayleigh–van-der- Pol–Duffing oscillators (RVDOs), which are hyperchaotic and can be autonomous or nonautonomous. The fundamental dynamics of the autonomous and nonautonomous complex RVDOs, including dissipation, symmetry, fixed points, and stability, are studied. These oscillators are found in various necessary fields of physics and engineering. The paper proposes a scheme to achieve phase synchronization (PS) and antiphase synchronization (APS) for different dimensional models. These kinds of synchronization are considered a generalization of several other types of synchronization. We use the active control method based on Lyapunov’s stability theory for this scheme. By analytically determining the control functions, the scheme achieved PS and APS. Our scheme is applied to study the PS of hyperchaotic behaviors for two distinct hyperchaotic nonautonomous and autonomous complex RVDOs. Additionally, the scheme is employed to achieve the APS of a chaotic real nonautonomous RVDO and a hyperchaotic complex autonomous RVDO, including those with different dimensions. Our work presents numerical results that plot the amplitudes and phases of these hyperchaotic behaviors, demonstrating the achievement of the PS and APS. The encryption and decryption of grayscale images are researched based on APS. The experimental results of image encryption and decryption are computed with information entropy, visual analysis, and histograms. Full article
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12 pages, 2379 KiB  
Fractional Photoconduction and Nonlinear Optical Behavior in ZnO Micro and Nanostructures
by Victor Manuel Garcia-de-los-Rios, Jose Alberto Arano-Martínez, Martin Trejo-Valdez, Martha Leticia Hernández-Pichardo, Mónica Araceli Vidales-Hurtado and Carlos Torres-Torres
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 885; - 15 Dec 2023
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 1692
A fractional description for the optically induced mechanisms responsible for conductivity and multiphotonic effects in ZnO nanomaterials is studied here. Photoconductive, electrical, and nonlinear optical phenomena exhibited by pure micro and nanostructured ZnO samples were analyzed. A hydrothermal approach was used to synthetize [...] Read more.
A fractional description for the optically induced mechanisms responsible for conductivity and multiphotonic effects in ZnO nanomaterials is studied here. Photoconductive, electrical, and nonlinear optical phenomena exhibited by pure micro and nanostructured ZnO samples were analyzed. A hydrothermal approach was used to synthetize ZnO micro-sized crystals, while a spray pyrolysis technique was employed to prepare ZnO nanostructures. A contrast in the fractional electrical behavior and photoconductivity was identified for the samples studied. A positive nonlinear refractive index was measured on the nanoscale sample using the z-scan technique, which endows it with a dominant real part for the third-order optical nonlinearity. The absence of nonlinear optical absorption, along with a strong optical Kerr effect in the ZnO nanostructures, shows favorable perspectives for their potential use in the development of all-optical switching devices. Fractional models for predicting electronic and nonlinear interactions in nanosystems could pave the way for the development of optoelectronic circuits and ultrafast functions controlled by ZnO photo technology. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Fractional Mathematical Modelling: Theory, Methods and Applications)
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11 pages, 368 KiB  
Some Results on Fractional Boundary Value Problem for Caputo-Hadamard Fractional Impulsive Integro Differential Equations
by Ymnah Alruwaily, Kuppusamy Venkatachalam and El-sayed El-hady
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 884; - 14 Dec 2023
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 1487
The results for a new modeling integral boundary value problem (IBVP) using Caputo-Hadamard impulsive fractional integro-differential equations (C-HIFI-DE) with Banach space are investigated, along with the existence and uniqueness of solutions. The Krasnoselskii fixed-point theorem (KFPT) and the Banach contraction principle (BCP) serve [...] Read more.
The results for a new modeling integral boundary value problem (IBVP) using Caputo-Hadamard impulsive fractional integro-differential equations (C-HIFI-DE) with Banach space are investigated, along with the existence and uniqueness of solutions. The Krasnoselskii fixed-point theorem (KFPT) and the Banach contraction principle (BCP) serve as the basis of this unique strategy, and are used to achieve the desired results. We develop the illustrated examples at the end of the paper to support the validity of the theoretical statements. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Fractional Modeling and Computation)
16 pages, 329 KiB  
Faber Polynomial Coefficient Inequalities for a Subclass of Bi-Close-To-Convex Functions Associated with Fractional Differential Operator
by Ferdous M. O. Tawfiq, Fairouz Tchier and Luminita-Ioana Cotîrlă
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 883; - 14 Dec 2023
Viewed by 1168
In this study, we begin by examining the τ-fractional differintegral operator and proceed to establish a novel subclass in the open unit disk E. The determination of the nth coefficient bound for functions within this recently established class is accomplished [...] Read more.
