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Geosciences, Volume 13, Issue 8 (August 2023) – 34 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): The complex and locally variable mosaic of sedimentary units seen on modern passive margins mitigates the significant exchange of seawater and groundwater offshore. Discharge of offshore groundwater to the ocean can transmit contaminants and nutrients that may contribute as much water as river discharge. This study examines sediment deposits 2–20 km off the Isle of Palms, South Carolina, using an integrated geophysical and sedimentological approach that included 13 sediment vibracores collected at intersections of high-resolution seismic profiles. The numerous small paleochannels found in this area were most likely former estuarine channels comprising a drowned marsh environment that confines groundwater flow. Pulses of groundwater discharge have been detected just beyond the paleochannels. This suggests that mapping paleochannel systems is important for predicting groundwater flow. View this paper
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29 pages, 22487 KiB  
Digital Tools for the Promotion of Geological and Mining Heritage: Case Study from the Thames Goldfield, Aotearoa, New Zealand
by Vanessa Cocal-Smith, Graham Hinchliffe and Michael G. Petterson
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 253; - 21 Aug 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2465
The geoheritage value in the Thames District, North Island, New Zealand, is notable for its over 50 epithermal gold deposits associated with the Coromandel Volcanic Zone, significant to the region’s geological, cultural, and mining heritage. This case study was conducted in collaboration with [...] Read more.
The geoheritage value in the Thames District, North Island, New Zealand, is notable for its over 50 epithermal gold deposits associated with the Coromandel Volcanic Zone, significant to the region’s geological, cultural, and mining heritage. This case study was conducted in collaboration with the Thames School of Mines and Mineralogical Museum to develop a series of web-based applications for public outreach and an accessible museum experience through the utilization of specimens from the mineralogical museum. This research applies a conceptual framework of ex situ geoheritage to explore links between local geology with cultural and mining heritage. Minerals and rock specimens collected for the Thames School of Mines Mineralogical Museum were used to create 3D virtual models demonstrating the epithermal mineralization in the Thames Goldfield. Outputs of this project consist of two digital products, including a digital mineral and rock repository and the dissemination of the geological collection through integrating the photogrammetric models into a user-friendly outreach, ArcGIS Storymaps, to depict the geoheritage relationship of the specimens to regional gold mining, and at the same time, to be developed to be implemented in geoscience education and communication. The results of this paper are intended to promote the use of digital tools for enhancing and raising awareness of the geoheritage values of the Thames Goldfield. This approach has relevance for Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands in raising awareness of geological, mineral, and mining heritage within widely distributed and often isolated communities across island archipelago nations. Full article
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20 pages, 13054 KiB  
Predisposing Factors for Shallow Landslides in Alpine and Hilly/Apennines Environments: A Case Study from Piemonte, Italy
by Eva Fedato, Giandomenico Fubelli, Laurie Kurilla and Davide Tiranti
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 252; - 19 Aug 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2102
Landslides are the most common natural hazard in the Piemonte region (northwestern Italy). This study is focused on shallow landslides caused by the sliding of the surficial detrital-colluvial cover caused by rainfall and characterized by a sudden and fast evolution. This study investigates [...] Read more.
Landslides are the most common natural hazard in the Piemonte region (northwestern Italy). This study is focused on shallow landslides caused by the sliding of the surficial detrital-colluvial cover caused by rainfall and characterized by a sudden and fast evolution. This study investigates shallow landslide events compared with variables considered as main predisposing qualitative factors (lithology, pedology and land use) to obtain a zonation of shallow landslide susceptibility in a GIS environment. Additionally, wildfire occurrence is also evaluated as a further predisposing factor for shallow landslide initiation. The resulting susceptibility map shows a strong correlation between the first three variables and shallow landslide occurrence, while it shows a negligible, or very localized, relationship with wildfire occurrence. Through the intersection of the predisposing factors with the landslide data points, a map of homogeneous zones is obtained; each identified zone is characterized by uniform lithological, soil-type, and land-use characteristics. The shallow landslide density occurrence is computed for each zone, resulting in a four-range susceptibility map. The resulting susceptibility zones can be used to define and evaluate the hazard linked to shallow landslide events for civil protection and regional planning purposes. Full article
(This article belongs to the Topic Landslide Prediction, Monitoring and Early Warning)
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21 pages, 2677 KiB  
Influence of Groundwater on the Very Shallow Geothermal Potential (vSGP) in the Area of a Large-Scale Geothermal Collector System (LSC)
by Mario Rammler, Robin Zeh and David Bertermann
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 251; - 19 Aug 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1387
The water balance in the very shallow subsurface can be influenced by capillary rise due to a high groundwater table. Since moisture content is an important factor for the thermal conductivity of soils, this can also have an influence on the very shallow [...] Read more.
The water balance in the very shallow subsurface can be influenced by capillary rise due to a high groundwater table. Since moisture content is an important factor for the thermal conductivity of soils, this can also have an influence on the very shallow geothermal potential (vSGP). For this reason, the effect of spatial and seasonal variations in groundwater tables on moisture content in essential depth layers was investigated at a large-scale geothermal collector system (LSC) in Bad Nauheim, Germany. Quasi-one-dimensional simulations using the FEFLOW® finite-element simulation system were employed to determine site-dependent and seasonally varying moisture contents, from which thermal conductivities were derived. The model setup was previously validated based on recorded moisture contents. The simulations resulted in groundwater-related maximum seasonal and spatial differences in thermal conductivity of 0.14 W/(m∙K) in the LSC area. Larger differences of up to 0.21 W/(m∙K) resulted for different soil textures at the same depth due to different thermal properties. The results indicate that an efficient design of LSCs requires a sufficiently detailed subsurface exploration to account for small-scale variations in grain size distribution and groundwater level. Full article
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13 pages, 2895 KiB  
Groundwater Recharge and Circulation in Dolomitic Aquifer Located in Semi-Arid Region: Evidence from the δ18O and δ2H Record, South Africa
by Tamiru A. Abiye
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 250; - 18 Aug 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2213
Dolomitic aquifers are regarded as important groundwater storage sites in South Africa. Since these aquifers occur in a semi-arid climatic setting with low rainfall, often characterized by a torrential downpour and high potential evapotranspiration, the occurrence of active recharge is very limited (<5% [...] Read more.
