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Fluids, Volume 6, Issue 12 (December 2021) – 44 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): A data-driven model for extremely fast prediction of steady-state heat convection is developed. Benefitting from the effective learning of data features by convolutional neural networks, the model can adapt to meaningful changes of geometric shapes. The input training data of the model are reinforced with a signed distance function, which contains global information of the studied problem. To display the strong learning and generalization ability of the proposed network model, the training dataset only contains simple geometries (triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and dodecagons), while the testing cases use arbitrary and complex geometries. The results show that the trained model can accurately predict the velocity or temperature fields within 0.2 second.View this paper
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21 pages, 8035 KiB  
Using Computational Modelling to Study Extensional Rheometry Tests for Inelastic Fluids
by Mohammadreza Aali, Célio Fernandes, Olga Sousa Carneiro and João Miguel Nóbrega
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 464; - 19 Dec 2021
Viewed by 3088
The present work focuses on the extensional rheometry test, performed with the Sentmanat extensional rheometer (SER) device, and its main objectives are: (i) to establish the modelling requirements, such as the geometry of the computational domain, initial and boundary conditions, appropriate case setup, [...] Read more.
The present work focuses on the extensional rheometry test, performed with the Sentmanat extensional rheometer (SER) device, and its main objectives are: (i) to establish the modelling requirements, such as the geometry of the computational domain, initial and boundary conditions, appropriate case setup, and (ii) to investigate the effect of self-induced errors, namely on the sample dimensions and test temperature, on the extensional viscosity obtained through the extensional rheometry tests. The definition of the modelling setup also comprised the selection of the appropriate mesh refinement level to model the process and the conclusion that gravity can be neglected without affecting the numerical predictions. The subsequent study allowed us to conclude that the errors on the sample dimensions have similar effects, originating differences on the extensional viscosity proportional to the induced variations. On the other hand, errors of a similar order of magnitude on the test temperature promote a significant difference in the predicted extensional viscosity. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Complex Fluids)
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13 pages, 1163 KiB  
Functional Acrylic Surfaces Obtained by Scratching
by Abraham Medina, Abel López-Villa and Carlos A. Vargas
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 463; - 18 Dec 2021
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2494
By using sandpaper of different grit, we have scratched up smooth sheets of acrylic to cover their surfaces with disordered but near parallel micro-grooves. This procedure allowed us to transform the acrylic surface into a functional surface; measuring the capillary rise of silicone [...] Read more.
By using sandpaper of different grit, we have scratched up smooth sheets of acrylic to cover their surfaces with disordered but near parallel micro-grooves. This procedure allowed us to transform the acrylic surface into a functional surface; measuring the capillary rise of silicone oil up to an average height h¯, we found that h¯ evolves as a power law of the form h¯tn, where t is the elapsed time from the start of the flow and n takes the values 0.40 or 0.50, depending on the different inclinations of the sheets. Such behavior can be understood alluding to the theoretical predictions for the capillary rise in very tight, open capillary wedges. We also explore other functionalities of such surfaces, as the loss of mass of water sessile droplets on them and the generic role of worn surfaces, in the short survival time of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Fluids and Surfaces)
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19 pages, 3142 KiB  
Turbulent Premixed Flame Modeling Using the Algebraic Flame Surface Wrinkling Model: A Comparative Study between OpenFOAM and Ansys Fluent
by Halit Kutkan and Joel Guerrero
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 462; - 17 Dec 2021
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 5864
Hereafter, we used the Algebraic Flame Surface Wrinkling (AFSW) model to conduct numerical simulations of the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) high-pressure, turbulent premixed Bunsen flame experiments. We implemented the AFSW model in OpenFOAM and in Ansys Fluent, and we compared the outcome of [...] Read more.
Hereafter, we used the Algebraic Flame Surface Wrinkling (AFSW) model to conduct numerical simulations of the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) high-pressure, turbulent premixed Bunsen flame experiments. We implemented the AFSW model in OpenFOAM and in Ansys Fluent, and we compared the outcome of both solvers against the experimental results. We also highlight the differences between both solvers. All the simulations were performed using a two-dimensional axisymmetric model with the standard kϵ turbulence model with wall functions. Two different fuel/air mixtures were studied, namely, a 100%CH4 volumetric ratio and a 60%CH4+ 40%H2 volumetric ratio. The thermophysical and transport properties of the mixture were calculated as a function of temperature using the library Cantera (open-source suite of tools for problems involving chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and transport processes), together with the GRI-Mech 3.0 chemical mechanism. It was found that the outcome of the AFSW model implemented in both solvers was in good agreement with the experimental results, quantitatively and qualitatively speaking. Further assessment of the results showed that, as much as the chemistry, the turbulence model and turbulent boundary/initial conditions significantly impact the flame shape and height. Full article
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9 pages, 1419 KiB  
Development of an Algorithm for Prediction of the Wind Speed in Renewable Energy Environments
by George Efthimiou, Fotios Barmpas, George Tsegas and Nicolas Moussiopoulos
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 461; - 16 Dec 2021
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 2461
The aim of this work is to develop an algorithm that is able to provide predictions of wind speed statistics (WSS) in renewable energy environments. The subject is clearly interesting, as predictions of storms and extreme winds are important for decision makers and [...] Read more.