In this study, we begin by examining the τ-fractional differintegral operator and proceed to establish a novel subclass in the open unit disk E. The determination of the nth coefficient bound for functions within this recently established class is accomplished by the use of the Faber polynomial expansion approach. Additionally, we examine the behavior of the initial coefficients of bi-close-to-convex functions defined by the τ-fractional differintegral operator, which may exhibit unexpected reactions. We established connections between our current research and prior studies in order to validate our significant findings. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section General Mathematics, Analysis)
41 pages, 3964 KiB  
Radial Basis Functions Approximation Method for Time-Fractional FitzHugh–Nagumo Equation
by Mehboob Alam, Sirajul Haq, Ihteram Ali, M. J. Ebadi and Soheil Salahshour
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 882; - 13 Dec 2023
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 1628
In this paper, a numerical approach employing radial basis functions has been applied to solve time-fractional FitzHugh–Nagumo equation. Spatial approximation is achieved by combining radial basis functions with the collocation method, while temporal discretization is accomplished using a finite difference scheme. To evaluate [...] Read more.
In this paper, a numerical approach employing radial basis functions has been applied to solve time-fractional FitzHugh–Nagumo equation. Spatial approximation is achieved by combining radial basis functions with the collocation method, while temporal discretization is accomplished using a finite difference scheme. To evaluate the effectiveness of this method, we first conduct an eigenvalue stability analysis and then validate the results with numerical examples, varying the shape parameter c of the radial basis functions. Notably, this method offers the advantage of being mesh-free, which reduces computational overhead and eliminates the need for complex mesh generation processes. To assess the method’s performance, we subject it to examples. The simulated results demonstrate a high level of agreement with exact solutions and previous research. The accuracy and efficiency of this method are evaluated using discrete error norms, including L2L, and Lrms. Full article
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11 pages, 7253 KiB  
Novel Low-Pass Two-Dimensional Mittag–Leffler Filter and Its Application in Image Processing
by Ivo Petráš
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 881; - 13 Dec 2023
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 1823
This paper presents an innovative Mittag–Leffler two-dimensional filter and its application in image processing. The proposed filter leverages the utilization of a Mittag–Leffler function within the probability density function. It introduces three adjustable filter parameters that enable the manipulation of the curve shape [...] Read more.
This paper presents an innovative Mittag–Leffler two-dimensional filter and its application in image processing. The proposed filter leverages the utilization of a Mittag–Leffler function within the probability density function. It introduces three adjustable filter parameters that enable the manipulation of the curve shape and the filter’s forgetting factor. Moreover, a two-dimensional Mittag–Leffler distribution was defined and used for the first time in an image filter. By conducting a comparative analysis against conventional filtering techniques, the paper showcases the distinct advantages of the proposed filter through illustrative examples. Additionally, the paper provides detailed implementation explanations and presents the Matlab function corresponding to the proposed two-dimensional filter. Full article
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19 pages, 6816 KiB  
High-Accuracy Simulation of Rayleigh Waves Using Fractional Viscoelastic Wave Equation
by Yinfeng Wang, Jilong Lu, Ying Shi, Ning Wang and Liguo Han
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 880; - 12 Dec 2023
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 1979
The propagation of Rayleigh waves is usually accompanied by dispersion, which becomes more complex with inherent attenuation. The accurate simulation of Rayleigh waves in attenuation media is crucial for understanding wave mechanisms, layer thickness identification, and parameter inversion. Although the vacuum formalism or [...] Read more.
The propagation of Rayleigh waves is usually accompanied by dispersion, which becomes more complex with inherent attenuation. The accurate simulation of Rayleigh waves in attenuation media is crucial for understanding wave mechanisms, layer thickness identification, and parameter inversion. Although the vacuum formalism or stress image method (SIM) combined with the generalized standard linear solid (GSLS) is widely used to implement the numerical simulation of Rayleigh waves in attenuation media, this type of method still has its limitations. First, the GSLS model cannot split the velocity dispersion and amplitude attenuation term, thus limiting its application in the Q-compensated reverse time migration/full waveform inversion. In addition, GSLS-model-based wave equation is usually numerically solved using staggered-grid finite-difference (SGFD) method, which may result in the numerical dispersion due to the harsh stability condition and poses complexity and computational burden. To overcome these issues, we propose a high-accuracy Rayleigh-waves simulation scheme that involves the integration of the fractional viscoelastic wave equation and vacuum formalism. The proposed scheme not only decouples the amplitude attenuation and velocity dispersion but also significantly suppresses the numerical dispersion of Rayleigh waves under the same grid sizes. We first use a homogeneous elastic model to demonstrate the accuracy in comparison with the analytical solutions, and the correctness for a viscoelastic half-space model is verified by comparing the phase velocities with the dispersive images generated by the phase shift transformation. We then simulate several two-dimensional synthetic models to analyze the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed method. The results show that the proposed method uses twice as many spatial step sizes and takes 0.6 times that of the GSLS method (solved by the SGFD method) when achieved at 95% accuracy. Full article
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13 pages, 331 KiB  
Fractional Maclaurin-Type Inequalities for Multiplicatively Convex Functions
by Meriem Merad, Badreddine Meftah, Abdelkader Moumen and Mohamed Bouye
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 879; - 12 Dec 2023
Cited by 7 | Viewed by 1477
This paper’s major goal is to prove some symmetrical Maclaurin-type integral inequalities inside the framework of multiplicative calculus. In order to accomplish this and after giving some basic tools, we have established a new integral identity. Based on this identity, some symmetrical Maclaurin-type [...] Read more.