Dolomitic aquifers are regarded as important groundwater storage sites in South Africa. Since these aquifers occur in a semi-arid climatic setting with low rainfall, often characterized by a torrential downpour and high potential evapotranspiration, the occurrence of active recharge is very limited (<5% of mean annual rainfall) as compared with the rainfall amount. The Malmani dolomites that have undergone greenschist metamorphism contain widespread caves and open karst structures at shallow levels, which facilitate groundwater recharge, circulation, storage and spring occurrence. However, the open karst structures receive recharge that passes through fractures in the vadose zone, which regulates the recharge through retardation and mixing processes. The integrated approach involving major ions and stable isotopes of water was applied to understand the recharge mechanism. The cave drip water samples were represented by the δ18O values of −3.95‰ to 3.32‰ and the δ2H values ranging from −11.0‰ to 27.7‰. On the other hand, the rainfall isotope results for δ18O fall between −16.11‰ and 5.38‰, while the δ2H values fall between −105.7‰ and 35.6‰. The most depleted Malapa springs contain δ18O of −5.64‰ and δ2H of −32.4‰. Based on the results, the mixing of water in the vadose zone could be considered as an indicator of the dominance of a slow-diffusive flow process in the aquifer as a result of poor fracture permeability. However, regional groundwater circulation through faults and dykes besides interconnected karst structures helps in generating highly productive karst springs in the region characterized by low rainfall. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Hydrogeology)
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22 pages, 7630 KiB  
Twenty-Two Years of GPS Monitoring at Rabaul Caldera, a Narrative History
by Steve Saunders, Eric Tenor, Joseph Wakawa and John Nohou
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 249; - 18 Aug 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1720
It has long been recognised that volcanoes deform as fluids migrate, or change pressure in fractures and reservoirs within the volcano or in the crust below and around them. Calderas in particular have been shown to deform in complex and often major ways. [...] Read more.
It has long been recognised that volcanoes deform as fluids migrate, or change pressure in fractures and reservoirs within the volcano or in the crust below and around them. Calderas in particular have been shown to deform in complex and often major ways. The Rabaul Caldera is a type example of a caldera that undergoes complex and occasionally rapid deformation. This was first recognised by visual observations, and by the 1970s these movements were being monitored by traditional surveying techniques. Between 1972 and 1994, the centre of the caldera was uplifted by approximately 2 m. Following the 1994 eruption, it was indirectly found that parts of the caldera were uplifted ~6 m in the final hours before the eruption. It was realized that ‘real-time’ monitoring of the uplift may have given a better warning that an eruption was imminent. Traditional surveying techniques are time consuming; in the late 1990s, the only option for real-time monitoring was a Global Positioning System (GPS). By early 2000, a real-time GPS system was working at Rabaul Volcanological Observatory (RVO). Twenty-two years of continually recording differential GPS or Global Navigational Satellite System (GNSS) has proven the technique to be of immense importance. Often it has been the only parameter showing that unrest is happening. At times, inflation and deflation have warned of impending activity or recorded the emptying of the system; at other times, patterns of deformation have been more difficult to interpret. The technique has proven its worth in monitoring the status or general ‘health’ of the caldera, but for more precise forecasts it can only form part of an integrated monitoring system. Current testing of much cheaper receivers and improvements in telemetry mean the technique may soon be available for the more remote volcanoes of Papua New Guinea. Full article
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16 pages, 16128 KiB  
Generation of the Quaternary Normal Faults in the Messina Strait (Italy)
by Enzo Mantovani, Marcello Viti, Daniele Babbucci and Caterina Tamburelli
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 248; - 17 Aug 2023
Viewed by 1713
It is widely recognized that since the Early–Middle Pleistocene, the Messina zone, the site of strong earthquakes, has undergone extension, but the geodynamic context which determined this deformation is still a matter of debate. This work suggests that such a tectonic event was [...] Read more.
It is widely recognized that since the Early–Middle Pleistocene, the Messina zone, the site of strong earthquakes, has undergone extension, but the geodynamic context which determined this deformation is still a matter of debate. This work suggests that such a tectonic event was caused by the interaction of northern Calabria with the continental Adriatic domain. The suture of that consuming boundary produced major changes in the microplate mosaic and the related kinematic pattern in the Southern Italian zones, which was triggered by the activation of the Sibari and Vulcano faults. In the new context, the Peloritani belt sector, dragged by the Hyblean block, rotated clockwise and then moved northward, causing its divergence from southern Calabria. The normal faults which have accommodated that separation may be the main seismogenic source in the Messina Strait. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Geodynamics and Seismotectonics in the Mediterranean Region)
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21 pages, 25325 KiB  
Ephemeral Mediterranean Watercourses Strongly Altered by Growth in Tourism: The Case of Benidorm (Spain)
by Estela García-Botella and Alfredo Ramón-Morte
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 247; - 16 Aug 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1422
Many ephemeral Mediterranean watercourses are affected by the growth of tourism and the demand for holiday homes. Calculating the runoff threshold in these small basins is vital for understanding the impact generated by urban growth and its incidence on the increase in flood [...] Read more.
Many ephemeral Mediterranean watercourses are affected by the growth of tourism and the demand for holiday homes. Calculating the runoff threshold in these small basins is vital for understanding the impact generated by urban growth and its incidence on the increase in flood hazards. The reconstruction of paleochannels, as well as appropriate scalar analysis and the use of geographical information variables, are fundamental for the correct estimation of flood risk and the implementation of coherent territorial planning policies. This case study of the Barceló ravine in the city of Benidorm, Spain, demonstrates the importance of the correct and complementary use of official, standardised, and open databases. The correct use of these geoinformation repositories, together with the fieldwork and historical reconstruction of paleofloods, form the set of strategic information variables for the study of flooding in these altered and dangerous watercourses that affect touristic urban zones around the Mediterranean. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Flood Hazard and Risk in Urban Areas)
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16 pages, 14440 KiB  
Geophysical Subsoil Characterization and Modeling Using Cluster Analysis for Seismic Microzonation Purposes
by Patrizia Capizzi and Raffaele Martorana
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 246; - 15 Aug 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1894
In the municipality of Enna, 80 HVSR measurements were performed, and some of these were combined with MASW seismic measurements, which made it possible to constrain the data inversion and obtain significant shear wave velocity models. A reconstruction of the depth of the [...] Read more.
In the municipality of Enna, 80 HVSR measurements were performed, and some of these were combined with MASW seismic measurements, which made it possible to constrain the data inversion and obtain significant shear wave velocity models. A reconstruction of the depth of the seismic bedrock was performed for the whole territory, showing different depths for the higher and lower areas, as evidenced also by the Vseq parameter map. The frequency peaks identified in the H/V curve were analyzed through a cluster analysis algorithm to evaluate similarities that allow these peaks to be divided according to their stratigraphic origin. A non-hierarchical analysis algorithm modified in such a way as to avoid any a priori choice that could influence the partition has been used. The cluster analysis made it possible to divide the frequency peaks into five groupings, each of which was then associated with a seismic discontinuity, according to the geological contacts expected in the subsoil. Finally, the inversion of the data made it possible to reconstruct the geometries of these geological contact surfaces and to reconstruct a 3D model of the subsoil, which agrees well with the surface geology of the area. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue New Trends in Earthquake Engineering and Seismotectonics)
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20 pages, 5115 KiB  
Influence of Localized Rainfall Patterns on Landslide Occurrence—A Case Study of Southern Hiroshima with eXtended Radar Information Network Data during the July 2018 Heavy Rain Disasters
by José Maria dos Santos Rodrigues Neto and Netra Prakash Bhandary
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 245; - 14 Aug 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2014
In this study, we use GIS and other analytical platforms to analyze the landslide distribution pattern in the July 2018 heavy rain disasters in the southern part of Hiroshima Prefecture in Japan in conjunction with chronological XRAIN (eXtended Radar Information Network) radar-acquired localized [...] Read more.
