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Proceedings, 2018, XoveTIC 2018

XoveTIC 2018

A Coruña, Spain | 27–28 September 2018

Issue Editors:
Ignacio Fraga, University of A Coruña, Spain
Alberto Alvarellos, University of A Coruña, Spain
Maria Montero, University of A Coruña, Spain
Javier Pereira, University of A Coruña, Spain
Manuel González Penedo, University of A Coruña, Spain

Number of Papers: 41

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Cover Story (view full-size image): This issue of Proceedings gathers papers presented at XOVETIC2018 (A Coruña, Spain, 27–28 September 2018), a conference with the main goal of bringing together young researchers working [...] Read more.
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3 pages, 1608 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Raspberry Pimu: Raspberry Pi Based Inertial Sensor Data Processing System
by Alberto Alvarellos, Adrián Vázquez and Juan Rabuñal
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1159; - 18 Sep 2018
Viewed by 2214
This paper explains the architectural design and development of an application for the reception, visualization and storage of inertial sensor data provided by an inertial measurement system (IMU). The application is built to run in a Raspberry Pi equipped with a small size [...] Read more.
This paper explains the architectural design and development of an application for the reception, visualization and storage of inertial sensor data provided by an inertial measurement system (IMU). The application is built to run in a Raspberry Pi equipped with a small size screen that allows the visualization of the data and the control of data recording. The IMU is connected to a Raspberry Pi through a serial port (USB-TTY). Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
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3 pages, 480 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Increasing NLP Parsing Efficiency with Chunking
by Mark Dáibhidh Anderson and David Vilares
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1160; - 19 Sep 2018
Viewed by 2876
We introduce a “Chunk-and-Pass” parsing technique influenced by a psycholinguistic model, where linguistic information is processed not word-by-word but rather in larger chunks of words. We present preliminary results that show that it is feasible to compress linguistic data into chunks without significantly [...] Read more.
We introduce a “Chunk-and-Pass” parsing technique influenced by a psycholinguistic model, where linguistic information is processed not word-by-word but rather in larger chunks of words. We present preliminary results that show that it is feasible to compress linguistic data into chunks without significantly diminishing parsing performance and potentially increasing the speed. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
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2 pages, 301 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Automatic Characterization of Epiretinal Membrane in OCT Images with Supervised Training
by Sergio Baamonde, Joaquim de Moura, Jorge Novo, Noelia Barreira and Marcos Ortega
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1161; - 17 Sep 2018
Viewed by 1451
This work presents an automatic method to characterize the presence or absence of the epiretinal membrane (ERM) in Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) images. To this end, a predefined set of classifiers is used on multiple local-based feature vectors which represent the inner limiting [...] Read more.
This work presents an automatic method to characterize the presence or absence of the epiretinal membrane (ERM) in Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) images. To this end, a predefined set of classifiers is used on multiple local-based feature vectors which represent the inner limiting membrane (ILM), the layer of the retina where the ERM can be present. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
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2 pages, 149 KiB  
Extended Abstract
A Critical Approach to Information and Communication Technologies
by Alfonso Ballesteros
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1162; - 14 Sep 2018
Viewed by 1573
Many times it has been taken for granted that information and communication technologies (ICT) are intrinsically good for human beings or at least neutral. The first position is assumed by “techno-enthusiasts”, the second by those who have a well-meaning opinion of ICT. Here [...] Read more.
Many times it has been taken for granted that information and communication technologies (ICT) are intrinsically good for human beings or at least neutral. The first position is assumed by “techno-enthusiasts”, the second by those who have a well-meaning opinion of ICT. Here we briefly framed a third possibility leaded by South-Korean philosopher Byung-Chul Han, a position that allows us to think about how ICT is shaping society and human beings as we know it. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
3 pages, 251 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Image Transmission: Analog or Digital?
by Jose Balsa, Tomás Domínguez-Bolano, Óscar Fresnedo, José A. García-Naya and Luis Castedo
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1163; - 18 Sep 2018
Viewed by 1514
Evaluation and comparison of analog and digital wireless transmission systems. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
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4 pages, 727 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Computationally Efficient Bootstrap Expressions for Bandwidth Selection in Nonparametric Curve Estimation
by Inés Barbeito and Ricardo Cao
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1164; - 17 Sep 2018
Viewed by 1413
Bootstrap methods are used for bandwidth selection in: (1) nonparametric kernel density estimation with dependent data (smoothed stationary bootstrap and smoothed moving blocks bootstrap), and (2) nonparametric kernel hazard rate estimation (smoothed bootstrap). In these contexts, four new bandwidth parameter selectors are proposed [...] Read more.
