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An Overview of High-Entropy Alloys Prepared by Mechanical Alloying Followed by the Characterization of Their Microstructure and Various Properties
by Shashanka Rajendrachari
Nickel Alloying in Carbon Steel: Fundamentals and Applications
by Hardy Mohrbacher and Andreas Kern
Modification of Cantor High Entropy Alloy by the Addition of Mo and Nb: Microstructure Evaluation, Nanoindentation-Based Mechanical Properties, and Sliding Wear Response Assessment
by Alexandros E. Karantzalis, Anthoula Poulia, Spyros Kamnis, Athanasios Sfikas, Anastasios Fotsis and Emmanuel Georgatis
Mechanical Properties of Al–Mg–Si Alloys (6xxx Series): A DFT-Based Study
by Kipkorir Kirui Pius, Nicholas O. Ongwen, Maxwell Mageto, Victor Odari and Francis Magiri Gaitho
Linking Powder Properties, Printing Parameters, Post-Processing Methods, and Fatigue Properties in Additive Manufacturing of AlSi10Mg
by Ritam Pal and Amrita Basak
Density-Based Optimization of the Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process Based on a Modelling Framework
by Harry O. Psihoyos and George N. Lampeas
Kinetic Model of Isothermal Bainitic Transformation of Low Carbon Steels under Ausforming Conditions
by Theerawat Kumnorkaew, Junhe Lian, Vitoon Uthaisangsuk and Wolfgang Bleck
Using Molecular Dynamic Simulation to Understand the Deformation Mechanism in Cu, Ni, and Equimolar Cu-Ni Polycrystalline Alloys
by Sepehr Yazdani and Veronique Vitry
Oxide Modified Iron in Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion—From Processability to Corrosion Properties
by Christof J. J. Torrent, Philipp Krooß, Jingyuan Huang, Markus Voigt, Christoph Ebbert, Steffen Knust, Guido Grundmeier and Thomas Niendorf
Additive Manufacturing of MnAl(C)-Magnets
by Victor Pacheco, Björn Skårman, Fredrik Olsson, Dennis Karlsson, Hilmar Vidarsson and Martin Sahlberg
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Nickel Alloying in Carbon Steel: Fundamentals and Applications
by Hardy Mohrbacher and Andreas Kern
An Overview of High-Entropy Alloys Prepared by Mechanical Alloying Followed by the Characterization of Their Microstructure and Various Properties
by Shashanka Rajendrachari
Modification of Cantor High Entropy Alloy by the Addition of Mo and Nb: Microstructure Evaluation, Nanoindentation-Based Mechanical Properties, and Sliding Wear Response Assessment
by Alexandros E. Karantzalis, Anthoula Poulia, Spyros Kamnis, Athanasios Sfikas, Anastasios Fotsis and Emmanuel Georgatis
A Perspective of the Design and Development of Metallic Ultra-High Temperature Materials: Refractory Metal Intermetallic Composites, Refractory Complex Concentrated Alloys and Refractory High Entropy Alloys
by Panos Tsakiropoulos
Linking Powder Properties, Printing Parameters, Post-Processing Methods, and Fatigue Properties in Additive Manufacturing of AlSi10Mg
by Ritam Pal and Amrita Basak
Density-Based Optimization of the Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process Based on a Modelling Framework
by Harry O. Psihoyos and George N. Lampeas
Mechanical Properties of Al–Mg–Si Alloys (6xxx Series): A DFT-Based Study
by Kipkorir Kirui Pius, Nicholas O. Ongwen, Maxwell Mageto, Victor Odari and Francis Magiri Gaitho
Using Molecular Dynamic Simulation to Understand the Deformation Mechanism in Cu, Ni, and Equimolar Cu-Ni Polycrystalline Alloys
by Sepehr Yazdani and Veronique Vitry
Powder Metallurgy Processing and Characterization of the χ Phase Containing Multicomponent Al-Cr-Fe-Mn-Mo Alloy
by Tomasz Stasiak, Mourtada Aly Sow, Matthieu Touzin, Franck Béclin and Catherine Cordier
Microstructure Evolution by Thermomechanical Processing in the Fe-10Al-12V Superalloy
by Pedro A. Ferreirós, Abraham A. Becerra, Uriel A. Sterin, Martina C. Ávalos, Raúl E. Bolmaro and Gerardo H. Rubiolo
Downloads Article
An Overview of High-Entropy Alloys Prepared by Mechanical Alloying Followed by the Characterization of Their Microstructure and Various Properties
by Shashanka Rajendrachari
Nickel Alloying in Carbon Steel: Fundamentals and Applications
by Hardy Mohrbacher and Andreas Kern
Linking Powder Properties, Printing Parameters, Post-Processing Methods, and Fatigue Properties in Additive Manufacturing of AlSi10Mg
by Ritam Pal and Amrita Basak
Modification of Cantor High Entropy Alloy by the Addition of Mo and Nb: Microstructure Evaluation, Nanoindentation-Based Mechanical Properties, and Sliding Wear Response Assessment
by Alexandros E. Karantzalis, Anthoula Poulia, Spyros Kamnis, Athanasios Sfikas, Anastasios Fotsis and Emmanuel Georgatis
Kinetic Model of Isothermal Bainitic Transformation of Low Carbon Steels under Ausforming Conditions
by Theerawat Kumnorkaew, Junhe Lian, Vitoon Uthaisangsuk and Wolfgang Bleck
Interaction of Carbon, Titanium, and Boron in Micro-Alloy Steels and Its Effect on Hot Ductility
by Jacek Komenda, Chunhui Luo and Johan Lönnqvist
Density-Based Optimization of the Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process Based on a Modelling Framework
by Harry O. Psihoyos and George N. Lampeas
Modelling Microstructure in Casting of Steel via CALPHAD-Based ICME Approach
by Chunhui Luo, Karin Hansson, Zhili Song, Debbie Ågren, Ewa Sjöqvist Persson, Fredrik Cederholm and Changji Xuan
A Perspective of the Design and Development of Metallic Ultra-High Temperature Materials: Refractory Metal Intermetallic Composites, Refractory Complex Concentrated Alloys and Refractory High Entropy Alloys
by Panos Tsakiropoulos
Relationship between Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Creep Behavior of a Cr-Rich Ferritic Stainless Steel Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
by Dennis Karlsson, Thomas Helander, Eleonora Bettini, Carl-Johan Hassila, Johan Cedervall, Martin Sahlberg, Peter Harlin and Ulf Jansson
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