The aim of this work is to develop an algorithm that is able to provide predictions of wind speed statistics (WSS) in renewable energy environments. The subject is clearly interesting, as predictions of storms and extreme winds are important for decision makers and emergency response teams in renewable energy environments, e.g., in places where wind turbines could be located, including cities. The goal of the work is achieved through two phases: (a) During the preparation phase, the construction of a big WSS database based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is carried out, which includes flow fields of different wind directions in all grid numerical points; (b) In the second phase, the algorithm is used to find the records in the WSS database with the closest meteorological conditions to the meteorological conditions of interest. The evaluation of the CFD model (including both RANS and LES turbulence methodologies) is performed using the experimental data of the MUST (Mock Urban Setting Test) wind tunnel experiment. Full article
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27 pages, 5907 KiB  
Lagrangian vs. Eulerian: An Analysis of Two Solution Methods for Free-Surface Flows and Fluid Solid Interaction Problems
by Milad Rakhsha, Christopher E. Kees and Dan Negrut
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 460; - 16 Dec 2021
Cited by 33 | Viewed by 8051
As a step towards addressing a scarcity of references on this topic, we compared the Eulerian and Lagrangian Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approaches for the solution of free-surface and Fluid–Solid Interaction (FSI) problems. The Eulerian approach uses the Finite Element Method (FEM) to [...] Read more.
As a step towards addressing a scarcity of references on this topic, we compared the Eulerian and Lagrangian Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approaches for the solution of free-surface and Fluid–Solid Interaction (FSI) problems. The Eulerian approach uses the Finite Element Method (FEM) to spatially discretize the Navier–Stokes equations. The free surface is handled via the volume-of-fluid (VOF) and the level-set (LS) equations; an Immersed Boundary Method (IBM) in conjunction with the Nitsche’s technique were applied to resolve the fluid–solid coupling. For the Lagrangian approach, the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method is the meshless discretization technique of choice; no additional equations are needed to handle free-surface or FSI coupling. We compared the two approaches for a flow around cylinder. The dam break test was used to gauge the performance for free-surface flows. Lastly, the two approaches were compared on two FSI problems—one with a floating rigid body dropped into the fluid and one with an elastic gate interacting with the flow. We conclude with a discussion of the robustness, ease of model setup, and versatility of the two approaches. The Eulerian and Lagrangian solvers used in this study are open-source and available in the public domain. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Mathematical and Computational Fluid Mechanics)
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18 pages, 7593 KiB  
Turbulent Superstructures in Inert Jets and Diffusion Jet Flames
by Vadim Lemanov, Vladimir Lukashov and Konstantin Sharov
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 459; - 16 Dec 2021
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2367
An experimental study of spatially localized very large-scale motion superstructures, propagating in a jet of carbon dioxide at low Reynolds numbers, was carried out. A hot-wire anemometer and a high-speed 2D PIV with a frequency of 7 kHz were used as measuring instruments. [...] Read more.
An experimental study of spatially localized very large-scale motion superstructures, propagating in a jet of carbon dioxide at low Reynolds numbers, was carried out. A hot-wire anemometer and a high-speed 2D PIV with a frequency of 7 kHz were used as measuring instruments. Such a puff-type superstructure in a jet with a longitudinal dimension of up to 20–30 nozzle diameters are initially formed in the jet source—a long tube in a laminar-turbulent transition mode (without artificial disturbances). It is shown that this regime with intermittency in time, when part of the time flow is laminar and the other part of time is turbulent, exists both at the exit from the nozzle and in the near field of the jet. Thus, the structural stability of such turbulent superstructures in the near field of the jet was found. Despite the large longitudinal scale, these formations have a transverse dimension of the order of several nozzle diameters. These structures have a complex internal topology, that is, superstructures are a conglomeration of vortices of different sizes from macroscale to microscale. Using the example of diffusion combustion of methane in air, it is demonstrated that in reacting jets, the existence of such large localized perturbations is a powerful physical mechanism for a global change in the flame topology. At the same time, the presence of a cascade of vortices of different sizes in the puff composition can lead to fractal deformation of the flame front. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Experimental Fluid Mechanics on Bluff Body Wakes and Jets)
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18 pages, 1835 KiB  
Modulation Instability of Hydro-Elastic Waves Blown by a Wind with a Uniform Vertical Profile
by Susam Boral, Trilochan Sahoo and Yury Stepanyants
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 458; - 16 Dec 2021
Viewed by 2188
An interesting physical phenomenon was recently observed when a fresh-water basin is covered by a thin ice film that has properties similar to the property of a rubber membrane. Surface waves can be generated under the action of wind on the air–water interface [...] Read more.
An interesting physical phenomenon was recently observed when a fresh-water basin is covered by a thin ice film that has properties similar to the property of a rubber membrane. Surface waves can be generated under the action of wind on the air–water interface that contains an ice film. The modulation property of hydro-elastic waves (HEWs) in deep water covered by thin ice film blown by the wind with a uniform vertical profile is studied here in terms of the airflow velocity versus wavenumber. The modulation instability of HEWs is studied through the analysis of coefficients of the nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation with the help of the Lighthill criterion. The NLS equation is derived using the multiple scale method in the presence of airflow. It is demonstrated that the potentially unstable hydro-elastic waves with negative energy appear for relatively small wind speeds, whereas the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability arises when the wind speed becomes fairly strong. Estimates of parameters of modulated waves for the typical conditions are given. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Nonlinear Wave Hydrodynamics, Volume II)
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23 pages, 27008 KiB  
Dynamic Stall Characteristics of Pitching Swept Finite-Aspect-Ratio Wings
by Al Habib Ullah, Kristopher L. Tomek, Charles Fabijanic and Jordi Estevadeordal
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 457; - 16 Dec 2021
Cited by 7 | Viewed by 3166
An experimental investigation regarding the dynamic stall of various swept wing models with pitching motion was performed to analyze the effect of sweep on the dynamic stall. The experiments were performed on a wing with a NACA0012 airfoil section with an aspect ratio [...] Read more.