In this study, we use GIS and other analytical platforms to analyze the landslide distribution pattern in the July 2018 heavy rain disasters in the southern part of Hiroshima Prefecture in Japan in conjunction with chronological XRAIN (eXtended Radar Information Network) radar-acquired localized rainfall data in order to better understand the relationship between rainfall characteristics and landslide probability. An analysis of event rainfall from the July 2018 disasters determines that landslide-inducing rainfall started from 8:30 AM on 5 July and continued until 7:30 AM on 7 July, accumulating to up to 368 mm in total precipitation, and that there were two intensity peaks, one around 7:30 PM on 6 July, and another one around 4:30 AM on 7 July. These two events are associated with particularly high landslide activity, which indicates that landslide activation is related to peak-intensity rainfall combined with accumulated continuous precipitation. The XRAIN data were also used together with landslide reports to calculate the intensity–duration (i.e., I-D) rainfall threshold for the area. The mean annual precipitation in the whole study area ranged between 2025 mm and 3030 mm, with an average value of about 2300 mm. The spatial distribution of rainfall throughout the sampled years indicates that rainfall is remarkably localized, with higher values concentrated on elevated areas. However, it was also observed that the maximum precipitation volumes are not so closely related to landslide occurrence, and the highest landslide activity was found in intermediate precipitation class zones instead. Correlating the localization patterns of event precipitation and mean annual precipitation using Pearson’s correlation coefficient, we found an r value of 0.55, which is considered a moderate correlation between the two datasets (i.e., event precipitation and mean annual precipitation). Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advanced Numerical Modelling and Analysis in Geotechnical Engineering)
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27 pages, 10435 KiB  
Tunnelling with Full-Face Shielded Machines: A 3D Numerical Analysis of an Earth Pressure Balance (EPB) Excavation Sequence Using the Finite Element Method (FEM)
by Jonathan Tyrer, Chrysothemis Paraskevopoulou, Ravi Shah, Richard Miller and Michael Kavvadas
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 244; - 12 Aug 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2567
Urban tunnelling can be highly challenging, especially in areas where limited ground settlements and environmental disturbance is required. Mechanised tunnelling is usually preferred in such ground environments, specifically Slurry or EPBM (Earth Pressure Balance Machine), depending on the ground properties. Being able to [...] Read more.
Urban tunnelling can be highly challenging, especially in areas where limited ground settlements and environmental disturbance is required. Mechanised tunnelling is usually preferred in such ground environments, specifically Slurry or EPBM (Earth Pressure Balance Machine), depending on the ground properties. Being able to predict the anticipated tunnel behaviour at the preliminary stages of the project can be very beneficial in optimising not only the design, but also control the construction activities and completion times. In practice, the short-term excavation response and support performance focus primarily on design, since most site characterisation inputs are focused on material properties gained from short-term testing. Although the analysis of tunnelling is a three-dimensional (3D) problem, conventional approaches and design methods employed during the design and construction of underground openings are often based on the ground’s static response in two dimensions (2D). In this paper, an initial 2D model is generated in PLAXIS2D and RS2 (Rocscience) to test advanced constitutive models and compare transverse settlement profiles; subsequently, a complete 3D FEM numerical model in RS3 (Rocscience) was used to simulate an Earth Pressure Balance (EPB) excavation sequence. The 3D numerical model simulates the relevant EPB components such as face pressure, TBM shield, backfilling of the tail void (time-dependent hardening of the grout) and gradual segmental lining erections in the longitudinal direction. The presented numerical approach can be used by tunnel designers and engineers to predict the soil response in EPBM tunnelling. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advanced Numerical Modelling and Analysis in Geotechnical Engineering)
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16 pages, 2926 KiB  
Subduction as a Smoothing Machine: How Multiscale Dissipation Relates Precursor Signals to Fault Geometry
by Patricio Venegas-Aravena and Enrique G. Cordaro
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 243; - 11 Aug 2023
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 1738
Understanding the process of earthquake preparation is of utmost importance in mitigating the potential damage caused by seismic events. That is why the study of seismic precursors is fundamental. However, the community studying non-seismic precursors relies on measurements, methods, and theories that lack [...] Read more.
Understanding the process of earthquake preparation is of utmost importance in mitigating the potential damage caused by seismic events. That is why the study of seismic precursors is fundamental. However, the community studying non-seismic precursors relies on measurements, methods, and theories that lack a causal relationship with the earthquakes they claim to predict, generating skepticism among classical seismologists. Nonetheless, in recent years, a group has emerged that seeks to bridge the gap between these communities by applying fundamental laws of physics, such as the application of the second law of thermodynamics in multiscale systems. These systems, characterized by describing irreversible processes, are described by a global parameter called thermodynamic fractal dimension, denoted as D. A decrease in D indicates that the system starts seeking to release excess energy on a macroscopic scale, increasing entropy. It has been found that the decrease in D prior to major earthquakes is related to the increase in the size of microcracks and the emission of electromagnetic signals in localized zones, as well as the decrease in the ratio of large to small earthquakes known as the b-value. However, it is still necessary to elucidate how D, which is also associated with the roughness of surfaces, relates to other rupture parameters such as residual energy, magnitude, or fracture energy. Hence, this work establishes analytical relationships among them. Particularly, it is found that larger magnitude earthquakes with higher residual energy are associated with smoother faults. This indicates that the pre-seismic processes, which give rise to both seismic and non-seismic precursor signals, must also be accompanied by changes in the geometric properties of faults. Therefore, it can be concluded that all types of precursors (seismic or non-seismic), changes in fault smoothness, and the occurrence of earthquakes are different manifestations of the same multiscale dissipative system. Full article
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1 pages, 197 KiB  
Correction: Renard, P.; Ababou, R. Equivalent Permeability Tensor of Heterogeneous Media: Upscaling Methods and Criteria (Review and Analyses). Geosciences 2022, 12, 269
by Philippe Renard and Rachid Ababou
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 242; - 11 Aug 2023
Viewed by 859
The authors would like to correct the published article [...] Full article
18 pages, 8111 KiB  
Theoretical Developments for the Interpretation of Cavity Flow Permeability Tests Conducted on Intact Lac du Bonnet Granite
by A. P. S. Selvadurai
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 241; - 10 Aug 2023
Viewed by 1216
The permeability of intact geologic media features prominently in many geo-environmental endeavours. The laboratory estimation of permeability is an important adjunct to the field estimation of bulk permeability values, which involves a great deal of supplementary in situ investigations to correctly interpret field [...] Read more.