This paper’s major goal is to prove some symmetrical Maclaurin-type integral inequalities inside the framework of multiplicative calculus. In order to accomplish this and after giving some basic tools, we have established a new integral identity. Based on this identity, some symmetrical Maclaurin-type inequalities have been constructed for functions whose multiplicative derivatives are bounded as well as convex. At the end, some applications to special means are provided. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue New Trends on Generalized Fractional Calculus)
14 pages, 2444 KiB  
On Constructing a Family of Sixth-Order Methods for Multiple Roots
by Young Hee Geum
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 878; - 11 Dec 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1371
A family of three-point, sixth-order, multiple-zero solvers is developed, and special cases of weight functions are investigated based on polynomials and low-order rational functions. The chosen cases of the proposed iterative method are compared with existing methods. The experiments show the superiority of [...] Read more.
A family of three-point, sixth-order, multiple-zero solvers is developed, and special cases of weight functions are investigated based on polynomials and low-order rational functions. The chosen cases of the proposed iterative method are compared with existing methods. The experiments show the superiority of the proposed schemes in terms of the number of divergent points and the average number of function evaluations per point. The dynamical characteristics of the developed methods, along with their illustrations, are represented with detailed analyses, comparisons, and comments. Full article
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18 pages, 355 KiB  
Symmetry of Ancient Solution for Fractional Parabolic Equation Involving Logarithmic Laplacian
by Wei Zhang, Yong He and Zerong Yang
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 877; - 11 Dec 2023
Viewed by 1288
In this research, we focus on the symmetry of an ancient solution for a fractional parabolic equation involving logarithmic Laplacian in an entire space. In the process of studying the property of a fractional parabolic equation, we obtained some maximum principles, such as [...] Read more.
In this research, we focus on the symmetry of an ancient solution for a fractional parabolic equation involving logarithmic Laplacian in an entire space. In the process of studying the property of a fractional parabolic equation, we obtained some maximum principles, such as the maximum principle of anti-symmetric function, narrow region principle, and so on. We will demonstrate how to apply these tools to obtain radial symmetry of an ancient solution. Full article
21 pages, 701 KiB  
Improved Results on Delay-Dependent and Order-Dependent Criteria of Fractional-Order Neural Networks with Time Delay Based on Sampled-Data Control
by Junzhou Dai, Lianglin Xiong, Haiyang Zhang and Weiguo Rui
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 876; - 11 Dec 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1426
This paper studies the asymptotic stability of fractional-order neural networks (FONNs) with time delay utilizing a sampled-data controller. Firstly, a novel class of Lyapunov–Krasovskii functions (LKFs) is established, in which time delay and fractional-order information are fully taken into account. Secondly, by combining [...] Read more.
This paper studies the asymptotic stability of fractional-order neural networks (FONNs) with time delay utilizing a sampled-data controller. Firstly, a novel class of Lyapunov–Krasovskii functions (LKFs) is established, in which time delay and fractional-order information are fully taken into account. Secondly, by combining with the fractional-order Leibniz–Newton formula, LKFs, and other analysis techniques, some less conservative stability criteria that depend on time delay and fractional-order information are given in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). In the meantime, the sampled-data controller gain is developed under a larger sampling interval. Last, the proposed criteria are shown to be valid and less conservative than the existing ones using three numerical examples. Full article
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14 pages, 3239 KiB  
The Early Diagnosis of Rolling Bearings’ Faults Using Fractional Fourier Transform Information Fusion and a Lightweight Neural Network
by Fengyun Xie, Gang Li, Chengjie Song and Minghua Song
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 875; - 10 Dec 2023
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 1725
In response to challenges associated with feature extraction and diagnostic models’ complexity in the early diagnosis of bearings’ faults, this paper presents an innovative approach for the early fault diagnosis of rolling bearings. This method combined concepts from frequency domain signal analysis with [...] Read more.