Bootstrap methods are used for bandwidth selection in: (1) nonparametric kernel density estimation with dependent data (smoothed stationary bootstrap and smoothed moving blocks bootstrap), and (2) nonparametric kernel hazard rate estimation (smoothed bootstrap). In these contexts, four new bandwidth parameter selectors are proposed based on closed bootstrap expressions of the MISE of the kernel density estimator (case 1) and two approximations of the kernel hazard rate estimation (case 2). These expressions turn out to be very useful since Monte Carlo approximation is no longer needed. Finally, these smoothing parameter selectors are empirically compared with the already existing ones via a simulation study. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
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2 pages, 659 KiB  
Extended Abstract
An R Package Implementation for Statistical Modeling of Emergence Curves in Weed Science
by Daniel Barreiro-Ures, Ricardo Cao and Mario Francisco-Fernández
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1165; - 18 Sep 2018
Viewed by 1506
Over the last few years, the research group MODES has carried out a research line (in collaboration with researchers from the Sustainable Agriculture Institute of the CSIC in Córdoba) on statistical modeling in weed science. One of the aspects dealt with in this [...] Read more.
Over the last few years, the research group MODES has carried out a research line (in collaboration with researchers from the Sustainable Agriculture Institute of the CSIC in Córdoba) on statistical modeling in weed science. One of the aspects dealt with in this line is that of the estimation of the so-called emergence curves from data obtained from field studies. In this context, new indices have been developed for hydrothermal times, new nonparametric methods have been proposed, which have been compared with other existing parametric methods and applied to relevant pests. In this context, the objective pursued was the development of an R package that can be useful for the statistical analysis of weed science data and, in particular, for the estimation of emergence curves. Currently, the package is available in the CRAN and it is intended to become a standard of use among the research community in weed science. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
4 pages, 698 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Bandwidth Selection in Nonparametric Regression with Large Sample Size
by Daniel Barreiro-Ures, Ricardo Cao and Mario Francisco-Fernández
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1166; - 17 Sep 2018
Viewed by 1988
In the context of nonparametric regression estimation, the behaviour of kernel methods such as the Nadaraya-Watson or local linear estimators is heavily influenced by the value of the bandwidth parameter, which determines the trade-off between bias and variance. This clearly implies that the [...] Read more.
In the context of nonparametric regression estimation, the behaviour of kernel methods such as the Nadaraya-Watson or local linear estimators is heavily influenced by the value of the bandwidth parameter, which determines the trade-off between bias and variance. This clearly implies that the selection of an optimal bandwidth, in the sense of minimizing some risk function (MSE, MISE, etc.), is a crucial issue. However, the task of estimating an optimal bandwidth using the whole sample can be very expensive in terms of computing time in the context of Big Data, due to the computational complexity of some of the most used algorithms for bandwidth selection (leave-one-out cross validation, for example, has O ( n 2 ) complexity). To overcome this problem, we propose two methods that estimate the optimal bandwidth for several subsamples of our large dataset and then extrapolate the result to the original sample size making use of the asymptotic expression of the MISE bandwidth. Preliminary simulation studies show that the proposed methods lead to a drastic reduction in computing time, while the statistical precision is only slightly decreased. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
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3 pages, 729 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Nonparametric Mean Estimation for Big-but-Biased Data
by Laura Borrajo and Ricardo Cao
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1167; - 19 Sep 2018
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1375
Some authors have recently warned about the risks of the sentence with enough data, the numbers speak for themselves. The problem of nonparametric statistical inference in big data under the presence of sampling bias is considered in this work. The mean estimation [...] Read more.
Some authors have recently warned about the risks of the sentence with enough data, the numbers speak for themselves. The problem of nonparametric statistical inference in big data under the presence of sampling bias is considered in this work. The mean estimation problem is studied in this setup, in a nonparametric framework, when the biasing weight function is unknown (realistic). The problem of ignoring the weight function is remedied by having a small SRS of the real population. This problem is related to nonparametric density estimation. The asymptotic expression for the MSE of the estimator proposed is considered. Some simulations illustrate the performance of the nonparametric method proposed in this work. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
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2 pages, 539 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Automatic System for the Identification and Visualization of the Retinal Vessel Tree Using OCT Imaging
by Joaquim de Moura, Jorge Novo, Noelia Barreira, Manuel G. Penedo and Marcos Ortega
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1168; - 17 Sep 2018
Viewed by 1351
This paper proposes a system for the three-dimensional identification and visualization of the retinal vasculature using Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) scans. This fully automatic tool provides useful biomarkers to the medical specialists that facilitate the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of various retinal and [...] Read more.