The permeability of intact geologic media features prominently in many geo-environmental endeavours. The laboratory estimation of permeability is an important adjunct to the field estimation of bulk permeability values, which involves a great deal of supplementary in situ investigations to correctly interpret field data. Laboratory permeability estimation is also a viable method if core samples are recovered from in situ geological mapping of the region under study. The basic methodologies for permeability estimation rely on either steady-state or transient tests of the geologic material depending on the anticipated permeability value. This paper presents a steady flow test conducted on a partially drilled cavity located on the axis of a cylindrical specimen. Certain compact theoretical relationships are proposed for the estimation of steady flow from a cavity of finite dimensions located along the axis of a cylindrical specimen. The relationships are used to estimate the permeability of a cylinder of Lac du Bonnet granite obtained from the western flank of the Canadian Shield. The results from the cavity flow permeability experiments are compared with other estimates for the permeability of granitic rocks reported in the literature. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Geomechanics)
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22 pages, 7917 KiB  
Morphotectonic Features in the Middle Biferno River Valley: The Case of Ponte Liscione Dam (Central Italy)
by Vania Mancinelli, Giorgio Paglia, Marco Emanuele Discenza, Mariacarmela Minnillo, Francesco Cerrone, Marzia Rizzo and Enrico Miccadei
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 240; - 10 Aug 2023
Viewed by 1401
This paper presents a morphometric and structural-geomorphological approach to identifying morphotectonic features across an area underlain by lithologies that do not easily record tectonic deformations but are widely affected by seismic activity. The middle Biferno River Valley (Central Italy) was chosen as a [...] Read more.
This paper presents a morphometric and structural-geomorphological approach to identifying morphotectonic features across an area underlain by lithologies that do not easily record tectonic deformations but are widely affected by seismic activity. The middle Biferno River Valley (Central Italy) was chosen as a study area. It was investigated through analyses performed from the drainage basin scale (Biferno River) to the local scale (Ponte Liscione Dam). This methodological approach was applied to investigate the impact of morphotectonic processes in the study area, providing a geomorphology-based contribution to landscape evolution. The aim of the work was to discriminate the main morphotectonic elements acting in the complex tectonic framework of the study area by means of a combination of morphometric, morphotectonic, and structural-geomorphological analyses. The resulting data allowed us to identify three main systems of tectonic elements (F1, F2, and F3), which are attributable to compressive and extensional kinematics, as already reported in previous thematic studies. The tectonic setting reflects the geodynamic framework of the Periadriatic region, as highlighted by the distribution of seismogenic sources and the historical to recent seismicity. Finally, the present work could act as a valuable scientific tool for any geomorphological studies aimed at better defining the impact of morphotectonic processes in similar tectonically active regions hosting important and strategic artificial dams. Full article
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29 pages, 24857 KiB  
Analysis of the Efficiency of Petroleum Systems in Fluvial Environments in the Rift Context of the South and North Atlantic: Brazil and Portugal
by Gustavo Santana Barbosa, Gustavo Gonçalves Garcia, Rui Paulo Bento Pena dos Reis, Antônio Jorge Vasconcellos Garcia and Gabriel de Alemar Barberes
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 239; - 10 Aug 2023
Viewed by 2010
The present article exhibits the achieved results based on the evaluation of two petroleum systems, which compares reservoirs of fluvial environments of sedimentary basins located in the south and north Atlantic, in Brazil (Recôncavo Basin) and in Portugal (Lusitanian Basin), respectively. The main [...] Read more.
The present article exhibits the achieved results based on the evaluation of two petroleum systems, which compares reservoirs of fluvial environments of sedimentary basins located in the south and north Atlantic, in Brazil (Recôncavo Basin) and in Portugal (Lusitanian Basin), respectively. The main contribution of this study is the survey of the static (source, reservoir, and sealing rocks, in addition to traps) and dynamic elements (tectonic, migration, thermal, and diagenetic processes) of the two studied petroleum systems, seeking to understand the reasons for the success and failure of the analyzed reservoirs in relation to the accumulation of hydrocarbons. The following materials were used for this study: lithostratigraphic charts, event charts of petroleum systems, interpreted 2D seismic reflection lines, lithological profiles, outcrop data, geochemical analysis of source rocks, petrographic analysis, and description of diagenetic processes, which acts in the reservoir rocks. The methodology presents two phases: the first with a multiscale characterization of the elements of petroleum systems and economic aspects, and another with an integrated analysis of the reservoir potentials, based on the efficiency analysis table of the petroleum system elements and interpretative diagrams of the petroleum system elements. The occurrences of hydrocarbon accumulations indicate that the structuring of the Recôncavo Basin in horsts and grabens provides the formation of efficient migration routes, combined with an excellent source rock, reservoirs with good permo-porous characteristics, and effective seal rocks. On the other hand, in the Lusitanian Basin, the Paleozoic source rocks occur in mini-basins, with little lateral continuity, which negatively affects the generation of hydrocarbons. Besides this fact, saliferous tectonics were the main cause of hydrocarbon migration along faults or their walls towards the upper strata and to the surface. The fluvial reservoir rock shows a strong action of diagenetic processes, which affects its petrophysical properties. The main implication of this work is its contribution to the analysis of analogous reservoirs, based on the detailed investigation of the static and dynamic elements of petroleum systems. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Palaeontology)
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19 pages, 10961 KiB  
Paleogeographic and Tectonic Evolution of the Earliest Wedge-Top Basin in the Southern Apennines: New Insights from the Paleocurrent Analysis of the Cilento Group Deposits (Southern Italy)
by Mubashir Mehmood, Sabatino Ciarcia, Luca Lo Schiavo, Jacopo Natale and Stefano Vitale
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 238; - 8 Aug 2023
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 2257
Our research focuses on the reconstruction of turbidity paleocurrents of the Cilento Group in the Cilento area (southern Apennines, Italy). These deposits were formed in the wedge-top basin above the oceanic Ligurian Accretionary Complex, the early orogenic wedge of the southern Apennines. The [...] Read more.