In response to challenges associated with feature extraction and diagnostic models’ complexity in the early diagnosis of bearings’ faults, this paper presents an innovative approach for the early fault diagnosis of rolling bearings. This method combined concepts from frequency domain signal analysis with lightweight neural networks. To begin, vibration signals from rolling bearings were collected using vibration sensors, and the mean square value was utilized as an indicator for accurate early fault signal extraction. Subsequently, employing the fractional Fourier transform, the time domain signal was converted into a frequency domain signal, which provided more detailed frequency feature information. The fusion process combined amplitude frequency and phase frequency information, and was visualized as a Gram angle field map. The lightweight neural network Xception was selected as the primary fault diagnosis tool. Xception, a convolutional neural network (CNN) variant, was chosen for its lightweight design, which maintains excellent performance while significantly reducing model parameters. The experimental results demonstrated that the Xception model excelled in rolling bearing fault diagnosis, particularly when utilizing fused information datasets. This outcome underscores the advantages of combining information fusion and the Xception model to enhance the accuracy of early rolling bearing fault diagnosis, and offers a viable solution for health monitoring and fault diagnosis in industrial settings. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Recent Advances in Fractional Fourier Transforms and Applications)
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15 pages, 7554 KiB  
A Multi-Task Learning Framework of Stable Q-Compensated Reverse Time Migration Based on Fractional Viscoacoustic Wave Equation
by Zongan Xue, Yanyan Ma, Shengjian Wang, Huayu Hu and Qingqing Li
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 874; - 10 Dec 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1491
Q-compensated reverse time migration (Q-RTM) is a crucial technique in seismic imaging. However, stability is a prominent concern due to the exponential increase in high-frequency ambient noise during seismic wavefield propagation. The two primary strategies for mitigating instability in Q [...] Read more.
Q-compensated reverse time migration (Q-RTM) is a crucial technique in seismic imaging. However, stability is a prominent concern due to the exponential increase in high-frequency ambient noise during seismic wavefield propagation. The two primary strategies for mitigating instability in Q-RTM are regularization and low-pass filtering. Q-RTM instability can be addressed through regularization. However, determining the appropriate regularization parameters is often an experimental process, leading to challenges in accurately recovering the wavefield. Another approach to control instability is low-pass filtering. Nevertheless, selecting the cutoff frequency for different Q values is a complex task. In situations with low signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) in seismic data, using low-pass filtering can make Q-RTM highly unstable. The need for a small cutoff frequency for stability can result in a significant loss of high-frequency signals. In this study, we propose a multi-task learning (MTL) framework that leverages data-driven concepts to address the issue of amplitude attenuation in seismic records, particularly when dealing with instability during the Q-RTM (reverse time migration with Q-attenuation) process. Our innovative framework is executed using a convolutional neural network. This network has the capability to both predict and compensate for the missing high-frequency components caused by Q-effects while simultaneously reconstructing the low-frequency information present in seismograms. This approach helps mitigate overwhelming instability phenomena and enhances the overall generalization capacity of the model. Numerical examples demonstrate that our Q-RTM results closely align with the reference images, indicating the effectiveness of our proposed MTL frequency-extension method. This method effectively compensates for the attenuation of high-frequency signals and mitigates the instability issues associated with the traditional Q-RTM process. Full article
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27 pages, 11156 KiB  
Load Distribution Analysis and Contact Stiffness Prediction of the Dual-Drive Ball Screw Pair Considering Guide Rail Geometric Error and Slide Position
by Zhifeng Liu, Weiliang Zuo, Baobao Qi, Chuanhai Chen, Jinyan Guo, Dong Li and Shan Gao
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 873; - 10 Dec 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2066
The dual-drive ball screw pair serves as a crucial element within the fixed gantry machine tool with cross-rail movement. When in service, the dual-drive ball screw pair experiences variations in axial load, impacting the contact load distribution of the ball screw pair. A [...] Read more.