This paper proposes a system for the three-dimensional identification and visualization of the retinal vasculature using Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) scans. This fully automatic tool provides useful biomarkers to the medical specialists that facilitate the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of various retinal and systemic pathologies. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
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2 pages, 779 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Automatic Segmentation and Measurement of Vascular Biomarkers in OCT-A Images
by Macarena Díaz, Jorge Novo, Manuel G. Penedo and Marcos Ortega
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1169; - 17 Sep 2018
Viewed by 1279
We propose an automatic methodology that identifies the vascularity zones in OCT-A images and their measurement for its use in clinical analysis and diagnostic processes. The segmentation and measurement contributes objectivity and repeatability in the results, desirable characteristics in any diagnosis and monitoring [...] Read more.
We propose an automatic methodology that identifies the vascularity zones in OCT-A images and their measurement for its use in clinical analysis and diagnostic processes. The segmentation and measurement contributes objectivity and repeatability in the results, desirable characteristics in any diagnosis and monitoring process. In the validation of the method, the correlation coefficient of Pearson and Jaccard index were used, obtaining satisfactory results. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
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3 pages, 157 KiB  
Extended Abstract
On the Processing and Analysis of Microtexts: From Normalization to Semantics
by Yerai Doval and David Vilares
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1170; - 18 Sep 2018
Viewed by 1641
User-generated content published on microblogging social platforms constitutes an invaluable source of information for diverse purposes: health surveillance, business intelligence, political analysis, etc. We present an overview of our work on the field of microtext processing covering the entire pipeline: from input preprocessing [...] Read more.
User-generated content published on microblogging social platforms constitutes an invaluable source of information for diverse purposes: health surveillance, business intelligence, political analysis, etc. We present an overview of our work on the field of microtext processing covering the entire pipeline: from input preprocessing to high-level text mining applications. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
3 pages, 688 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Interpretable Market Segmentation on High Dimension Data
by Carlos Eiras-Franco, Bertha Guijarro-Berdiñas, Amparo Alonso-Betanzos and Antonio Bahamonde
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1171; - 17 Sep 2018
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1576
Obtaining relevant information from the vast amount of data generated by interactions in a market or, in general, from a dyadic dataset, is a broad problem of great interest both for industry and academia. Also, the interpretability of machine learning algorithms is becoming [...] Read more.
Obtaining relevant information from the vast amount of data generated by interactions in a market or, in general, from a dyadic dataset, is a broad problem of great interest both for industry and academia. Also, the interpretability of machine learning algorithms is becoming increasingly relevant and even becoming a legal requirement, all of which increases the demand for such algorithms. In this work we propose a quality measure that factors in the interpretability of results. Additionally, we present a grouping algorithm on dyadic data that returns results with a level of interpretability selected by the user and capable of handling large volumes of data. Experiments show the accuracy of the results, on par with traditional methods, as well as its scalability. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
3 pages, 159 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Reconstruction of Tomographic Images through Machine Learning Techniques
by Xosé Fernández-Fuentes, David Mera and Andrés Gómez
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1172; - 17 Sep 2018
Viewed by 1519
Some problems in the field of health or industry require to obtain information from the inside of a body without using invasive methods. Some techniques are able to get qualitative images. However, these images are not enough to solve some problems that require [...] Read more.
Some problems in the field of health or industry require to obtain information from the inside of a body without using invasive methods. Some techniques are able to get qualitative images. However, these images are not enough to solve some problems that require an accurate knowledge. Normally, the tomography processes are used to explore inside of a body. In this particular case, we are using the method called Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT). The basic operation of this method is as follows: (1) The electrical potential difference is measured in the electrodes placed around the body. This part is known as forward model. (2) Get information from the inside of the body using the measured voltages. This problem is known as inverse problem. There are several approximations to solve this inverse problem. However, these solutions are focused on obtaining qualitative images. In this paper, we show the main challenges of how to obtain quantitative knowledge when Machine Learning techniques are used to solve this inverse problem. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
3 pages, 197 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Network Data Unsupervised Clustering to Anomaly Detection
by Manuel López-Vizcaíno, Carlos Dafonte, Francisco J. Nóvoa, Daniel Garabato and M. A. Álvarez
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1173; - 17 Sep 2018
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1750
In these days, organizations rely on the availability and security of their communication networks to perform daily operations. As a result, network data must be analyzed in order to provide an adequate level of security and to detect anomalies or malfunctions in the [...] Read more.