An experimental investigation regarding the dynamic stall of various swept wing models with pitching motion was performed to analyze the effect of sweep on the dynamic stall. The experiments were performed on a wing with a NACA0012 airfoil section with an aspect ratio of AR = 4. The experimental study was conducted for chord-based Reynolds number Rec =2×105 and freestream Mach number Ma=0.1. First, a ‘particle image velocimetry’ (PIV) experiment was performed on the wing with three sweep angles, Λ=0o, 15o, and 30o, to obtain the flow structure at several wing spans. The results obtained at a reduced frequency showed that a laminar separation bubble forms at the leading edge of the wing during upward motion. As the upward pitching motion continues, a separation burst occurs and shifts towards the wing trailing edge. As the wing starts to pitch downward, the growing dynamic stall vortex (DSV) vortex sheds from the wing’s trailing edge. With the increasing sweep angle of the wing, the stall angle is delayed during the dynamic motion of the wing, and the presence of DSV shifts toward the wingtip. During the second stage, a ‘turbo pressure-sensitive paint’ (PSP) technique was deployed to obtain the phase average of the surface pressure patterns of the DSV at a reduced frequency, k=0.1. The phase average of pressure shows a distinct pressure map for two sweep angles, Λ=0o, 30o, and demonstrates a similar trend to that presented in the published computational studies and the experimental data obtained from the current PIV campaign. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue External Aerodynamics)
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14 pages, 36397 KiB  
Features of the Hydrocarbon Distribution in the Bottom Sediments of the Norwegian and Barents Seas
by Inna A. Nemirovskaya and Anastasia V. Khramtsova
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 456; - 15 Dec 2021
Cited by 10 | Viewed by 2529
The results of the study of hydrocarbons (HCs): aliphatic (AHCs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in bottom sediments (2019 and 2020, cruises 75 and 80 of the R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh) in the Norwegian-Barents Sea basin: Mohns Ridge, shelf Svalbard archipelago, Sturfiord, Medvezhinsky [...] Read more.
The results of the study of hydrocarbons (HCs): aliphatic (AHCs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in bottom sediments (2019 and 2020, cruises 75 and 80 of the R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh) in the Norwegian-Barents Sea basin: Mohns Ridge, shelf Svalbard archipelago, Sturfiord, Medvezhinsky trench, central part of the Barents Sea, Novaya Zemlya shelf, Franz Victoria trough are presented. It has been established that the organo-geochemical background of the Holocene sediments was formed due to the flow of sedimentary material in the coastal regions of the Barents Sea on shipping routes. The anthropogenic input of HCs into bottom sediments leads to an increase in their content in the composition of Corg (in the sandy sediments of the Kaninsky Bank at an AHC concentration up to 64 μg/g, when its proportion in the composition of Corg reaches 11.7%). The endogenous influence on the of the Svalbard archipelago shelf in Sturfiord and in the Medvezhinsky Trench determines the specificity of local anomalies in the content and composition of HCs. This is reflected in the absence of a correlation between HCs and the grain size composition of sediments and Corg content, as well as a change in hydrocarbon molecular markers. At the same time, the sedimentary section is enriched in light alkanes and naphthalene’s that may be due to emission during point discharge of gas fluid from sedimentary rocks of the lower stratigraphic horizons and/or sipping migration. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Fluids and Surfaces)
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31 pages, 24052 KiB  
Similarities and Contrasts in Time-Mean Striated Surface Tracers in Pacific Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems: The Role of Ocean Currents in Their Generation
by Ali Belmadani, Pierre-Amaël Auger, Nikolai Maximenko, Katherine Gomez and Sophie Cravatte
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 455; - 15 Dec 2021
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2767
Eastern boundary upwelling systems feature strong zonal gradients of physical and biological properties between cool, productive coastal oceans and warm, oligotrophic subtropical gyres. Zonal currents and jets (striations) are therefore likely to contribute to the transport of water properties between coastal and open [...] Read more.
Eastern boundary upwelling systems feature strong zonal gradients of physical and biological properties between cool, productive coastal oceans and warm, oligotrophic subtropical gyres. Zonal currents and jets (striations) are therefore likely to contribute to the transport of water properties between coastal and open oceanic regions. For the first time, multi-sensor satellite data are used to characterize the time-mean signatures of striations in sea surface temperature (SST), salinity (SSS), and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) in subtropical eastern North/South Pacific (ENP/ESP) upwelling systems. In the ENP, tracers exhibit striated patterns extending up to ~2500 km offshore. Striated signals in SST and SSS are highly correlated with quasi-zonal jets, suggesting that these jets contribute to SST/SSS mesoscale patterns via zonal advection. Striated Chl-a anomalies are collocated with sea surface height (SSH) bands, a possible result of mesoscale eddy trains trapping nutrients and forming striated signals. In the ESP, the signature of striations is only found in SST and coincides with the SSH bands, consistently with quasi-zonal jets located outside major zonal tracer gradients. An interplay between large-scale SST/SSS advection by the quasi-zonal jets, mesoscale SST/SSS advection by the large-scale meridional flow, and eddy advection may explain the persistent ENP hydrographic signature of striations. These results underline the importance of quasi-zonal jets for surface tracer structuring at the mesoscale. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Geophysical Fluid Dynamics)
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8 pages, 275 KiB  
Generation of Localised Vertical Streams in Unstable Stratified Atmosphere
by Oleg Onishchenko, Viktor Fedun, Istvan Ballai, Aleksandr Kryshtal and Gary Verth
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 454; - 15 Dec 2021
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 2258
A new model of axially symmetric concentrated vortex generation was developed herein. In this work, the solution of a nonlinear equation for internal gravity waves in an unstable stratified atmosphere was obtained and analysed in the framework of ideal hydrodynamics. The related expressions [...] Read more.