The dual-drive ball screw pair serves as a crucial element within the fixed gantry machine tool with cross-rail movement. When in service, the dual-drive ball screw pair experiences variations in axial load, impacting the contact load distribution of the ball screw pair. A calculation model for determining the axial load offset of the dual-drive ball screw pair is proposed to investigate the variation in axial load. The impact of the geometric error associated with the guide rail and the position of the slide are considered. This paper presents the contact load distribution model for the dual-drive ball screw pair. This study investigates the contact load and contact angle distribution of the dual-drive ball screw pair during the machine tool in service. Additionally, based on fractal theory, the stiffness models of individual micro-convex body and contact surfaces have been established. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the contact stiffness of the ball screw pair, considering the influence of guide rail geometric error and slide position. In addition, the three-dimensional surface morphology of ball screw pair is obtained by experiments. This paper investigates the contact stiffness distribution of dual-drive ball screw pair during service. Full article
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14 pages, 2108 KiB  
Synchronization of Julia Sets in Three-Dimensional Discrete Financial Models
by Zhongyuan Zhao, Yongping Zhang and Dadong Tian
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 872; - 9 Dec 2023
Viewed by 1496
When aiming to achieve consistency in fractal characteristics between different models, it is crucial to consider the synchronization of Julia sets. This paper studies the synchronization of Julia sets in three-dimensional discrete financial models. First, three-dimensional discrete financial models with different model parameters [...] Read more.
When aiming to achieve consistency in fractal characteristics between different models, it is crucial to consider the synchronization of Julia sets. This paper studies the synchronization of Julia sets in three-dimensional discrete financial models. First, three-dimensional discrete financial models with different model parameters are proposed and their Julia sets are presented. According to the model forms, two kinds of synchronous couplers that can achieve synchronization of Julia sets between different models are designed by changing the synchronization parameters. The proposed synchronization method is theoretically derived and the efficiency of different synchronous couplers are compared. Finally, the effectiveness is verified by Julia sets graphics. This method has reference value for theoretical research into financial models in the field of fractals. Full article
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23 pages, 12146 KiB  
Otsu Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on Hybrid Fractional-Order Butterfly Optimization
by Yu Ma, Ziqian Ding, Jing Zhang and Zhiqiang Ma
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 871; - 8 Dec 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1685
To solve the drawbacks of the Otsu image segmentation algorithm based on traditional butterfly optimization, such as slow convergence speed and poor segmentation accuracy, this paper proposes hybrid fractional-order butterfly optimization with the Otsu image segmentation algorithm. G-L-type fractional-order differentiation is combined with [...] Read more.
To solve the drawbacks of the Otsu image segmentation algorithm based on traditional butterfly optimization, such as slow convergence speed and poor segmentation accuracy, this paper proposes hybrid fractional-order butterfly optimization with the Otsu image segmentation algorithm. G-L-type fractional-order differentiation is combined with the algorithm’s global search to improve the position-updating method, which enhances the algorithm’s convergence speed and prevents it from falling into local optima. The sine-cosine algorithm is introduced in the local search step, and Caputo-type fractional-order differentiation is used to avoid the disadvantages of the sine-cosine algorithm and to improve the optimization accuracy of the algorithm. By dynamically converting the probability, the ratio of global search to local search is changed to attain high-efficiency and high-accuracy optimization. Based on the 2-D grayscale gradient distribution histogram, the trace of discrete matrices between classes is chosen as the fitness function, the best segmentation threshold is searched for, image segmentation is processed, and three categories of images are chosen to proceed with the segmentation test. The experimental results show that, compared with traditional butterfly optimization, the convergence rate of hybrid fractional-order butterfly optimization with the Otsu image segmentation algorithm is improved by about 73.38%; meanwhile, it has better segmentation accuracy than traditional butterfly optimization. Full article
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26 pages, 2111 KiB  
Chance or Chaos? Fractal Geometry Aimed to Inspect the Nature of Bitcoin
by Esther Cabezas-Rivas, Felipe Sánchez-Coll and Isaac Tormo-Xaixo
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 870; - 7 Dec 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 3224
The aim of this paper is to analyse Bitcoin in order to shed some light on its nature and behaviour. We select 9 cryptocurrencies that account for almost 75% of total market capitalisation and compare their evolution with that of a wide variety [...] Read more.
The aim of this paper is to analyse Bitcoin in order to shed some light on its nature and behaviour. We select 9 cryptocurrencies that account for almost 75% of total market capitalisation and compare their evolution with that of a wide variety of traditional assets: commodities with spot and future contracts, treasury bonds, stock indices, and growth and value stocks. Fractal geometry will be applied to carry out a careful statistical analysis of the performance of Bitcoin returns. As a main conclusion, we have detected a high degree of persistence in its prices, which decreases the efficiency but increases its predictability. Moreover, we observe that the underlying technology influences price dynamics, with fully decentralised cryptocurrencies being the only ones to exhibit self-similarity features at any time scale. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section General Mathematics, Analysis)
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23 pages, 12345 KiB  
Study on the Influence of Sample Size on the Mechanical and Integrity Characteristics of Coal Measure Sandstone under High Strain Rate
by Enbing Yi and Zhenhua Li
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 869; - 6 Dec 2023
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 1390
In order to explore the size effect of the mechanical and damage characteristics of coal measure sand stones under dynamic load, uniaxial impact compression tests were carried out on coal-bearing sand stones with a diameter of 50 mm and a length–diameter ratio of [...] Read more.