In these days, organizations rely on the availability and security of their communication networks to perform daily operations. As a result, network data must be analyzed in order to provide an adequate level of security and to detect anomalies or malfunctions in the systems. Due to the increase of devices connected to these networks, the complexity to analyze data related to its communications also grows. We propose a method, based on Self-Organized Maps, which combine numerical and categorical features, to ease communication network data analysis. Also, we have explored the possibility of using different sources of data. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
4 pages, 210 KiB  
Extended Abstract
A Convolutional Network for the Classification of Sleep Stages
by Isaac Fernández-Varela, Elena Hernández-Pereira and Vicente Moret-Bonillo
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1174; - 14 Sep 2018
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 1944
The classification of sleep stages is a crucial task in the context of sleep medicine. It involves the analysis of multiple signals thus being tedious and complex. Even for a trained physician scoring a whole night sleep study can take several hours. Most [...] Read more.
The classification of sleep stages is a crucial task in the context of sleep medicine. It involves the analysis of multiple signals thus being tedious and complex. Even for a trained physician scoring a whole night sleep study can take several hours. Most of the automatic methods trying to solve this problem use human engineered features biased for a specific dataset. In this work we use deep learning to avoid human bias. We propose an ensemble of 5 convolutional networks achieving a kappa index of 0.83 when classifying 500 sleep studies. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
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2 pages, 584 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Analysis of the Effect of Tidal Level on the Discharge Capacity of Two Urban Rivers Using Bidimensional Numerical Modelling
by Ignacio Fraga
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1175; - 14 Sep 2018
Viewed by 1448
This article quantifies the variation of the discharge capacity of an urban river of the Galicia region due to the tidal level at the river discharge. During high tides, the water level on the river outlet produces a backwater effects that reduces the [...] Read more.
This article quantifies the variation of the discharge capacity of an urban river of the Galicia region due to the tidal level at the river discharge. During high tides, the water level on the river outlet produces a backwater effects that reduces the maximum discharge. This results in a decrease of the maximum capacity to one third of the maximum discharge during low tide. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
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3 pages, 704 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Channel Covariance Identification in FDD Massive MIMO Systems
by José P. González-Coma, Pedro Suárez-Casal, Paula M. Castro and Luis Castedo
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1176; - 19 Sep 2018
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1363
Channel estimation for Massive MIMO systems has drawn a lot of attention in the last years. A number of estimation methods rely on the knowledge of the channel covariance matrix to operate. However, this covariance is not known in practice, and it should [...] Read more.
Channel estimation for Massive MIMO systems has drawn a lot of attention in the last years. A number of estimation methods rely on the knowledge of the channel covariance matrix to operate. However, this covariance is not known in practice, and it should be acquired. In this work, we investigate different techniques for covariance identification under the assumption of very short training sequences. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
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3 pages, 182 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Guidelines to Support Graphical User Interface Design for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Interdisciplinary Approach
by Betania Groba, Nereida Canosa and Patricia Concheiro-Moscoso
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1177; - 17 Sep 2018
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2069
The study aims to describe the guidelines to support user interface design for develop technology centered in the specific learning style, abilities and needs of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This research study describes the conclusions drawn following a process of interactive [...] Read more.
The study aims to describe the guidelines to support user interface design for develop technology centered in the specific learning style, abilities and needs of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This research study describes the conclusions drawn following a process of interactive design of software, ASD Module, In-TIC PC. Four groups of participants were involved in the process: specialists with experience in the intervention with people with ASD, specialists with experience in the development and design of technology for people with disability, children with ASD and their families (n = 39). The techniques used to formalize the collection of information from different groups of participants were observation, interview, group discussions and a questionnaire. The results of the study target the development of a design guide that includes the evidence, the basic ideas and suggestions deduced from the design and development process of the ASD Module. This translates into a list of rules with suggestions to consider in the design and adaptation of technology for children with ASD. These guidelines of interface design provide useful information for researchers, developers, social and healthcare professionals and families, with the aim of offering alternatives for children with ASD and facilitating the understanding of daily life. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
4 pages, 234 KiB  
Extended Abstract
When Diversity Met Accuracy: A Story of Recommender Systems
by Alfonso Landin, Eva Suárez-García and Daniel Valcarce
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1178; - 14 Sep 2018
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2691
Diversity and accuracy are frequently considered as two irreconcilable goals in the field of Recommender Systems. In this paper, we study different approaches to recommendation, based on collaborative filtering, which intend to improve both sides of this trade-off. We performed a battery of [...] Read more.