A new model of axially symmetric concentrated vortex generation was developed herein. In this work, the solution of a nonlinear equation for internal gravity waves in an unstable stratified atmosphere was obtained and analysed in the framework of ideal hydrodynamics. The related expressions for the velocities in the inner and outer regions of the vortex were described by Bessel functions and modified zeroth-order Bessel functions. The proposed new nonlinear analytical model allows the study of the structure and dynamics of vortices in the radial region. The formation of jets (i.e., structures elongated in the vertical direction with finite components of the poloidal (radial and vertical) velocities that grow exponentially in time in an unstable stratified atmosphere) was also analysed. The characteristic growth time was determined by the inverse growth rate of instability. It is shown that a seed vertical vorticity component may be responsible for the formation of vortices with a finite azimuthal velocity. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Geophysical Fluid Dynamics)
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15 pages, 3634 KiB  
Self-Preservation of Turbulence Statistics in the Wall-Wake Flow of a Bed-Mounted Horizontal Pipe
by Kalpana Devi, Prashanth Reddy Hanmaiahgari, Ram Balachandar and Jaan H. Pu
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 453; - 14 Dec 2021
Cited by 7 | Viewed by 2682
This research article analyzed the self-preserving behaviour of wall-wake region of a circular pipe mounted horizontally over a flat rigid sand bed in a shallow flow in terms of mean velocity, RSS, and turbulence intensities. The study aims to investigate self-preservation using appropriate [...] Read more.
This research article analyzed the self-preserving behaviour of wall-wake region of a circular pipe mounted horizontally over a flat rigid sand bed in a shallow flow in terms of mean velocity, RSS, and turbulence intensities. The study aims to investigate self-preservation using appropriate length and velocity addition to that wall-normal distributions of the third-order correlations along the streamwise direction in the wake region are analyzed. An ADV probe was used to record the three-dimensional instantaneous velocities for four different hydraulic and physical conditions corresponding to four cylinder Reynolds numbers. The results revealed that the streamwise velocity deficits, RSS deficits, and turbulence intensities deficits distributions displayed good collapse on a narrow band when they were non-dimensionalized by their respective maximum deficits. The wall-normal distance was non-dimensionalized by the half velocity profile width for velocity distributions, while the half RSS profile width was used in the case of the RSS deficits and turbulence intensities deficits distributions. The results indicate the self-preserving nature of streamwise velocity, RSS, and turbulence intensities in the wall-wake region of the pipe. The third-order correlations distributions indicate that sweep is the dominant bursting event in the near-bed zone. At the same time, ejection is the dominant bursting event in the region above the cylinder height. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Environmental Hydraulics, Turbulence and Sediment Transport)
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14 pages, 23731 KiB  
Estimation of Turbulent Triplet Covariances for Bora Flows
by Željko Večenaj, Barbara Malečić and Branko Grisogono
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 452; - 13 Dec 2021
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2166
Bora is a strong or severe, relatively cold, gusty wind that usually blows from the northastern quadrant at the east coast of the Adriatic Sea. In this study bora’s turbulence triplet covariances were analysed, for the first time, for bora flows. The measurements [...] Read more.
Bora is a strong or severe, relatively cold, gusty wind that usually blows from the northastern quadrant at the east coast of the Adriatic Sea. In this study bora’s turbulence triplet covariances were analysed, for the first time, for bora flows. The measurements used were obtained from the measuring tower on Pometeno brdo (“Swept-Away Hill”), in the hinterland of the city of Split, Croatia. From April 2010 until June 2011 three components of wind speed and sonic temperature were measured. The measurements were performed on three heights, 10, 22 and 40 m above the ground with the sampling frequency of 5 Hz. During the observed period, total of 60 bora episodes were isolated. We analyse the terms in prognostic equations for turbulence variances. In that respect, the viscous dissipation term was calculated using two approaches: (i) inertial dissipation method (εIDM) and (ii) direct approach from the prognostic equations for variances of turbulence (εEQ). We determine that the direct approach can successfully reproduce the shape of the curve, but the values are for several orders of magnitudes smaller compared to the real data. Further, linear relationship between εIDM and εEQ was obtained. Using the results for εEQ, viscous dissipation rate in longitudinal, transversal and vertical direction was determined. It is shown that viscous dissipation has the greatest impact on bora’s longitudinal direction. The focus is on the turbulence transport term, i.e., the triplet covariance term. For the first time, it is found that turbulence transport is very significant for the intensity of near−surface bora flows. Furthermore, turbulence transport can be both positive and negative, yet intensive. It is mostly negative at the upper levels and positive at the lower levels. Therefore, turbulence transport, in most cases, takes away turbulence variance from the upper levels and brings it down to the lower ones. This is one of the main findings of this study; it adds to the understanding of peculiarities of bora wind, and perhaps some other severe winds. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Atmospheric Flows)
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17 pages, 10841 KiB  
Investigation of a Light Boxplane Model Using Tuft Flow Visualization and CFD
by Elena Karpovich, Djahid Gueraiche, Natalya Sergeeva and Alexander Kuznetsov
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 451; - 11 Dec 2021
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 3651
In this paper, we addressed the flow patterns over a light boxplane scale model to explain the previously discovered disagreement between its predicted and experimental aerodynamic characteristics. By tuft flow and CFD visualization, we explored the causes yielding a large zero lift pitching [...] Read more.
In this paper, we addressed the flow patterns over a light boxplane scale model to explain the previously discovered disagreement between its predicted and experimental aerodynamic characteristics. By tuft flow and CFD visualization, we explored the causes yielding a large zero lift pitching moment coefficient, lateral divergence, difference in fore and aft elevator lift, and poor high lift performance of the aircraft. The investigation revealed that the discrepancy in the pitching moment coefficient and lateral stability derivatives can be attributed to insufficient accuracy of the used predictive methods. The difference in fore and aft elevator lift and poor high lift performance of the aircraft may occur due to the low local Reynolds number, which causes the early flow separation over the elevators and flaperons when deflected downward at angles exceeding 10°. Additionally, some airframe changes are suggested to alleviate the lateral divergence of the model. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Feature Paper for Mathematical and Computational Fluid Mechanics)
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11 pages, 2668 KiB  
Rayleigh–Bénard Instability of an Ellis Fluid Saturated Porous Channel with an Isoflux Boundary
by Pedro Vayssière Brandão, Michele Celli and Antonio Barletta
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 450; - 11 Dec 2021
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 2634
The onset of the thermal instability is investigated in a porous channel with plane parallel boundaries saturated by a non–Newtonian shear–thinning fluid and subject to a horizontal throughflow. The Ellis model is adopted to describe the fluid rheology. Both horizontal boundaries are assumed [...] Read more.