In order to explore the size effect of the mechanical and damage characteristics of coal measure sand stones under dynamic load, uniaxial impact compression tests were carried out on coal-bearing sand stones with a diameter of 50 mm and a length–diameter ratio of L/R = 0.5, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.5, 1.8, and 2 by using the Hopkinson pressure bar test system. The size effect law of the mechanical properties and energy dissipation of coal-bearing sandstone under a high strain rate were investigated. Then, the mercury injection test was carried out on the fragments at different positions, and the electron microscope scanning test was carried out on the fragments near the end of the transmission rod. Based on the area damage definition method and normalization treatment, the integrity model of coal measure sandstone, considering the influence of the length–diameter ratio, was established. The results showed that the peak strength and dynamic elastic modulus of coal measure sandstone increased first and then decreased with the increase in length–diameter ratio under impact compression load, and they reached the maximum when the length–diameter ratio was 1.2. The dynamic peak strain increased gradually with the increase in length–diameter ratio. The energy of coal-bearing sandstone showed strong size effect, that is, the total absorbed energy, elastic energy, and dissipated energy increased with the increase in length–diameter ratio, and the size effect of total absorbed energy was the most obvious. Under the same impact pressure, the porosity of coal-bearing sand stones with seven kinds of length–diameter ratios near the incident end was roughly the same. But when the length–diameter ratio was greater than 0.5, the porosity decreased gradually with the increase in the distance from the incident end. And the larger the length–diameter ratio, the more obvious the decreasing trend. When the length–diameter ratio was smaller, the size of the holes and cracks and the cluster density were larger. The integrity model of coal measure sandstone, considering the influence of the length–diameter ratio, showed that the larger the length–diameter ratio, the better the relative integrity of coal-bearing sandstone. Full article
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24 pages, 724 KiB  
Finite Difference Scheme and Finite Volume Scheme for Fractional Laplacian Operator and Some Applications
by Junjie Wang, Shoucheng Yuan and Xiao Liu
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 868; - 6 Dec 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1513
The fractional Laplacian operator is a very important fractional operator that is often used to describe several anomalous diffusion phenomena. In this paper, we develop some numerical schemes, including a finite difference scheme and finite volume scheme for the fractional Laplacian operator, and [...] Read more.
The fractional Laplacian operator is a very important fractional operator that is often used to describe several anomalous diffusion phenomena. In this paper, we develop some numerical schemes, including a finite difference scheme and finite volume scheme for the fractional Laplacian operator, and apply the resulting numerical schemes to solve some fractional diffusion equations. First, the fractional Laplacian operator can be characterized as the weak singular integral by an integral operator with zero boundary condition. Second, because the solutions of fractional diffusion equations are usually singular near the boundary, we use a fractional interpolation function in the region near the boundary and use a classical interpolation function in other intervals. Then, we apply a finite difference scheme to the discrete fractional Laplacian operator and fractional diffusion equation with the above fractional interpolation function and classical interpolation function. Moreover, it is found that the differential matrix of the above scheme is a symmetric matrix and strictly row-wise diagonally dominant in special fractional interpolation functions. Third, we show a finite volume scheme for a discrete fractional diffusion equation by fractional interpolation function and classical interpolation function and analyze the properties of the differential matrix. Finally, the numerical experiments are given, and we verify the correctness of the theoretical results and the efficiency of the schemes. Full article
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19 pages, 2269 KiB  
A Comparative Analysis of Laplace Residual Power Series and a New Iteration Method for Fitzhugh-Nagumo Equation in the Caputo Operator Framework
by Azzh Saad Alshehry
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 867; - 6 Dec 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1347
In this paper, I utilize the Laplace residual power series method (LRPSM) along with a novel iteration technique to investigate the Fitzhugh-Nagumo equation within the framework of the Caputo operator. The Fitzhugh-Nagumo equation is a fundamental model for describing excitable systems, playing a [...] Read more.