Diversity and accuracy are frequently considered as two irreconcilable goals in the field of Recommender Systems. In this paper, we study different approaches to recommendation, based on collaborative filtering, which intend to improve both sides of this trade-off. We performed a battery of experiments measuring precision, diversity and novelty on different algorithms. We show that some of these approaches are able to improve the results in all the metrics with respect to classical collaborative filtering algorithms, proving to be both more accurate and more diverse. Moreover, we show how some of these techniques can be tuned easily to favour one side of this trade-off over the other, based on user desires or business objectives, by simply adjusting some of their parameters. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
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3 pages, 613 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Brain-Computer Interfaces for Internet of Things
by Francisco Laport, Francisco J. Vazquez-Araujo, Paula M. Castro and Adriana Dapena
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1179; - 17 Sep 2018
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 2239
A brain-computer interface for controlling elements commonly used at home is presented in this paper. It includes the electroencephalography device needed to acquire signals associated to the brain activity, the algorithms for artefact reduction and event classification, and the communication protocol. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
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2 pages, 282 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Fluid Region Analysis and Identification via Optical Coherence Tomography Image Samples
by Plácido L. Vidal, Joaquim de Moura, Jorge Novo, José Rouco and Marcos Ortega
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1180; - 17 Sep 2018
Viewed by 1283
The work herein proposed presents a methodology which aims to identify cystoid regions using OCT scans. This method obtained satisfactory results detecting cystoid regions with different levels of complexity without needing any preprocessing nor candidate filtering steps. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
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3 pages, 697 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Nonparametric Inference in Mixture Cure Models
by Ana López-Cheda, Ricardo Cao, Mª Amalia Jácome and Ingrid Van Keilegom
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1181; - 17 Sep 2018
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1728
A completely nonparametric method for the estimation of mixture cure models is proposed. Nonparametric estimators for the cure probability (incidence) and for the survival function of the uncured population (latency) are introduced. In addition, a bootstrap bandwidth selection method for each nonparametric estimator [...] Read more.
A completely nonparametric method for the estimation of mixture cure models is proposed. Nonparametric estimators for the cure probability (incidence) and for the survival function of the uncured population (latency) are introduced. In addition, a bootstrap bandwidth selection method for each nonparametric estimator is considered. The methodology is applied to a dataset of colorectal cancer patients from the University Hospital of A Coruña (CHUAC). Furthermore, a nonparametric covariate significance test for the incidence is proposed. The test is extended to non-continuous covariates: binary, discrete and qualitative, and also to contexts with a large number of covariates. The method is applied to a sarcomas dataset from the University Hospital of Santiago (CHUS). Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
4 pages, 1318 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Numerical Simulation of the Dynamics of Listeria Monocytogenes Biofilms
by Eva Balsa-Canto, Alejandro López-Núñez and Carlos Vázquez
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1182; - 18 Sep 2018
Viewed by 1430
A biofilm is a layer of microorganisms attached to a surface and protected by a matrix of exopolysaccharides. Biofilm structures difficult the removal of microorganisms, thus the study of the type of structures formed throughout a biofilm life cycle is key to design [...] Read more.
A biofilm is a layer of microorganisms attached to a surface and protected by a matrix of exopolysaccharides. Biofilm structures difficult the removal of microorganisms, thus the study of the type of structures formed throughout a biofilm life cycle is key to design elimination techniques. Also, the study of the inner mechanisms of a biofilm system is of the utmost importance in order to prevent harmful biofilms formation and enhance the properties of beneficial biofilms. This study must be achieved through the combination of mathematical modelling and experimental studies. Our work focuses on the study of biofilms formed by Listeria monocytogenes, a pathogen bacteria, specially relevant in food industry. Listeria is highly resistant to biocides and appears in common food surfaces even after decontamination processes. Their biofilms can develop quite different structures, from flat biofilms to clustered or honeycomb structures. In the present work, we develop 1D and 2D models that simulate the dynamics of biofilms formed by different strains of L. monocytogenes. All this models are solved with efficient numerical methods and robust numerical techniques, such as the Level Set method. The numerical re sults are compared with the experimental measurements obtained in the Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas, CSIC (Vigo, Spain), and the Micalis Institute, INRA (Massy, France). Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
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3 pages, 184 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Using Discrete Wavelet Transform to Model Whistle Contours for Dolphin Species Classification
by Paula Lopez-Otero, Laura Docio-Fernandez and Antonio Cardenal-López
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1183; - 17 Sep 2018
Viewed by 1895
This work proposes the use of features based on the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) for dolphin species classification. These features are compared with other previously used in the literature, and the experiments carried out in a database featuring four different species of cetaceans [...] Read more.