The onset of the thermal instability is investigated in a porous channel with plane parallel boundaries saturated by a non–Newtonian shear–thinning fluid and subject to a horizontal throughflow. The Ellis model is adopted to describe the fluid rheology. Both horizontal boundaries are assumed to be impermeable. A uniform heat flux is supplied through the lower boundary, while the upper boundary is kept at a uniform temperature. Such an asymmetric setup of the thermal boundary conditions is analysed via a numerical solution of the linear stability eigenvalue problem. The linear stability analysis is developed for three–dimensional normal modes of perturbation showing that the transverse modes are the most unstable. The destabilising effect of the non–Newtonian shear–thinning character of the fluid is also demonstrated as compared to the behaviour displayed, for the same flow configuration, by a Newtonian fluid. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics)
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24 pages, 3977 KiB  
Large Eddy Simulation of Hypersonic Turbulent Boundary Layers
by Nadia Kianvashrad and Doyle Knight
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 449; - 11 Dec 2021
Cited by 9 | Viewed by 3123
The recent revival of interest in developing new hypersonic vehicles brings attention to the need for accurate prediction of hypersonic flows by computational methods. One of the challenges is prediction of aerothermodynamic loading over the surface of the vehicles. Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes (RANS) [...] Read more.
The recent revival of interest in developing new hypersonic vehicles brings attention to the need for accurate prediction of hypersonic flows by computational methods. One of the challenges is prediction of aerothermodynamic loading over the surface of the vehicles. Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes (RANS) methods have not shown consistent accuracy in prediction of such flows. Therefore, new methods including Large Eddy Simulations (LES) should be investigated. In this paper, the LES method is used for prediction of the boundary layer over a flat plate. A new recycling-rescaling method is tested. The method uses total enthalpy and static pressure along with the velocity components to produce the best results for the Law of the Wall, turbulent statistics and turbulent Prandtl number. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue High Speed Flows)
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22 pages, 11901 KiB  
Secondary Flow in Smooth and Rough Turbulent Circular Pipes: Turbulence Kinetic Energy Budgets
by Paolo Orlandi and Sergio Pirozzoli
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 448; - 10 Dec 2021
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 2710
Direct Numerical Simulations have been performed for turbulent flow in circular pipes with smooth and corrugated walls. The numerical method, based on second-order finite discretization together with the immersed boundary technique, was validated and applied to various types of flows. The analysis is [...] Read more.
Direct Numerical Simulations have been performed for turbulent flow in circular pipes with smooth and corrugated walls. The numerical method, based on second-order finite discretization together with the immersed boundary technique, was validated and applied to various types of flows. The analysis is focused on the turbulence kinetic energy and its budget. Large differences have been found in the near-wall region at low Reynolds number. The change in the near-wall turbulent structures is responsible for increase of drag and turbulence kinetic energy. To investigatselinae the effects of wall corrugations, the velocity fields have been decomposed so as to isolate coherent and incoherent motions. For corrugated walls, we find that coherent motions are strongest for walls covered with square bars aligned with the flow direction. In particular, the coherent contribution is substantial when the bars are spaced apart by a distance larger than their height. Detailed analysis of the turbulence kinetic energy budget shows for this set-up a very different behavior than for the other types of corrugations. Full article
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23 pages, 7582 KiB  
Topographically Controlled Marangoni-Rayleigh-Bénard Convection in Liquid Metals
by Marcello Lappa, Aydin Sayar and Wasim Waris
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 447; - 10 Dec 2021
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2946
Convection induced in a layer of liquid with a top free surface by a distribution of heating elements at the bottom can be seen as a variant of standard Marangoni–Rayleigh–Bénard Convection where in place of a flat boundary at constant temperature delimiting the [...] Read more.
Convection induced in a layer of liquid with a top free surface by a distribution of heating elements at the bottom can be seen as a variant of standard Marangoni–Rayleigh–Bénard Convection where in place of a flat boundary at constant temperature delimiting the system from below, the underlying thermal inhomogeneity reflects the existence of a topography. In the present work, this problem is investigated numerically through solution of the governing equations for mass, momentum and energy in their complete, three-dimensional time-dependent and non-linear form. Emphasis is given to a class of liquids for which thermal diffusion is expected to dominate over viscous effects (liquid metals). Fixing the Rayleigh and Marangoni number to 104 and 5 × 103, respectively, the sensitivity of the problem to the geometrical, kinematic and thermal boundary conditions is investigated parametrically by changing: the number and spacing of heating elements, their vertical extension, the nature of the lateral boundary (solid walls or periodic boundary) and the thermal behavior of the portions of bottom wall between adjoining elements (assumed to be either adiabatic or at the same temperature of the hot blocks). It is shown that, like the parent phenomena, this type of thermal flow is extremely sensitive to the specific conditions considered. The topography can be used to exert a control on the emerging flow in terms of temporal response and patterning behavior. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Challenges and Advances in Heat and Mass Transfer)
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9 pages, 2426 KiB  
Development of a Methodology and Software Package for Predicting the Formation of Organic Deposits Based on the Results of Laboratory Studies
by Pavel Ilushin, Kirill Vyatkin and Alexander Menshikov
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 446; - 10 Dec 2021
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 2179
One of the main problems in the oil industry is the fallout of asphaltene–resin–paraffin deposits (ARPDs) during oil production and transportation. The formation of organic deposits leads to reduced equipment life and reduced production. Currently, there is no single methodology for the numerical [...] Read more.