Our research focuses on the reconstruction of turbidity paleocurrents of the Cilento Group in the Cilento area (southern Apennines, Italy). These deposits were formed in the wedge-top basin above the oceanic Ligurian Accretionary Complex, the early orogenic wedge of the southern Apennines. The Cilento Group succession, whose age ranges between the uppermost Burdigalian and lowermost Tortonian, consists of a thick pile of sandstones, conglomerates, marls and pelites grouped in two formations (Pollica and San Mauro Fms). We retrieved information on the turbidity current directions through sedimentary features such as flute and groove casts, flame structures and ripple marks. The aim of this study is to shed light on the early tectonic evolution of the southern Apennines by reconstructing the geometry of this basin, the source areas that fed it and the paleogeography of the central Mediterranean area in the Miocene. We analyzed 74 sites in both formations and collected 338 measurements of paleocurrent indicators. Because the succession was affected by severe thrusting and folding, every paleocurrent measurement was restored, reinstating the bedding in the horizontal attitude. Results indicate a complex pattern of turbidity current flow directions consistent with a basin model fed by a spectrum of sources, including recycled clasts from the Ligurian Accretionary Complex, Calabria–Peloritani Terrane and the Apennine Platform units and volcaniclastics from the synorogenic volcanoes located in the Sardinia block. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Palaeontology)
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3 pages, 782 KiB  
Correction: Hoffmann-Abdi et al. Short-Term Meteorological and Environmental Signals Recorded in a Firn Core from a High-Accumulation Site on Plateau Laclavere, Antarctic Peninsula. Geosciences 2021, 11, 428
by Kirstin Hoffmann-Abdi, Francisco Fernandoy, Hanno Meyer, Johannes Freitag, Thomas Opel, Joseph R. McConnell and Christoph Schneider
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 237; - 8 Aug 2023
Viewed by 1029
The authors would like to make the following corrections to the published article [...] Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Water Stable Isotope Signatures in the Ice of Antarctica)
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9 pages, 5605 KiB  
Subduction of Submarine Arc Volcanoes Beneath the Solomon Islands Arc
by Brian Taylor, Elizabeth K. Benyshek and Andrew M. Goodliffe
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 236; - 8 Aug 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1942
In the Solomon Islands, arc magmas are erupting on the subducting Australia Plate. These island (Simbo) and submarine arc volcanoes (Kana Keoki, Coleman and Pavuvu) are about to be recycled by rapid subduction. We identify eight of their former equivalents beneath the forearc [...] Read more.
In the Solomon Islands, arc magmas are erupting on the subducting Australia Plate. These island (Simbo) and submarine arc volcanoes (Kana Keoki, Coleman and Pavuvu) are about to be recycled by rapid subduction. We identify eight of their former equivalents beneath the forearc by the morphologies and deformation structures that are characteristic of seamount subduction. Tsunamigenic earthquakes recently nucleated just ahead of two of the subducting seamounts. A third (Pavuvu), that has indented the subduction front and uplifted the lower forearc, is associated with a historic earthquake gap. It is positioned such that a rupture there has the potential for tsunami waves to impact the capital, Honiara. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Present and Past Submarine Volcanic Activity II)
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14 pages, 9161 KiB  
Insights on the Formation Conditions of Manganese Oxides from Crimora, VA (USA)
by Chiara Elmi, Jacob R. Whitlock, Matthew T. Macdowell and Richard D. Foust, Jr.
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 235; - 8 Aug 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2203
Many regions of the United States contain manganese deposits economically valuable in New England, Appalachian, and Piedmont regions in the Eastern United States, in Northern Arkansas, and, to a small extent, in Central–Western California. Mn oxide/hydroxide (commonly referred to as Mn oxide minerals) [...] Read more.
Many regions of the United States contain manganese deposits economically valuable in New England, Appalachian, and Piedmont regions in the Eastern United States, in Northern Arkansas, and, to a small extent, in Central–Western California. Mn oxide/hydroxide (commonly referred to as Mn oxide minerals) are found in a wide variety of geological settings and occur as fine-grained aggregates, veins, marine and freshwater nodules and concretions, crusts, dendrites, and coatings on rock surfaces (e.g., desert varnish). How manganese oxides form and what mechanisms determine which oxides are likely to form are limited and still debated. This paper focuses on Mn oxides collected at the southern bound of the abandoned open-pit site called Crimora Mine (Augusta County, Virginia). This study uses mineralogical and chemical features to shed light on the origin of manganese deposits in Crimora along the western foot of the Blue Ridge in South–West Virginia. We report the first detailed study on the genesis of the Crimora manganese deposit conducted since the mine was closed in the 1950s. Crimora Mine sample is dark black fine- to medium-grained round and oblong nodules coated with a fine-grained intermix of yellowish earthy limonite, clays, and quartz. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed that the Crimora Mn-oxides exhibit concentric layering, breccia-like matrices, and veins. X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) identified the set of Mn minerals as hollandite and birnessite. The concentration and range of dissolved chemical species in freshwater, seawater, and hydrothermal depositional fluids impart a geochemical signature to the Mn-oxides, providing a diagnostic tool to shed light on their genetic origin. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) analysis of the Crimora manganese oxides shows Mn, Fe, and Ti, as well as trace elements such as Co, Ba, Y, Zn, Cr, Ni, Tl, La, V, and Li. A bivariate analysis based on the geochemical correlation of Mn and other common substituting cations (e.g., Fe, Co, Ti) shows a mixed genesis in different environments with varying biological and sedimentary supergene (freshwater and marine) conditions. These data suggest that the Mn-rich deposit in Crimora, VA, was formed in a continental margin environment of surficial deposits and reprecipitated in mixed biogenic and supergene conditions. Full article
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17 pages, 23062 KiB  
Structural and Tectonic Evolution of the Porgera Gold Mine; Highlands of Papua New Guinea
by Kevin C. Hill, Gareth T. Cooper, Agnes Pokondepa, Peter Essy, Thiwaporn Phonsit and Mark Haydon
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 234; - 7 Aug 2023
Viewed by 2535
The Porgera Transfer Zone (PTZ) is a major crustal and probably lithospheric structure across Papua New Guinea recording >50 km offset of ophiolites and very different patterns of geology and topography on either side. In the Late Jurassic, the PTZ probably separated oceanic [...] Read more.
The Porgera Transfer Zone (PTZ) is a major crustal and probably lithospheric structure across Papua New Guinea recording >50 km offset of ophiolites and very different patterns of geology and topography on either side. In the Late Jurassic, the PTZ probably separated oceanic crust and thick Jurassic Om shales to the west from a continental promontory to the east. During the Late Miocene to Recent orogenesis, the differential compression of these features is interpreted to have created a dextral strike slip fault across the fold belt with pull-apart basins at sites of fault relays. This facilitated the ascent of intrusions and mineralization at Porgera. The acquisition of high-resolution LIDAR data semi-regionally around the Porgera Gold Mine greatly improved interpretation of the regional geology and particularly the recognition of normal faults. By correlating with sparse dip data and paly-dated samples, it was possible to create stratigraphic sections and interpret structural cross-sections using the LIDAR data. As the area involved strike–slip offsets, it was important to construct sections in multiple orientations in order to interpret the 3D geology. Both dips and fault orientation could be directly inferred from the LIDAR data such that sections could be constructed orthogonally to them. A balanced, restored and forward-modelled cross-section illustrates the interaction between thrust faults and normal faults during compression and that it was synchronous with the development of a pull-apart basin. A semi-regional 3D geological model, which was developed mainly from the LIDAR data, supports the hypothesis of inversion of the thick Om beds to the west before or during compression of the continental promontory to the east resulting in dextral strike–slip offsets across the PTZ. A jog or relay in the faults occurred and caused a pull-apart collapse basin to develop in the area of the Porgera mine. Similar pull-apart graben, or negative flower structures, were detected nearby and may be areas for future exploration. Full article
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21 pages, 5011 KiB  
FEM Modelling of Thin Weak Layers in Slope Stability Analysis
by Roberto Valentino
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 233; - 6 Aug 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1608
Modelling the presence and the effect of a thin weak layer of soil or rock in a slope stability analysis performed through the finite element method (FEM) presents several problems of purely numerical nature. This paper deals with a parametric analysis of three [...] Read more.