This work proposes the use of features based on the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) for dolphin species classification. These features are compared with other previously used in the literature, and the experiments carried out in a database featuring four different species of cetaceans (three dolphins and a pilot whale) showed that the use of DWT features led to improved classification performance. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
3 pages, 351 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Automation of the Data Acquisition System for Self-Quantification Devices
by Rodrigo Martín-Prieto
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1184; - 19 Sep 2018
Viewed by 1763
In this paper we describe an environment that enables the interaction and data-fetching through a computer system from the Xiaomi Mi Band 2, a very popular and inexpensive Bluetooth Low Energy Fitness device, thus making it suitable for health-care long-term projects in which [...] Read more.
In this paper we describe an environment that enables the interaction and data-fetching through a computer system from the Xiaomi Mi Band 2, a very popular and inexpensive Bluetooth Low Energy Fitness device, thus making it suitable for health-care long-term projects in which continuously gathering sleep and activity data is required. The environment is composed by a communication server running a custom library, exposed through both a shell command prompt and a RESTful API so it can be used by any other system connected to this server. The library is capable of connecting to an arbitrary number of devices at a time, bypassing many restrictions of the manufacturer’s proprietary application and not depending on an outgoing network connection to synchronize data between the system and the devices. In this paper we cover not only the process to enable communication with the target device from computers but also the architectural aspects of the developed system. We also provide brief information about the prototypes developed to test the system on a real ongoing geriatric study. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
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5 pages, 732 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Testing Goodness-of-Fit of Parametric Spatial Trends
by Andrea Meilán-Vila, Jean Opsomer, Mario Francisco-Fernández and Rosa M. Crujeiras
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1185; - 17 Sep 2018
Viewed by 1511
The aim of this work is to propose and analyze the behavior of a test statistic to assess a parametric trend surface, that is, a regression model with spatially correlated errors. The asymptotic behavior under the null hypothesis, as well as the asymptotic [...] Read more.
The aim of this work is to propose and analyze the behavior of a test statistic to assess a parametric trend surface, that is, a regression model with spatially correlated errors. The asymptotic behavior under the null hypothesis, as well as the asymptotic power of the test under local alternatives will be analyzed. Finite sample performance of the test is addressed by simulation, introducing a bootstrap calibration procedure. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
3 pages, 164 KiB  
Extended Abstract
A Task Planning Problem in a Home Care Business
by Isabel Méndez Fernandez, Ignacio García Jurado, Silvia Lorenzo Freire, Luisa Carpente Rodríguez and Julián Costa Bouzas
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1186; - 19 Sep 2018
Viewed by 1525
This work focuses on the study of a task planning problem in a home care business. The objective is to schedule the working days of the available nurses, in order to assist all the active clients. Due to the large size of the [...] Read more.
This work focuses on the study of a task planning problem in a home care business. The objective is to schedule the working days of the available nurses, in order to assist all the active clients. Due to the large size of the real cases that must be faced, it is not possible to obtain exact solutions of the problem in short periods of time. Therefore, we propose an algorithm, which is based on heuristic techniques, to provide approximated solutions to the incidents that arise daily in the company. The designed algorithm is validated by obtaining the automatic schedule to solve a battery of real-like examples. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
3 pages, 161 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Feature Selection with Limited Bit Depth Mutual Information for Embedded Systems
by Laura Morán-Fernández, Verónica Bolón-Canedo and Amparo Alonso-Betanzos
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1187; - 17 Sep 2018
Viewed by 1369
Data is growing at an unprecedented pace. With the variety, speed and volume of data flowing through networks and databases, newer approaches based on machine learning are required. But what is really big in Big Data? Should it depend on the numerical representation [...] Read more.
Data is growing at an unprecedented pace. With the variety, speed and volume of data flowing through networks and databases, newer approaches based on machine learning are required. But what is really big in Big Data? Should it depend on the numerical representation of the machine? Since portable embedded systems have been growing in importance, there is also increased interest in implementing machine learning algorithms with a limited number of bits. Not only learning, also feature selection, most of the times a mandatory preprocessing step in machine learning, is often constrained by the available computational resources. In this work, we consider mutual information—one of the most common measures of dependence used in feature selection algorithms—with reduced precision parameters. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
4 pages, 171 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Promoting Active aging and Quality of Life through Technological Devices
by Laura Nieto-Riveiro, Thais Pousada-García and María del Carmen Miranda-Duro
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1188; - 18 Sep 2018
Viewed by 2988
This abstract presents a set of projects developed by RNASA-IMEDIR research group of the Universidade da Coruña, aimed at promoting active aging, quality of life, health and personal autonomy of older people, by means of technological devices. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
3 pages, 610 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Laboratory Samples Allocation Problem
by Diego Noceda Davila, Luisa Carpente Rodríguez and Silvia Lorenzo Freire
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1189; - 14 Sep 2018
Viewed by 1404
This work aims to solve the optimization problem associated with the allocation of laboratory samples in plates. The processing of each of these plates is costly both in time and money, therefore the main objective is to minimize the number of plates used. [...] Read more.