One of the main problems in the oil industry is the fallout of asphaltene–resin–paraffin deposits (ARPDs) during oil production and transportation. The formation of organic deposits leads to reduced equipment life and reduced production. Currently, there is no single methodology for the numerical simulation of the ARPD dropout process. The aim of our work was to obtain a correlation dependence characterizing the rate of wax growth over time for oils in the Perm Krai, depending on temperature, pressure, and speed conditions. Experimental data for 20 oil samples were obtained using a Wax Flow Loop installation that simulates fluid movement in tubing. The developed correlation was tested in 154 wells. The results of numerical modeling of the paraffin precipitation process made it possible to correct the inter-treatment period of scraping for 109 wells (71%), indicating the high accuracy of the developed approach. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Multiphase Flow in Pipes with and without Porous Media)
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21 pages, 454 KiB  
Extraction of Tangential Momentum and Normal Energy Accommodation Coefficients by Comparing Variational Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation with Experiments on Thermal Creep Gas Flow in Microchannels
by Tommaso Missoni, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Irina Graur and Silvia Lorenzani
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 445; - 9 Dec 2021
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 3235
In the present paper, we provide an analytical expression for the first- and second-order thermal slip coefficients, σ1,T and σ2,T, by means of a variational technique that applies to the integrodifferential form of the Boltzmann equation [...] Read more.
In the present paper, we provide an analytical expression for the first- and second-order thermal slip coefficients, σ1,T and σ2,T, by means of a variational technique that applies to the integrodifferential form of the Boltzmann equation based on the true linearized collision operator for hard-sphere molecules. The Cercignani-Lampis scattering kernel of the gas-surface interaction has been considered in order to take into account the influence of the accommodation coefficients (αt, αn) on the slip parameters. Comparing our theoretical results with recent experimental data on the mass flow rate and the slip coefficient for five noble gases (helium, neon, argon, krypton, and xenon), we found out that there is a continuous set of values for the pair (αt, αn) which leads to the same thermal slip parameters. To uniquely determine the accommodation coefficients, we took into account a further series of measurements carried out with the same experimental apparatus, where the thermal molecular pressure exponent γ has been also evaluated. Therefore, the new method proposed in the present work for extracting the accommodation coefficients relies on two steps. First of all, since γ mainly depends on αt, we fix the tangential momentum accommodation coefficient in such a way as to obtain a fair agreement between theoretical and experimental results. Then, among the multiple pairs of variational solutions for (αt, αn), giving the same thermal slip coefficients (chosen to closely approximate the measurements), we select the unique pair with the previously determined value of αt. The analysis carried out in the present work confirms that both accommodation coefficients increase by increasing the molecular weight of the considered gases, as already highlighted in the literature. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Rarefied Gas Dynamics)
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14 pages, 4786 KiB  
Reduction of Energy Consumption for Water Wells Rehabilitation. Technology Optimization
by Maxim Omelyanyuk, Irina Pakhlyan, Nikolay Bukharin and Mouhammad El Hassan
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 444; - 9 Dec 2021
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 2380
Groundwater wells are widely used in the energy sector, including for drinking water supplies and as water source wells in the oil and gas industry to increase production of natural gas and petroleum. Water well clogging, which can happen to any well for [...] Read more.
Groundwater wells are widely used in the energy sector, including for drinking water supplies and as water source wells in the oil and gas industry to increase production of natural gas and petroleum. Water well clogging, which can happen to any well for various reasons, is a serious problem that can lead to increased power costs due to a higher head to the pump, a reduction in the flow rate and various drawdown issues. If rehabilitation procedures do not take place in time, this can result in permanent loss of the well, and a new well must be drilled, which is not a sustainable approach. Rehabilitation methods for water wells usually include mechanical and chemical treatments, and even though these methods are well established and have been used for many years we can still observe many abandoned wells which could be rehabilitated. In this study, sets of cavitation generators are developed and used in combination with common conic hydrodynamic nozzles. This combination reduces the pressure in the system and makes the cleaning setup much lighter and more mobile. The designed nozzles were successfully used in hydrodynamic cleaning of four water wells. Full article
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10 pages, 4590 KiB  
Visualization and Sound Measurements of Vibration Plate in a Boiling Bubble Resonator
by Junichiro Ono, Noriyuki Unno, Kazuhisa Yuki, Jun Taniguchi and Shin-ichi Satake
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 443; - 9 Dec 2021
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 2519
We developed a boiling bubble resonator (BBR) as a new heat transfer enhancement method aided by boiling bubbles. The BBR is a passive device that operates under its own bubble pressure and therefore does not require an electrical source. In the present study, [...] Read more.
We developed a boiling bubble resonator (BBR) as a new heat transfer enhancement method aided by boiling bubbles. The BBR is a passive device that operates under its own bubble pressure and therefore does not require an electrical source. In the present study, high-speed visualization of the flow motion of the microbubbles spouted from a vibration plate and the plate motion in the BBR was carried out using high-speed LED lighting and high-speed cameras; the sounds in the boiling chamber were simultaneously captured using a hydrophone. The peak point in the spectrum of the motion of the vibration plate and the peak point in the spectrum of the boiling sound were found to be matched near a critical heat-flux state. Therefore, we found that it is important to match the BBR vibration frequency to the condensation cycle of the boiling bubble as its own design specification for the BBR. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Multiphase Flow Science and Technology)
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17 pages, 1075 KiB  
Linear Non-Modal Growth of Planar Perturbations in a Layered Couette Flow
by Emmanouil G. Iliakis and Nikolaos A. Bakas
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 442; - 8 Dec 2021
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2646
Layered flows that are commonly observed in stratified turbulence are susceptible to the Taylor–Caulfield Instability. While the modal stability properties of layered shear flows have been examined, the non-modal growth of perturbations has not been investigated. In this work, the tools of Generalized [...] Read more.