Modelling the presence and the effect of a thin weak layer of soil or rock in a slope stability analysis performed through the finite element method (FEM) presents several problems of purely numerical nature. This paper deals with a parametric analysis of three different 2D numerical case studies (both ideal and real) of unstable or potentially unstable slopes containing a thin soft band (or weak layer). The FEM software used is RS2 (Rocscience®). The aim is investigating the influence of some geometrical and numerical characteristics of the soft bands in the stability analyses. The Mohr–Coulomb elastic-perfectly plastic constitutive model for all the involved materials was assumed, and the mechanical parameters were kept constant. Instead, other fundamental parameters of the weak layer, such as the type of mesh elements, the mesh density, and the geometry, in terms of both thickness and outcrop shape, were changed, and results in terms of the critical Strength Reduction Factor (SRF) were compared. The main outcomes of this study represent practical suggestions on some numerical and technical aspects to users of FEM slope stability analyses, in order to obtain a precautionary assessment of slope stability. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advanced Numerical Modelling and Analysis in Geotechnical Engineering)
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17 pages, 7029 KiB  
Small Muddy Paleochannels and Implications for Submarine Groundwater Discharge near Charleston, South Carolina, USA
by Scott M. White, Erin Smoak, Andrew L. Leier and Alicia M. Wilson
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 232; - 2 Aug 2023
Viewed by 1965
The spatial variations in Quaternary sediments on the inner continental shelf are produced by the progression of depositional environments during the latest sea-level rise, and this sedimentary architecture plays a fundamental role in controlling groundwater discharge. However, coincident seismic mapping, sediment cores, and [...] Read more.
The spatial variations in Quaternary sediments on the inner continental shelf are produced by the progression of depositional environments during the latest sea-level rise, and this sedimentary architecture plays a fundamental role in controlling groundwater discharge. However, coincident seismic mapping, sediment cores, and hydrological studies are rare. Here, we combine high-resolution, 0.5–10 kHz, high-frequency seismic profiles with sediment cores to examine the nature of the sediment deposits, including paleochannels, where submarine groundwater discharge has also been studied in a 150 km2 area of the inner shelf north of Charleston, South Carolina. We used high-frequency seismic reflection to interpret seismic facies boundaries, including 16 paleochannel crossings, to 20 km offshore. From 13 vibracores taken at the intersections of the seismic lines, we defined seven lithofacies representative of specific depositional environments. The paleochannels that we cored contain thick layers of structureless mud sometimes interbedded with silt, and mud is common in several of the nearshore cores. Our results indicate that paleochannels are often mud-lined or filled in this area and were most likely former estuarine channels. Neither the paleochannels nor a mud layer were found farther than 11 km off the present shoreline. This offshore distance coincides with the strongest pulses of groundwater discharge, emerging just beyond the paleochannels. This suggests that the muddy paleochannel system acts as a confining layer for submarine groundwater flow. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Hydrogeology)
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25 pages, 28313 KiB  
Fluid-Related Features in the Offshore Sector of the Sciacca Geothermal Field (SW Sicily): The Role of the Lithospheric Sciacca Fault System
by Dario Civile, Luca Baradello, Flavio Accaino, Massimo Zecchin, Emanuele Lodolo, Giulia Matilde Ferrante, Nora Markezic, Valentina Volpi and Mihai Burca
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 231; - 31 Jul 2023
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 1456
The Sciacca basin extends in the southwestern part of Sicily and hosts an important geothermal field (the Sciacca Geothermal Field) characterized by hot springs containing mantle gasses. Newly acquired high-resolution seismic profiles (Boomer data) integrated with a multichannel seismic reflection profile in close [...] Read more.
The Sciacca basin extends in the southwestern part of Sicily and hosts an important geothermal field (the Sciacca Geothermal Field) characterized by hot springs containing mantle gasses. Newly acquired high-resolution seismic profiles (Boomer data) integrated with a multichannel seismic reflection profile in close proximity to the Sciacca Geothermal Field have documented the presence of numerous active and shallow fluid-related features (pipes, bright spots, buried and outcropping mud volcanoes, zones of acoustic blanking, and seafloor fluid seeps) in the nearshore sector between Capo San Marco and Sciacca (NW Sicilian Channel) and revealed its deep tectonic structure. The Sciacca Geothermal Field and the diffuse submarine fluid-related features probably form a single onshore–offshore field covering an area of at least 70 km2. This field has developed in a tectonically active zone dominated by a left-lateral transpressive regime associated with the lithospheric, NNE-striking Sciacca Fault System. This structure probably favored the rising of magma and fluids from the mantle in the offshore area, leading to the formation of a geothermal resource hosted in the Triassic carbonate succession that outcrops onshore at Monte San Calogero. This field has been active since the lower Pleistocene, when fluid emissions were likely greater than today and were associated with greater tectonic activity along the Sciacca Fault System. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Geophysics)
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33 pages, 52156 KiB  
Ancient Aeolian Reservoirs of the East Siberia Craton
by Michail V. Shaldybin, Svetlana Kvachko, Maxim Rudmin, Alexey Plyusnin and Iliya Kuznetsov
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 230; - 29 Jul 2023
Viewed by 1498
Fine-grained strata deposited on the Eastern Siberian craton are predominantly considered to mainly consist of Neoproterozoic sandstones. Clastic rocks near the unconformity border of the Ediacaran and the Riphean are represented by sandstone and siltstone layers with thicknesses of several tens of meters, [...] Read more.