This work aims to solve the optimization problem associated with the allocation of laboratory samples in plates. The processing of each of these plates is costly both in time and money, therefore the main objective is to minimize the number of plates used. The characteristics of the problem are reminiscent of the well-known bin packing problem, an NP-Hard problem that, although it is feasible to model as a linear programming problem, it cannot be solved at a reasonable cost. This work, proposes the implementation of a heuristic algorithm that provides good results at a low computational cost. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
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3 pages, 720 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Sparse Semi-Functional Partial Linear Single-Index Regression
by Silvia Novo, Germán Aneiros and Philippe Vieu
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1190; - 17 Sep 2018
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1580
The variable selection problem is studied in the sparse semi-functional partial linear model, with single-index type influence of the functional covariate in the response. The penalized least squares procedure is employed for this task. Some properties of the resultant estimators are derived: the [...] Read more.
The variable selection problem is studied in the sparse semi-functional partial linear model, with single-index type influence of the functional covariate in the response. The penalized least squares procedure is employed for this task. Some properties of the resultant estimators are derived: the existence (and rate of convergence) of a consistent estimator for the parameters in the linear part and an oracle property for the variable selection method. Finally, a real data application illustrates the good performance of our procedure. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
3 pages, 591 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Comparative Results with Unsupervised Techniques in Cyber Attack Novelty Detection
by Jorge Meira
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1191; - 17 Sep 2018
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 1789
Intrusion detection is a major necessity in current times. Computer systems are constantly being victims of malicious attacks. These attacks keep on exploring new technics that are undetected by current Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), because most IDS focus on detecting signatures of previously [...] Read more.
Intrusion detection is a major necessity in current times. Computer systems are constantly being victims of malicious attacks. These attacks keep on exploring new technics that are undetected by current Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), because most IDS focus on detecting signatures of previously known attacks. This work explores some unsupervised learning algorithms that have the potential of identifying previously unknown attacks, by performing outlier detection. The algorithms explored are one class based: the Autoencoder Neural Network, K-Means, Nearest Neighbor and Isolation Forest. There algorithms were used to analyze two publicly available datasets, the NSL-KDD and ISCX, and compare the results obtained from each algorithm to perceive their performance in novelty detection. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
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4 pages, 177 KiB  
Extended Abstract
A Vehicle Routing Problem with Periodic Replanning
by Guido Ignacio Novoa-Flores, Luisa Carpente and Silvia Lorenzo-Freire
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1192; - 19 Sep 2018
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 1709
In this work we focus on the problem of truck fleet management of the company GESUGA. This company is responsible of the collection and proper treatment of animals not intended for human consumption. On a daily basis, with the uncollected requests, the company [...] Read more.
In this work we focus on the problem of truck fleet management of the company GESUGA. This company is responsible of the collection and proper treatment of animals not intended for human consumption. On a daily basis, with the uncollected requests, the company designs the routes for the next day. However, these routes have to be replanned during their execution as new requests appear from customers that the company would be interested in attending. The problem treated belongs to the family MDCVRPTW with the particularity of the route redesign. For its resolution we have adapted linear programming models, simulation techniques and metaheuristic algorithms. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
3 pages, 3340 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Scene Wireframes Sketching for Drones
by Roi Santos, Xose M. Pardo and Xose R. Fdez-Vidal
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1193; - 17 Sep 2018
Viewed by 1646
The increasing use of autonomous UAVs inside buildings and around human-made structures demands new accurate and comprehensive representation of their operation environments. Most of the 3D scene abstraction methods use invariant feature point matching, nevertheless some sparse 3D point clouds do not concisely [...] Read more.
The increasing use of autonomous UAVs inside buildings and around human-made structures demands new accurate and comprehensive representation of their operation environments. Most of the 3D scene abstraction methods use invariant feature point matching, nevertheless some sparse 3D point clouds do not concisely represent the structure of the environment. Likewise, line clouds constructed by short and redundant segments with inaccurate directions limit the understanding of scenes as those that include environments with poor texture, or whose texture resembles a repetitive pattern. The presented approach is based on observation and representation models using the straight line segments, whose resemble the limits of an urban indoor or outdoor environment. The goal of the work is to get a full method based on the matching of lines that provides a complementary approach to state-of-the-art methods when facing 3D scene representation of poor texture environments for future autonomous UAV. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
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3 pages, 290 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Automatic Identification and Segmentation of Diffuse Retinal Thickening Macular Edemas Using OCT Imaging
by Gabriela Samagaio, Joaquim de Moura, Jorge Novo and Marcos Ortega
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1194; - 18 Sep 2018
Viewed by 1374
This paper proposes a novel methodology for the automatic identification and segmentation of the Diffuse Retinal Thickening (DRT) edemas using Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) images as source of information. This Macular Edema (ME) type is commonly used by ophthalmologists as a relevant biomarker [...] Read more.