In this paper, I utilize the Laplace residual power series method (LRPSM) along with a novel iteration technique to investigate the Fitzhugh-Nagumo equation within the framework of the Caputo operator. The Fitzhugh-Nagumo equation is a fundamental model for describing excitable systems, playing a crucial role in understanding various physiological and biological phenomena. The Caputo operator extends the conventional derivative to handle non-local and non-integer-order differential equations, making it a potent tool for modeling complex processes. Our study involves transforming the Fitzhugh-Nagumo equation into its Laplace domain representation, applying the LRPSM to derive a series solution. We then introduce a novel iteration technique to enhance the solution’s convergence properties, enabling more accurate and efficient computations. This approach offers a systematic methodology for solving the Fitzhugh-Nagumo equation with the Caputo operator, providing deeper insights into excitable system dynamics. Numerical examples and comparisons with existing methods demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the LRPSM with the new iteration technique, showcasing its potential for solving diverse differential equations involving the Caputo operator and advancing mathematical modeling in various scientific and engineering domains. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Applications of Iterative Methods in Solving Nonlinear Equations)
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25 pages, 7834 KiB  
Models for Simulation of Fractal-like Particle Clusters with Prescribed Fractal Dimension
by Oleksandr Tomchuk
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 866; - 5 Dec 2023
Cited by 8 | Viewed by 2791
This review article delves into the growing recognition of fractal structures in mesoscale phenomena. The article highlights the significance of realistic fractal-like aggregate models and efficient modeling codes for comparing data from diverse experimental findings and computational techniques. Specifically, the article discusses the [...] Read more.
This review article delves into the growing recognition of fractal structures in mesoscale phenomena. The article highlights the significance of realistic fractal-like aggregate models and efficient modeling codes for comparing data from diverse experimental findings and computational techniques. Specifically, the article discusses the current state of fractal aggregate modeling, with a focus on particle clusters that possess adjustable fractal dimensions (Df). The study emphasizes the suitability of different models for various Df–intervals, taking into account factors such as particle size, fractal prefactor, the polydispersity of structural units, and interaction potential. Through an analysis of existing models, this review aims to identify key similarities and differences and offer insights into future developments in colloidal science and related fields. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Mathematical Physics)
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15 pages, 328 KiB  
Analytic Functions Related to a Balloon-Shaped Domain
by Adeel Ahmad, Jianhua Gong, Isra Al-Shbeil, Akhter Rasheed, Asad Ali and Saqib Hussain
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 865; - 5 Dec 2023
Cited by 7 | Viewed by 1619
One of the fundamental parts of Geometric Function Theory is the study of analytic functions in different domains with critical geometrical interpretations. This article defines a new generalized domain obtained based on the quotient of two analytic functions. We derive various properties of [...] Read more.
One of the fundamental parts of Geometric Function Theory is the study of analytic functions in different domains with critical geometrical interpretations. This article defines a new generalized domain obtained based on the quotient of two analytic functions. We derive various properties of the new class of normalized analytic functions X defined in the new domain, including the sharp estimates for the coefficients a2,a3, and a4, and for three second-order and third-order Hankel determinants, H2,1X,H2,2X, and H3,1X. The optimality of each obtained estimate is given as well. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Fractional Calculus and Hypergeometric Functions in Complex Analysis)
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35 pages, 5306 KiB  
Optimized Multiloop Fractional-Order Controller for Regulating Frequency in Diverse-Sourced Vehicle-to-Grid Power Systems
by Amira Hassan, Mohamed M. Aly, Mohammed A. Alharbi, Ali Selim, Basem Alamri, Mokhtar Aly, Ahmed Elmelegi, Mohamed Khamies and Emad A. Mohamed
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 864; - 5 Dec 2023
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 1834
A reduced power system’s inertia represents a big issue for high penetration levels of renewable generation sources. Recently, load frequency controllers (LFCs) and their design have become crucial factors for stability and supply reliability. Thence, a new optimized multiloop fractional LFC scheme is [...] Read more.
A reduced power system’s inertia represents a big issue for high penetration levels of renewable generation sources. Recently, load frequency controllers (LFCs) and their design have become crucial factors for stability and supply reliability. Thence, a new optimized multiloop fractional LFC scheme is provided in this paper. The proposed multiloop LFC scheme presents a two-degree-of-freedom (2DOF) structure using the tilt–integral–derivatives with filter (TIDN) in the first stage and the tilt–derivative with filter (TDN) in the second stage. The employment of two different loops achieves better disturbance rejection capability using the proposed 2DOF TIDN-TDN controller. The proposed 2DOF TIDN-TDN method is optimally designed using the recent powerful marine predator optimizer algorithm (MPA). The proposed design method eliminates the need for precise modeling of power systems, complex control design theories, and complex disturbance observers and filter circuits. A multisourced two-area interlinked power grid is employed as a case study in this paper by incorporating renewable generation with multifunctionality electric vehicle (EV) control and contribution within the vehicle-to-grid (V2G) concept. The proposed 2DOF TIDN-TDN LFC is compared with feature-related LFCs from the literature, such as TID, FOTID, and TID-FOPIDN controllers. Better mitigated frequency and tie-line power fluctuations, faster response, lower overshot/undershot values, and shorter settling time are the proven features of the proposed 2DOF TIDN-TDN LFC method. Full article
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17 pages, 5876 KiB  
Fractal Features in Terrain Restoration of Jiuzhai Valley, a World Natural Heritage Site in China
by Zan Zou, Yue Du and Huixing Song
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 863; - 5 Dec 2023
Viewed by 1954
Jiuzhai Valley, a World Natural Heritage Site, was significantly damaged by an earthquake in 2017. However, case studies on the restoration of World Natural Heritage sites are lacking. This study aimed to use the box-counting method to analyze fractal characteristics of the terrain [...] Read more.