Layered flows that are commonly observed in stratified turbulence are susceptible to the Taylor–Caulfield Instability. While the modal stability properties of layered shear flows have been examined, the non-modal growth of perturbations has not been investigated. In this work, the tools of Generalized Stability Theory are utilized to study linear transient growth within a finite time interval of two-dimensional perturbations in an inviscid, three-layer constant shear flow under the Boussinesq approximation. It is found that, for low optimization times, small-scale perturbations utilize the Orr mechanism and achieve growth equal to that in the case of an unstratified flow. For larger optimization times, transient growth is much larger compared to growth for an unstratified flow as the Kelvin–Orr waves comprising the continuous spectrum of the dynamical operator and the gravity edge-waves comprising the discrete spectrum interact synergistically. Maximum growth is obtained for perturbations with scales within the region of instability, but significant growth is maintained for modally stable perturbations as well. For perturbations with scales within the unstable region, the unstable normal modes are excited at high amplitude by their bi-orthogonals. For perturbations with modally stable scales, the Orr mechanism is utilized to excite at high amplitude neutral propagating waves resembling the neutral Taylor–Caulfield modes. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Instabilities and Nonlinear Dynamics in Oceanic Flows)
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17 pages, 8617 KiB  
Thrust Vectoring of a Fixed Axisymmetric Supersonic Nozzle Using the Shock-Vector Control Method
by Emanuele Resta, Roberto Marsilio and Michele Ferlauto
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 441; - 7 Dec 2021
Cited by 14 | Viewed by 5269
The application of the Shock Vector Control (SVC) approach to an axysimmetric supersonic nozzle is studied numerically. SVC is a Fluidic Thrust Vectoring (FTV) strategy that is applied to fixed nozzles in order to realize jet-vectoring effects normally obtained by deflecting movable nozzles. [...] Read more.
The application of the Shock Vector Control (SVC) approach to an axysimmetric supersonic nozzle is studied numerically. SVC is a Fluidic Thrust Vectoring (FTV) strategy that is applied to fixed nozzles in order to realize jet-vectoring effects normally obtained by deflecting movable nozzles. In the SVC method, a secondary air flow injection close to the nozzle exit generates an asymmetry in the wall pressure distribution and side-loads on the nozzle, which are also lateral components of the thrust vector. SVC forcing of the axisymmetric nozzle generates fully three-dimensional flows with very complex structures that interact with the external flow. In the present work, the experimental data on a nozzle designed and tested for a supersonic cruise aircraft are used for validating the numerical tool at different flight Mach numbers and nozzle pressure ratios. Then, an optimal position for the slot is sought and the fully 3D flow at flight Mach number M=0.9 is investigated numerically for different values of the SVC forcing. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue High Speed Flows)
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16 pages, 5848 KiB  
Pressure Change for Single- and Two-Phase Non-Newtonian Flows through Sudden Contraction in Rectangular Microchannel
by Masaki Toshimitsu, Yukihiro Yonemoto and Akimaro Kawahara
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 440; - 7 Dec 2021
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2638
The flow characteristics of the single-phase liquid and the gas–liquid two-phase flows including the Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquids were experimentally investigated in a horizontal rectangular micro-channel with a sudden contraction—specifically the pressure change across the contraction. The rectangular cross-sectional dimension has Wu [...] Read more.
The flow characteristics of the single-phase liquid and the gas–liquid two-phase flows including the Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquids were experimentally investigated in a horizontal rectangular micro-channel with a sudden contraction—specifically the pressure change across the contraction. The rectangular cross-sectional dimension has Wu × Hu (width × height) = 0.99 × 0.50 mm2 on the upstream side of the contraction and Wd × Hd = 0.49 × 0.50 mm2 on the downstream side. The resulting contraction ratio, σA (=Wd/Wu), was 0.5. Air was used as the test gas (in the case of the gas–liquid two-phase flow experiment), distilled water and three kinds of aqueous solution, i.e., glycerin 25 wt%, xanthangum 0.1 wt% and polyacrylamide 0.11 wt% were used as the test liquid. The pressure distribution in the flow direction upstream and downstream of the channel was measured. The pressure change and loss at the sudden contraction were determined from the pressure distribution. In addition, the pressure change data were compared with the calculation by several correlations proposed by various researchers as well as a newly developed correlation in this study. From the comparisons, it was found that calculations by the newly developed correlations agreed well with the measured values within the error of 30%. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Multiphase Flow Science and Technology)
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15 pages, 1893 KiB  
Stationary Mach Configurations with Pulsed Energy Release on the Normal Shock
by Mikhail V. Chernyshov, Anna S. Kapralova, Stanislav A. Matveev and Karina E. Savelova
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 439; - 5 Dec 2021
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 2388
We obtained a theoretical analysis of stationary Mach configurations of shock waves with a pulsed energy release at the main (normal) shock and a corresponding change in gas thermodynamic properties. As formation of the stationary Mach configuration corresponds to one of two basic, [...] Read more.
We obtained a theoretical analysis of stationary Mach configurations of shock waves with a pulsed energy release at the main (normal) shock and a corresponding change in gas thermodynamic properties. As formation of the stationary Mach configuration corresponds to one of two basic, well-known criteria of regular/Mach shock reflection transition, we studied here how the possibility of pulsed energy release at the normal Mach stem shifts the von Neumann criterion, and how it correlates then with another transition criterion (the detachment one). The influence of a decrease in the “equilibrium” gas adiabatic index at the main shock on a shift of the solution domain was also investigated analytically and numerically. Using a standard detonation model for a normal shock in stationary Mach configuration, and ordinary Hugoniot relations for other oblique shocks, we estimated influence of pulsed energy release and real gas effects (expressed by decrease of gas adiabatic index) on shift of von Neumann criterion, and derived some analytical relations that describe those dependencies. Full article
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15 pages, 13602 KiB  
Spin-Up from Rest of a Liquid Metal with Deformable Free Surface in a Cylinder under the Influence of a Uniform Axial Magnetic Field
by Toshio Tagawa and Kewei Song
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 438; - 2 Dec 2021
Viewed by 3059
Spin-up from rest of a liquid metal having deformable free surface in the presence of a uniform axial magnetic field is numerically studied. Both liquid and gas phases in a vertically mounted cylinder are assumed to be an incompressible, immiscible, Newtonian fluid. Since [...] Read more.