This paper proposes a novel methodology for the automatic identification and segmentation of the Diffuse Retinal Thickening (DRT) edemas using Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) images as source of information. This Macular Edema (ME) type is commonly used by ophthalmologists as a relevant biomarker for the early diagnosis of this retinal disorder which, therefore, permits a better adjustment of the treatments, reducing their costs as well as improving the life quality of the patients. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
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3 pages, 1052 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Learning Retinal Patterns from Multimodal Images
by Álvaro S. Hervella, José Rouco, Jorge Novo and Marcos Ortega
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1195; - 17 Sep 2018
Viewed by 1463
The training of deep neural networks usually requires a vast amount of annotated data, which is expensive to obtain in clinical environments. In this work, we propose the use of complementary medical image modalities as an alternative to reduce the required annotated data. [...] Read more.
The training of deep neural networks usually requires a vast amount of annotated data, which is expensive to obtain in clinical environments. In this work, we propose the use of complementary medical image modalities as an alternative to reduce the required annotated data. The self-supervised training of a reconstruction task between paired multimodal images can be used to learn about the image contents without using any label. Experiments performed with the multimodal setting formed by retinography and fluorescein angiography demonstrate that the proposed task produces the recognition of relevant retinal structures. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
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4 pages, 1120 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Software Defined Radio: A Brief Introduction
by Anxo Tato
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1196; - 19 Sep 2018
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 3358
In this short article the concept of Software Defined Radio (SDR) is introduced and compared with the traditional radio. Then, a research project of atlanTTic center which used this technology was briefly presented and lastly, we include a reference to some dissemination activities [...] Read more.
In this short article the concept of Software Defined Radio (SDR) is introduced and compared with the traditional radio. Then, a research project of atlanTTic center which used this technology was briefly presented and lastly, we include a reference to some dissemination activities related with SDR to be developed shortly. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
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3 pages, 580 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Texture Mapping on NURBS Surface
by Sergio Vázquez and Margarita Amor
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1197; - 17 Sep 2018
Viewed by 2211
Texture mapping allows high resolution details over 3D surfaces. Nevertheless, texture mapping has a number of unresolved problems such as distortion, boundary between textures or filtering. On the other hand, NURBS surfaces are usually decomposed into a set of Bézier surfaces, since NURBS [...] Read more.
Texture mapping allows high resolution details over 3D surfaces. Nevertheless, texture mapping has a number of unresolved problems such as distortion, boundary between textures or filtering. On the other hand, NURBS surfaces are usually decomposed into a set of Bézier surfaces, since NURBS surface can not be directly rendered by GPU. In this work, we propose a texture mapping directly on the NURBS surfaces using the RPNS (Rendering Pipeline for NURBS Surface) method, which allows the rendering of NURBS surface directly on the GPU. Our proposal facilitates the implementation while minimizing the cost of storage, mitigating distortions and stitching between textures. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
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2 pages, 136 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Technologies for Participatory Medicine and Health Promotion in the Elderly Population
by Naveira-Carro Eloy, Concheiro-Moscoso Patricia and Miranda-Duro MC
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1198; - 28 Sep 2018
Viewed by 1707
The progressive aging of the population [...] Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
2 pages, 157 KiB  
Extended Abstract
Fully Automatic Teeth Segmentation in Adult OPG Images
by Nicolás Vila-Blanco, Inmaculada Tomás and María José Carreira
Proceedings 2018, 2(18), 1199; - 17 Sep 2018
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 2019
In this work, the problem of segmenting teeth in panoramic dental images is addressed. The Random Forest Regression Voting Constrained Local Models (RFRV-CLM) are used to perform the segmentation in two steps. Firstly, a set of mandible and teeth keypoints are located, and [...] Read more.
In this work, the problem of segmenting teeth in panoramic dental images is addressed. The Random Forest Regression Voting Constrained Local Models (RFRV-CLM) are used to perform the segmentation in two steps. Firstly, a set of mandible and teeth keypoints are located, and then that points are used to initialise each individual tooth model. A method to detect missing teeth based on the quality of fit is presented. The system is evaluated using 346 manually annotated images containing adult-stage teeth. Encouraging results on detecting missing teeth are achieved. The system is able to locate the outline of the teeth to a median point-to-curve error of 0.2 mm. Full article
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of XoveTIC Congress 2018)
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