Fine-grained strata deposited on the Eastern Siberian craton are predominantly considered to mainly consist of Neoproterozoic sandstones. Clastic rocks near the unconformity border of the Ediacaran and the Riphean are represented by sandstone and siltstone layers with thicknesses of several tens of meters, belonging to the Nepa, Tira, and Byuk horizons in the Nepa–Botuoba region. These Neoproterozoic sandstones have features characteristic of aeolianites formed under the action of high wind velocity in the Ediacaran period. Sandstone samples near the Riphean–Ediacaran boundary were collected from five deep wells and characterized for granulometry and mineral composition using optical microscopy, XRD, SEM, and ICP-MS techniques. These sandstones have a high proportion of quartz (60–98%) with minor amounts of feldspars, carbonate, and sulfate cements. Thin sections of the sandy rocks feature bimodal distributions of the grains throughout many sections, with large well-rounded quartz grains being several orders of magnitude greater than the silt matrix grains. The monomineralic quartz rocks have an overgrowth of quartz grains. These rocks can be petroleum reservoirs with good porosity and permeability, but in most of the studied intervals, a high content of anhydrite and dolomite interstitial cement significantly reduces both. The porosity of the rocks is low, while the permeability is very low, which may be associated with a significant amount of clay and cement material. Aeolianites normally contain large amounts of bimodal quartz (due to its high stability and resistance to weathering) and possess the presence of heavy minerals. Full article
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21 pages, 3485 KiB  
The Relationship between Bacterial Sulfur Cycling and Ca/Mg Carbonate Precipitation—Old Tales and New Insights from Lagoa Vermelha and Brejo do Espinho, Brazil
by Vanessa Fichtner, Simon L. Schurr, Harald Strauss, Crisógono Vasconcelos, Katja E. Goetschl, Camila Areias, Catia F. Barbosa and Adrian Immenhauser
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 229; - 28 Jul 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1544
Over the few past decades, the concept of microbial sulfur cycling catalyzing the precipitation of CaMg (CO3)2 at low temperatures (<40 °C) has been studied intensely. In this respect, two hypersaline lagoons, Lagoa Vermelha and Brejo do Espinho, in Brazil, [...] Read more.
Over the few past decades, the concept of microbial sulfur cycling catalyzing the precipitation of CaMg (CO3)2 at low temperatures (<40 °C) has been studied intensely. In this respect, two hypersaline lagoons, Lagoa Vermelha and Brejo do Espinho, in Brazil, have been the subject of numerous studies investigating sedimentary Ca/Mg carbonate formation. Here, we present the sulfur and oxygen isotopic compositions of dissolved sulfate from surface water, as well as sulfate and sulfide from pore-water (δ34SSO4, δ18OSO4, and δ34SH2S), the sulfur isotopic composition of sedimentary pyrite (δ34SCRS), and sulfur and oxygen isotopic compositions of carbonate-associated sulfate (CAS, δ34SCAS and δ18OCAS). The pore-water profiles at Lagoa Vermelha indicate ongoing bacterial sulfate reduction by increasing δ34SSO4, δ18OSO4 and δ34SCRS values downcore. At Brejo do Espinho, the pore-water profiles displayed no depth-dependent isotope trends; the Ca/Mg ratio was, on average, lower, and the δ18OSO4 values in both surface and pore-water were strongly enriched in 18O. There was an overall mismatch between δ34SSO4 and the significantly higher δ34SCAS values. A negative correlation was observed between the Ca/Mg ratio and higher δ34SCAS values. The results show that the size difference between the two lagoons induces differences in the intensity of evaporation, which leads to the increased secretion of extrapolymeric substances (EPSs) by microbes in the smaller Brejo do Espinho. EPS provides the microenvironment where Ca/Mg carbonate can nucleate and preserve increased δ34SCAS values. Apart from EPS, increased sulfur oxidation is proposed to be a second factor causing relative enrichment of Ca/Mg carbonates at Brejo do Espinho. Our results emphasize the role of evaporative processes on Ca/Mg carbonate formation, and indicate that the respective δ34SCAS values reflect microenvironments rather than preserving an open marine δ34SSO4 signature. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Carbonate Diagenesis)
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15 pages, 5436 KiB  
First Calibrated Methane Bubble Wintertime Observations in the Siberian Arctic Seas: Selected Results from the Fast Ice
by Denis Chernykh, Natalia Shakhova, Vladimir Yusupov, Elena Gershelis, Boris Morgunov and Igor Semiletov
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 228; - 28 Jul 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1601
This paper presents the results of an acoustic survey carried out from the fast ice in the shallow waters of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) using a single beam echosounder. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate an improved approach to [...] Read more.
This paper presents the results of an acoustic survey carried out from the fast ice in the shallow waters of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) using a single beam echosounder. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate an improved approach to study seafloor seepages in the Arctic coastal zone with an echosounder calibrated on site. During wintertime field observations of natural rising gas bubbles, we recorded three periods of their increased activity with a total of 63 short-term ejections of bubbles from the seabed. This study presents quantitative estimates of the methane (CH4) flux obtained in wintertime at two levels of the water column: (1) at the bottom/water interface and (2) at the water/sea ice interface. In winter, the flux of CH4 transported by rising bubbles to the bottom water in the shallow part of the ESAS was estimated at ~19 g·m−2 per day, while the flux reaching the water/sea ice interface was calculated as ~15 g·m−2 per day taking into account the diffusion of CH4 in the surrounding water and the enrichment of rising bubbles with nitrogen and oxygen. We suggest that this bubble-transported CH4 flux reaching the water /sea ice interface can be emitted into the atmosphere through numerous ice trenches, leads, and polynyas. This CH4 ebullition value detected at the water/sea ice interface is in the mid high range of CH4 ebullition value estimated for the entire ESAS, and two orders higher than the upper range of CH4 ebullition from the northern thermocarst lakes, which are considered as a significant source to the atmospheric methane budget. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Permafrost and Gas Hydrate Response to Ground Temperature Rising)
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28 pages, 14943 KiB  
A Lacustrine Record for the Cretaceous–Paleogene Boundary—Yacoraite Fm., (Northwest Argentina)
by Damaris Montano, Marta Gasparrini, Sébastien Rohais and Ramon De Luca
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 227; - 27 Jul 2023
Viewed by 1723
The Yacoraite Fm. (Salta rift basin, Argentina) consists of a mixed carbonate–siliciclastic lacustrine succession, interbedded with volcanic ash layers and organised in four third-order stratigraphic sequences. It is one of the few sites in South America that encompass the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) transition, the [...] Read more.
