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Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts in Decentralized Governance Systems
by Adam P. Balcerzak, Elvira Nica, Elżbieta Rogalska, Miloš Poliak, Tomáš Klieštik and Oana-Matilda Sabie
Managing the Strategic Transformation of Higher Education through Artificial Intelligence
by Babu George and Ontario Wooden
The Power of Virtual Influencers: Impact on Consumer Behaviour and Attitudes in the Age of AI
by Michael Gerlich
The Impact of Leadership on Boosting Employee Creativity: The Role of Knowledge Sharing as a Mediator
by Osama Khassawneh, Tamara Mohammad and Rabeb Ben-Abdallah
Artificial Intelligence in the Tourism Industry: An Overview of Reviews
by Miguel-Ángel García-Madurga and Ana-Julia Grilló-Méndez
Economic Growth through the Lenses of Education, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation
by Simona Andreea Apostu, Lindita Mukli, Mirela Panait, Iza Gigauri and Eglantina Hysa
A Study on Technology Acceptance of Digital Healthcare among Older Korean Adults Using Extended Tam (Extended Technology Acceptance Model)
by Khin Shoon Lei Thant Zin, Seieun Kim, Hak-Seon Kim and Israel Fisseha Feyissa
A Conversation with ChatGPT about Digital Leadership and Technology Integration: Comparative Analysis Based on Human–AI Collaboration
by Turgut Karakose, Murat Demirkol, Ramazan Yirci, Hakan Polat, Tuncay Yavuz Ozdemir and Tijen Tülübaş
The Effect of Participative Leadership Style on Employees’ Performance: The Contingent Role of Institutional Theory
by Osama Khassawneh and Hamzah Elrehail
Digital Transformation: Inevitable Change or Sizable Opportunity? The Strategic Role of HR Management in Industry 4.0
by Teresa Galanti, Clara De Vincenzi, Ilaria Buonomo and Paula Benevene
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Success Factors of Startups in Research Literature within the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
by Javier Sevilla-Bernardo, Blanca Sanchez-Robles and Teresa C. Herrador-Alcaide
Graduate Employability of Business Students
by Wise Mainga, Marlo B Murphy-Braynen, Remelda Moxey and Syed Abdul Quddus
The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Brand Image and Brand Equity and Its Impact on Consumer Satisfaction
by Joana Araújo, Inês Veiga Pereira and José Duarte Santos
The Effect of Participative Leadership Style on Employees’ Performance: The Contingent Role of Institutional Theory
by Osama Khassawneh and Hamzah Elrehail
Managing the Strategic Transformation of Higher Education through Artificial Intelligence
by Babu George and Ontario Wooden
Hybrid Work Model: An Approach to Work–Life Flexibility in a Changing Environment
by Martin Krajčík, Dušana Alshatti Schmidt and Matúš Baráth
The Power of Virtual Influencers: Impact on Consumer Behaviour and Attitudes in the Age of AI
by Michael Gerlich
Leadership Styles and Innovation Management: What Is the Role of Human Capital?
by Joana Costa, Mariana Pádua and António Carrizo Moreira
A Systematic Literature Review about Team Diversity and Team Performance: Future Lines of Investigation
by Lurdes Patrício and Mário Franco
Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts in Decentralized Governance Systems
by Adam P. Balcerzak, Elvira Nica, Elżbieta Rogalska, Miloš Poliak, Tomáš Klieštik and Oana-Matilda Sabie
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