Jiuzhai Valley, a World Natural Heritage Site, was significantly damaged by an earthquake in 2017. However, case studies on the restoration of World Natural Heritage sites are lacking. This study aimed to use the box-counting method to analyze fractal characteristics of the terrain in Shuzheng Valley. Research data were used to conduct artificial intervention restoration of the earthquake-damaged terrain. Our results showed that (i) the travertine terrain shows self-similarity at different scales. The fractal dimension was related to terrain complexity: the more complex the terrain, the higher the fractal-dimension value; (ii) a combined form of fractal generator elements at the same scale was related to terrain complexity—differences in the spatial combination of the fractal generator elements can be compared based on fractal dimension; and (iii) the newly restored dam terrain also showed fractal characteristics whose spatial combination form was similar to that of the surrounding terrain. The complexity of the terrain’s fractal element combination may be related to the influence of surrounding environmental factors and the different ecological functional requirements. This study provides basic data for the near natural restoration of the Sparkling Lake travertine terrain after an earthquake and proposes new concepts and strategies for restoring World Natural Heritage Site terrains. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Fractal Analysis of Climate and Environmental Systems)
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20 pages, 2332 KiB  
Adaptive Fuzzy Fault-Tolerant Control of Uncertain Fractional-Order Nonlinear Systems with Sensor and Actuator Faults
by Ke Sun, Zhiyao Ma, Guowei Dong and Ping Gong
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 862; - 4 Dec 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1757
In this work, an adaptive fuzzy backstepping fault-tolerant control (FTC) issue is tackled for uncertain fractional-order (FO) nonlinear systems with sensor and actuator faults. A fuzzy logic system is exploited to manage unknown nonlinearity. In addition, a novel FO nonlinear filter-based dynamic surface [...] Read more.
In this work, an adaptive fuzzy backstepping fault-tolerant control (FTC) issue is tackled for uncertain fractional-order (FO) nonlinear systems with sensor and actuator faults. A fuzzy logic system is exploited to manage unknown nonlinearity. In addition, a novel FO nonlinear filter-based dynamic surface control (DSC) method is constructed, effectively avoiding the inherent complexity explosion problem in the backstepping recursive process, and in the light of the construction of auxiliary functions, compensating the coupling term introduced by faults. On account of certain assumptions, the stability criterion of the FO Lyapunov function is applied to guarantee the stability of the closed-loop system. Finally, the simulation example verifies the validity of the presented control strategy. Full article
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26 pages, 409 KiB  
Convergence Rate of the Diffused Split-Step Truncated Euler–Maruyama Method for Stochastic Pantograph Models with Lévy Leaps
by Amr Abou-Senna, Ghada AlNemer, Yongchun Zhou and Boping Tian
Fractal Fract. 2023, 7(12), 861; - 4 Dec 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1516
This paper studies the stochastic pantograph model, which is considered a subcategory of stochastic delay differential equations. A more general jump process, which is called the Lévy process, is added to the model for better performance and modeling situations, having sudden changes and [...] Read more.
This paper studies the stochastic pantograph model, which is considered a subcategory of stochastic delay differential equations. A more general jump process, which is called the Lévy process, is added to the model for better performance and modeling situations, having sudden changes and extreme events such as market crashes in finance. By utilizing the truncation technique, we propose the diffused split-step truncated Euler–Maruyama method, which is considered as an explicit scheme, and apply it to the addressed model. By applying the Khasminskii-type condition, the convergence rate of the proposed scheme is attained in Lp(p2) sense where the non-jump coefficients grow super-linearly while the jump coefficient acts linearly. Also, the rate of convergence of the proposed scheme in Lp(0<p<2) sense is addressed where all the three coefficients grow beyond linearly. Finally, theoretical findings are manifested via some numerical examples. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Numerical and Computational Methods)
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