Spin-up from rest of a liquid metal having deformable free surface in the presence of a uniform axial magnetic field is numerically studied. Both liquid and gas phases in a vertically mounted cylinder are assumed to be an incompressible, immiscible, Newtonian fluid. Since the viscous dissipation and the Joule heating are neglected, thermal convection due to buoyancy and thermocapillary effects is not taken into account. The effects of Ekman number and Hartmann number were computed with fixing the Froude number of 1.5, the density ratio of 800, and the viscosity ratio of 50. The evolutions of the free surface, three-component velocity field, and electric current density are portrayed using the level-set method and HSMAC method. When a uniform axial magnetic field is imposed, the azimuthal momentum is transferred from the rotating bottom wall to the core region directly through the Hartmann layer. This is the most striking difference from spin-up of the nonmagnetic case. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Complex Fluids)
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29 pages, 8847 KiB  
Shapes and Rise Velocities of Single Bubbles in a Confined Annular Channel: Experiments and Numerical Simulations
by Andrea Cioncolini and Mirco Magnini
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 437; - 2 Dec 2021
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 4169
Shapes and rise velocities of single air bubbles rising through stagnant water confined inside an annular channel were investigated by means of experiments and numerical simulations. Fast video imaging and image processing were used for the experiments, whilst the numerical simulations were carried [...] Read more.
Shapes and rise velocities of single air bubbles rising through stagnant water confined inside an annular channel were investigated by means of experiments and numerical simulations. Fast video imaging and image processing were used for the experiments, whilst the numerical simulations were carried out using the volume of fluid method and the open-source package OpenFOAM. The confinement of the annular channel did not affect the qualitative behavior of the bubbles, which exhibited a wobbling rise dynamic similar to that observed in bubbles rising through unconfined liquids. The effect of the confinement on the shape and rise velocity was evident; the bubbles were less deformed and rose slower in comparison with bubbles rising through unconfined liquids. The present data and numerical simulations, as well as the data collected from the literature for use here, indicate that the size, shape, and rise velocity of single bubbles are closely linked together, and prediction methods that fail to recognize this perform poorly. This study and the limited evidence documented in the literature indicate that the confinement effects observed in non-circular channels of complex shape are more complicated than those observed with circular tubes, and much less well understood. Full article
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22 pages, 16922 KiB  
Data-Driven Modeling of Geometry-Adaptive Steady Heat Convection Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
by Jiang-Zhou Peng, Xianglei Liu, Zhen-Dong Xia, Nadine Aubry, Zhihua Chen and Wei-Tao Wu
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 436; - 1 Dec 2021
Cited by 21 | Viewed by 3100
Heat convection is one of the main mechanisms of heat transfer, and it involves both heat conduction and heat transportation by fluid flow; as a result, it usually requires numerical simulation for solving heat convection problems. Although the derivation of governing equations is [...] Read more.
Heat convection is one of the main mechanisms of heat transfer, and it involves both heat conduction and heat transportation by fluid flow; as a result, it usually requires numerical simulation for solving heat convection problems. Although the derivation of governing equations is not difficult, the solution process can be complicated and usually requires numerical discretization and iteration of differential equations. In this paper, based on neural networks, we developed a data-driven model for an extremely fast prediction of steady-state heat convection of a hot object with an arbitrary complex geometry in a two-dimensional space. According to the governing equations, the steady-state heat convection is dominated by convection and thermal diffusion terms; thus the distribution of the physical fields would exhibit stronger correlations between adjacent points. Therefore, the proposed neural network model uses convolutional neural network (CNN) layers as the encoder and deconvolutional neural network (DCNN) layers as the decoder. Compared with a fully connected (FC) network model, the CNN-based model is good for capturing and reconstructing the spatial relationships of low-rank feature spaces, such as edge intersections, parallelism, and symmetry. Furthermore, we applied the signed distance function (SDF) as the network input for representing the problem geometry, which contains more information compared with a binary image. For displaying the strong learning and generalization ability of the proposed network model, the training dataset only contains hot objects with simple geometries: triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and dodecagons, while the testing cases use arbitrary and complex geometries. According to the study, the trained network model can accurately predict the velocity and temperature field of the problems with complex geometries, which has never been seen by the network model during the model training; and the prediction speed is two orders faster than the CFD. The ability of accurate and extremely fast prediction of the network model suggests the potential of applying reduced-order network models to the applications of real-time control and fast optimization in the future. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Challenges and Advances in Heat and Mass Transfer)
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12 pages, 984 KiB  
Numerical Modeling of the Wave-Plate-Current Interaction by the Boundary Element Method
by Hasna Akarni, Laila El Aarabi, Laila Mouakkir and Soumia Mordane
Fluids 2021, 6(12), 435; - 1 Dec 2021
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2561
The aim of this work is to propose a numerical study of the interaction of a wave-horizontal plate fixed and completely immersed in a flat-bottomed tank with a uniform current flowing in the same direction as the incident wave. We investigate in particular [...] Read more.
The aim of this work is to propose a numerical study of the interaction of a wave-horizontal plate fixed and completely immersed in a flat-bottomed tank with a uniform current flowing in the same direction as the incident wave. We investigate in particular the effect of the plate at minimizing the impact of the wave on the coast of beaches by studying the free surface elevation and the reflection coefficient, as well as the influence of the various geometrical parameters on the latter, taking into account the presence of the current. The numerical method used in this study is the boundary element method (BEM), and the results obtained will be confronted with experimental and analytical data existing in the literature. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Hydrodynamics and Its Interaction with Structures)
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