The Yacoraite Fm. (Salta rift basin, Argentina) consists of a mixed carbonate–siliciclastic lacustrine succession, interbedded with volcanic ash layers and organised in four third-order stratigraphic sequences. It is one of the few sites in South America that encompass the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) transition, the position of which remains debated. Here, samples were collected along a depocentral stratigraphic section that was previously dated by zircon and carbonate U-Pb geochronology. The consistency between zircon and carbonate U-Pb ages, together with an accurate petrographic analysis, allowed the selection of carbonates potentially preserving the original geochemical signature. Accordingly, C-O stable isotopes were analysed from microbialites, oncoids, ooids and lacustrine cements. The available depositional age model from zircon geochronology defined the stratigraphic interval, potentially including the K–Pg transition. Within this interval, carbonates provided negative δ13C values consistent with the negative C anomaly recorded in various K–Pg sites elsewhere. Additionally, spherical particles resembling spherulites related to meteorite impacts were found in two samples. Accordingly, the K–Pg transition could be placed at the top of the second stratigraphic sequence. These findings encourage further investigation of the Yacoraite Fm. to gain insights into the response of South American terrestrial settings to the K–Pg palaeoenvironmental crisis. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Palaeontology)
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30 pages, 13412 KiB  
The Coastal Areas of the Bay of Naples: The Sedimentary Dynamics and Geological Evolution of the Naples Canyons
by Gemma Aiello and Mauro Caccavale
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 226; - 27 Jul 2023
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 1723
The sedimentary dynamics and geological evolution of the Naples canyons during the Late Quaternary have been studied based on sedimentological and seismo-stratigraphic data. Several factors, including the sedimentary environments, tectonic setting, and volcanic eruptions, have controlled the geological evolution of the coastal and [...] Read more.
The sedimentary dynamics and geological evolution of the Naples canyons during the Late Quaternary have been studied based on sedimentological and seismo-stratigraphic data. Several factors, including the sedimentary environments, tectonic setting, and volcanic eruptions, have controlled the geological evolution of the coastal and marine areas of the Bay of Naples. The main data and methods include the sedimentological data analysis, the seismo-stratigraphic techniques applied in the geological interpretation of seismic profiles, and the integrated analysis of core data that were previously published. The formation of the Dohrn canyon is controlled by fluvial processes, active in correspondence with the palaeo-Schiazzano River system and by the main eruptive events involving the submarine portion of Naples Bay, including the Campanian Ignimbrite (CI; 39 ky B.P.) and the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (NYT; 15 ky B.P.). The formation of the Magnaghi canyon is controlled by erosional processes on the continental slope of Procida Island, which was active during the last eruptive phases of the island (Solchiaro Formation; 18 ky B.P.), triggering high rates of volcaniclastic supply. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue The Dynamics of Sedimentary Processes in Coastal Areas)
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36 pages, 18536 KiB  
U-Pb Zircon Geochronology of Detrital and Ash Fall Deposits of the Southern Paraná Basin: A Contribution for Provenance, Tectonic Evolution, and the Paleogeography of the SW Gondwana
by Ruy Paulo Philipp, Ubiratan Ferrucio Faccini, Cesar Leandro Schultz, Gustavo Zvirtes, Matheus Philippe Bruckmann, Ernesto Lavina, Joice Cagliari, Andrea Ritter Jelinek, Renata Guimarães Netto, Adriano Roessler Viana and Miguel Angelo Stipp Basei
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 225; - 27 Jul 2023
Cited by 8 | Viewed by 2266
Zircon U-Pb geochronology was applied to investigate the provenance, depositional ages, and paleogeography of the southwestern Gondwana in detrital and ash fall sediments from Carboniferous to Jurassic succession of the southern Paraná Basin. Four detrital age populations suggest provenance from local and distal [...] Read more.
Zircon U-Pb geochronology was applied to investigate the provenance, depositional ages, and paleogeography of the southwestern Gondwana in detrital and ash fall sediments from Carboniferous to Jurassic succession of the southern Paraná Basin. Four detrital age populations suggest provenance from local and distal sources located to the south, southeast, and southwest: (i) Archean to Paleoproterozoic zircons from the Rio de La Plata Craton, Nico Peres and Taquarembó terranes; (ii) Grenvillian zircons from the basement of the Gondwanides and Namaqua–Natal belts; (iii) Neoproterozoic grains from the Don Feliciano Belt; and (iv) Phanerozoic populations from Paleozoic orogenic belts and related foreland systems in Argentina, as well as eroded units of the Paraná Basin. The paleogeographic reconstruction indicates an evolution in three distinct stages: (1) a gulf open to the Panthalassa Ocean during the Carboniferous; (2) an epicontinental sea with the rise of the Gondwanides Orogeny during the Permian; and (3) continental deposits controlled by an intra-plate graben system during the Triassic. Permian–Triassic volcanogenic zircons provide constrained maximum depositional ages and attested persistent volcanism, related to the Choiyoi magmatism and effects of the climate change episodes. During the Triassic, the extensional graben system recorded the uplift of the basement through regional northwest and northeast fault systems, and the recycling of Permian zircons, modifying source-to-sink relationships. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Detrital Minerals: Their Application in Palaeo-Reconstruction)
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16 pages, 5651 KiB  
Petrographic and Geotechnical Features of Dir Volcanics as Dimension Stone, Upper Dir, North Pakistan
by Muhammad Nawaz, Waqas Ahmed, Muhammad Yasir, Ihtisham Islam, Hammad Tariq Janjuhah, George Kontakiotis, Assimina Antonarakou and Christina Stouraiti
Geosciences 2023, 13(8), 224; - 27 Jul 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1492
The utilization of dimension stone in construction has been prevalent since ancient times; however, its application in modern construction has gained significant attention over the last few decades. This research aimed to assess the physical and strength properties of volcanic rocks from the [...] Read more.
The utilization of dimension stone in construction has been prevalent since ancient times; however, its application in modern construction has gained significant attention over the last few decades. This research aimed to assess the physical and strength properties of volcanic rocks from the Kohistan Island Arc for their potential use as dimension stone. Five types of andesites (MMA, PMA-1, PMA-2, CMA, and FMA) and two types of agglomerates (AG-1 and AG-2) were identified based on their composition, color, and texture. The samples were characterized in terms of their petrography (compositional and textural), physical properties (specific gravity, water absorption, and porosity), and strength properties (unconfined compressive strength and unconfined tensile strength). Two non-destructive tests (ultrasonic pulse velocity test and Schmidt hammer) were conducted, and the degree of polishing was evaluated. Correlation analyses were carried out to establish possible relationships among these parameters. The presence of chlorite, epidote, sericite, and recrystallized quartz indicated signs of low-grade metamorphism in andesites. The study revealed that feldspar, amphibole, and quartz imparted good physical and strength properties to samples MMA, CMA, FMA, AG1, and AG2. On the other hand, PMA-1 and PMA-2 exhibited reduced physical and strength properties due to the abundance of alteration products like chlorite, sericite, and epidote. The unconfined compressive strength exhibited a strong correlation with ultrasonic pulse velocity, skeletal density, porosity, and water absorption. Weathering grade considerably affected the values of ultrasonic pulse velocity and Schmidt hammer. Consequently, samples PMA-1 and PMA-2 are not recommended for load-bearing masonry units and outdoor applications due to their high water absorption and low strength values. On the other hand, samples FMA and MMA exhibited excellent properties like high strength and good polishing, indicating their potential use as decorative and facing stones, external pavement, ashlar, rubbles, and load-bearing masonry units. Full article
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